Examen VMBO-GL en TL
2008 tijdvak 1 maandag 26 mei 13.30 - 15.30 uur
Engels CSE GL en TL
Bij dit examen horen twee uitwerkbijlagen. Beantwoord alle leesvragen in uitwerkbijlage 1. Maak de schrijfopdracht in uitwerkbijlage 2.
Dit examen bestaat uit 32 vragen en een schrijfopdracht. Voor dit examen zijn maximaal 49 punten te behalen. Voor elk vraagnummer staat hoeveel punten met een goed antwoord behaald kunnen worden.
Let op: beantwoord een open vraag altijd in het Nederlands, behalve als het anders is aangegeven. Als je in het Engels antwoordt, levert dat 0 punten op.
Tekst 1 1p
Wat meldt dit krantenbericht? De weersverwachting kan binnenkort voor een langere periode gegeven worden. B Er wordt een internationale opleiding voor weervoorspellers gestart. C Het klimaat zal de komende jaren wereldwijd sterk veranderen. D Het weerbericht wordt in de nabije toekomst gemaakt door een ruimtevaartinstituut. A
Better weather forecast on its way!
EATHER is Britain’s favourite topic of conversation. In a country where we can get four seasons in one day, weatherforecasting assumes a far greater importance than it does in places with more stable climates. Current predictions are only reliable for a few days ahead, but now, we’re told we can look forward to accurate forecasts up to 60 days ahead! NASA It’s all thanks to a new study of the stratosphere — the atmospheric layer which sits between six and 30 miles above us. The study, partly funded by NASA, says shifting wind patterns in the stratosphere could help forecasters predict weather here on earth, two months ahead. Changes all that way above us usually take a week or more to work their way down to where they begin to affect the weather, giving forecasters more time to study the patterns. “The study points weather forecasters towards a new source of information that hasn’t been used before in weather prediction,” said Dr
New forecasting techniques should make Michael Fish’s job a bit easier.
Mark Baldwin, of North-West Research Associates in Bellevue, Washington. “And now, we can see it coming.”
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Tekst 2 2p
Je bent op vakantie in de Verenigde Staten en hebt bij WalMart een telefoonkaart voor gebruik in een telefooncel gekocht. Daarmee kun je heel goedkoop naar Nederland bellen. Op de verpakking, hieronder afgebeeld, staat dat je drie aparte cijfercombinaties moet intoetsen vóórdat je het landnummer (31) van Nederland kunt bellen. Æ Welke drie cijfercombinaties zijn dat? Schrijf de cijfers in de goede volgorde op. MCI PrePaid CALLING
NR.0898 CARD™
IDEAL FOR: − Students − Business People − Military Personnel
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EASY TO USE DIALING INSTRUCTIONS: (From USA) 1 Dial 800 2 Enter your MCI PrePaid® number 3 Dial Area Code + Number, or 011 + Country Code + City Code + Number MCI PREPAID RATES Units per minute
For Calls Made To: Anywhere in the USA including Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Virgin Is. Aruba, Australia, Bahamas, Bermuda, British Virgin Is., Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Guam, Iceland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom Mexico Africa, Asia, Carribean, Europe, Latin America, Middle East
2 3 3-9 **
** International termination rates vary by country and may be higher than those listed above. Please contact customer service number on back of card for current rates. Unit Values: One unit equals one domestic minute. Units for international termination and origination are different than domestic and vary by country. Each time you use your card, the number of units remaining will be announced. FCC mandated payments to pay phone providers may result in additional charges for calls placed from pay phones. Service is provided by MCI Telecommunications Corporation pursuant to its Tariff FCC No. 1, as amended, and any applicable state tariffs. DO NOT PURCHASE PACKAGE IF TAMPERING IS EVIDENT.
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Tekst 3 1p
Welke boodschap heeft Kieron Connolly voor de lezer? IT HAPPENED TO ME
The night I became a crime statistic Crime has soared in the past year, it was reported last week. I must be part of those statistics because I was punched in the face on my doorstep by a man who was trying to wheedle some money out of me. He started walking alongside me as I was on my way home late one night. He asked if he could change some money with me. I said I wanted to see the money but the man, who was about 25, had a London accent and looked North African, refused and accused me, oddly, of ‘constitutional racism’. By this time I was at my doorstep and refusing to get my money out. So he punched me, bloodying my nose and cutting my lip. I shouted for help, but he ran off. There have been so many stories about the police not doing anything in such circumstances that my first thought was not to report it. I’m now glad I did. Because of the man’s use of the term ‘constitutional racism’, the police had an idea who he was. But though they arranged two identity parades, I couldn’t pick him out. I understand, however, that the man they suspect is now in prison for another offence. I feel the police did what they could. And they can only tackle crime if we report offences to them.
Kieron Connolly London W11
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Tekst 4 1p
Voor wie is deze advertentie speciaal bedoeld?
Remember how it felt to put a smile on someone’s face? Providing financial support during refresher training, greater career progression and flexible working conditions, including part-time opportunities. Plus the pay is getting better. From April, returning full-time nurses can earn between £16,005 p.a. and £20,665 p.a. Why not give us a call today on 0845 60 60 655 or visit our website at www.nhs.uk/careers
If you’re a trained nurse who’s left the NHS, you’ll remember that feeling. Helping someone like Jenny, who has been through one of the most harrowing experiences of her life. Remember the teamwork involved in a case like this? The many nurses and health care professionals there at every step along Jenny’s road to recovery? If you’re interested in returning to nursing, we want you back. You’ll find the NHS is changing.
Nursing. Rejoin the team and make a difference.
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Tekst 5
‘I rejected a job in insurance to live in a tree.’ Kate Bonner, 32, from Dorset, became a tree protester in 1995. She now runs a nursery school.
‘I had always done what my
parents expected of me, studying hard and going to university. Afterwards, I could either follow the career path they wanted, or break out and do something more positive. ‘I had just been offered a job in insurance, which promised good pay and prospects. My parents wanted me to take it, but I disagreed with the ethics of the industry. ‘I’d heard of a tree-protest site near where I lived at the time, in Guildford, Surrey. The council was planning to widen a road and build a huge incinerator in the middle of a housing estate. After watching coverage on the local news, I decided that I wanted to make a difference. Although I had never protested about anything before, this felt like the right thing to do. ‘When I told my parents I was planning to become a protester, they were deeply disappointed. They care about the environment, but believe the right way to get things changed is to go through your local councillor or to write to your MP. But, at 23, I was full of determination. ‘It was a cold winter’s morning when I left. There was only one person awake on the site. He told me they needed long wooden
beams for building tree houses so, with £60 in my pocket, I went to the nearest reclamation yard. ‘I arrived like Father Christmas with this truckload of wood and said, “Can I stay?” ‘I was there for the next seven months. There were about 50 people on the site. Many, like me, were from comfortable, middleclass homes. We went from ordinary, mainstream lives to a very basic, communal lifestyle. My parents would not visit me on site and, for the next four years, we lived separate lives with occasional phone calls to each other. ‘I built my own very simple tree house out of pallets lashed to a tree. At night, the houses rocked and creaked like boats, but it felt incredibly 10 , even though I was 30ft up in the air.
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‘One day, a passing motorist in a big, flash car saw me washing my face in a bowl and yelled: “Get a bath!” He probably saw me as some dirty crusty. ‘Everyone found their natural roles. My job was to get wood and water. When we needed food, we hitched into town. A lot of our supplies came from supermarket skips at the back of the supermarket. On the day we heard the protest had been successful, loads of police and council members showed up and the atmosphere was amazing. ‘Next, I moved to a site at Lyminge Forest, Kent, where we eventually stopped a holiday village being built on 440 acres of
woodland. By then, I was a bit fed up with the hardships, and I was missing my family. ‘I had no regrets about moving on. I felt I had made a difference, and experienced a freedom most people only dream about. I would never have got such satisfaction from selling insurance policies. ‘I now help run a children’s nursery at an education centre in Dorset, where I am surrounded by beautiful countryside and people who believe in an organic, sustainable lifestyle. My relationship with my parents has come full circle and we are now much closer than ever before.’
What did Kate’s parents expect her to do after she had finished her study? (lines 1-13) They expected her to A do something for charity. B find good employment. C raise a family. D travel the world.
What reason does Kate mention in lines 8-24 for not taking the job she’d been offered? A She could not accept the moral standards of the business. B She realised that this kind of company damages the environment. C She thought the job didn’t offer enough opportunities. D She wanted to show her parents that she could make her own decisions.
Geef voor elk van de volgende beweringen over Kate’s ouders aan of deze juist of onjuist is volgens regels 25-33? Omcirkel achter elk nummer ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ in de uitwerkbijlage. 1 Ze waren geïnteresseerd in milieubescherming. 2 Ze vonden dat je milieuproblemen op moet lossen via de politiek. 3 Ze verwachtten dat Kate de politiek in zou gaan. 4 Ze hoopten dat het verkeersproject door zou gaan.
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What did Kate do to join the protest movement? (lines 34-43) A She asked her parents to give the movement some money. B She impressed the protesters by driving a huge truck. C She provided the group with building materials. D She simply started to build her own tree house.
What is true about Kate and her parents according to lines 44-54? A Kate had very little contact with her parents. B Kate rejected the luxury of her parents’ house. C Kate’s parents begged her to come home again. D Kate’s parents were ashamed of her.
Kies in regel 59 bij A exciting B frightening C safe D unreal
How did the protesters get their food? (lines 61-76) A They collected rejected food. B They got meals from the local people. C They grew their own food. D They often stole it from the stores.
Wat waren voor Kate de belangrijkste twee redenen om te stoppen met haar protestacties volgens regels 77-89? Schrijf twee verschillende redenen op.
het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden.
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Tekst 6 1p
Met welk doel is in Newcastle de website alreet.com opgezet? Deze website is opgezet om jongeren A hun mening over hun woonplaats te laten geven. B informatie over gemeentelijke diensten te geven. C te leren zelf een website te maken. D zich te laten inschrijven voor culturele activiteiten.
Life in the city A NEW website, alreet.com, is being created by teenagers and youngsters in a project overseen by Newcastle City Council’s play and youth service. It is being launched giving youngsters in Newcastle a chance to put forward their thoughts on life in the city. To ensure as many people as possible are given the chance to get involved, a series of events has been arranged throughout the rest of the summer. Newcastle Central Library is staging web weeks in its digital theatre where the site will be tested and ideas added. The sessions will be held from July 19 to 22 and August 23 to 27 between 10am and noon and 1pm till 3pm. Contact (0191) 265 2405 for details.
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Tekst 7
Spend time with those doing time Inmates and students can learn a lot from a new prison-visiting volunteer scheme, discovers Fiona Sibley
On Wednesday, Goldsmiths College student Rae Jenkin will not be spending her afternoon off playing hockey or watching soaps. Instead, she will step on to C Wing of Brixton prison, and come face to face with an inmate. She doesn’t know who, only that it will be someone selected for a visit by the prison’s chaplain. Rae will be there for an hour, during which she and her inmate might talk about television, what’s happening in the news, or what life is like – inside or out. “I wanted to understand what prison was like for people, and to offer them someone to talk to,” says Rae, who at 21 has been inside one of Britain’s most notorious jails four times. “We spend an hour in the prison, once a week. You can’t comprehend spending a whole day in there. It is so cramped that two people are shoved in a single cell, and they are allowed out on to the wing for only an hour a day. The prisoners say they are supposed to get out to exercise once a week, but it is so understaffed that sometimes they don’t even get that.” If the pilot scheme takes off, Inmates, a new prison-visiting
volunteer scheme for students, might be introduced nationally. One reformed ex-convict who is in favour of the scheme is actor Stephen Fry. He landed a spell in a young offenders’ institution aged 18 after he stole a family friend’s credit card and booked himself in at the Ritz. “Many people have a simplistic approach to crime and its causes, but the situation is often more complex than it appears,” he says. Goldsmiths College wants to make clear that volunteering is not being dull. The Inmates scheme is perfect for getting bleary-eyed students to switch off the television and do something that might challenge their abilities and ideas, while improving the lives of others. It stinks of credibility, too. Visiting criminals appeals to even those toocool-for-school students who would never be seen volunteering to take fruit to old people’s homes. The volunteers spent four months under the tuition of a former East End gangster and armed bank robber, Bobby Cummines. He appreciates the value of a small gesture of kindness. “I got into crime at an early age, and went down at the age of 16 for possessing a sawn-off shotgun,” he says. “Later I served 13 out of 20 years for armed robbery, but a judge and a probation officer both told me I was worth more. I started an Open University course to find out why I was different and why I had got involved in crime. People glamorise the lifestyle,
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but mine was a seedy, gutter world. I learnt how to escape from it through education.” Today, Cummines is passionate about improving rehabilitation schemes to prevent re-offending. “The Inmates scheme is about chaIIenging people’s belief systems – both the students’ and the prisoners’. It’s about teaching offenders to become employable, and about decent citizenship. We hope offenders will see another side of life, and come out of jail feeling less inclined to burgle someone’s house, because it might belong to that student. These students can help prisoners to develop self-confidence,” he says. “This scheme will help us to recruit volunteers who are younger and from
different ethnic backgrounds,” says Colleen Munroe, who organises visits for the Prison Service. “Prisoners should benefit from seeing people to whom they can relate better than the average National Association of Prison Visitors volunteer – who is generally white, middle class and retired.” With four months’ training and security clearance procedures to complete, it’s not been 21 for these students, but 32 are fully trained, and 15 are already visiting people in prison. Think you can handle it? A similar scheme may appear at your university soon – and there’s a lot to learn from doing a bit of time.
What does Fiona Sibley say about Rae Jenkin in lines 1-14? She is a student who A has been asked to identify a criminal. B is facing a prison sentence. C is taking part in a social project.
Rae draws a conclusion about life in Brixton prison (lines 15-29). Her conclusion is that A getting a clear picture of it all is very difficult. B prisoners there have some influence on their daily programme. C the conditions under which prisoners live are unthinkable. D there is a lot of aggression among inmates.
What does Stephen Fry make clear about the influence of the Inmates scheme? (lines 30-43) A It may improve the treatment of young prisoners. B It may provide a better understanding of how people get involved in crime. C It will help prisoners return into society after their release. D It will help young people to stay away from crime.
‘It stinks of credibility, too.’ (line 52) What does the writer want to make clear in lines 44-56? Some students take part because it appeals to them and A they can skip a few lessons. B they hope to get better marks. C they know it won’t harm their image. D they want to raise some money.
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Hoe maakte Bobby Cummines zich los van het criminele milieu volgens regels 57-90?
‘The Inmates scheme is about challenging people’s belief systems’ (lines 78-80) According to Bobby Cummines the most important function of Inmates is A to ensure that people who are in prison are treated with respect. B to explain to the public that delinquents have the right to a second chance. C to make clear that imprisonment will not always lead to better behaviour. D to prevent ex-convicts from falling back into crime.
What is the main difference between Inmates and the National Association of Prison Visitors according to Colleen Munroe (line 94)? A the kind of people that come and see the prisoners B the main goals of the organisations C the number of volunteers that support the organisations D the way the visits to prisoners are organised
Welk alternatief past het best bij A absolutely safe B easy C satisfactory D successful E very interesting
Stephen Fry and Bobby Cummines hebben allebei in hun jeugd al in de gevangenis gezeten. Er zijn twee zinnen in de tekst waaruit dit blijkt. Æ Citeer voor zowel Stephen Fry als Bobby Cummines de zinnen waaruit dit blijkt. Schrijf de eerste twee en de laatste twee woorden van de zinnen op.
‘and there’s a lot to learn from doing a bit of time’ (lines 109-110) What does ‘a bit of time’ refer to in these lines? A a few hours of training B a visit to an inmate C part of your leisure time D some hours of studying
in regel 103?
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Tekst 8 1p
Op de stippellijnen hieronder stond nog een zin. Wat zou de laatste zin van dit grapje zijn geweest? A I am going to sack it B I must know why it left me behind C I need directions to get home D I am sick and fed up with it
Cat tale So there’s this guy who hates his wife’s cat so much he decides to get rid of it. He drives 20 blocks away from home and drops the cat there. But when he pulls back into his driveway, the cat’s at the front door, meowing to be let in. So the next day, the guy drives the cat 40 blocks away. Same thing happens. The guy keeps increasing the number of blocks, but the cat keeps beating him home. Finally, the guy drives the cat 10 miles away, turning right, left, right, left, and so on, until he reaches what he thinks is the perfect isolated spot. Then he drops off the cat and speeds away. Hours later, the man calls his wife at home, completely desperate. “Is the cat there?” he asks. “Why, yes,” she answers. “Thank goodness! Put it on the phone,” he says, “ ......................................... ........................................ !”
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Tekst 9 1p
Je zoekt een DVD voor een meisje van jouw leeftijd. Ze houdt van vrolijke films met een beetje romantiek. Welke van deze DVD’s zou je dan kiezen? A Godsend B Mean Girls C 13 Going on 30 D Man on Fire
Mean Girls
Paul and Jessie Duncan lose their only child, eight-year-old Adam in a horrific car crash. Richard Wells, an old professor of Jessie’s, shows up out of the blue and offers them a radical option. He says he can clone Adam. He’ll be back in their life as an exact copy.
Mean Girls introduces us to Cady Heron (Lindsay Lohan), a 16-year-old girl who is going to high school for the first time, after being home-schooled for most of her life by parents who travelled all around the world. Her first day is a disaster. But, on day two, she meets a couple of outsiders. They teach her the ways of the school jungle, which, as it turns out, isn’t that different from the African jungle where Cady spent some of her life. The three most popular girls are very mean to her.
After the couple decides to go ahead and make a clone of their child, things seem to go great until right after his eighth birthday party. Suddenly the movie changes into a horror movie. (violence, including frightening images)
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13 Going on 30
Man on Fire
A girl of 13, already unhappy with the way she looks and anxious to be popular, wishes she could be 30. The next morning, she is all grown up, living in a fabulous Manhattan apartment with a gorgeous face and figure (played by Jennifer Garner). She discovers that all of her dreams have come true.
Denzel Washington plays ex-CIA-man Creasy. Creasy’s charge is simple: protect Pita (Dakota Fanning), the nine-year-old daughter of a Mexican businessman. Kidnappings are frequent happenings in Mexico. Initially, Creasy resists Pita’s attempts to make friends, but her charm eventually wins him over, and he takes on a father-figure role. Then, one fateful day, the kidnapping attempt occurs. Creasy takes several bullets and is unable to save Pita. And, while he is in hospital, the transfer of ransom money goes wrong. When Creasy emerges from hospital, he has only one goal in mind: kill anyone who was involved in the kidnapping.
But Jenna soon realises there’s something missing – Matt, her friend, when she was 13. He is engaged to be married. Jenna learns that ‘having it all’ is not enough and decides to take a second chance at first love. Now her biggest wish is that it’s not too late. In the end, this is basically your silly, entertaining, feel-good comedy. It doesn’t try to be anything more than what it is, and that is a big reason why it works as well as it does.
(strong violence)
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Tekst 10 1p
Deze advertentie is bedoeld voor A automobilisten die een speciaal nummerbord willen bestellen. B bedrijven die gerichter reclame willen maken. C ondernemingen die willen reorganiseren.
Do you know … there are approximately 12,000 private number plates registered in Oxfordshire?
We do! Relevant information can help advertisers target their markets more effectively. For free information that can help your business work smarter, call Advertising on 01865 425316 or email
[email protected] or visit www.thisisoxfordshire.co.uk
more than just news
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Tekst 11 1p
Wat is op dit moment de grootste zorg van briefschrijver Del? A Hij bloost steeds als hij met een meisje praat. B Hij is bang dat meisjes hem niet aantrekkelijk vinden. C Hij vindt zijn voornaam niet mooi. D Hij wordt gepest door medeleerlingen.
Welke van onderstaande beweringen staat niet in het antwoord van Jack Goodadvice aan Del? A Acteurs met rood haar krijgen minder snel een rol aangeboden. B In de toekomst is iemand met rood haar heel bijzonder. C Mensen met rood haar vallen op. D Sommige meisjes zijn gek op jongens met rood haar.
Red alert Q
I have ginger hair and I’ve been called names because of it ever since I can remember. But now I’m worried my ginger hair is stopping my chances of girls finding me attractive. What do you think? DEL, 18, Swansea
People with red hair get picked on because they stand out. Ignore the name-calling. After all, having ginger hair doesn’t seem to have harmed the careers or love lives of Nicole Kidman, Seth Green or Blazin’ Squad’s Flava, to name just a few famous redheads. You will meet girls who fancy you. Some girls adore ginger hair, just like some girls like dark eyes or chunky guys – everybody has their own taste. Why not visit gingernation.com, a website for redheads. And bear this in mind: latest research says people with red hair are a dying breed, as racial mixing is destroying the ginger gene. Soon everybody in the world will have boring brown hair. Experts predict redheads will be prized as never before. JACK GOODADVICE
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Tekst 12
50 things! BBC TV presents a countdown of the top 50 things viewers should do once in their lifetime, as they are being suggested by around 20,000 members of the public. The show travels to far-flung destinations around the globe – from the Arctic Circle to the deepest, darkest jungles and a few lucky viewers get the chance to fulfil their dreams. Here are two of the things chosen by the public so far. Fly in a fighter jet Once on the base you will undergo a brief medical check-up to ensure you are fit enough for your flight. It is generally considered that if you are fit enough to ride a roller coaster then you are fit enough to take a jet flight. You will plan everything with your pilot before the flight - the type of experience you want to feel, the amount of actual flying you want to do and the route. Following the flight brief you will be fitted for your G-suit before being strapped into the ejector seat ready for take off. These flights last approximately 40 minutes, but most people beg to return to earth within 30 minutes. Dive with sharks Sharks are sleek, muscled, agile and a beautiful sight in the water. On diving trips near Darwin Island, one of the Galapagos Islands, you are guaranteed to scuba dive with schools of hammerhead sharks numbering in the hundreds. You do not have to scuba dive to the usual 40 – 60 metres to see these amazing creatures. A rock at 20 metres is the perfect observation post and you will see hammerhead sharks swimming past you from every angle. In fact quite often you can see their dorsal fins breaking the surface as they cruise by. What’s more, dolphins will escort you to the dive site. What a dive site it is! Diving here you can expect huge swells, heavy surge, powerful currents ... and big action! This is not a place for beginners! But as most experienced scuba divers know... no current means no sharks. At the right time of year you are almost guaranteed to have an encounter with the biggest and most elusive fish…. whale sharks! The whale sharks here at Darwin Island are BIG... bigger than a London bus! In fact closer to two buses!! And they also oblige and swim directly by the 20-metre rock. Whale sharks are harmless filter feeders. There are very few places on earth where whale sharks appear regularly. Darwin Island is one of those places…
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Citeer de zin uit de tekst die aangeeft/het deel van de zin dat aangeeft hoe goed je conditie moet zijn om in een straaljager te vliegen. Schrijf de eerste twee en de laatste twee woorden op.
‘but … minutes’ (laatste zin van het stukje Fly in a fighter jet) Æ Waarom zou dat zijn?
Op Darwin Island hoef je niet zo diep te duiken als ergens anders om ‘hammerhead sharks’ te zien. Æ Waarom hoeft dat niet?
What makes diving near Darwin Island dangerous for beginners according to the text? A the gigantic whale sharks B the large numbers of over-curious dolphins C the nasty dorsal fins of the hammerhead sharks D the strong flow of water E the treacherous rocks right under the surface
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Schrijfopdracht 13p
Inleiding Toen je in tekst 12 (‘50 Things’) de voorbeelden van vervulde wensen las, dacht je meteen aan je eigen droomwens! Je wilt heel graag de Grand Canyon in Colorado in de Verenigde Staten zien. Onlangs waren er beelden van op de televisie: het is een grote, diepe kloof en de kleuren van de rotsen zijn prachtig. Veel toeristen trekken er te voet doorheen, maar het lijkt jou juist geweldig om er met een helikopter overheen te vliegen: je hebt ten eerste een goed overzicht over een groot deel van de kloof en ten tweede heb je veel tijd om het landschap goed te bekijken omdat een helikopter langzaam kan vliegen en ook op één plaats kan ‘stilstaan’. Jij zou de reis naar de Verenigde Staten en de helikoptervlucht zelf nooit kunnen betalen. Daarom wil je graag meedoen aan dit programma. Je hoopt dat jouw idee gekozen zal worden. Je besluit een brief aan de BBC te schrijven. Het adres is: BBC, Bush House, Nr the Aldwych, Strand, London WC2B 4PH Great Britain Opdracht Schrijf de brief (in het Engels!) aan de BBC en gebruik de informatie uit de inleiding bij het uitwerken van de volgende punten: − − − − − − − − −
Stel jezelf voor: (naam, leeftijd, jongen/meisje en land). Vermeld naar aanleiding van welk programma van de BBC je schrijft en dat je hebt begrepen dat je nog steeds een wens in mag sturen. Schrijf op wat jouw wens is. Noem de eerste reden waarom een helikoptervlucht boven de Grand Canyon je bijzonder lijkt en noem ook de tweede reden. Vertel waarom je datgene wat je graag wilt, nooit zelf zou kunnen waarmaken. Schrijf dat je graag zou willen dat jouw idee wordt uitgekozen. Schrijf een passende slotzin.
Aanwijzingen Maak een logische alinea-indeling en sla na elke alinea een regel over. Denk aan je eigen adres en dat van de BBC, de datum, de aanhef en de afsluiting. (Om je te helpen staat op de volgende pagina een lijstje met voorbeelden van adresconventies.) Gebruik minstens 100 en niet veel meer dan 140 woorden: datum, adres en aanhef tellen niet mee. Noteer het aantal woorden van de inhoud van de brief links boven aan je pagina.
Beoordeling Bij de beoordeling wordt er niet alleen op gelet of je correct Engels gebruikt hebt, maar ook of je brief een goedlopend geheel is. Verder wordt beoordeeld of je alle (9) elementen van de opdracht hebt uitgevoerd. Je mag ook best zelf iets (zinvols) toevoegen, maar let op het aantal woorden. SUCCES!
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Voorbeelden van conventies voor een ‘formele brief’ (let op: ook andere uitwerkingen zijn mogelijk!) [adres afzender (je eigen adres!)] bijvoorbeeld: Pinksterbloemstraat 63 6845 SR Barendrecht The Netherlands [datum (Let op: de datum van vandaag!)] bijvoorbeeld: 23 April 2008 23rd April 2008 April 23 2008 April 23rd, 2008
[adres geadresseerde] BBC Bush House Nr the Aldwych, Strand London WC2B 4PH Great Britain
Bronvermelding Een opsomming van de in dit examen gebruikte bronnen, zoals teksten en afbeeldingen, is te vinden in het bij dit examen behorende correctievoorschrift, dat na afloop van het examen wordt gepubliceerd. 800013-1-604o 800013-1-604o*
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