Chapter 9
Transactions Transactions… Operasi
bisnis dasar seperti pesanan pelanggan, pesanan pembelian, penerimaan, kartu waktu, faktur, dan cek gaji dalam sebuah organisasi
Transaction processing systems (TPS) Melakukan operasi rutin dan berfungsi sebagai dasar untuk sistem
Batch vs. On-Line Transaction Processing Two types of TPS: Batch processing
Sebuah sistem dimana transaksi bisnis diakumulasi selama periode waktu dan siap untuk diproses sebagai satu kesatuan atau batch
On-line transaction processing (OLTP)
Sebuah sistem dimana setiap transaksi diproses segera, tanpa penundaan transaksi mengumpulkan ke batch
Batch Schematic
On-line Schematic
Perbedaan Pemrosesan Batch dan Online Karakteristik
Pemrosesan Batch
Pemrosesan transaksi
Data transaksi direkam, Transaksi diproses dikumpulkan, dan seketika diurutkan, dan diproses secara periodis
Pemutakhiran berkas
Ketika tumpukan diproses
Saat transaksi diproses
Waktu tanggapan
Beberapa jam atau hari setelah tumpukan dikirim untuk diproses
Beberapa detik setelah setiap transaksi diproses
Pemrosesan Online
Integration of TPSs Applications software
Tujuan dari TPS Data proses yang dihasilkan oleh dan tentang transaksi Mempertahankan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi Memastikan data dan informasi integritas dan akurasi Menghasilkan dokumen tepat waktu dan laporan Meningkatkan efisiensi tenaga kerja Membantu memberikan peningkatan dan ditingkatkan layanan Membantu membangun dan mempertahankan loyalitas pelanggan Mencapai keunggulan kompetitif
Simple overview TPS
Pengolahan Data Aktivitas Umum untuk TPS Siklus pemrosesan transaksi Pengumpulan data editing Data koreksi Data
Manipulasi data Penyimpanan data produksi dokumen
Source Data Automation Source data automation Proses menangkap data pada sumbernya dengan upaya manual
minimal Data dimasukkan langsung ke dalam komputer
Point-of-Sale Transaction Processing System Customer’s receipt
Point-of-sale transaction Scanner Quantity, processing Date, system time
Inventory database
UPC and quantity
Item database
Item, quantity, date, time, price Purchases database
Management information system
Exception report
Kontrol dan Masalah Manajemen Perencanaan Dimulainya Kembali Bisnis The process of anticipating and providing for disasters. Pemulihan Bencana Pelaksanaan rencana bisnis dimulainya kembali. Audit sistem pemrosesan transaksi Pemeriksaan dari TPS dalam upaya untuk menjawab tiga pertanyaan dasar Apakah sistem memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis? prosedur dan kontrol apa yang telah ditetapkan? Apakah prosedur dan kontrol yang benar digunakan?
Traditional TPS – Order Processing Order processing Processing an order from entry to delivery, including traditional accounting transactions
Customer order in person or via mail, phone, EDI, internet
Inventory status
Order entry/ sales configuration Orders
Finished product inventory
Shipment planning
Planned shipments
Pick list Shipment execution Shipped orders Invoicing
Routing Planned shipments & routes
Data Flow Diagram of an Order Entry System
D6 Inventory Product numbers, inventory levels
1. Collect order info
D1 Products/prices
D2 Customer payment history
Products, price information 2. Verify product Orders numbers & stock on hand
Credit status
3. Authorize credit
Open orders
D3 New orders
Rejected, partly filled orders Back orders
4. Notify customer
Back orders
Customer notification Rejected orders
D5 Rejected orders
D4 Back orders
Order Processing Support Systems - Sales Configuration Sales configuration
Ensures that products and services ordered are sufficient to accomplish customer’s objectives and will work well together
Order Processing Support Systems - Shipment Planning Shipment planning
A system that determines which open orders will be filled and from which location they will be shipped E.g., (from Figure 8.9)
10 L1L16028 20 S8276 30 S8279 40
3 15 15
3 15 12
Order Processing Support Systems - Shipment Execution Shipment execution
A system that coordinates the outflow of all products and goods from the organization, with the objective of delivering quality products on time to customers
Order Processing Support Systems - Inventory Control Inventory control
A system that updates the computerized inventory records to reflect the exact quantity on hand of each stock keeping unit Status reports Summarize all inventory items in stock, or shipped over a specified period of time E.g., see Figure 8.10
Order Processing Support Systems - Invoicing Invoicing
Generates customer invoices based on records received from the shipment execution TPS E.g., see Figure 8.11
Order Processing Support Systems - Customer Interaction System Customer interaction
A system that monitors and tracks each customer interaction with the company
Request for proposal
Problem, idea, request for information
Other contacts
Customer interaction system Market research
Product development
Sales Marketing
Quality control
Order Processing Support Systems - Routing and Scheduling Routing
A system that determines the best way to get goods and products from one location to another
A system that determines the best time to deliver goods and services
Purchasing System
Purchase order request Employees
Raw materials Packing materials Spare parts Inventory control Inventory control status report Purchase order processing
Purchase order
Purchase order Receiving
Receiving notice Accounts payable
Purchasing System Inventory control
Maintains stock of items such as raw materials, packing materials, spare parts, and supplies
Purchase order (P.O.) processing
A system that helps purchasing department complete transactions quickly and efficiently
A system that creates a record of expected and actual receipts Reconciles purchase orders with what is actually received
Accounts payable
A system that increases an organization’s control over purchasing, improves cash flow increases profitability, and provides more effective management of current liabilities
P.O. Example (Click to view)
Accounting System Accounting systems Consist of…
Budget Accounts receivable Accounts payable Payroll Asset management General ledger
Accounts Payable Example (Click to view)
Financial Systems
Asset management
Cost of assets
Accounts payable
Accounts receivable Amounts owed by customers Amounts paid by customers
Labour costs
Time cards Customer
Amounts owed by company Amounts paid by company
General ledger Expense transactions
Asset depreciation
Financial Systems Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable
A system that manages the cash flow of the company by keeping track of the money owed the company on charges for goods sold and services performed
‘Statement of Account’ Example (Click to view)
Financial Systems – Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable aging report
Tells managers what bills are overdue, either customer by customer or in a summary format
‘Aging Report’ Example (Click to view)
Financial Systems - Payroll Payroll…
Generates payroll checks and stubs, as well as W-2 statements at the end of the year for tax purposes
Financial Systems - Payroll Payroll journal
Helps managers monitor total payroll costs for an organization and the impact of those costs on cash flow
Financial Systems Asset Management Asset management transaction processing system
A system that controls investments in capital equipment and manages depreciation for maximum tax benefits
Financial Systems - General Ledger
Electronic Commerce (E-commerce) Business-to-business problems Inadequate models Integrating with existing systems Improving relationships with suppliers, customers, distributors. Consumer problems Wait for images to download Security of credit information Figuring out the ordering process Currently a small part of all commerce
Five Stage Model of E-Commerce The stages consumers experience in the sales life cycle
Traditional delivery
Electronic distribution
5. After sales service
1. Search and Identify
4. Product & service delivery
2. Selection & negotiation
3. Purchasing
Buying Over the Internet Prepare list of items needed
Input sent to supplier’s order entry system
Place order
Log on to internet
Review response to request for quotation
Access supplier’s home page Fill out request for quotation form
Browse supplier’s catalog
Pick items
Forecasted Volume of E-Commerce Mode
$0.5 billion
$7 billion
$8.0 billion
$66 billion
Purchasing Products and Services Electronically Establish credit with suppliers Secure E-commerce transactions Secure financial transaction (SFT) SET = “secure electronic transaction” CyberCash
SET ‘Discussion’ (1) Short for Secure Electronic Transaction, a new standard that will enable secure credit card transactions on the Internet. SET has been endorsed by virtually all the major players in the electronic commerce arena, including Microsoft, Netscape, Visa, and Mastercard. By employing digital signatures, SET will enable merchants to verify that buyers are who they claim to be. And it will protect buyers by providing a mechanism for their credit card number to be transferred directly to the credit card issuer for verification and billing without
SET ‘Discussion’ (2) the merchant being able to see the number. The first applications based on SET are expected appeared in 1998.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ERP
Real-time monitoring of business functions
Eliminate costly, inflexible legacy systems Provide improved work processes Provide access to data for operational decision making Upgrading technology infrastrucutre
Time consuming, difficult, expensive to implement Make radical changes in how a company operates Lack of vendor responsiveness in light of high demand
ERP Examples Software Vendor Avalon Software Oracle SAP America Baan PeopleSoft J.D. Edwards
Name of Product Avalon CIM MRG/PRO Oracle Manufacturing SAP R/3 Triton PeopleSoft World
Example of an ERP System - SAP/R3 Clients in the SAP system Application servers in the SAP system Business application programming interfaces (BAPIs) Database server in the SAP systems Objects in the SAP system Repository
SAP Three-Tier Client/Server Architecture Database server
Application servers
Client desktop computers
Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) Business processes Standard request for data or processing
Standard results
BAPI (public interface) Request for data or processing consistent with current version of SAP software
Results consistent with current version of SAP software SAP software