CAE e-learning material SAMPLE
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E-learningový materiál CAE Result E –learningový materiál CAE exam Komu je e-learningový materiál určený? • Materiál je určen studentům jazykové školy ASAPA, aby se mohli kvalitněji připravit na hodiny a na zkoušku CAE. Co e-learningový materiál obsahuje? Materiál k 12 lekcím učebnice CAE Result Student Book + vybraný materiál z Workbooku. • obtížnější slovní zásoba z textů určených ke čtení s porozuměním, idiomy a ustálené výrazy, frázová slovesa či předložky • gramatické jevy probírané v učebnici • cvičení na výslovnost – především na slovní přízvuk • cvičení doplňující materiál psaní • extra cvičení ke zkoušce CAE – především doplňování slov, transformace vět • cvičení na poslech a čtení • vybraný materiál z Workbooku – především obtížnější slovní zásoba a některé gramatické jevy • tipy, strategie pro lepší zvládnutí zkoušky CAE • všechny typy testovacích cvičení, které se objevují u zkoušky CAE Jaká je forma e-learningového materiálu? Pokud si student chce doma procvičit materiál, který se probírá v hodinách, má možnost: • pracovat s oporou jen na počítači (doporučujeme stáhnout si materiál do počítače kvůli rychlejšímu přístupu) • materiál si vytisknout a pracovat s papírovou formou • cvičení, která mají tento symbol , může dělat také interaktivně • kombinace předešlých možností Záleží na každém studentovi, jeho potřebě určitý materiál procvičit a zopakovat, nebo na jeho učebním stylu, kterou formu si vybere. Co je cílem e-learningového materiálu? Usnadnit studentům procvičování a opakování materiálu z učebnice na jiném než učebnicovém materiálu. Vzhledem k počtu hodin v semestru není možné všechnu látku z učebnice detailně a opakovaně procvičit v hodině, proto je kladen důraz na autonomii studentů a jejich zodpovědný přístup k samostatné domácí přípravě.
CAE e-learning material SAMPLE
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1 Vocabulary – Words with similar meanings Do the puzzle using the definitions below. Clues: imaginary imaginative exhausting exhaustive conscientious satisfying satisfactory sensible
conscience sensitive
Across 4. thorough and detailed 5. good enough for a particular purpose 7. making you feel tired 8. having new and exciting ideas 9. aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings Down 1. not real or existing 2. part of your mind that tells you whether your actions are right or wrong 3. giving a feeling of pleasure 5. realistic and practical 6. doing st carefully and thoroughly
CAE e-learning material SAMPLE
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1 Vocabulary – Words with similar meanings Across 4. thorough and detailed exhaustive 5. good enough for a particular purpose satisfactory 7. making you feel tired exhausting 8. having new and exciting ideas imaginative 9. aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings sensitive Down 1. not real or existing imaginary 2. part of your mind that tells you whether your actions are right or wrong conscience 3. giving a feeling of pleasure satisfying 5. realistic and practical sensible 6. doing st carefully and thoroughly conscientious
1b Use some of the words from the puzzle to complete these sentences. a Fortunately, your performance was ___ and you passed the exam. b Her reply showed that she was very ___ to criticism. c The survey into unemployment is the most ___ document of its kind. d The architects have made ___ use of glass and transparent plastic. e My ___ would really trouble me if I wore a fur coat.
1b a b c d e
Fortunately, your performance was satisfactory and you passed the exam. Her reply showed that she was very sensitive to criticism. The survey into unemployment is the most exhaustive document of its kind. The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plastic. My conscience would really trouble me if I wore a fur coat.
2 Vocabulary - Word stress Write the words in the correct part of the table according to their stress pattern. mature withdrawn mundane inquisitive decisive amenable decidedly imply assemble efficient compulsive perceptive eliminate efficiently account
CAE e-learning material SAMPLE
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2 Vocabulary - Word stress
decisive assemble efficient compulsive perceptive
inquisitive eliminate decidedly efficiently amenable
mature imply mundane account withdrawn
3a Vocabulary – Compound nouns Make compound nouns by matching verbs with prepositions/adverbs.
3a Vocabulary – Compound nouns takeover turnover turnout setback handout handover breakthrough breakout breakdown
3b Vocabulary – Compound nouns
Match the compound nouns with their Czech equivalents. takeover turnover turnout setback handout handover breakthrough breakout breakdown
počet účastníků/návštěvníků průlom leták, handlit, prospekt útěk selhání, porucha převzetí předání potíž, zdržení, překážka finanční obrat
CAE e-learning material SAMPLE
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3b Vocabulary – Compound nouns takeover turnover turnout setback handout handover breakthrough breakout breakdown
převzetí finanční obrat počet účastníků/návštěvníků potíž, zdržení, překážka leták, handout, prospekt předání průlom útěk selhání, porucha
3c Use the compounds to complete these sentences. What does each compound noun mean in the context? a
The surprisingly low _____ at the tennis tournament was due to torrential rain.
b c d e
There has been a mass _____ from one of Germany’s top security jails. Research into hereditary illness has resulted in a welcome _____ for scientists. A _____ will be distributed to all students at the end of the lecture. Sally had been recovering well from her operation, but yesterday she suffered a _____.
f The _____ of power to the newly elected government took place last week. g The business has an annual _____ of £100,000. h The company made a _____ bid for a rival firm. i
He suffered a nervous _____ in his thirties.
3c a b c d e f g h i
The surprisingly low turnout at the tennis tournament was due to torrential rain. There has been a mass breakout from one of Germany’s top security jails. Research into hereditary illness has resulted in a welcome breakthrough for scientists. A handout will be distributed to all students at the end of the lecture. Sally had been recovering well from her operation, but yesterday she suffered a setback. The handover of power to the newly elected government took place last week. The business has an annual turnover of £100,000. The company made a takeover bid for a rival firm. He suffered a nervous breakdown in his thirties.
CAE e-learning material SAMPLE
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Exam tips and strategies Use of English – Key Word Transformations (Part 5) The focus is both lexical and grammatical and a range of structures is tested. There is usually more than one point being tested. You have to show the ability to express a message in different ways. The second sentence must convey the same information as the first one, but in different ways. You must not change the key word in any way. You should only use 3 – 6 words to fill the gap, including the word given. If you add more words or write too few words, you will lose marks. Don’t add any words that are not necessary. Some questions may require you to change from a negative sentence to a positive one, or from an active structure to a passive, that’s why read both sentences very carefully – look before and after the gap for hints. Contractions count as two words, apart from ‘can’t’, which can be written as one word (cannot).
4 Exam Practice Key Word Transformations Part 5 (grammar + vocabulary) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. a
Jane was worried that she couldn’t think of any new ideas for the evening programme. INABILITY What worried Jane ____________________________ up with any new ideas for the evening programme.
b The students did not return from the trip until dawn. BEFORE It was dawn ________________________________ back from the trip. c
It’s ages since the photocopiers in the office worked. OUT The photocopiers in the office ____________________________ ages.
4 Exam Practice (grammar + vocabulary) a
Jane was worried that she couldn’t think of any new ideas for the evening programme. INABILITY What worried Jane was her inability to come up with any new ideas for the evening programme. b The students did not return from the trip until dawn. BEFORE It was dawn before the students got/came/arrived back from the trip. c It’s ages since the photocopiers in the office worked. OUT The photocopiers in the office have been out of order/action for ages.
CAE e-learning material SAMPLE
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Exam tips and strategies Use of English – Gapped sentences (Part 4) Read all three sentences in a set before deciding on a word. The correct word must fit all three sentences. The missing word will have the same form in all three sentences (singular or plural, past tense or present…). The focus of this task is on lexical patterns, such as collocations, phrasal verbs, idioms or fixed expressions.
5 Exam Practice Gapped sentences Part 4 (vocabulary) Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. a
I’m not a very sentimental person but this book, which is based on a true story, _____ me deeply. I could feel myself tense up as he _____ my neck. The talk was about educational opportunities for adults, and the speaker also _____ upon sources of finance.
b We _____ our teeth into the enormous cake. The ship _____ without trace over two hundred years ago. My heart _____ when I realized I had to read another fifty pages of this boring material.
5 Exam Practice (vocabulary) a TOUCHED b SANK
CAE e-learning material SAMPLE
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6 Grammar Passives [SB pp. 108-109] Decide if the following sentences are right or wrong . If a sentence is wrong, correct it. a b c d
I was approached and asked to go along. We got our car radio stolen twice on holiday. We were rung up by one of those consumer survey companies. It was agreed to advertise for a new secretary.
e f
We’ll be explained that all over again at the next meeting, I’ll bet. Peter is resembled by John.
6 Grammar Passives [SB pp. 108-109] a b c d e
I was approached and asked to go along. We got our car radio stolen twice on holiday. (or - had our radio stolen) We were rung up by one of those consumer survey companies. It was agreed to advertise for a new secretary. (A few verbs - decide, agree - that are followed by inf. can also be used in passive structures beginning with it.) We’ll be explained that all over again at the next meeting, I’ll bet. (We’ll have that explained to us… Verb + object + prepositional complement; explain sth to sb) Peter is resembled by John. (John resembles Peter.)
CAE e-learning material SAMPLE
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7 Vocabulary - expressions with GET [extra material WB p. 6]
Match the two halves of the sentences to practise expressions with GET. Look up their meanings in a dictionary if necessary. 1 We need to get down 2 I think her backache was just a way of getting out 3 The consultation process is getting us 4 If you want to get more out 5 I told that joke to Sophia, but she 6 I should go to bed. It’s getting on
a nowhere. It’s hard to please everybody. b didn’t get it. c d e f
for midnight. of the housework of life, try to be more organized. to doing all the jobs in the house.
7 Vocabulary - expressions with GET [extra material WB p. 6] 1 2 3 4 5 6
We need to get down I think her backache was just a way of getting out The consultation process is getting us If you want to get more out I told that joke to Sophia, but she I should go to bed. It’s getting on
f to doing all the jobs in the house. d of the housework. a e b c
nowhere. It’s hard to please everybody. of life, try to be more organized. didn’t get it. for midnight.
CAE e-learning material SAMPLE
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8 Reading – Gapped text1 Look for clues that indicate there is a link between the paragraph that you think is the answer, and the paragraphs before and after it. This will involve reading more carefully than just matching similar words and phrases. Find clues that indicate that paragraph B is the right choice. Before I knew what was happening, one foot failed to gain a hold. My water bottles ripped free of the rucksack and tumbled downwards before disappearing. I lay motionless, trying to regain control of my thoughts. So instead I began to descend slowly.
B When I had finally calmed down, it became obvious to me, as it would have to anyone with real mountain experience, that it was madness to try and reach the peak.
8b Reading – Gapped text Before I knew what was happening, one foot failed to gain a hold. My water bottles ripped free of the rucksack and tumbled downwards before disappearing. I lay motionless, trying to regain control of my thoughts. So instead I began to descend slowly.
B When I had finally calmed down, it became obvious to me, as it would have to anyone with real mountain experience, that it was madness to try and reach the peak.
trying to regain control finally calmed down obvious that it was madness to try to reach the peak so instead…
see The Official Top Tips for CAE, 17.
CAE e-learning material SAMPLE
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9 Word formation2 Here’s an example of a word formation task. The correct answers have been put in the gaps for you. Look at the changes that are required. The emperor penguin feeds exclusively at sea,
diving to depths of 265 metres, and can stay underwater for 18 minutes.
It has developed an exceptional talent for surviving in Antarctica, one of the world’s harshest environments. The penguin has unusually thick plumage which keeps it warm, and its flippers and legs are specially adapted to minimize heat loss.
9 Word formation The emperor penguin feeds exclusively at sea, diving to depths of 265 metres, and can stay underwater for 18 minutes. It has developed an exceptional talent for surviving in Antarctica, one of the world’s harshest environments. The penguin has unusually thick plumage which keeps it warm, and its flippers and legs are specially adapted to minimize heat loss.
see The Official Top Tips for CAE, 34-35.
EXCLUSIVE suffix DEEP change the spelling EXCEPT 2 suffixes USUAL prefix + suffix