Theses of the PhD dissertation
Doctoral School of Chemical Engineering and Material Science, University of Pannonia Made by: GYÖRGY PÖLCZMANN chemical engineer, MSc.
Supervisor: DR. JENŐ HANCSÓK
chemical engineer, Eur. Ing., DSc. professor
University of Pannonia Faculty of Engineering Institute of Chemical and Process Engineering MOL Department of Hydrocarbon and Coal Processing 2013
1. INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES Nowadays, the application of fuels and lubricants produced from renewable feedstocks has come to the front because of serious environmental problems (e.g. greenhouse effect) and the ambiguity of crude oil supply (e.g. import dependence). In the integrated Fischer-Tropsch synthesis liquid hydrocarbon product mixtures with different composition („synthetic crude”) and subsequently fuels, base oils, paraffins and other special products are produced from natural gas, coal, crude oil residues, biomass and wastes through synthesis gas in three main steps. The Fischer-Tropsch wax (>30% of the Fischer-Tropsch products) produced of synthesis gas of different sources is a mixture of high molecular weight (C20-C100) n-paraffins, which is practically free of sulphur, nitrogen and aromatics, but which is a solid at ambient conditions (high pour point, 30-90 °C). The Fischer-Tropsch paraffin mixture can be upgraded by hydrocracking or hydroisomerization to get lower pour point product. The product comprises of lower chain and/or branched hydrocarbons. The volume of the gaseous and low octane number naphta products formed over conventional hydrocracking catalysts is significant (6-8% and 10-20%), however, the selectivity for target products (gas oil, base oil) is relatively low. Therefore, it is very important to develop new catalytic systems (reactor, catalyst, reaction mixture, process parameters) for the production of the appropriate mixture of gas and base oils (target products) with high isoparaffin content, and mainly to develop the suitable catalysts and determine the application parameters. The general main objective of my research and development work was to contribute to the economic and effective production of high quality products (gas oil and base oil) from biomass based heavy paraffin mixture produced by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis with isomerization hydrocracking. The experiments were made on bifunctional catalysts with different composition and in a catalytic system containing two catalyst with main function. For the better understanding of the catalytic reactions, experiments were made with n-hexadecane model compound on these catalysts. Correlations were made between the properties of the catalysts, the applied process parameter combinations and the quality properties of the feedstocks and the products. The advantageous catalyst were investigated in a catalytic system together with a commercial hydrotreating catalyst to produce base oil product with high oxidation stability. Based on the application properties of the best quality products recommendations were made how to apply these products.
2. EXPERIMENTAL Part of the experiments (investigations in microreactor) were made in a high-pressure microreactor system which was accessible by the MTA Chemical Research Center in the frame of a scientific co-operation. The experiments with increased volume were carried out in a high-pressure reactor system. This consists of a tubular down-flow reactor of 100 cm3 efficient volume and it is free of back-mixing. The system contains all the equipments and devices applied in the reactor system of industrial hydrotreating plants (pumps, separators, heat exchangers, as well as temperature, pressure and gas flow regulators). The feedstocks of the experiments were Fischer-Tropsch paraffin mixture produced from biomass based synthesis gas, and n-hexadecane as model compound. The tested catalysts were produced in the frame of a co-operation with the MTA Chemical Research Center, or they were base catalyst available in commercial operation. Whenever it was possible, the required analytical methods of the actual standards were used. Furthermore other physico-chemical and spectroscopical methods were used, mainly during the investigations of the catalysts. The experiments were carried out on a catalyst by steady-state activity and continuous operation.
3. NEW SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 3.1. Investigation of different catalysts for the hydroisomerization of n-hexadecane model compound [4] 3.1.1. It was concluded that the bifunctional Pt/AlSBA-15 catalyst (weak acidity, organized nanopores) had higher selectivity for the hydroisomerization of n-C16 hydrocarbon, than the strong Brønsted acidic Pt/beta or the barely acidic Pt/SAPO-11. 3.1.2. It was pointed out that from the view of the formation of dibranched C16 compounds the mesoporous Pt/AlSBA-15 catalyst was more effective than the microporous, strongly acidic Pt/beta. The main reason behind the differences of i-C16 selectivities was rather the different cracking activity than the different pore structure. 3.1.3. It was concluded, that 50-100 °C above the temperature belonging to the starting activity of the catalysts mono- and dibranched C16 isomers were in the product mixtures. At higher temperatures the iso-C16 yield began to decrease, mono- and dibranched cracking products appeared too. 3.2. Investigation of isomerization and hydrocracking of biomass based FischerTropsch heavy paraffin mixture to produce gas oil and base oil fraction; comparison of micro- and mesoporous catalysts [1-3,5-6,8,10]. To reach the desired objective it is elemental to find the proper ratio of isomerization and cracking reactions and to adjust it to the maximal yield and the deisred properties of the desired product fraction. The main tool for this purpose is the formation and choosing of the catalyst with proper acidity and bifuncionality. 3.2.1. It was concluded that the investigated Pt/SAPO-11 is applicable to produce base oil fraction with high isoparaffin content from Fischer-Tropsch heavy paraffin mixture. 3.2.2. It was recognized that the isomerizaton and hydrocracking of Fischer-Tropsch heavy paraffin mixture can be a new application area of the Pt/AlSBA-15 catalyst, which was not investigated for this purpose in detail. 3.2.3. It was concluded that from the different platinum containing AlSBA-15 supported catalysts the one having 0,5% platinum was the most applicable for the production of
target product with high isoparaffin content and with adequate yield. Higher platinum content practically do not result significant activity increase even in case of longer experiments (240 hours). 3.2.4. On the Pt/AlSBA-15 catalyst the advantageous process parameter combinations (P=40-60 bar, T=300-325 °C, LHSV=0,5-1,5 h-1, illetőleg T=290-300 °C, P=50-60 bar, LHSV=1,5-2,0 h-1) of the production of the target products with high isoparaffin content [C11-C20 (62,1-80,2%) and C21-C30 fraction (52,4-54,5%)] and with adequate yield (>25% and >50%) were determined. 3.2.5. It was recognized that the advantageous process parameter combinations for the two target fractions with high isoparaffin content are not in the same range. That means the flexible changing of the process parameters the desired fraction can be produced with high yield, subject to the demands. 3.2.6. It was concluded that the experiments with n-C16 model compound confirmed the main conclusions of the experiments made with F-T heavy paraffins. 3.3. Simultaneous application of 0,5% Pt/AlSBA-15 catalyst and a commercial hydrotreating catalyst (in one reactor bed in laboratory equipment) to produce high stability base oil fraction [7,9]. 3.3.1. It was proved that the increased size catalytic system has high flexibility too, because expediently changing the process parameters one or another target product can be produced with high yield and high isoparaffin content. 3.3.2. It was concluded that the increased size catalytic system with two catalyst is applicable to produce high stability base oil products, simultaneously with the production of high quality gas oil products. 3.3.3. The advantageous process parameters of the production of target products with high isoparaffin content were determined. 3.3.4. The products had practically zero sulphur-, nitrogen- and aromatic content (<5-5 mg/kg and <0,1%) already at the mildest process parameter combinations. This can be explained with the practical total sulphur- nitrogen- and aromatic removal in the investigated new catalytic system.
4. PUBLICATIONS IN THE TOPIC OF THE PHD DISSERTATION 4.1. Base publications of the PhD dissertation 1 Pölczmann, Gy., Szegedi, Á., Valyon, J., Wollmann, A., Hancsók, J.: „Catalytic Conversion of Fischer-Tropsch Waxes”, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2010, 21, 1315-1320. 2 Gy. Pölczmann, J. Valyon, Á. Szegedi, R. M. Mihályi, J. Hancsók: „Hydroisomerization of Fischer–Tropsch Wax on Pt/AlSBA-15 and Pt/SAPO-11 Catalysts”, Topics in Catalysis, 2011, 54 (14-16), 1079-1083., ISSN: 1022-5528, DOI 10.1007/s11244-011-9728-4 (Impact factor: 2,624) 3 Pölczmann, Gy., Valyon, J., Hancsók, J.: „Investigation of Catalytic Conversion of Fischer-Tropsch Wax ont Pt/AlSBA-15 and Pt/beta Zeolite Catalysts”, Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry, 2011, 39 (3), 369-373. 4 Valyon, J., Pölczmann, Gy., Kollár, M., Hancsók, J.: „Pore size and acidity effects on the catalytic activity in the hydroisomerization and hydrocracking of Fischer-Tropsch wax”, Topics in Chemistry and Material Science, 2011, 6., 139-153. 5 Pölczmann, Gy., Valyon, J., Mihályi R. M., Hancsók, J.: „Selective isomerization of Fischer-Tropsch paraffin mixture on Pt/AlSBA-15 catalyst”, Interfaces ’11, Sopron, 2011. szeptember 28-30., CD Proceedings, ISBN: 978-963-9970-21-2, 13 pp. Pölczmann, Gy., Valyon, J., Hancsók, J.: „Catalytic conversion of Fischer6 Tropsch wax on Pt/AlSBA-15 and Pt/β zeolite catalysts”, XIX International Conference on Chemical Reactors, CHEMREACTOR-19, Austria, Wien, 2010. szeptember 5-9., Abstracts CD PP-III-53. 537-538. 7 Pölczmann, Gy., Hancsók, J.: „Production of high stability base oil from Fischer-Tropsch wax”, 18th International Colloquium Tribology, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, 2012. január 10-12. In Book of Synopsis 71. (ISBN: 3-924813-97-3), In CD Proceedings 10 pp. (50019.00.002) 8 Pölczmann, Gy., Valyon, J., Mihályi R. M., Kollár M., Eller Z., Hancsók, J.: „Investigation of isomerization and hydrocracking of Fischer-Tropsch wax on Pt/AlSBA-15 and Pt/MCM-22 catalysts”, 5th FEZA Conference, Spain, Valencia, 2011. július 3-7., Abstracts (ISBN: 978-84-8363-722-7) PE-P022, 249. 9 Pölczmann, Gy., Hancsók, J.: „Nagy stabilitású alapolaj előállítása FischerTropsch paraffinelegyből”, Műszaki Kémiai Napok’12, Conference Proceedings, ISBN: 978-615-5044-54-0, 2012, 305-314. 10 Pölczmann, Gy., Valyon, J., Hancsók, J.: "Fischer-Tropsch paraffinok katalitikus átalakíthatóságának vizsgálata Pt/AlSBA-15 és Pt/β zeolit katalizátorokon", Műszaki Kémiai Napok’11, Conference Proceedings, ISBN: 978-615-5044-07-6, 2011, 78-84. 4.2. Publications concerning the topic of the PhD dissertation 11 Pölczmann, Gy., Hancsók, J.: „Investigation of catalytic production of modern base oils and fuels”, 17th International Colloquium Tribology, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, 2010. január 19-21., In Book of Synopsis 83., In Proceedings 7 pp Pölczmann, Gy., Valyon, J., Szegedi, Á., Hancsók, J.: „Investigation of 12 selective isomerization of Fischer-Tropsch wax”, 16th International Zeolite 7
Conference - 7th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium, Extended Abstracts -CD, 2010. július 4-9. Pölczmann, Gy., Szegedi, Á., Valyon, J., Wollmann, A., Hancsók, J.: „Catalytic Conversion of Fischer-Tropsch Waxes”, 13th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Bohemia, Prague, 2010. augusztus 28. – szeptember 1., In CD Proceedings (ISBN 978-80-02-02210-7), 6 oldal Pölczmann Gy., Valyon J., Mihályi R. Magdolna, Hancsók J.: "Investigation of isomerization and hydrocracking of Fischer-Tropsch wax on different catalysts", SynFuel2012 Symposium, Munich, 2012. június 29-30.; in Proceedings P227, 2 oldal (extended abstract) Pölczmann, Gy., Valyon, J., Hancsók, J.: "Nagy molekulatömegű FischerTropsch paraffinok átalakíthatóságának vizsgálata", Műszaki Kémiai Napok’10, Conference Proceedings, ISBN: 978-963-9696-93-8, 2010, 148155. Hancsók., J.; Varga Z.; Eller., Z.; Pölczmann, Gy., Kasza., T.: "Liquid Alternative Diesel Fuels with High Hydrogen Content", 9th International Colloquium Fuels, 2013. január 15-17., Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, ISBN-Nr. 98-3-943563-04-7, 93-104. Pölczmann, Gy., Baladincz, J., Hancsók, J.: „Investigation Of Producing Modern Base Oils”, Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry, 2008, 36 (12), 107-112. Pölczmann, Gy., Baladincz, J., Nemesnyik, Á., Hancsók, J.: „Környezetbarát motorolajok IV. Újgenerációs szintetikus alapolajok és a növényolajok”, Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 2007, 62(3), 81-86. Hancsók, J., Krár, M., Pölczmann Gy., Holló, A.: „A bioeredetű motorhajtóanyag gyártás új lehetőségei, I. Bio-szintézisgáz előállítása”, Olaj Szappan Kozmetika, 2006, 55(4), 117-120. Baladincz J., Pölczmann Gy., Magyar Sz., Hancsók J.: „Az izoparaffinok jelentősége a kőolajiparban VI. Nagy viszkozitásindexű alapolajok előállítása szintézisgázból”, MOL Szakmai Tudományos Közlöny, 2007, 1, 98-109. Hancsók, J., Krár, M., Pölczmann Gy., Holló, A.: „A bioeredetű motorhajtóanyag gyártás új lehetőségei, Szintetikus biogázolajok II. szintetikus biogázolaj előállítása bio-szintézisgázból”, Olaj Szappan Kozmetika, 2007, 56(1), 1-4. Pölczmann Gy., Hancsók J., Varga Z., Nagy G.: „Gázolajok előállítása szintetikus kőolaj izomerizáló hidrokrakkolásával”, Műszaki Kémiai Napok ’06 - Conference Proceedings (ISBN 963 9495 86 7), 2006, 129. Pölczmann Gy., Magyar Sz., Hancsók J.: „Korszerű szintetikus alapolajok előállítása biomassza alapon”, Műszaki Kémiai Napok ’07 – Conference Proceedings (ISBN 978-963-9696-15-0), 2007, 51-55. Nagy, G., Pölczmann, Gy., Varga, Z., Hancsók, J.: „Gázolajpárlatok aromástartalmának csökkentési lehetőségei I.”, MOL Szakmai Tudományos Közlemények, 2007, 1, 79-97. Nagy, G., Hancsók, J., Varga, Z., Pölczmann, Gy., Kalló, D.: „Hydrodearomatization of Gas Oil Fractions on Pt-Pd/USY Catalyst”, Petroleum & Coal, 2007, 49(1), 27-32. Nagy, G., Hancsók, J., Varga, Z., Pölczmann, Gy., Kalló, D.: “Investigation of Hydrodearomatization of Prehydrogenated Gas Oil Fractions on Pt-Pd/H-
USY Catalysts”, Topics in Catalysis, 2007, 45(1-4), 195-201, DOI: 10.2007/s11244-007-0265-0 (Impact factor: 2,36) Varga, Z., Hancsók, J., Nagy, G., Pölczmann, Gy., Kalló, D.: “Upgrading of Gas Oils: The HDS Kinetics of Dibenzotiophene and Its Derivates in Real Gas Oil”, Topics in Catalysis, 2007, 45(1-4), 203-206, DOI: 10.2007/s11244-007-0266-z (Impact factor: 2,36) Nagy, G., Pölczmann, Gy., Kalló, D., Hancsók, J.: „Investigation of hydrodearomatization of gas oils on noble metal/support catalysts”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 154, 307–314. (Impact factor: 2,816) Hancsók, J., Kovács, S., Pölczmann, Gy., Kasza, T.: „Investigation the effect of oxygenic compounds on the isomerization of bioparaffins over Pt/SAPO11”, Topics in Catalysis, 2011, 54, 1094–1101. (Impact factor: 2,624) Nagy G., Hancsók J., Varga Z., Pölczmann G.: “Investigation of Aromatics Reduction in Low Sulphur Gas Oil”, 42nd International Petroleum Conference, Bratislava, October 11th-12th, 2005, pp. 1-12, ISBN 80969371-2-X (CD-ROM) Nagy, G., Hancsók, J., Varga, Z., Pölczmann, Gy.: "Hydrodearomatization of gas oil fraction on Pt-Pd/H-USY catalyst", 7th International Symposium MOTOR FUELS 2006, Slovakia, Tatranské Matliare, 2006. június 19-22., in Proceedings (ISBN 80-968011-3-9), 316-327. Varga, Z., Hancsók, J., Nagy, G., Pölczmann, Gy.: „Quality improvement of heavy gas oils on NiMo and CoMo catalysts”, 7th International Symposium MOTOR FUELS 2006, Slovakia, Tatranské Matliare, 2006. június 19-22., in Proceedings (ISBN 80-968011-3-9), 328-339. Nagy, G., Hancsók, J., Varga, Z., Pölczmann, Gy.: "Investigation of hydrodearomatization of prehydrogenated gas oil fractions on PtPd/H-USY catalysts", 12th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis, Norway, Trondheim, 2006. május 28-30., Kiadvány (ISBN: 82-995569-1-0), 215-216. Varga, Z., Hancsók, J., Nagy, G., Pölczmann, Gy., Kalló, D.: „Upgrading of gas oils: the HDS kinetics of dibenzotiophene and its derivatives in real gas oil”, 12th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis, Norway, Trondheim, 2006. május 28-30., Kiadvány (ISBN: 82-995569-1-0), 221-222. Pölczmann, Gy., Hancsók, J., Nagy, G., Varga, Z.: „Hydrodearomatization of Prehydrogenated Gas Oils on Pt-Pd/USY Catalyst”, 6th International Colloquim, Fuels 2007, Germany, Esslingen, 2007. január 10-11., In Proceedings (ISBN 3-924813-67-1), 285-292. Nagy, G., Hancsók, J., Pölczmann, G., Varga, Z., Kalló, D.: „Study on the effect of sulphur and nitrogen content of gas oil on the hydrodearomatization activity of Pt-Pd/USY catalysts”, Chemical Engineering Transactions (Proceeding of The 8th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering), 2007, 11, 599-604. Gy. Pölczmann, G. Nagy, Z. Varga, J. Hancsók: „Hydrodesulphurization and hydrodearomatization of gas oil derived from Hungarian crude oil”, EuropaCat VIII, Extended Abstracts (CD), 2007, P-9-17 Gy. Pölczmann, Sz. Magyar, J. Hancsók, J. Baladincz: „Modern base oils from Hungarian crude slack wax”, 16th International Colloquium Tribology, Book of Synopses (CD), 2008, 9 oldal Gy. Pölczmann, J. Hancsók, J. Baladincz: „Hydroisomerization of Hungarian crude slack wax on Pt/SAPO-11 catalyst”, Lubrication Management and Technology ’08, Full Scientific Proceedings (CD), ISBN: 978-84-932064-5-
1, 2008, B10-058 Nagy, G., Pölczmann, Gy., Kalló, D., Hancsók, J.: “Investigation of Hydrodearomatization on Noble Metal/Support Catalysts”, 8th International Symposium MOTOR FUELS 2008, Tatranské Matliare, 2008. június 23 – 26., In Proceedings - Part 1 (ISBN 978-80-969710-2-2),138-153 Nagy, G., Hancsók, J., Pölczmann, Gy., Varga, Z., Kalló, D.: „Investigation of two-stage hydrodearomatization of gas oils”, 5th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis, Belfast, 2008. augusztus 31. – szeptember 3. In Proceedings 431. Hancsók, J., Nagy, G., Pölczmann, Gy., Beck, Á., Kalló, D.: „Hydrodearomatization of sulphur and nitrogen containing gas oils on bimetallic catalysts”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Zeolites and Related Materials: Trends, Targets and Challenges, Proceedings of 4th International FEZA Conference, 2008, 174-B, ISBN: 978-0-444-53298-5, 1159-1162. Nagy, G., Hancsók, J., Pölczmann, Gy., Varga, Z., Kalló D.: „Investigation of Hydrodearomatization of Gas Oils on Noble Metal/Support Catalysts” XVIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors, Abstracts, Malta, 2008. szeptember 29. – október 3. Gy. Pölczmann, J. Hancsók, J. Baladincz: „Investigation of Production of High Viscosity Index Base Oil by Catalytic Way”, Interfaces ’08, CD Proceedings, ISBN: 978-963-9319-87-5, 2008, 12 oldal J. Hancsók, J. Baladincz, Gy. Pölczmann: „Production of High Quality Base Oil and Gas Oil from Hungarian Crude Slack Wax”, 13th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis, Book of Abstracts, 2008, 132-133. Nagy G., Hancsók J., Varga Z., Pölczmann G.: „Környezetbarát dízelgázolajok előállítása – II. Gázolajpárlatok aromástartalmának csökkentése”, Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 2006, 61(1), 16-22. Magyar, J., Hancsók, J., Nagy, G., Pölczmann, Gy.: „Környezetbarát dízelgázolajok előállítása, III. Gázolajpárlatok hidegfolyási tulajdonságainak javítása katalitikus úton”, Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 2006, 61(2), 58-63. Szalmásné Pécsvári G., Hancsók, J., Nagy, G., Pölczmann, Gy.: „Kénmentes és csökkentett aromástartalmú motorhajtóanyagok előállítása párlatok hidrokrakkolásával”, Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 2006, 61(3), 84-89. Magyar, J., Hancsók, J., Krár, M., Pölczmann, Gy.: „Újgenerációs biomotorhajtóanyagok II.”, Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 2006, 61(9-10), 309314. Baladincz, J., Hancsók, J., Magyar, Sz., Pölczmann, Gy.: „Környezetbarát motorolajok I. Kőolajeredetű alapolajok előállítása: hidrokrakkolás”, Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 2006, 61(12), 366-406. Hancsók, J., Baladincz, J., Magyar, Sz., Pölczmann, Gy.: „Környezetbarát motorolajok II. Kőolajeredetű alapolajok előállítása: paraffin szénhidrogének izomerizálása”, Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 2007, 62(1), 914. Varga Z., Hancsók J., Nagy G., Pölczmann Gy.: „Gázolajpárlatok heteroatomeltávolításának vizsgálata átmentifém-szulfid katalizátorokon”, Műszaki Kémiai Napok ’06 - Conference Proceedings (ISBN 963 9495 86 7), 2006, 143-146. Nagy G., Hancsók J., Varga Z., Pölczmann Gy.: „Középpárlatok
aromástartalmának csökkentési lehetőségei”, Műszaki Kémiai Napok ’06 Conference Proceedings (ISBN 963 9495 86 7), 2006, 135-138. Pölczmann Gy., Hancsók J., Baladincz J.: „Korszerű alapolajok előállításának kulcskérdései”, Műszaki Kémiai Napok ’08 – Conference Proceedings (ISBN 978-963-9696-36-5), 2008, 172-178. Pölczmann Gy., Hancsók J.: „Nagy izoparaffin-tartalmú gázolajok előállításának vizsgálata”, Műszaki Kémiai Napok ’09 – Conference Proceedings (ISBN 978-963-9696-68-6), 2009, 77-82.
4.3. Other publications 56 Kovács, S., Pölczmann, Gy., Hancsók, J.: „Investigation Of Storage Stabilty of Biodiesels”, Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry, 2011, 39 (3), 369373. 57 Beck, Á., Pölczmann, Gy., Hancsók, J.: „Investigation of thermal-, oxidationand storage stability of biodiesel containing diesel fuel”, World Bioenergy 2008 Conference & Exhibition, Sweden, Jönköping, 2008. május 27-29. In Proceedings of Poster Session, 212-215. 58 Á. Beck, M. Krár, Gy. Pölczmann, J. Hancsók.: “Development of Multifunctional Additives for New Generation Biofuels”, Bioenergy 2009, Book of Proceedings, 2009, ISBN: 978-952-5135-44-2, 605-612. 59 Beck, A., Pölczmann, Gy., Hancsók, J.: „Improving the compatibility of multifunctional detergent-dispersant additives”, 17th International Colloquium Tribology, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, 2010. január 19-21., In Book of Synopsis 53., In Proceedings 4 pp 60 Varga Z., Hancsók J., Pölczmann G.: „Etanoltartalmú dízelgázolajok”, MOL Szakmai Tudományos Közlemények, 2005, 2, 109-126. 61 Kovács, S., Pölczmann, Gy., Beck, Á., Holló, A., Hancsók, J.: "Biodízelek tárolási stabilitásának vizsgálata", Műszaki Kémiai Napok’11, Conference Proceedings, ISBN: 978-615-5044-07-6, 2011, 27-32. 62 Pölczmann, Gy., Holló, A., Hancsók, J.: „Különböző összetételű biodízelek tárolási stabilitásának vizsgálata”, Mobilitás és környezet: Járműipar, energetika és környezetvédelem konferencia, Veszprém, 2012. július 9-11., CD Proceedings, abstract 4.4. Patent application: Eller Z.; Hancsók J.; Kasza T.; Pölczmann Gy.; Rosenbergné Mihályi M.; Szegedi Á.; Szoboszlai Zs.; Valyon J.; Varga Z.: KATALIZÁTOR ÉS ELJÁRÁS PARAFFIN SZÉNHIDROGÉNEK SZELEKTÍV HIDROIZOMERIZÁLÁSÁRA ÉS ELJÁRÁS A KATALIZÁTOR ELŐÁLLÍTÁSÁRA, 2012, number:111065-3046
5. SCIENTOMETRIC DATAS Base publications of the PhD dissertation: summarized impact factor: Publications concerning the topic of the PhD dissertation: summarized impact factor: Other publications: Total number of publications: - in international journal: - first author or corresponding author:
10 2,624 45 10,16 7 62 11 3
- in hungarian journal:
- in conference proceedings:
Patent application:
Total quotation, without self quotations: (in hungarian and foreign books, in hungarian and foreign lectorated journals, in foreign patents, in foreign PhD dissertations and studies) 13 Other quotations of the dissertation: (in hungarian PhD-, diplom- and other dissertations) Summarized impact factor of the publications:
54 12,721
Veszprém, 2013 May