Képes-sztorizós sztorizós gyakorlókönyv Gyakorold a történetek elmesélését!
A „Képes-sztorizós sztorizós gyakorlókönyv” gyakorlókönyv az INSTANT Story angol tanulókártya csomagot előrendel őrendelők számára készült BÓNUSZ ajándék volt: http://angolnyelvtanitas.hu/sztorizz-szabadon http://angolnyelvtanitas.hu/sztorizz
Mit tartalmaz a könyv? A Képes-sztorizós gyakorlókönyv emlékezetes képeket és a hozzájuk tartozó kifejezéseket adja neked angolul és magyarul. A gyakorlókönyv melléklete a sztorik egy-egy lehetséges megoldását is tartalmazza, vagyis egy példát arra, hogyan mondhatod el a kép sztoriját.
Hogyan használd? Válassz ki egy neked tetsző képet, és mondd el a sztoriját HANGOSAN a kép mellett lévő kifejezések alapján! A könyvet kinyomtathatod és kártyákra vághatod, vagyis viheted magaddal bárhova.
Milyen nyelvi szinten jó? A legjobb ismertetőjele annak, hogy ez neked megfelel: nincs benne sok ismeretlen szó a képek mellett! Az sem baj, ha ennél már magasabb nyelvi szinten vagy, és minden szó ismert számodra, mert itt a lényeg NEM a szókincsfejlesztés, hanem az, hogy megszólalj, és SAJÁT szöveget alkoss!
5 ok, amiért Neked jó ez a könyv 1. Gyorsabban megragad az angol, mert az emlékezetes képek segítenek a nyelvtudás megkötésében. 2. Bátrabban beszélsz majd vele, hiszen a képek melletti kifejezésekből „puskázhatsz”, vagyis nem vagy teljesen magadra utalva. 3. Folyékonyabb beszédet ad, mert puszta szavak helyett kész kifejezéseket kapsz, vagyis kevesebbet kell azon töprengened, hogyan tedd őket mondatba. 4. Tovább megmarad majd, hiszen komplett sztorikat kapsz az összefüggéstelen, levegőben lógó példamondatok helyett. 5. Bárki tanulhat ezzel a módszerrel, hiszen bár érdekes és kreatív feladat, nem igényli J.K. Rowling vagy Tolkien fantáziáját. ☺
Puppy from the box ring the bell open the door find a cardboard box on my doorstep a puppy in the box look scared pee on the kitchen floor feed the dog give some water to the dog decide to keep it
(megszólalt a csengő, kinyitja az ajtót, talál egy kartondobozt, a küszöbön, kiskutya a dobozban, ijedtnek néz ki, összepisili a konyha padlóját, megeteti a kutyát, vizet ad a kutyának, úgy dönt, hogy megtartja)
Grow your own an empty plastic container fill it with rich soil cut holes in it plant onions water it regularly in a short while starts to grow fresh onion leaves
(egy üres műanyag tárolóedény, megtölti tápanyagban gazdag földdel, lyukakat vág bele, hagymát ültet, rendszeresen öntözi, rövid időn belül, elkezd nőni, friss hagyma levelek)
Ice-cream thief one fine day cross the street eat an ice-cream a bird flies towards him take the ice-cream out of his hand get really angry start to chase the bird the bird disappears buy another ice-cream
(egy szép napon, átkel az úton, fagyit eszik, egy madár száll felé, kiveszi a jégkrémet a kezéből, igazán mérges lesz, elkezdi kergetni a madarat, a madár eltűnik, vesz egy másik fagyit)
Shelter from the rain take a trip to Portugal walk in the street above our heads lots of umbrellas in different colours hang on drapes give a nice shade in the sun look cheerful take photos
(kirándul Portugáliába, sétál az utcán, a fejünk felett, sok esernyő, különböző színekben, lóg köteleken, kellemes árnyékot ad a napon, vidámnak néz ki, fényképez)
Dog attack on a cold day go to work in the forest see a dog come towards him try to escape run away climb up a tree bite him someone whistles call the dog back the dog leaves
(egy hideg napon, dolgozni megy, az erdőben, lát egy kutyát, jön felé, megpróbál megszökni, elfut, felmászik egy fára, megharapja, valaki fütyül, visszahívja a kutyát, a kutya elmegy)
Peacock fight drive to work suddenly appear in front of the car two beautiful peacocks slow down stop the car fight with each other worry about them finish their fight without injuries walk away drive on (vezet munkába, hirtelen feltűnik , az autó előtt, két gyönyörű páva, lelassít, megáll a kocsival, harcolnak egymással, aggódik értük, befejezik a harcukat sérülés nélkül, elsétálnak, továbbindul a kocsival)
Swimming with dolphins have always wanted to swim with dolphins go on a holiday to Florida save up money a dream come true find a place where jump into the water crystal clear water show up immediately come closer hug the dolphin tight tell about it all at home (mindig is akart, delfinekkel úszni, Floridába megy vakációzni, pénzt tesz félre, egy valóra vált álom, talál egy helyet, ahol.., beleugrik a vízbe, kristálytiszta víz, azonnal felbukkan, közelebb jön, szorosan megöleli a delfint, mindent elmond otthon)
A helpful dog walk the dog set the dog free get some exercise sit down on a bench in a little while find an old basket with a puppy in it take the puppy home try to find the owner put up posters end up adopting it (kutyát sétáltat, elengedi a kutyát, egy kis testmozgást végez, leül egy padra, egy kis idő múlva, talál egy régi kosarat, egy kiskutyával benne, hazaviszi a kiskutyát, megpróbálja megtalálni a tulajdonost, plakátokat rak ki, a végén örökbe fogadja)
A useful invention build a new playground for disabled children near the school sit in their own wheelchair while swinging they are safe have fun even people who live far away visit the playground regularly
(új játszóteret épít, sérült gyermekeknek, az iskola közelében, saját kerekes székükben ülnek, míg hintázik, biztonságban vannak, jól érzik magukat, még messze lakó emberek is, rendszeresen eljönnek a játszótérre)
Book tower an extraordinary idea build a book tower use a lot of old books look very interesting it is on display a lot of people come to see it take photos spread the word
(egy különleges ötlet, könyv tornyot épít, egy csomó régi könyvet használ, nagyon érdekesnek néz ki, ki van állítva, sok ember jön megnézni, fényképez, elviszi a hírét)
Crossing the street in the morning rush hour a duck family turns up on the way to the lake in the nearby park a police officer stop the traffic give a helping hand cross the road safely drivers wait patiently save their life
(reggeli csúcsforgalomban, felbukkan egy kacsa család, úton a tó felé, a közeli parkban, egy közlekedési rendőr, megállítja a forgalmat, segít, biztonságosan átkel az úton, a gépkocsivezetők türelmesen várnak, megmenti az életüket)
Ready to play one day walk on the street an unsuspecting passer-by a beautiful white cat on the roof reach out one of her paws toward the man try to touch his hair didn’t even notice keep walking (egy nap, sétál az utcán, egy gyanútlan járókelő, egy gyönyörű fehér macska, a háztetőn, kinyújtja az egyik mancsát, a férfi felé, megpróbálja megérinteni a haját, észre sem vette, továbbsétál)
Base jumping are into extreme sports climb up to a cliff enjoy the scenery after some time jump from the cliff enjoy free-falling the ground comes closer open the parachute land safely want to do it again (szereti az extrém sportokat, felmászik egy sziklára, élvezi a kilátást, némi idő után, leugrik a szikláról, élvezi a szabadesést, a föld közelebb jön, kinyitja az ejtőernyőt, biztonságosan landol, újra csinálni akarja)
Will you marry me? fall in love draw a beautiful picture in the sand on the beach take a lot of time it is worth it pop the question do it the right way happily married a nice memory
(szerelmes lesz, egy gyönyörű képet rajzol, a homokba, a tengerparton, hosszú ideig tart, megéri, felteszi a nagy kérdést/megkéri a kezét, rendesen csinálja, boldog házasok, szép emlék)
Deadly wildfire fire break out drop a cigarette lots of animals die trees and bushes burn down firefighters try to help spot an injured koala a bottle of water give water to the animal rescue him remember to put cigarettes out (tűz üt ki, eldob egy cigarettát, sok állat meghal, fák és bokrok leégnek, tűzoltók próbálnak segíteni, meglát egy sebesült koalát, egy üveg víz, vizet ad az állatnak, megmenti, ne felejtsd el kioltani a cigarettát)
The bypass in a national park one of the giant trees fall naturally across the road have a good idea cut a bypass through the dead tree walk and drive through visitors love it (egy nemzeti parkban, a hatalmas fák egyike, kidől természetes úton, keresztül az úttesten, támad egy jó ötlete, vágnak egy átjárót, a halott fán keresztül, keresztül sétál vagy áthajt, a látogatók szeretik)
Underwater hotel under the surface of the sea build a hotel spend a luxurious holiday offer a beautiful view (of) through the glass ceiling enjoy the delicious meal sleep under the water very expensive holiday it is worth the money
(a tenger felszíne alatt, épül egy hotel, eltölt luxusnyaralást, csodálatos kilátást kínál, az üvegplafonon keresztül, élvezi a finom ételeket, a víz alatt aludhat, nagyon drága nyaralás, megéri a pénzt)
My dream office the ideal office come with the view of Eiffel Tower open the window wide get some fresh air work from home no need to commute avoid the crowd in a good mood enjoy work
(az ideális iroda, kilátással az Eiffel toronyra, szélesre tárja az ablakot, friss levegőt szív, otthonról dolgozik, nincs szükség közlekedésre, elkerüli a tömeget, jó hangulatban, élvezi a munkát)
Mischievous monkeys pull the car over stop for a short while left the windows down monkeys turn up get in the car look for food find some sweets steal a bag get back to the car chase them away (lehúzódik a kocsival, megáll egy rövid időre, lehúzva hagyja az ablakokat, majmok bukkannak fel, bejutnak a kocsiba, ételt keresnek, édességet talál, ellop egy zacskót, visszaér a kocsihoz, elkergeti őket)
Making friends go to the supermarket take the baby in a baby carrier on their back it is comfortable walk among the shelves do the shopping they don’t realize make friends with each other
(elmegy a boltba, elviszi a gyereket, babahordozóban, a hátukon, ez kényelmes, sétál a polcok között, elintézik a bevásárlást, nem veszik észre, a babák összebarátkoznak)
Ball in the soup kids play football in the back yard a ball flies through the window land in the bowl (be) covered with soup parents are angry come in to apologize help clean up the mess take a long time make their parents happy (a gyerekek futballoznak, a hátsó udvaron, egy labda beröpül az ablakon, a levesben landol, beborítja levessel, a szülők mérgesek, bejön, hogy bocsánatot kérjen, segít feltakarítani a koszt, sokáig tart, boldoggá teszi a szüleit)
Sleeping groom get married a long ceremony in the church wedding reception drink a lot of wine feel very tired fall asleep drink only coffee stay awake
(összeházasodnak, hosszú ceremónia, a templomban, lakodalom, sok bort iszik, nagyon fáradtnak érzi magát, elalszik, csak kávét iszik, ébren marad)
A skilful painter loose both arms in an accident not give up learn how to paint with her toes have lots of will power take a lot of time paint beautiful pictures live a full life
(elveszíti mindkét karját, egy balesetben, nem adja fel, megtanulja, hogyan, erős akaratereje van, sokáig tart, gyönyörű képeket fest, teljes életet él)
Pigeon in St. Mark’s Square travel to Venice feed the birds in St. Mark’s Square there are many pigeons land on his head he is surprised slowly take out the camera take a picture post in on Facebook (Velencébe utazik, eteti a madarakat, a Szent Márk téren, sok a galamb, leszáll a fejére, meglepődik, lassan előveszi a fényképezőgépet, készít egy fényképet, felteszi Facebook-ra)
Smart little girls 4-year-old twin girls go to a toy store while their parents are looking want to try a game can’t reach it solve the problem one of the girls lift up her sister hold her tight after a while take turns (négyéves ikerlányok, elmennek a játékboltba, míg a szüleik nézelődnek, ki akarnak próbálni egy játékot, nem érik el, megoldják a problémát, a lányok egyike, felemeli a testvérét, szorosan megtartja, egy idő után, cserélnek)
Destroying the museum go to a museum beautiful china exhibition very valuable want to take photos lean closer knock a vase off by accident break into the small pieces offer to pay for it
(múzeumba megy, gyönyörű porcelán kiállítás, nagyon értékes, fényképet akar készíteni, közelebb hajol, lever egy vázát, véletlenül, apró darabokra törik, felajánlja, hogy kifizeti)
The little girl a little girl love animals take her to a stable see a white horse think that it is hungry give some hay to the animal make friends with the horse run to her parents tell them about her new friend
(a kislány, szereti az állatokat, elviszik egy istállóba, lát egy fehér lovat, azt gondolja, éhes, egy kis szénát ad az állatnak, összebarátkozik a lóval, szalad a szüleihez, mesél az új barátjáról)
Japanese train brand new train full of beds travel overnight sleep in a bed hand out pillows and covers passengers feel comfortable watch TV arrive refreshed
(vadonatúj vonat, tele van ágyakkal, éjszaka utazik, ágyban alszik, párnákat és plédeket osztanak, az utasok kényelmesen érzik magukat, tv-t néz, felfrissülve érkezik meg)
Parachuting jump out of an airplane with his dog strapped to his body take a photo sell it to a magazine crazy people extreme hobbies land safely be careful when landing
(kiugrik egy repülőből, a kutyájával, a testéhez erősítve, fényképez, eladja egy magazinnak, őrült emberek, extrém hobbik, biztonságosan landol, óvatos, amikor földet ér)
Polar bear adventure
the car breaks down in a dangerous lace get out of the car a polar bear turns up chase the driver quickly get in the car call for help wait in the car for a long time (lerobban az autó, egy veszélyes helyen, kiszáll az autóból, felbukkan egy jegesmedve, kergeti a sofőrt, gyorsan beszáll az autóba, segítséget hív, az autóban vár, hosszú ideig)
Dog life sleep in the bed sleep on the floor change places fall off the bed (be) dead tired turn on the other side sleep through it wake up tired have a back pain
(ágyban alszik, padlón alszik, helyet cserélnek, leesik az ágyról, hullafáradt, a másik oldalára fordul, átalussza, fáradtan kel fel, fáj a háta)
Unusual scam walk in the street see a duck family find them cute stop for a minute pet the ducks steal money from her bag does not realize it is a scam
(sétál az utcán, lát egy kacsa családot, aranyosnak tartja őket, megáll egy percre, megsimogatja a kacsákat, ellopja a pénzt a táskából, nem veszi észre, ez egy átverés)
Tornado go skateboarding on the road out of the town there is no traffic dark clouds in the sky see a tornado in the distance come toward them go home quickly warn the people on the way go to a safe place take cover
(gördeszkázni megy, az úton, városon kívül, nincs forgalom, sötét felhők az égen, észrevesznek egy tornádót, a távolban, feléjük jön, gyorsan hazamennek, figyelmeztetik az embereket út közben, biztonságos helyre mennek, fedezékbe húzódnak)
Egy-egy lehetséges „megoldás” a történetekre:
Puppy from the box Someone rang the bell yesterday afternoon. I opened the door and I found a cardboard box on my doorstep. When I opened it I saw that there was a puppy in the box. He looked really scared. When I gave him some water, he peed on the kitchen floor. But he was cute and I decided to keep it. Grow your own I’ve read about an easy way to have fresh onion leaves all through the winter. Take an empty plastic container and fill in with rich soil. Cut holes in it so you can plant the onions. Water it regularly and in a short while it starts to grow new, fresh leaves. They are delicious and very healthy. Ice-cream thief One fine day a man was walking in the street and eating an ice-cream. He was crossing the street with an icecream cone in his hand when a bird flew toward him and suddenly took the ice-cream cone out of his hand. The man got really angry and started to chase the bird. But the bird was quick and it disappeared. The man had to buy another ice-cream for himself. Shelter from the rain Last year we took a trip to Portugal. We were walking in the street when we saw lots of umbrellas above our heads. They were out in the open, hanging on drapes. They gave a nice shade in the sun and they looked very cheerful. I took a lot of photos of them. Dog attack A man was walking in the forest on a cold day. He was going to work. He almost got there when he saw a dog coming towards him. The dog attacked him. He tried to escape and ran away, but the dog was faster. So he decided to climb up a tree. The dog jumped up and bit him. Luckily, someone whistled and called the dog back. The dog left. Peacock fight One day I was driving to work. Suddenly two beautiful peacocks appeared on the road, in front of the car. I had to slow down so they can get away. But they stayed right there, on the road, so I had to stop the car. They were fighting with each other. I worried about them but they soon finished their fight without injuries. After that they simply walked away and I drove on. Swimming with dolphins I have always wanted to swim with dolphins. When last year we saved up enough money to go on a holiday to Florida, my dream came true. We found a place where you could swim with dolphins. I jumped into the water. It was crystal clear. The dolphins showed u immediately. One of them came closer and I hugged it tight. I told about it all at home.
A helpful dog One day I was walking my dog when a funny thing happened. We went to the park, as usual. I set the dog free so he could get some exercise. I sat down on a bench. In a little while my dog was coming towards me. He found an old basket with a puppy in it and he was carrying it to me in his mouth. I took the puppy home. For a while I tried to find the owner, I even put up posters around the park. But no one called so I ended up adopting the puppy. A useful invention Last month they built a new playground for disabled children near the school. The kids can sit in their own wheelchair while swinging. They are very safe and they have a lot of fun. Even people who live far away visit the playground regularly. It is a great success. Book tower An artist who loved books had an extraordinary idea. He built a very high book tower. He used a lot of old books and it looks very interesting. It is on display in a public library and a lot of people come to see it. They take photos and spread the word so even more people get to know about the book tower. Crossing the street Yesterday, in the morning rush hour, a duck family turned up in our street. They were on the way to the lake which is in the nearby park. A police officer gave them a helping hand and stopped the traffic for them. They managed to cross the road safely. Drivers were waiting patiently while they crossed. The police officer probably saved the duck family’s life. Ready to play One day I was walking on the street when I saw a beautiful white cat on the roof teasing an unsuspecting passer-by. It was funny, because the cat reached out one of her paws towards the man and tried to touch his hair. The man didn’t even notice but kept walking. Base jumping One of my friends is into extreme sports. Last week he climbed up to a cliff. For a while he looked around and enjoyed the scenery. After some time he jumped from the cliff and enjoyed the free-falling. But as the ground came closer he opened his parachute and landed safely. He wants to do it again next weekend. Will you marry me? John fell in love with Mary. He wanted to engage her and he wanted to create a special occasion out of it. So he decided to draw a beautiful picture in the sand, on the beach. It took a lot of time but it was worth it. Mary was very impressed and when John popped the question she said yes. They are happily married and this occasion remains a nice memory ever since. Deadly wildfire A fire broke out one day in the woods. A couple of tourists drop a cigarette and lots of animals died when the trees and bushes burned down. The firefighters were soon there to help. One of the firefighters spotted an injured koala. The animal looked thirsty so he took a bottle of water and gave water to the animal. They rescued the injured animal. The next day they put up signs saying “Remember to put cigarettes out” so it wouldn’t happen again.
The bypass In a national park one of the giant trees fell naturally on a nearby road. It fell exactly across the road. The people who worked there had a good idea: they cut a bypass through the dead tree. People could walk and drive through the hole. Visitors love the bypass. Underwater hotel I’ve read about an underwater hotel in a magazine. They built a five-star hotel under the surface of the sea where rich tourists could spend a luxurious holiday. Most of the rooms offered a beautiful view of the sea and guests could see the fish through the glass ceiling. They could enjoy the delicious meals of the restaurant and sleep under the water. It is a very expensive holiday, but it’s worth the money. My dream office I love Paris. My ideal office would surely come with the view of the Eiffel Tower. In the summer, I would open the windows wide and get some fresh air while working. Working from home is very good, you don’t need to commute and you can avoid the morning crowd. You can work in a good mood all day long and enjoy work. Mischievous monkeys I was driving through a national park when I pulled the car over to stop for a short while. I walked over the other side of the road to take some photos. Unfortunately I left the windows open. Two monkeys turned up and got in the car. They were looking for food, I guess. They managed to find some sweets and stole a bag. I got back to the car and chased them away. Making friends A woman and a man went to the supermarket. They didn’t know each other. Both had babies. They took the babies with them in a baby carrier on their back. Such carriers are very comfortable. As they were walking among the shelves to do the shopping they didn’t realize that the two babies made friends with each other. It was a funny moment. Ball in the soup The kids were playing football in the back yard when a ball flew through the window and it landed in the bowl of soup. The two parents were immediately covered with soup and they were angry. But the kids came in to apologize and they also helped clean up the mess. It took a long time but it made their parents happy. Sleeping groom When a friend of mine got married they had a long ceremony in the church. In the wedding reception, the groom drank a lot of wine. After a while he felt very tired and fell asleep on the shoulder of his wife. As she only drank coffee, she managed to stay awake. A skilful painter A girl has lost both of her arms in a terrible accident. But she didn’t give up and she learnt how paint with her toes. She had lots of willpower. It was very hard and took a lot of time. She paints beautiful pictures now and she has a full life despite the accident.
Pigeon in St. Mark’s Square When a boy travelled to Venice he ended up in St. Mark’s Square. He loved pigeons so he started to feed the birds. There were many pigeons around and one of them landed on his head. He was surprised first but he slowly took his camera out of his pocket, he took a photo really carefully and he posted it on Facebook. The picture received a lot of likes. Smart little girls Two 4-year-old twin girls went to a toy store with their parents. While their parents were looking for something, the two girls wanted to try a game. They couldn’t reach it but they soon solved the problem. One of the girls lifted up her sister and held her tight while she was playing. After a while they changed places, and they took turns. Destroying the museum A clumsy man went to a museum to see a beautiful china exhibition. The pieces were very valuable. He wanted to take photos so he leaned closer. By accident, he knocked a vase off which broke into small pieces. He offered to pay for it. The little girl A little girl loved animals, especially horses, so her parents took her to a stable. She saw a white horse and she walked to the horse. She thought the horse was hungry and she gave some hay to the horse. She soon made friends with the animal. She ran to her parents to tell them about her new friend. Her parents were happy. Japanese train A brand new train departed from a Japanese railway station. It was full of beds. Passengers could travel overnight and sleep in a real bed. The staff handed out pillows and covers so passengers could feel comfortable. They could watch TV and arrive refreshed. Parachuting A crazy man likes to jump out of an airplane with his dog. The dog is strapped to his body. A friend jumps with him to take photos of him and his dog. He sells it to magazines. There are a lot of crazy people with extreme hobbies around the world. But he always lands safely and he is very careful when he lands because of the dog. Polar bear adventure A researcher’s car broke down one day in a dangerous place out in the wild. When he got out of the car a polar bear turned up and chased the driver around the car. He quickly got in the car and called for help. He was waiting in the car for a long time. Dog life One of my friends always sleeps on the floor while his dog sleeps in his bed. They change places at night when he regularly falls off the bed. And he’s dead tired, so he just turns on his other side and sleeps through it all. He always wakes up tired because it’s not very comfortable to sleep on the floor. He also has a back pain.
Unusual scam A woman was walking in the street when she saw a duck family coming towards her. She found them cute and she stopped for a minute to pet the ducks. While she was doing that one of the ducks stole money from her bag. She didn’t realize it. It was a scam. The ducks were trained to do that to people. Tornado Two boys went skateboarding. They were on the road out of the town where there was no traffic. Suddenly, there were dark clouds in the sky. The two boys saw a tornado coming towards them. They went home quickly and they warned the people on the way. They managed to go to a safe place to take cover.