EVALUATION OF QUALITY DEGRADATION OF SPONGE CAKE PREMIX DURING STORAGE USING ACCELERATED SHELF LIFE TEST (ASLT) EVALUASI PENURUNAN KUALITAS SELAMA PENYIMPANAN SPONGE CAKE PREMIX MENGGUNAKAN PENGUJIAN PERCEPATAN UMUR SIMPAN By: SAMUEL ERIC BUDIONO 09.70.0047 Department: Food Technology This thesis has been approved and defended in front of the examination committee at 23 October 2013 Semarang, October 2013 Faculty of Agricultural Technology Soegijapranata Catholic University Thesis Advisor I,
Ita Sulistyawati, S.TP, MSc
Dr. V. Kristina Ananingsih, ST, M.Sc.
Thesis Advisor II,
Dr. Ir. B. Soedarini, MP
SUMMARY Sponge cake is one of bakery products preferred by consumers. There are so many recipes used to make sponge cake. Even though, the favourite recipes do not always produce a fine cake. Because of that, some food factories have an idea to make a premix for cake products, the premix makes the process easier and results in a similar cake product. Unfortunately, there are some problems in the use of premix. Premix consists of some ingredients, which have different characteristics that have an effect in the final product and shelf life. The objectives of this research are studying the effect of different storage temperatures on quality of sponge cake premix to predict the shelf life in each storage temperatures and finding out correlation between batter density and the physical as well as chemical properties. Sample stored in Climatic Chamber for 3 weeks at under-controlled temperature and relative humidity. Temperatures was set at 19±2oC, 27oC, and 37oC; and at 75% relative humidity. Moisture content and water activity does not have a significant effect on sponge cake batter density (p > 0,05). Sponge cake batter density has significant effect on batter viscosity, batter volume and volume of the sponge cake (p < 0,05). Sponge cake batter density also has a significant effect on the texture properties of sponge cake (p < 0,05). Based on sponge cake batter density, the predicted shelf life of sponge cake premix using arrhenius model were 110 days (at 21oC), 47 days (at 27oC), and 12 days (at 37oC). The longest storage temperature was at 19±2oC.
RINGKASAN Sponge cake adalah salah satu produk bakery yang disukai konsumen. Resep untuk membuat sponge cake mudah ditemukan. Meskipun resep favorit, juga tidak selalu menghasilkan cake seperti yang diinginkan. Beberapa perusahaan makanan memiliki ide untuk membuat premix cake, premix akan membuat proses pembuatan cake lebih mudah dan memiliki hasil yang konsisten. Tetapi ada masalah dalam penggunaan premix. Premix terdiri dari beberapa campuran bahan yang memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda yang mempengaruhi hasil akhir cake dan umur simpan premix. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek dari perbedaan suhu terhadap kualitas sponge cake premix sehingga dapat mengetahui umur simpan pada setiap suhu dan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar suhu, serta untuk mengetahui korelasi antara densitas adonan sponge cake dengan karakter fisik dan kimia yang dimiliki sponge cake. Sponge cake premix disimpan dalam climatic chamber selama 3 minggu pada suhu dan kelembapan relative yang terkontrol. Suhu yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 19±2oC, 27oC, dan 37oC pada kelembaban relative sebesar 75%. Pada karakteristik kimia dan fisik dari sponge cake didapati bahwa kadar air dan aktivitas air dari sponge cake premix tidak mempengaruhi adonan sponge cake secara signifikan (p > 0,05). Densitas adonan sponge cake mempengaruhi viskositas adonan, volume adonan dan volume akhir sponge cake secara signifikan (p < 0,05). Densitas adonan sponge cake juga mempengaruhi tekstur sponge cake secara signifikan (p <0 ,05). Pada pendugaan umur simpan berdasarkan densitas adonan sponge cake menggunakan Arrhenius model, umur simpan dari sponge cake premix adalah 110 hari (pada suhu 21oC), 47 hari (pada 27oC) dan 12 hari (pada 37oC). Jadi umur simpan sponge cake yang paling panjang adalah pada suhu 19±2oC.
FOREWORD Praise in the name of Jesus Christ the Almighty God, because by only His plan and guidance, the author has finished the bachelor thesis entitled Evaluation of Quality Degradation on Stored Sponge Cake Premix at Different Temperature Using Accelerated Shelf Life Test. The author would not be able to finish all of these tasks alone, as the guidance, support, and encouragement from great people around the author have made it possible for the author to complete this bachelor thesis. Therefore, the author would like to say special thanks to: 1. Dr. V. Kristina Ananingsih, ST, M.Sc., for her advice and guidance throughout the thesis experiment and as the dean of Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Soegijapranata Catholic University. 2. Ita Sulistyawati, S.TP, M.Sc., the supervisor which has generously spared her time to support and supervise the whole thesis experiment and report writing. 3. Dr, Ir. B. Soedarini, MP., who gave me a lot of good advice during this thesis experiment and her guidance in report writing. 4. Dra. Laksmi Hartayanie, MP., which has generously spared her time to support, help and gave suggestions in the whole thesis experiment. 5. Mas Pri, Mas Soleh and Mbak Endah as the laboratory assistant, for the help with laboratory works. 6. All the lecturers and staffs on Department of Food Technology, who have continuously supported the author for academic experiences. 7. Mr. Luc Steinwell, Mrs. Febri Febriyanti, Mrs. Riani, Mrs. Krista, Mrs. Aulia, Mrs. Yvone Kaupman, Mr. Sentot and Mr. Tamma from R&D department and all of the staffs of PT. Kievit Indonesia, who have generously provided assistance and materials for the experiment. 8. Author parents and families, who have always been great and support every decision that the author made. 9. Amelia, Stefan, J.S., Wirawan, F.N., and Maria R., my partner who has been through the thesis experiment and report writing days with the author. Thanks for the help and support. 10. All related parties who helped the author finishing this thesis. iii
The author realized that the writing of this report is still far from perfect and there are still many shortcomings due to the limitations of the author. However, the author hoped that this report could still be an inspiration and provide useful information for the reader.
Semarang, October 2013
Samuel Eric Budiono Author
Page SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... i RINGKASAN..................................................................................................................... ii FOREWORD ................................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. v LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... viii INDEX OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................. ix 1.
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Background ....................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Literature Review .............................................................................................. 2 1.2.1. Sponge Cake ........................................................................................... 2 1.2.2. Premix..................................................................................................... 2 1.2.3. Sponge Cake Ingredients ........................................................................ 3 1.2.4. Accelerated Shelf Life Time (ASLT) ..................................................... 7 1.2.5. Variables To Evaluating The Character of Baked Products ................... 8 1.3. Objectives.......................................................................................................... 8 MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................................ 9 2.1. Materials............................................................................................................ 9 2.1.1. Instruments ............................................................................................. 9 2.1.2. Equipment............................................................................................... 9 2.1.3. Materials ................................................................................................. 9 2.2. Methods........................................................................................................... 10 2.2.1. Research Methodology ......................................................................... 10 2.2.2. Sponge Cake Premix Analysis ............................................................. 11 2.2.3. Sponge Cake Analysis .......................................................................... 12 2.2.4. Data Analysis ........................................................................................ 14 2.2.5. Arrhenius Model ................................................................................... 14 RESULT ................................................................................................................ 16 3.1. Sponge Cake Premix Analysis ........................................................................ 16 3.1.1. Sponge Cake Premix Moisture Content ............................................... 16 3.1.2. Sponge Cake Premix Water Activity (Aw) .......................................... 17 3.2. Sponge Cake Physical Analysis ...................................................................... 18 3.2.1. Sponge Cake Batter Density ................................................................. 18 3.2.2. Sponge Cake Batter Density After Oil Addition .................................. 19 3.2.3. Sponge Cake Batter Viscosity .............................................................. 20 3.2.4. Sponge Cake Batter Viscosity After Oil Addition ............................... 21 3.2.5. Sponge Cake Batter Volume ................................................................ 22 3.2.6. Sponge Cake Volume ........................................................................... 22 v
3.2.7. Sponge Cake Volume Expansion ......................................................... 23 3.3. Sponge Cake Texture Properties ..................................................................... 24 3.3.1. Sponge Cake Sensory Test ................................................................... 24 3.3.2. Sponge Cake Texture Analysis ............................................................ 26 3.4. Correlation ...................................................................................................... 28 3.4.1. Correlation Between Sponge Cake Premix Properties And Batter Density .................................................................................................. 28 3.4.2. Correlation Between Sponge Cake Batter Density and Physical Properties .............................................................................................. 28 3.4.3. Correlation Between Batter Density and Sensory Test ........................ 29 3.4.4. Correlation Between Batter Density and Texture Properties ............... 29 3.5. Shelf Life Time ............................................................................................... 30 3.5.1. Sponge Cake Batter Densities Shelf Life Time .................................... 30 3.5.2. Sponge Cake Batter Densities After Oil Addition Shelf Life Time ..... 31 4.
DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................ 33 4.1. Sponge Cake Premix Analysis ........................................................................ 33 4.2. Storage Temperature Effect ............................................................................ 34 4.3. Sponge Cake Physical Characteristic .............................................................. 35 4.4. Sponge Cake Texture Properties ..................................................................... 37 4.5. Shelf Life......................................................................................................... 39
CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................................................. 40 5.1. Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 40 5.2. Suggestions ..................................................................................................... 40
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 41
APPENDICES ....................................................................................................... 45
LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Main Features Considered in Evaluation of Baked-Product Qualities. .............. 8 Table 2. Research Sampling Point .................................................................................. 10 Table 3. Moisture Content of Sponge Cake Premix (%) ................................................ 16 Table 4. Water Activity of Sponge Cake Premix ........................................................... 17 Table 5. Batter Density of Sponge Cake (g/L) ............................................................... 18 Table 6. Batter density After Oil Addition Result (g/L)................................................. 19 Table 7. Sponge Cake Batter Viscosity (Cp) .................................................................. 20 Table 8. Sponge Cake Batter Viscosity After Oil Addition (Cp) ................................... 21 Table 9 Sponge Cake Batter Volume (L) ....................................................................... 22 Table 10. Sponge Cake Volume (L) ............................................................................... 23 Table 11. Sponge Cake Volume Expansion (%) ............................................................ 23 Table 12. Sponge Cake Hardness ................................................................................... 24 Table 13. Sponge Cake Springiness ............................................................................... 25 Table 14. Sponge Cake Chewiness................................................................................. 25 Table 15. Sponge Cake Hardness (gf) ............................................................................ 26 Table 16. Sponge Cake Springiness (mm) ..................................................................... 27 Table 17. Sponge Cake Chewiness (Nmm) .................................................................... 27 Table 18. Correlation Between Sponge Cake Premix Properties And Batter Density ... 28 Table 19. Correlation Between Sponge Cake Batter Density and Physical Properties .. 28 Table 20. Correlation Between Sponge Cake Batter Density and Sensory Test ............ 29 Table 21. Correlation Between Batter Density and Texture .......................................... 29 Table 22. Linear Regression on Batter Density in Zero and First Order........................ 30 Table 23. Batter Density K and ln k Score on Zero Order ............................................ 30 Table 24. Linear Regression on Batter Density After Oil Addition in Zero and First Order ............................................................................................................................... 31 Table 25. Batter Density After Oil Addition K and ln k Score on Zero Order ............. 31
LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. The differences in flow on cakes that made with chlorinated cake flour (a) and untreated cake flour (b) (Cauvain & Young, 2006). ............................................... 3 Figure 2. Analysis Conducted ..................................................................................... 11 Figure 3. Method Used for Making Sponge Cake .................................................... 12 Figure 4. Sponge Cake Batter Density ........................................................................ 18 Figure 5. Sponge Cake Batter density After Oil Addition .......................................... 19 Figure 6. Sponge Cake Batter Viscosity..................................................................... 20 Figure 7. Sponge Cake Batter Viscosity After Oil Addition ....................................... 21 Figure 8. Relation Between Storage Temperature and ln k ......................................... 30 Figure 9. Relation Between Storage Temperature and ln k ......................................... 31
INDEX OF APPENDICES Page Appendix 1. Calculation ........................................................................................... 45 Appendix 2. Sponge Cake Sensory Test Score Sheet ............................................... 47 Appendix 3. Data Analysis Result............................................................................. 50 Appendix 4. Sponge Cake Photo ............................................................................... 72