INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) AND PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) METHOD TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’READING SKILL (A Classroom Action Research of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK N 1 Salatiga in the Academic Year 2014/2015) Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Teacher Training and EducationFaculty
DEDICATION This graduating paper is whole intended dedicated for: 1. My beloved parents 2. My beloved sister (Anggun) and brother (Agus)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Alhamdulillahirabbil’ alamin, thanks to Allah because the researcher could complete this research as one of the requirements for getting Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I) in the English Education Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga in 2015. Peace and solution always be given to our last prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness. However, this success would not be achieved without support from individual, people and institution. For all guidance, the researcher would like thanks to: 1.
Dr. Rahmad Hariyadi, M.Pd, as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga, thanks for the time I spend for studying in IAIN Salatiga.
Suwardi, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, thanks for Islamic Education that you gave to me.
Noor Malihah, Ph.D., as the Head of English Education Department, thanks for your guidance.
Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd., as the counselor, thanks for advice, support, suggestion, direction and guidance from the begining until the end of this research.
All of lecturers in English Education Department and all staffs who helped me to process the graduating paper administration.
My beloved parents, thanks for all support, trust, finance, encouragement, and all of your prayers for me. You are the best parents in this world. I strongly love you.
My beloved sister (Anggun) and brother (Agus). Thank you for all of your support. I love you.
My friends Restu Ayu, Yeni Wulansari, Siti Aliatun, Latifatul Auliana, thanks for your support and prayer for me.
Mrs. Farida, S.Pd. Ing., the English teacher of SMKN 1 Salatiga, thanks for your guidance and support.
10. The big family of SMKN 1 Salatiga, thanks for your attention and support. 11. My entire friends in TBI who can’t mentioned one by one. Thanks for your support. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
August 2015
The researcher
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE ........................................................................................................... i DECLARATION......................................................................................... ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ....................................................... iii PAGE OF CERTIFICATION .................................................................... iv MOTTO ........................................................................................................v DEDICATION ........................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT......................................................................... vii TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................. ix LIST OF TABLE AND FIGURES ............................................................ xi ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................1 A. Background of the Study ................................................................1 B. Problems of the Study ....................................................................4 C. Objectives of the Study ..................................................................4 D. Benefits of the Study ......................................................................4 E. Limitation of the Problems.............................................................5 F. Definition of Key Terms ................................................................6 G. Outlines of the Thesis.....................................................................7 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................9 A. Previous Studies .............................................................................9 B. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) ...................12 1. Definition of ICT...................................................................12 2. ICT Capabilties .....................................................................12 3. ICT Devices ..........................................................................12 C. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Method .....................................13 1. Definition of PBL..................................................................13 2. Characteristics of PBL ..........................................................14 3. Objectives of PBL .................................................................15 4. Process of PBL ......................................................................16 D. Reading Skill ................................................................................20 1. Definition of Reading............................................................20 2. Reading Skill .........................................................................21 3. Types of Reading ..................................................................21 4. Principles of Reading Instructions ........................................23 5. Aspects of Reading ...............................................................25 6. Factors which Influnce Students’ Reading Skill ...................26
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................28 A. Research Setting ...........................................................................28 1. Research Location .................................................................28 2. Research Schedule ................................................................28 3. General Description of SMKN 1 Salatiga .............................29 B. Research Method ..........................................................................30 C. Subject of the Research ................................................................31 D. Design of the Classroom Action Research (CAR) .......................31 1. Cycle 1 ..................................................................................31 2. Cycle 2 ..................................................................................35 E. Techniques of Collecting Data .....................................................36 F. Technique of Analyzing Data ......................................................39 1. Qualitative Data ....................................................................39 2. Quantitative Data ..................................................................39 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION......................................41 A. Implementation of ICT and PBL ..................................................41 1. Cycle 1 ..................................................................................40 2. Cycle 2 ..................................................................................55 B. Description of Reading Skill Improvement .................................63 1. Test Analysis .........................................................................63 2. Observation Analysis ............................................................69 CHAPTER V CLOSURE ........................................................................71 A. Conclusion....................................................................................71 B. Suggestions...................................................................................72 REFERENCES APPENDIXES
LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Research Schedule ........................................................................27 Table 3.2 Observational Checklist for Teacher ............................................37 Table 3.3 Observational Checklist for Students ...........................................37 Table 4.1 Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle1 ......................................51 Table 4.2 Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle II ....................................59 Table 4.3 Result of Pre-Test I, Post-Test I, Pre-Test II and Post-Test II......64 Table 4.4 Students’ Mean Score ...................................................................66
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 Procedure of Classroom Action Research ...................................31 Figure 4.1 Students’ Mean Score Improvement ...........................................67 Figure 4.2 Students’ Mean Score Percentage ...............................................68
ABSTRACT Rohani, Ayu (2015): Information and Communication Technology (ICT) AND Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Method to Improve Students’ Reading Skill (A Classroom Action Research of Tenth Grade Students of SMKN 1 Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2014/2015). Conselor: Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd.
This research is intent to elevate the students’ reading skill through ICT and PBL method. This research answer these main questions (1)How is the implementation of ICT and PBL method improve students reading skill in reading skill of the eleventh years students of SMK N 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2014/2015? (2)How is the students reading skill improvement after being taught using ICT and PBL method of the eleventh years students of SMK N 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2014/2015?. The methodology of this research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). It was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation and reflection. From the result, the researcher found several findings on it. The result of this research is there is an improvement of students’ reading skill by using ICT and PBL method. It can be seen from the mean score of pre-test and post-test. In cycle I post-test is higher than pre-test: 76,8 > 67,1. In cycle II: 88 > 85,7. The students’ mean score percentage in pre-test cycle 1 31%, post-test cycle I 48%, pre-test cycle II 82,7%, post-test cycle II 89,6%. It meant that the used of ICT and PBL method is able to improve the students’ reading skill. Keywords: ICT, PBL, reading skill
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Language is a communication instrument to convey information. It is a method to express feelings, ideas, emotions and desires (Sapir, 1921: 8). Language itself is a collection of thousands human expressions. Communication is the purpose of language. People usually communicate both in writing and speaking form. English as an international language has four skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. The writing forms are secondary symbols of the speaking skill. It means the skills do not exist as independent skills, but as mutually supportive skills (Carroll, 1990: 21). As English as a Second Language (ESL) learners, students must master the four basic skills above. Reading is not a simple skill. The abilities of reading includes classifying ideas, distinguishing between fact and fancy, making generalization, recognizing reactions and motives and drawing general conclusion (Dallman, 2010: 25). As a result, the awareness of reading activity influences the reading ability. Students need more attention when they learn about the steps of reading form. According to Grabe (2009:15), reading is a strategic process in that a number of the skills and processed used in reading call effort on the part of the reader to anticipate text, select key, organize and summarize information. The complexity of reading leads for number of students’ reading difficulties. There are many problems faced by schools to develop the students reading skill especially the tenth years students of SMK N 1 Salatiga. They feel lazy to read because the text is not interesting. Besides, students feel bored with the learning method given by the teacher who’s always monotone. In this study, the researcher provides a solution for the students so that they motivate theirself to read. The writer hopes by applying the method, it can affect positive impact in students reading skill. Nowdays, there are many kinds of attractive teaching methods. The method concept of teaching, the notion of a systematic set of teaching practices based on a particular theory of language and language learning, is a powerful one
(Richards and Rogers, 2014: 1). The method which is choosen by the teacher is really important to motivate and interact students. The researcher offers to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which is a powerful tool as it significantly extend people’s abilities, and it is particularly effective learning tool (Crawford, 2013: 4). ICT is considered by many techers to have great potential in the classrooms, supporting both the children’s learning and the work of the teacher (Loveless, 2003:1). ICT is an interesting teacher as it can make learning easier and more attractive. ICT could be sound recording, world wide web and video showing or multimedia software. Most of the problems the students face in real life are unpredicted. ICT helps students to gain informations and materials. Besides, ICT can perform the students’ problem clearly and deeply. Information needs to be discovered about the problem, but decisions must be made and actions taken (Uden and Beaumont, 2006: 27). Finally, problem-based learning (PBL) is a constructivist teaching model that helps students learn how to solve problems. Students who were taught through PBL become “selfdirected learners” with the desire to know and learn, the ability to formulate their needs as learners, and the ability to select and use the best available resources to satisfy their needs (Delisle, 1997: 3). It means that PBL increases internal and external students motivation in reading. In this case, ICT and PBL method collaboratively transfer the active role in the classrooms through problems that connect to their lives and procedures that require to find needed information, think through a situation, solve the problem, and develop a final presentation (Delisle, 1997: 6). Therefore, students have to take their own control of their own learning. Students are expect to be independent and motivator for their real life. Based on the explanation above, the writer gives the title of this research “ Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Method to Improve Students Reading Skill (A Classroom Action Research of the Tenth Years Students of SMK N 1 Salatiga in the Academic Year 2014/ 2015)”. B. Problems of the Study Based on the background above, the problem in this study can be formulated as below:
How is the implementation of ICT and PBL method improve students reading skill in reading skill of the tenth years students of SMK N 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2014/2015?
How is the students reading skill improvement after being taught using ICT and PBL method of the tenth years students of SMK N 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2014/2015?
C. Objectives of the Study Based on the background above, the objectives of research can be specified as follow: 1. To desribe the implementation of ICT and PBL method improve students’ reading skill in reading skill of the tenth years students of SMK N 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2014/2015. 2.
To describe the students’ reading skill improvement after being taught using ICT and PBL method of the tenth years students of SMK N 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2014/2015.
D. Benefits of the Study The result of this research is expected to give contribution in some ways: 1. Practically a.
The research improves the teacher’s ability about the application of ICT and PBL method in teaching reading. The research gives
description of the procedure teaching English using ICT and PBL method, kinds of activity, and the problem faced by the teacher. b.
This method motivates the students to study reading skill well, foster student’s interest in learning, develop problem solving. In addition, this model improves students in reading skill.
2. Theoritically a.
The research can be used as an input to develop the reading skill. This research is used as the reference for those who want to conduct a research in the teaching reading by ICT and PBL method.
E. Limitation of the Problems In order to make a focus in this research, especially on the explanation, the writer limits the study as follows: 1.
Deal with ICT and Problem-based learning method to improve students’ reading skill in the fable text.
Focus on the students at the tenth years students of SMK N 1 Salatiga in the academic year of 2014/2015.
F. Definition of the Key Terms
The definition of the key terms are: ICT There are numerous definitions of ICT: a. ICT is a powerful tool. b.
ICT is an interesting teacher.
ICT is a patient and responsive teacher.
ICT is pupil-centred.
ICT supports open, independent and flexible learning.
ICT is valuable resource.
ICT is unpredictable (Crawford, 2013: 6).
Problem-based Learning Method a.
Problem-based Learning According to Uden and Beaumont (2006: 32), PBL results from the process of working towards the understanding of, or resolution of a problem. Boud and Feletti(1991) states that the main focus of PBL is to confront students with a problem to solve as a stimulus for learning. Students who are taught using PBL acquire knowledge when focus in the problem solving. PBL helps students to be more critizise and expertize to choose and analyze informations.
Anthony (1963) as quoted by Richards and Rodgers (1986: 15) states that method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon, the selected approach. Students Student is (undergraduate or postgraduate) person who is studying at college, polytechnic or university: boy or girl attending school: anyone who studies or who is devoted to the acquisition of knowledge (Hornby, 1974:859).
Reading Skill a.
Reading Reading is a powerful means of learning. Howards states that reading requires the planning of learning experiences to build concepts to which language will be attached much more
meaningfully (1980:36). Reading as interpretation of experience has implications for both the reading teacher and the pupil learning to read (Dechant, 1982:4). In conclusion, learning experiences and the proceses lead for the good reader. Skill Dechant (1982:311) states that: Skill include the correct association of meanings with word symbols, the selection of the correct meaning suggested by the context, the organization and retention of meanings, the ability to reason one’s way through smaller idea segments, and the ability to grasp the meaning of a larger unitary idea.
Students need to understand the material to reach the skill stage. G. Outlines of the Graduating Paper In order to make easy to understand this paper, the writer are following out lines of the thesis as follows: Chapter I Introduction which covers background of the study; problems of the study; objectives of the study; benefits of the study; limitation of the problems; definition of key terms and out lines of the thesis. Chapter II Literature review which consists of previous studies; definition of ICT; ICT capabilities; ICT devices; definition of PBL; characteristics of PBL; objectives of PBL; process of PBL; definition of reading; reading skill; types of reading; principles of reading instructions; aspects of reading; factors which influnces students’ reading skill. Chapter III Research Methodology that consist of research setting; research method; subject of the research; design and procedures of classroom action research; technique of collecting data and technique of analyzing data. Chapter IV Findind and Discussion that consist of Implementation of ICT and PBL and description of reading skill improvement Chapter V The writer states the study in summary that includes Conclusion and Suggestion.
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Previous Studies There are many aspects of reading includes word recognition, comprehension and reflection. This study only focuses on the ICT and PBL to improve students reading skill. The review of literatures present the relevant information that is needed to understand and support the present study. Therefore there are three previous studies that would be presented by the researcher. The first study that has been done by Horton, Liu and Omanson (2011) from University of Texas entitled “Engaging Learners through Interactive Media: Finding and Implications from a Technology Enhanced Problem-based Learning Environment”. The objective of the study were to explore students’ engagement in a new media enhanced PBL environment and investigate the characteristics of the environment that facilitates learning. The methodology of this research was qualitative and quantitative method. The students were in the sixth grade students in the middle schools in the southwestern US had been taught using PBL and Alien rescue game for the second time within their curriculum. Finally, the researcher recommended that the identifying of linkages between motivational research (theoritical bases underlying problem) and inquirybased approaches to teaching and learning are important.
The second study has been done by Burris and Garton (2007) from Texas Tech University entitled “Effect of Instructional Strategy on Critical Thinking and Content Knowldge: Using Problem-Based Learning in the Secondary Classroom”. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) on critical thinking ability and content knowledge among selected secondary agriculture culture students in Missouri. The methodology of the research was quasi-experimental method. The students were in the secondary classrooms which taught by twelve teacher who had been selected based on criteria established by the teacher. The sample was 140 students include 77 students in the problembased learning treatment group and 63 students in the supervised study treatment group. Finally, researchers found that there was significant difference between treatment groups on critical thinking ability and content knowledge. The last research was conducted by Shekary (2010) from University of Kashan entitled “Comparative Study of the Use of ICT IN English Teaching-Learning Processes”. The objective of the study were to compare the amount and the quality of ICT use in English teachinglearning processes among the faculty members of Medical and Nonmedical Universities in Kashan, Iran and to explore the dimensions in which the two groups can benefit from one another and from ICT training in this respect. The methodology of this research was comparative method. The subject of this research was 255 full-time university teachers who had
taught at medical and no-medical universities in the region, 193 were chosen to participate in the study using a simple random sampling technique. The result of this study that there was a significant difference in the amount of ICT use among the faculty members of medical and nonmedical universities. For reason considered in length, teachers at medical universities used ICT significantly less than the other group. Results also indicated that there was a significant difference between the two types of universities with regard to the availability of computers and the amount of ICT training and use. It can be assumed that this research is different from those previous studies. The objective of the first research that has done by Horton, Liu and Omanson (2011) was to explore the students’ engagement in the new PBL media. Instead, this research uses PBL as a method in teaching learning process. The second research which was conducted by Burris and Garton (2007) also used PBL as a method of teaching learning process. However, she used PBL to determine the critical thinking ability and content knowledge. The objective of this research describes the PBL method to improve students reading skill. The third research who was conducted by Shekary (2010) was comparative research. Meanwhile, this research used ICT as the teaching media combine with PBL in the classrooms action research In conclusion, this research was conducted by using ICT and PBL method to improve students reading skill. Technique of collecting data of
this research used qualitative and quantitative. It means that researcher conducted classroom action research in SMKN 1 Salatiga used data collection and data analysis of both qualitative and quantitative. B. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 1. Definition of ICT ICT is powerful tool of teaching and learning. Abbott (2001: 7) states that ICT has the potential to cause irreversible change in classrooms and schools. Moreover, ICT is becoming less word-based text and is now essentially multimedia involving sounds, pictures and moving images. 2.
ICT Capabilities According to Crawford (2013: 6), people could be considered to have high levels of ICT capability if they are able to do some elements. First, people use ICT to support their learning in all subjects. Second, people use common ICT tools. Third, they take responsibility for their own learning, developing strategies to help them learn how to use unfamiliar ICT tools, and work collaboratively. Forth, they understand that using ICT affects social processes. In conclusion, the capability of using ICT influences their life learning because their awareness of ICT used for gain information to improve their quality of learning.
ICT Devices Esteras and Fabre (2007: 48) classifies the devices of ICT such as: a.
Mobile phone which can be used as digital cameras or agendas, printers or scanners and faxes.
Digital television, uses digital technology to increase the number of channels and the quality of image.
Internet, a global network of computers, enable users to exchange files, send emails and surf the Web to find information, take part in e-commerce, etc. There are many other kinds of ICT devices such as radio, faxes
or even call centres. Those ICT devices can be set up and managed information and data which is needed for people. C. Problem-based Learning (PBL) Method 1.
Definition of PBL There are numerous definitions of problem-based learning: a.
PBL is recognized as a progressive active-learning and studentcentered where unstructured problems (real world or simulated complex problems) are used as a starting point and anchor for the learning process ( Tan, 2004: 7).
Boud and Feletti (1997) as quoted by Matheson and Haas (2010: 9) claims that PBL is an approach to structuring curriculum which
involves confronting students with problems from practice which provide a stimulus for learning. c.
PBL is one of learning models which is constructed for students in order to gain important knowledge of solving problems and team work.
Uden and Beumont (2006: 33) states that PBL encourages students to take an inquisitive and detailed look at all issues, concepts, and problems within the given problem. From the definition, it can be concluded that PBL is a teaching
method which allows students to face the problems and solve it by team work. By working through problems, students learn to think critically. Moreover, they learn to find and choose the appropriate information in order to solve the problems. 2. Characteristics of PBL PBL has many kinds of characteristics which makes it different with any other method. Boud and Feletti (1997: 2) claims six characteristics of PBL. These are: a.
Using stimulus material to help students discuss an important problems, questions or issues.
Appropriately guiding students’ critical thinking and providing limited resources to help them learn from defining and attempting to resolve the given problem.
Having students work cooperatively as a group, exploring information in or out the class, with access to a tutor (not necessarily a subject specialist) who knows the problem well and can facilitate the group’s learning process.
Getting students to identify their own learning needs and appropriate use of available resources.
Reapplying this new knowledge to the original problem and evaluating their learning processes.
Margetson (1991) as quoted by Uden and Beaumont (2006: 36) also identified certain characteristics of PBL. First, PBL encourages open-minded, reflective, critical and active learning. PBL is morally defensible in that it pays due respect to both student and teacher. Third, PBL reflects the nature of knowledge. From the definition above, the researcher concludes that PBL use problem to develop creative thinking, team work and self-directed learning. 3.
Objectives of PBL Barrows as quoted from Matheson and Haas (2010: 11) list the objectives of PBL. They are: a.
Acquisition of integrated, applied and extensive knowledge.
Development of independent, self-directed lifelong learning skills.
Development of motivation to learn, question and understand.
Development of collaboration and team working skills.
Problem solving and making reasoned decisions in unfamiliar situations.
Reasoning critically and creatively.
Practising with empathy, appreciating the other person’s point of view. All those objectives are aimed to create teaching and learning
process effectively. Besides, Uden and Dix as quoted by Uden and Beaumont (2006: 40) claim that the purpose of PBL is to produce students who will: a.
Engage a challenge with initiative and enthusiasm.
Be able to reason accurately, effectively, and creatively from an integrated, usable and flexible knowledge base.
Be able to address their own perceived inadequancies in knowledge and skills
Collaborate effectively as a team member.
Not all PBL programmes achieve all of these objectives all of the time for all learners. PBL focuses on the challenge of making students’ thinking visible (Tan, 2004: 7). It is possible that not all the objectives can be achieved because teacher should focus on the problem.
4. Process of PBL Tan (2003: 34) describes the process of PBL as follow: a.
Meeting the problem Teachers use any kinds of media which can introduce students to the problem. The teacher selects or designs problems that are connected to things students care about in their daily lives, personal experiences, experiences of family or friends or the television, film or music that students enjoy (Delisle, 1997: 27). This way atrract students interest and create their curiousity. At this stage, the problem scenario acts as a stimulus to scaffold and extend a realistic context student might encounter in the future (Tan, 2003: 35). Duch (2001: 48) claims 5 characteristics of good problem of PBL. They are: 1) An effective problem must first engage students’ interest and motivate them to probe deeper understanding of the concepts being introduced. 2) Problem that work well sometimes require students to make decisions or judgements based on facts, informations, logics, and or rationalization. 3) The problem should be complex enough that cooperation from all member of student group will be necessary in order for them to effectively work towad a solution.
4) The initial questions of the first stage of a problem should be open ended, based on previously learned knowledge. 5) The content objectives of the course should be incorporated into the problems, connecting previous knowledge to new concepts, and connecting new knowledge to concepts in other courses and or discipline. The activities of this stage include developing collegiality, individual reading, commitment to team roles and to the group, brainstorming and articulation of probable issue, consensus on problem statement and commitment to deliberate on problem scenaryo and analysis. b.
Problem analysis and learning issue At this stage, students’ prior knowledge is activated and ideas are generated that call for further learning. The learning issue is the list of questions from which students will choose the line of research they want to pursue (Delisle, 1997: 32). The students gather information both facts and ideas before they try to collect the learning issue.
Discovery and reporting In this stage, the important is the students ability to work and cooperate in group. Students gather to share information they have individually discovered. Teacher may stay with a group for 30 seconds or 10 minutes, depending on
what is needed (Delisle, 1997: 33). Teacher also helps ensure that key areas to be learnt are not overlooked and the quizzes students on the accuracy, reliability and validity of the information obtained (Tan, 2003: 36). Thus, teacher helps students to guide them into a solution without giving the answer. d.
Solution presentation and reflection Tan (2003: 37) states that an iterative process follows with the discovery of learning, reporting, peer teaching and presentation of solutions. Sometimes more questions may be asked. The tutor helps students to clarify doubts, to beware of gaps and to correct misconception.
Overview, integration and evaluation Students are encouraged to critique their learning resources (their value, reliability and usefullness for future learning). It is also meant by Delisle (1997: 35), the teacher encouraged students to evaluate their own performance, their group performance and the quality of the problem itself. By evaluating their performance, students take roles as problem solvers and self-directed learners.
D. Reading Skill 1. Definition of reading Reading is the processing of written symbols into message. The readers recognize the symbols from their background knowledge. As a result, the readers receive information from what they read. Therefore, it is called linguistic process. Tinker (1975) as quoted by Dallman (1982: 23) claims that reading involves the identification and recognition of printed symbols which serve as stimuli for the recall of meanings built up through past experience, and further the construction of new meaning’s through the reader’s manipulation of relevant concept already in his possession. Moreover, Thorndike (1917) as quoted by Dechant (1982: 5) states that reading a paragraph involves the same sort of organization and analysis as does thinking. Based on the definition, the researcher comes to the summary of the definition of reading: a.
Reading is the identifying language or sign system includes written or printed symbols.
Reading is interaction of the readers through their background knowledge and the author of the text or paragraph. When reading, the readers connect their own experience and knowledge. They recognize the printed symbols and bring the message from the author to their mind.
Reading is seeking meanings, ideas and relationships among them.
2. Reading skill Reading process is very crucial and vital. A single reading skill, although a very important one, well ilustrates the complexity of reading (Dallmann, 1982: 24). Acccording to Fauziati (2008: 133), reading skill is the ability to relate the textual material to one’s own knowledge by comprehending the text. It means that the development of reading skill depends on the students’ reading comprehension. 3. Types of reading According to Grabe (2009: 8), types of reading are: a.
Reading to search for information (Scanning) Scanning is identifying specific graphic form and looking for specific information. Scanning allows readers to find information in hurry. Most successful scanning is determined by the material understanding so that readers can locate the specific information.
Reading for quick understanding (Skimming) The readers use skimming when they need to read many texts. Then, they want to determine what a text about and choose one text to focus more attention on. Besides, the readers skim when they are under time pressure and need to reach some decisions about the usefulness of information in a text.
Skimming is reading in the fast speed. Readers don’t want to read all the materials. They just want to know some materials in details. Thus, readers use skimming in specific occation. c.
Reading to learn Reading to learn is often carried out in academic and professsional setting. The readers not only look for information but also keep in mind the main information. Hopefully, they can recall the information when they need it. The expectation of reading to learn is put the ideas into long-term memory.
Reading to integrate information Reading to integrate information requires when the readers need to identify and synthesize the different parts of long texts or books. They are expected to keep the ideas into long-term memory and create their own understanding or frame about the information. Readers often have to decide which aspects to select. Prioritize, and highlight, and then create coherent organizational frame around the information. It means that readers not only look up for some information but also they need to selest, summarize and analyze the information.
Reading to evaluate, critique, and use information In the academic setting, readers need to read many texts and give evaluation includes critique or suggestion. It is more
complex that reading to integrate information. Readers need to give their opinion based on their knowledge by framing what they read and their interests, emotional responses and reader’s attitudes. The purpose is readers use the output of evaluation for some other task. This type of reading allows readers to involve their own knowledge relate to the information. After that, readers can give advice or comment of the text. It advantages both for the reader and writer. f.
Reading for general comprehension This stage includes the correct association of meanings with word symbols, the selection of the correct meaning suggested by the context, the organization and retention of meanings, the ability to reason one’s way through small and large idea (Dechant, 1982: 311). Comprehension is a thinking process through reading. It is the combination of background experience (vocabulary, knowledge, ideas) and language skills (knowledge of morphology or syntax).
Principles of reading instruction Here are some principles of teaching reading according to Dallman, (1982: 7) : a.
Whether or not a teacher’s view of reading is broad enough and in harmony with the best thought in the area of reading can
determine to a consideration extent the effectiveness of his program. b.
Reading is a developmental process.
An orderly plan of organization of the reading program, yet one that allows for variations in plans as determined by students’ needs, is conducive to effectiveness.
No one method of reading instruction has been established as the best.
What constitutes desirability in methods of instruction varies from one learner to another.
The teacher should help each child develop or maintain selfrespect and self-esteem.
The teacher’s aim should be to help each child develop in reading ability to the extent of his capabilities.
Participation by the learner iment of goals in the establishment of goals is an important educational activity.
Use of variety instructional materials is likely to be more productive of results.
No one can force an individual to learn to read, all the teachers can do is to provide the opportunity to learn. Those principles of reading is aimed to make good reading
teaching. The teacher view and knowledge of reading can be evaluated
by those principles. Thus, the reading principles can be seen as guideline for teacher. 5.
Aspects of reading Dallman (1982: 25) claims that some of the aspects of reading which deserve both attention in isolated learning situations and more balanced attention in a more normal reading situation are word recognition, comprehension and reflection. a.
Word recognition The conception of reading is determined by the ability to recognize and pronounce words. The process of decoding is recognizing the oral equivalent of the written symbols. Frequently, the stress of language is spoken communication and that writing or print is a graphic representation of speech. Later, the process is called the grapheme (the written or printed symbols) and the phoneme (the speech sound). In conclusion, word recognition is taught by sound the alphabet. Besides, teacher should teaches the combination of the symbols or alphabet.
Comprehension Individual who only can read the printed symbols is not enough to gain the purpose of reading. They need to understand what he pronounces because they read in order to receive meaning. The critical fushion of word recognition and
comprehension into meaningful interpretation of print by the teacher deserves continued attention and stimulation by the teacher. Dechant (1982: 7) believes that comprehension occurs only when meaning is associated with the written symbols and only when the meaning that the writer wanted to share with the reader has been received by the reader. In conclusion, teacher who wants to teach comprehension, they are not only teach about the sounds of symbols but also the meaning of the symbols c.
Reflection Many educators have pointed out that word recognition and comprehension do not comprie the total of the reading act. Gray (1960) as quoted by Dallman (1982: 26) emphasizes the fact that the
comprehension, reaction and fusion. Reaction refers to the readers reaction to what he has read. Fusion refers to assimilation of ideas gained through reading with the reader’s former experiences. 6. Factors which influence students’ reading skill The students’ reading skill influenced by two factors. The factors which come from the students itself called internal factors, and the factors which come from out of the students called external factors.
Internal factors 1) Physical factors include the health of eyes, ears and mouth 2) Mental factors consist of two parts, such as: a)
Intellectual factors include intelligence, students ability to receive and understanding information which affect performance on reading.
b) Non-intelligence factors are maturity, background of experience, attitude, interest and habit. b.
External factors 1) Social factors such as the school and home environment, social groups like playmates, classmates and society. 2) Cultural factors such as customs, traditions etc. 3) Equipment factors include all techology or tools to support reading performance both in school and home. Teacher must providing the necessary conditions in order to gain the purpose of reading. The lack of reading may comes from the lacking of one element. In conclusion, the good condition helps students in the growth of reading skill.
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Setting 1. Research Location This research took place in SMKN 1 Salatiga. 2. Research Schedule The sequences of data collection and data analysis were April untill September 2015. The schedule activities are as follows: Table 3.1 Research Schedule No
Time April
1. 1.Preparing the reseach proposal 2.
Observation and teaching process
Data collection
Data analysis
Concluding the reseacrh
Writing the report
3. General Description of SMKN 1 Salatiga a.
History of SMKN 1 Salatiga SMKN 1 Salatiga is one of the best and favorite vocational high schools in Salatiga. This school divided into six departments. They are Accounting, Office Administration, Sales / Marketing, Chef, Beautician and designer/clothing design. The headmaster of SMKN 1 Salatiga is Bambang Dwi H, S.Pd., M.Pd. The founders of the committee formed State Preparation SMEA known by Mr. Mayor Salatiga (Bp.Letkol S.Soegiman at the time) and supported by the Party Muspida. With head offices permit the Department of Education and Culture, Central Java Province No.IDPE / 435 / D / 67, dated 1967 17 Januari, then stood SMEA The status of preparation in Salatiga. SMEA School 1 Salatiga with the assistance of the State managed to occupy a new building located in the village of Kembangarum which has a land area of approximately 15,000 m2. Until now, the title had been changed into SMEA SMK 1 by decree. Education Minister No. 036 in May 1997.
Students of SMKN 1 Salatiga There are 1299 students of SMKN 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2014/2015. There are 424 students in the tenth grade, 455 students of eleventh grade and 420 students of the twelfth grade. Tenth and eleventh grade consist of thirty classes
and divided into six departments, they are three classes for accounting, three classes for office administration, two classes for marketing, two classes for chef, two classes for designers, and one class for beautician departments. c.
Location of SMKN 1 Salatiga 1) Street
: Nakula Sadewa I/3
2) Telp/Fax
: (0298) 323566
3) Subdistrict
: Sidomukti
4) Post code
: 50722
B. Research Method In this research the researcher used classroom action research. There are some definitions of classroom action research. According to Ellis (2012: 27), action research is form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by practitioners in their own contexts of action. It can be undertaken by individual teacher or collaboratively involving a team of teachers. Burns (2010: 2) claims that the main aims of action research is to identify a “problematic” situation or issue that the participants consider worth looking into more deeply and sistematically. Based on the explanation above, the researcher conclude that classroom action research is a form of action research that undertaken by teachers or practitioners to find solutions of examined problems in the classroom. By doing classroom action research, the researcher can
investigate the students problem. The problem leads for solutions which can improve teacher comprehension in language teaching. C. Subject of the Research The researcher held the research in SMKN 1 Salatiga at the students of the
grade. The researcher took Designer X class as the subject of
the research. The number of students were 35 students. D. Design and Procedures of the Classroom Action Research (CAR) The researcher followed Kemmis and Mctaggart (1988) CAR design. The design consists of several cycles. Each cycles includes planning, action, observing and reflection of the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan that has been prepared for one meeting. Figure 3.1 Procedure of Classroom Action Research
The figure of CAR by Kemmis and Mctaggart (1988), quoted by Burns (2010: 33)
The researcher and English teacher, Mrs. Farida made a collaboration work since preparation phase, action, observation, and reflection. The researcher also invited the research with observer from IAIN Salatiga student, A’yun Masuda. It is meant to improve students reading skill through the procedures on these phases. Researcher planned the steps as below: 1.
Cycle 1 a.
Planning In this stage, the researcher planned what action would be done in apllying ICT and PBL in teaching reading. The activities in the planning were presented as below: 1) Selecting the materials with the teacher’s annual program based on syllaby. 2) Determining the materials, the materials that would be explained was about fable text. 3) Designing the lesson plan that would be used as teacher guideline in teaching reading using ICT and PBL method. 4) Preparing teaching instrument such as computer aplication, test, observational checklist and students name scoring. The preparation was designed in order to gain the purpose of teaching learning process. Students are supposed to improve their reading skill by the materials given.
Action After the preparation finished, the researcher did teaching learning process. In action stage as the stage of implementation the preparation, the researcher presented as below: 1) Giving pre-test I for students. 2) Explaining the materials and the aplication of ICT and PBL method in teaching reading. 3) Giving occasion for students to ask any difficulties using ICT and PBL method. 4) Presenting the problem situation for the students. 5) Giving chance for students to work in group and share their knowledge in order to solve the problem given. 6) Giving chance for studnets to present the result of discussion to other group. 7) Giving opportunity for other goup to evaluate the presenter. 8) Giving post-test I. In this phase, researcher and students were working together. Students gained the materials deeply. Meanwhile the researcher helped, guided, and monitored the students, she also identified in the issue being researched.
Observation To evaluate the action, both teacher and students were observed by the collaborator. The aims of observation is knowing
whether the action was successful or not. The aspect of teacher activities which were observed are listed below: 1) Greeting students before the lesson begins. 2) Praying before the lessong begins. 3) Checking students attendant. 4) Asking students situation. 5) Preparing of the materials. 6) Giving motivation for students. 7) Giving explanation of the materials. 8) Giving opportunity for asking question and suggestion. 9) Guiding the students activity. 10) Giving feedback after the lesson. The students that was observed are listed below: 1) Actively participated in the teaching learning process. 2) Evaluating other group presentation. 3) Using the ICT or other media appropriately. 4) Showing enthusiastic in the reading activity. d.
Reflecting At this point, the researcher reflected on, evaluate, and describe the effects of the action. Reflection seeks to memorize sense of process, problem and real issue in action. Moreover, the purpose of reflection was to understand the issue which have
explored more clearly and decide to do further cycles of action research in order to improve the situation. Students minimum score (KKM) was 75. It means that students passed the test when students’ score was 75 or above. Researcher expected that 85% students could pass the test in the cycle 1. When the number of students who pass the KKM was below than researcher expectation, below from 85%. Researcher would take the cycle II in order to reach 85% students who passed the KKM. 2.
Cycle 2 a.
Planning In the planning phase of the second cycle, the researcher would do several activities that would be designed as below: 1) Revising the lesson plan based on the suggestion of class teacher, collaborator and students needs. 2) Reselecting the materials and teaching instruments to improve the teaching learning process. 3) Revising the test in order to satisfy the students needs.
Action This cycle II action is quite similar with the cycle I action. The activities of the cycle II action included: 1) Giving more explanation about the materials and instruments. 2) Giving the post- test II
Observation Researcher observed students improvement, response and participation in the teaching learning process. Collaborator also observed the ressarcher and students performance during the action.
Reflection The researcher evaluated the students reading skill improvement. English teacher also gave suggestion and advised for the future teaching performance. Besides, the researcher asked about the students reading progress according to English teacher. After did the cycle II, researcher also expected that 85% students could pass the KKM. When the result was below than 85%, researcher would conduct the cycle III.
E. Techniques of Collecting the Data Technique for data collecting was aimed to support the success of the research. It helped the reseracher to collect information during the process of research. Related to the research, the researcher used some techniques for collecting data are presented as below: 1.
Observation The collaborator observed the action by observational checklist. It is aimed to know the
students activities in reading skill when
the English lesson. There were two kinds of observational checklist. Those are observational checklist for teacher and students.
The table given below is the observational checklist for the teacher and students. Table 3.2 Observational Checklist for the Teacher No.
Teacher’s activities
Greeting students before the lesson begins.
Praying before the lessong begins.
Checking students attendant.
Asking students situation.
Preparing of the materials.
Giving motivation for students.
Giving explanation of the materials.
Giving opportunity for asking question and suggestion.
Guiding the students activity.
Giving feedback after the lesson.
Table 3.3 Observational Checklist for the Students No. Students’ activities 1.
Actively participated in the teaching learning process.
Evaluating other group presentation
Using the ICT or other media appropriately.
Showing enthusiastic in the reading activity
Test Test is used to measure a student’s basic capabilities and achievements (Arikunto, 2010: 266). The researcher uses pre- test and post-test. Pre-test test is given students before the teacher uses her strategies in teaching learning process and post test is given students after the teacher uses strategies. Pre-test and post are to know the differences of the students skill before and after the researcher uses her strategies. Researcher would gave both the pre-test and post-test for students in SMKN 1 Salatiga. Researcher would give the pre-test and post-test of cycle 1 on
May 2015. Then, researcher would anlyze
the result. When number of students who could pass the KKM was below than 85%, researcher would conduct the cycle II on
2015. In the cycle II, researcher would gave both the pre-test and posttest of cycle II. 3.
Documentation The researcher used documentary method as a method of collecting data about the matters of variables, which in the form notes, transcript books and photos. Documents improve information during the research. Besides, the documents which was used by the researcher are sylabuses, lesson plan both in cycle I and cycle II, pre and post-test papers, students’ score, students’ attendant list and observational checklist (enclosed).
Interview Interview was used by the researcher to collect data about students reading skill before implementation of the research. Researcher interviewed the English teacher with open-ended questions. Researcher asked 5 questions for the teacher. The interview would conduct on
March 2015. The interview used as starting
point to select the materials and instruments of research (enclosed). F. Technique of Analyzing Data 1. Qualitative Data The qualitative data included documentation and interview were analyzed by researcher. First, researcher presented the data. Second, the presented data were selected as the research needs. Third, the data were concluded and reviewed in the research. 2.
Quantitative Data The quantitative data were analyzed by statistical technique. The quantitative data includes students pre-test and post-test bot in cycle I and II. The technique of analyzing data are presented as below: a.
Mean calculation Mean is formula to know the average of the students’ score. The formula can be shown below:
M= Which,
: Mean
∑ F x : The sum of student’s value N b.
: The total number of students
Calculation percentage The calculation percentage shows the class percentage of students’ number who pass the KKM. The formula can be shown as below: P=
x 100%
P= percentage of students who pass the KKM F= number of students who pass the KKM N= total number of students
A. IMPLEMENTATION OF ICT AND PBL In this implementation of research, the researcher arranged two cycles. The steps were: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. 1.
Cycle 1 a.
Planning The activities in the planning were: 1) Preparing material and media, making lesson plan, and design of teaching in the class. 2) Preparing list of students name scoring. 3) Preparing teaching-aids. 4) Preparing sheet for observation in the class. 5) Preparing a test (to know student’s improvement in reading skill, is there any change or not).
Implementation The researcher did research on
May 2015 at 12.55 p.m.
at the class of X BU 1. Actually the class begin at 12.30 p.m. However, students had to do Zuhur prayer. Thus, the lesson time was 65 minutes. Actually, the lesson time was 90 minutes. The atmosphere in the class was so silent and students feel anxious. Then, the researcher introduced herself and she explained what
her purpose being in SMK N 1 Salatiga. Before started the lesson, the researcher gave the pre-test. After students finished doing the pre-test, she began to teach fable text. The situation was follow: Mrs. Farida : “Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb “ Students
: ”Wa’alaikumsalam Wr. Wb “
Mrs. Farida : “Good afternoon students. How are you today?” Students
: “Good afternoon mom, I’m fine, thank you and you?”
Mrs. Farida : “I’m very well too, thank you. Let’s we start our lesson today with saying basmallah” Students
: “Bismillahirrahmanirrohiim”
Mrs. Farida : “Ok class. We have special guest. As you see, there are two students from IAIN Salatiga. What will they do in SMK N 1 Salatiga? “ Students
: “Tidak tahu bu.” (“We don’t know mom.”)
Mrs. Farida : “Penasaran bukan? Nanti mbak- mbak dari IAIN yang akan menjelaskan.” (“Are you curious? Later, they will explain it for you.”) Students
: “Yes mom”
Mrs. Farida : “Ok, Ms. Ayu and Ms. A’yun. Time is yours” Researcher : “Good morning everybody”
: “No, good afternoon miss”
Researcher : “I know that it is afternoon. However, I want you to have morning spirit. Good morning students.” Students
:”Good morning mom”
Researcher :”Wow, that sounds morning spirit.” Students
: “Miss jangan pakai bahasa Inggris miss, tidak mudeng miss.” (“Miss, don’t use English. We don’t understand.”)
Researcher : “Ok, I will use English and Bahasa.” Students
: “Miss, namanya siapa?” (“Miss, what is your name?”)
Researcher : “Nama saya Miss Ayu. Saya dari IAIN Salatiga. Ini Miss A’yun, rekan saya yang akan membantu saya disini. Kami akan melakukan penelitian untuk skripsi. Kami memohon bantuan dari adik-adik agar penelitian kami berjalan dengan lancar.” (“My name is Miss Ayu. I come from IAIN Salatiga. This is Miss A’yun, my partner, who will help me to do the research. We will do research for our undergraduating paper. We hope all of you can hel us in order to do the research.”) Students
: “Miss, kenapa penelitiannya disini miss?” (“Miss, why you do research in this class?”)
Researcher : “Alasannya, saya akan melakukan penelitian yang berhubungan
Sekolah ini telah memiliki fasilitas lengkap termasuk komputer dan internet.” (“The reason is, I’ll do a research relate with computer and internet. This school has complete facilities include computers and internet.”) Students
: “Sekolah kita kan bagus miss.” (“Our school is good miss.”)
Researcher : “ I absolutely agree with you. Ok, I want to know all of you so I want to check the attendant first. Raise your hand when I call your name.” Then the researcher check students’ attendant. Researcher : “Do you know about narrative text?” Students
: “Yes miss”
Researcher : “Would you like to explain what is narrative text?” Students
: “Teks narative adalah teks yang menceritakan masa lampau miss.” (Narrative text is a text which tells about past activities.”)
Researcher : “Good explanation! Anyone else who want to add about narrative text?” Students
:“Narrative text is legend text miss.”
Researcher :“Yes, it is correct. Narrative text is a text focusing specific participants. The social function is to tell stories or past events and enetertain the readers. Legend, myth, fable are narrative. Students
:”Seperti film pada jaman dahulu miss.” (“So, it is like “Pada Jaman Dahulu” movie miss.”)
Researcher : “Yes, it is. In the movie you will find many kinds stories about animals. Those are fable stories.” Students
:”Kalau “Kancil Nyolong Timun” juga fabel miss?” (“Is “Kancil Nyolong Timun” fable story miss?”)
Researcher :”Yes, it is one of fable stories. Now, I want to give you a task. I will give you 15 minutes to do the assignment.” Students
“Boleh kerja kelompok miss?” ( “Can we do it by group working miss?”)
Researcher :”No, you can’t. You have to do it by yourself.” Researcher gave the assignment to the students. Then, students did the assignment untill the times up. Researcher :”Ok class. The time is up. Now, I want you to collect the paper.” Students
:”Not yet miss”
Researcher :”Ok, I’ll give you five minutes again.” Students
:”Yes miss”
Then, the students continued did their assignment. Researcher :”Now, I want you to collect the paper.” Then, the students collected their paper assignment. The researcher and students checked the right answer. Researcher :”Guys, now I want to use Problem-based Learning method. Have you ever heard about Problem-based Learning? Students
:”No miss”
Researcher :”Problem-based learning method is a teaching method which uses problem as a starting point. You have to solve the problem in group. However, you are free to use any kinds of resources to solve the problem. In the last, you will present your group discussion to the other group. Students
: “Jadi, boleh buka buku miss?” (“So, can we open book miss?”)
Researcher :”Absolutely, you also may ask someone in order to gain information. Besides, you can open book, dictionary or open the internet to solve the problem. However, you have to remember about the time. You may use any kinds of reources but consider about the time” Students
:”Ok miss”
Researcher :”Now, I will give you a video. You have to pay attention in the video.” Then, the students pay attention to the video. Researcher :”What do you think about the video?” Students
:”Rabbit miss”
Researcher :”Yes, it is a rabbit or hare. What happen to the tortoise?” Students
:”Kalah lomba dengan kura- kura miss.” (“He lost in a race with the toroise.”)
Researcher :”Good. This story is familiar for you, isn’t it?” Students
:”Yes, miss”
Researcher :”Now, I’ll give you an assignment. Write in the pioece of paper, waht do you think about the video?. You may write down anything in the paper about the video.” Students
:”Yes, miss”
Researcher :”Have you finished?. Now, I will divide you into groups. Please, gather with your group in 2 minutes. You can see your group on the screen.” Then, the students gather with their group and discussed each other. Researcher :”Remember guys, you can use any kinds of sources. However, you only have 15 minutes to discuss.”
The students discussed the task with the group. The researcher monitored the groups. Researcher :”Ok class, the time is up. Now, I want group 1 to answer the first and second questions.” Catur
:”Teman- teman ini hasil diskusi kami. Cerita fabel ini memiliki karakter the hare and the tortoise.” (“Friends, this is the result of our discussion. This fable has two characters, they are the hare and the tortoise.”)
Researcher :”Ok Catur. I want you to speak in English. However, you can combine it with Bahasa.” Catur
:”The setting is the jungle”
Researcher :”Good job. Are there any other answer?” Students
:”No miss”
Researcher :”Who wants to answer the third question?” Azizah
:”Ok, The conflict is the hare thought that she could beat anyone in a race. She said so to the Tortoise.”
Researcher :”Why do you choose it to become the conflict?” Azizah
:”Ini karena si Kelinci merasa paling cepat. Jadi, dia menantang siapa saja untuk lomba.” (“I choose it because the Hare thought that he’s the speediest so she chalenged anyone to race.”)
Researcher :”OK, it is correct answer. Now, I want to group 3 to answer the forth question.” Tri Dewi
:”Not yet mom”
Researcher :”Why it happens?” Tri Dewi
:”Ini koneksi internetnya lama.” (“The internet connection is really low.”)
Researcher :”Ok. Tadi sudah miss sampaikan di awal, bahwa kalian hanya punya waktu 15 menit. Pemilihan sumber belajar kalian sudah bagus, yaitu melalui internet. Akan tetapi, kita harus mempertimbangkan kecepatan dan ketepatan sumber. Kalau kelompok 1 menggunakan sumber apa untuk mendapatkan jawaban?” (“Ok. I have told you before that you only have 15 minutes to do the task. Your choice to use internet is good. However, we have to consider about resources timing and accuracy. How about first group, what is the resources?”) Catur
:”Kita pakai buku miss. Karena fabel ada di buku paket.” (“We use book miss. The fable explanation is in the book.”)
Researcher :”Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita akan menemui banyak permasalahan. Sumber penyelesaian bisa bermacam-macam. Jadi, kita harus jeli dan teliti jenis sumber apa yang cocok untuk masalah kita. Karena setiap sumber mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda-beda.” (“In our daily life, we will face many kinds of problems. The problem solver can be various. Thus, we have to think critically to choose the resources which match with our problem. It is happen because every source has different characteristic.”) Then, students and researcher checked the right answers. Finally, teacher gave summary of the lesson at the day. The students felt more satisfied because they can learn many things. Next, the researcher gave students 20 minutes to do the post-test. After finishing the post-test, students submitted the answer sheet and researcher closed the meeting. Researcher :”Thank you so much for your participation and the attention. You did the great job today. Let’s say Hamdallah to close our lesson.” Students
Researcher :”Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb” Students
:”Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb”
Observation In the first cycle, the researcher obtains the field notes from her partner. By monitoring the students’ activity in this action, researcher could see that the students looked excited to follow the teaching learning process. However, some students still asked her friends when they had to do the test. The second obstacle is time. The class should begun at 12.30 p.m. As school rule, students have to do the Zuhur pray for about 20 minutes. Thus, the lesson time was only 70 minutes. Students did the post-test normally for about 20 minutes. Because of the time was not enough, students only did the test in 10-15 minutes. Consequently, most students did the post-test in hurry. Thus, they were not concentrate enough to do the post-test.
No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Table 4.1 Results of Pre-Test and Post-Test cycle 1 Nama Pre-Test 1 (X) Post-Test 1 (Y) Student 1 73 69 Student 2 73 51 Student 3 69 56 Student 4 47 53 Student 5 73 78* Student 6 82* 40 Student 7 78* 58 Student 8 73 76*
Student 9 60
69 82*
64 11.
Student 11
82* 82
Student 12
100* 78*
Student 13
73 64
Student 14
69 60
15. 16. 17. 18.
Student 15
Student 20
Student 21
Student 22
Student 23
Student 24
Student 25
Student 18
60 Student 17
Student 19
Student 16
Student 26 Student 27 Student 28 Student 29 ∑=
2227 1946 *Students who pass the KKM
1) Calculating Mean of Pre-Test a)
Mean of Pre-Test 1 M1 = M1= M1= 67.1
b) Mean of Post-Test 1 M2= M2= M3= 76.8 c)
Mean of Pre-Test 1 = 67.1
d) Mean of Post-Test 1 = 76.8 From the calculation, it can be inferred that there were some improvement toward students’ reading skill after implementation of ICT and PBL method. It is proven by students’ mean test result comparison between pre-test and post-test in cycle I, the mean of pre-test is 67, 1 meanwhile the mean of post-test is 76.8. The improvement was also can be calculated in percentage by calculating students’ pre-test and post-test score. The calculation can be shown below: P= P= P=
x 100% x 100% x 100%
P= 6.7 % The calculation which shows the class percentage of students who pass the KKM is: P=
x 100%
x 100%
P= 48% It means that there were 48% of students’ who pass the KKM. There were only 14 students who pass the KKM. It means that the successfull of cycle 1 was still low. Finally, the researcher would take the second cycle so that 85% students could pass the KKM. d.
Reflection After analyzing the result of the action in cycle 1, the students’ reading skill was improved. It can be seen by average of post-test, which is higher than the average of pre-test. From the observation, the researcher has to manage the time well. In order to give more time to do the test, the researcher conclude that the assignment should be changed so that it won’t wasting time. Besides, the researcher suggested students to bring dictionary to minimize the group working when did the test. The researcher would use the same method to teach reading with the different materials for the next cycle to get better result.
Cycle II Based on the result of cycle I, it was better to the teacher to continue the next cycle: 1.
Planning Before conducting the research, the researcher prepared the instrument of research, in the following: a.
Preparing material and media, making lesson plan, and design of teaching in the class.
Preparing list of students name scoring.
Preparing teaching-aids.
Preparing sheet for observation in the class.
Preparing a test (to know student’s improvement in reading skill, is there any change or not).
Implementation The researcher did research on May 13, 2015 at 12.55 p.m. at the class of X BU 1. Actually the class begin at 12.30 p.m. However, students had to do Zuhur prayer. Thus, the lesson time is only 65 minutes. Before started the lesson, the researcher gave the pre-test. The situation was follow: Researcher
: “Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb”
: “Wa’alaikumsalam Wr. Wb”
: “How are you today?”
:”I am fine, thank you. And you?”
:”I am fine too, thank you.”
:”Miss, hari ini belajar apa?” (“Miss, what will we learn today?”)
:”Wow, good question. Today we will learn about the story of The Stork and The fox.”
:”Maksudnya miss?” (“What do you mean miss?”)
:”Karena sepertinya kalian sudah penasaran, kita akan langsung melihatnya. Ini adalah test yang harus kalian kerjakan dalam waktu 15 menit. Kalian kerjakan secara individu.” (“Because you seems so curious, we’ll see what is it. This is the task that tou have to do in 15 minutes. You do the task by yourself.”)
: “Ok miss.”
Then, the students do the pre-test of cycle 2. After finished, students and teacher checked the right answers. Researcher
:”Do you remember our lesson last week?”
:”Dikit miss” (“Just a litle miss.”)
:”Ok, would you tell me about your litle memory about our lesson last week?”
:”Fable miss”
:”Good. What is the purpose of fable text?”
:”To entertain the readers.”
:”Wow, excellent. What are the generic structures of fable text?”
:”Setting, conflict, action, rising action, climax and falling action.”
:”Perfect. Iam so happy to learn with all of you.”
: laughing
:”Now, .”
:”Mengelompok ya miss?” (“Do we have to make a group?”)
:”Iya, kalian berkumpul dengan kelompok kemarin. Miss akan memberi kalian tugas. Tetapi, ingat dengan waktu dan keefektifan sumber belajar yang digunakan.” (“I want you to meet your group again. I will give you an assignment. You can use book, internet, aor any kinds of other sources. However, remember about the time and the effectivity of your source.”)
Then, students gathered with their group. They discussed the assignment. Researcher monitored the group. After finished, some of groups presented their discussion. Researcher
:”Who wants to present the group discussion?”
:”Saya ingin mempresentasikan hasil diskusi
kelompok saya.” (“I want to present the result of my group discussion).” Researcher
:”Ok Nurul. Try to use English. You can combine with Bahasa.”
:”The story begin from c, d, b, e, g, f, a”
:”Ok class. Any other opinion?”
:”No, miss.”
:”Good job. It is correct. Thank you Nurul. Thus, what can you learn from the story?”
:”Help your friend.”
:”Yes, it is good.”
:”Don’t forget your friend.”
:”Excellent. Now, who wants to share what are the sources that were used in your discussion?”
:”I use mobile phone to translate miss.”
:”It’s good idea.”
After students and researcher discussed the group assignment, students did the post-test II. Then, researcher conclude the lesson and give some suggestion to the students. Finally, teacher closed the lesson.
Observation The observation of the action in the cycle II focused more on students improvement in reading skill and time management. Students worked in group cooperatively. They used appropriate sources to gain information. Moreover, they were so happy to do the assignment because the topic was so interesting. Researcher used good time management. Even the time was 65 minutes, researcher used it effectively. Students did the post-test in efficient time. They were not feel hurry. As the result of the cycle II, researcher gained the result of pre-test and post-test of this cycle. The following table was the final result score of the students in the cycle II: The 4.2 Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test cycle II No.
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Pre-Test II (X)
Post-Test II (Y)
89* 67
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Student10 94*
72 83*
Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17
Student 18
Student 19
Student 20
Student 21
83* 22.
Student 22
94* 94*
23. 24. 25. 26.
Student 23 89*
83* 2486
94* 2552
Student 24 Student 25 Student 26
Student 27
Student 28
Student 29 ∑
*Students who pass the KKM
a) Calculating Mean of Pre-Test 1) Mean of Pre-Test 1 M1 = M1= M1= 85.7 2) Mean of Post-Test 1 M2= M2= M3= 88 3) Mean of Pre-Test 1 = 85.7 4) Mean of Post-Test 1 = 88 From the calculation, it can be inferred that there were some improvement toward students’ reading skill after implementation of ICT and PBL method. It is proven by students’ mean test result comparison between pre-test and post-test in cycle I, the mean of pre-test is 85.7 meanwhile the mean of post-test is 88. The improvement was also can be calculated in percentage by calculating students’ pre-test and post-test score. The calculation can be shown below: P=
x 100%
x 100%
x 100%
P= 1.3% The calculation which shows the class percentage of students who pass the KKM is: P=
x 100%
x 100%
P= 89.6% It means that 89.6% students pass the KKM. There were 26 students who pass the KKM. Meanwhile, 3 students didn’t pass the KKM. It can be concluded that students’ progress of their reading skill was good. Thus, the implementation of ICT and PBL to improve students’ reading skill was successfull
students not only improved their reading skill but also group working as team. Furthermore, the main factor to improve their reading skill is their reading habit from theirself. 4.
Reflection The action was comlete and the data was taken from the action of cycle II. From the observation of collaborator and English teacher, the second cycle was good. Researcher could use good
improvement of reading skill. It is proven by the calculation. Students felt happy during the action of the cycle because the text was interesting. Besides, students could use their sources
based on their favor. They learned how to choose learning resources and applied it in their learning solving problem. The PBL method was useful for them because they learn how to solve problem. Most of students didn’t get the lesson of solving problem. However, after using PBL, they understand what kind of ways to solve the difficulties especially in the learning context. The researcher and English teacher felt happy with the students’ reading skill improvement. Students who pass the KKM was 89.6 %. From the calculation, researcher do not need to conduct more cycle. B. DESCRIPTION OF READING SKILL IMPROVEMENT 1.
Test Analysis The result of the whole text is compared to know the significant difference of the treatment. The comparison of the all cycle test is as follow: The following table is the result of pre-test and post-test bot cycle I and cycle II.
Table 4.3 Results of Pre-test 1, Post-test 1, Pre-test II and Post-Test II No. Students 1. 2.
Pre-Test 1
Post-Test 1
Pre-Test II
Post-Test II
69 73
Student 1 Student 2 51
Student 3
69 56
Student 4
47 53
Student 5
73 78*
Student 6
82* 40
Student 7
78* 58
Student 8
73 76*
Student 9 60
69 82*
64 11.
Student 11
82* 82
Student 12
100* 78*
Student 13
73 64
Student 14
69 60
15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Student 15 60
Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19
20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
Student 20 82*
Student 21 Student 22
72 83*
100* 83*
94* 94*
Student 23 Student 24 Student 25 Student 26 Student 27 Student 28 Student 29 84* 84* *students who pass the KKM
Table 4.3 shows that the students pre-test and post-test in cycle I and II. The table includes students’ score of each test. From the table 4.3, students who pass the KKM displays with the star sign. To make easier to show the improvement, researcher design the table 4.4. The following table is the result of students mean score in number and percentage.
Table 4.4 Students’ mean score No.
Total score
Students’ Mean
test I
67, 1
Score 2.
Students’ Mean score in percentage
From the table 4.4, the students mean score of pre-test I is below from the KKM. The mean of pre-test I is 67.1 and the KKM is 75. Then, in the post-test I students’ mean score is 76.8. It is higher than the KKM. However, the score only has improvement 1,8 from the KKM. It is still low. In the cycle 2, the students mean score are higher than KKM. From the students percentage, in the pre-test I, 31% students pass the KKM. However, it is really low percentage from the researcher expectatin, 85%. In the post-test I also shows that students percentage is low. Eventhough pre-test II shows high percentage, it is 82,7%. It is still lower than researcher expectation. Then, in the posttest II, the percentage is higher than 85%, the percentage of post-test II is 89,6%.
To show the students’ mean score improvement, researcher designs the table 4.4 number 1 in the figure 4.1. The following figure below show the students’ score mean improvement. Figure 4.1 Students’ Mean Score Improvement
90 80 70 60 50 40
30 20
10 0 Pre-test 1
Post-test 1
pre-test II
post-test II
The figure 4.1 shows students’ mean score improvement. The improvement from pre-test I is not higher than post-test I. However, the improvement from each step is significant. It means that students’ mean score is improve from first step into the last step. From the table 4.4 number 2, researcher designs the figure 4.2. It is different from the figure 4.1. The figure 4.2 displays the students’ mean score percentage.
Figure 4.2 Students’ Mean Score Percentage
90% 80% 70%
60% 50%
40% 30% 20%
48% 31%
10% 0% Pre-test I
Post-test I
Pre-test II
Post-test II
From the figure 4.2 shows that the improvement of students’ number who can pass the KKM. In the both pre-test and post-test 1 show that the number of students who can pass the KKM is lower than 85%. However, in the pre-test II, the percentage is high but still can’t reach 85%. Finally, in the post-test II, students number percentage is higher 4,6% from the researcher expectation. The table and the chart displays the improvement of the students’ reading skill. The improvement was significant from cycle I and cycle II. It means that the implementation of ICT and PBL method can improve students reading skill.
Observation Analysis The researcher did the observation by using interview on May 2015. The interview involved students and teacher. The main points of the interview was students improvement of reading skill, students opinion about the using of ICT and PBL method, and classroom controlling. According to the students interview, they claimed that ICT really helpful for them to read. Most of students not only interested in using ICT but also the PBL method. The method allowed them to share their idea and summarize it as group ideas. It helped them to understand the material. The group working also motivated them to support their friends. They also satisfied with the instruction and guidance to solve problem by using PBL method. They were enthusiastic to read more and discover new knowledge. Researcher also interviewed the English teacher about classroom controlling. The students was very active because researcher gave many motivation and suggestion. Researcher can guided students from the beginning of the lesson until the end. Besides, students were understand clearly about the researcher’s instructions so that they can did the assignment smoothly. From the explanation, it can be concluded that teaching reading by using ICT and PBL method are effective to engage students’ motivation and group working. It means that by the
increasing of motivation and group working, they had improvement to read. As the result, their reading skill showed good progress.
CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion Based on the analysis of the data in pre-test and post-test both in the cycle I and cycle II, researcher presents the conclusion in this chapter. The conclusion can be drawn are as follows: 1.
The implementation of ICT and PBL method is effective and can improve students’ reading skill. It can be proven by the data such as observation result that shows active students’ participation, shows enthusiastic in the reading activity and actively evaluating other group presentation.
ICT and PBL method are able to improve students’ reading skill. It can be seen by from the data result that shows 89,6% of students’ score had passed the KKM. Students mean’s score in the pre-test I is 67.1 and post-test I 76.8. Then, students’ mean score in the pre-test II is 85.7 and post-test II is 88. Meanwhile, the percentage of students’ mean score of pre-test I is 31%, post-test I is 48%, pre-test II is 82,7% and post-test II is 89,6%. From the definition, it can be meant that 26 of 29 students can pass the KKM after learning by using ICT and PBL method. As the conclusion, the implementation of ICT and PBL method to improve students’ reading skill is success.
B. Suggestions At the end of this chapter, researcher would like to propose some suggestions which hopefully would be useful for English teachers, students and other researchers 1.
Teachers a)
Using interesting materials to improve students participation.
b) Paying more attention to the students’ needs to select the media of teaching process. c)
Using group working effectively by monitoring and guiding to the right track without mentioning the answer.
d) Encouraging students to do the mistake, and evaluating their mistake so that students can learn something by their mistake. e)
Giving instructions clearly before students use ICT as their learning media. The instructions help them to use media appropriately.
Giving more research for the students because researcher as a teacher want all students pass the minimum score. However, 3 students couldn’t pass the minimum score. Thus, researcher hopes that teacher will continue this research in order to gain 100% students pass the minimum score.
Students a) Be more confident to use English. Sometimes students can combine it with Bahasa.
b) Use the media appropriately and effectively. Media should help students to solve the problem not add more problems. c) Do not focus too much on the difficult vocabulary. Use guessing meaning from context to read effectively. d) Motivating theirself to read more, to discover the new world and claim theirself as knowledge hunger so that they learn as much as possible the new information. e) Mistakes are the best teacher. Doing mistake is one step closer to the success. 3.
Other researchers a)
Trying to select more media to combine with any method. Select it and analyze it for further research.
b) Using this research as additional reference for further research with different subject and skill.
Abbott, Chris. 2001. ICT: Changing Education. London: TJ International. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Burns, Anne. 1999. CollaborativeAction Research for English Language Teacher. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Carrol, Robert Todd. 1990. Student Success Guide: Study Skills. Online at Crawford, Roger. 2013. The ICT Teacher’s Handbook: Teaching, Learning and Managing ICT in Secondary School. London: Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, Second Edition. Dallmann, Martha, Roger L. Duch, Lynette Y.C. Char, & John J Deboer. 1982. The Teaching of Reading. New York: CBS College Publishing, Sixth Edition. Dechant, Emerald V. 1982. Improving the Teaching of Reading. London: Prentice Hall International, Third Edition. Delisle, Robert. 1997. How to Use Problem-Based Learning in the Classroom. United States of America: ASCD. Duch, Barbara J. 2001. The Power of Problem-based Learning. Virginia: Stylus Publishing. Esteras, Santiago Remacha, Elena Marco Fabrez.2007, Professional English in Use ICT. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Grabe, William.2009. Reading in a a Second Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Howards, Melvin. 1980. Reading Diagnosis and Instruction: an Integrated Approach. Virginia: Reston Publishing Company. Loveless, Avril. 2003. The Role of ICT. London: British Cataloguing in Publication Data. Matheson and Haas. 2010. Exploring the Foundations for Problem-Based Learning. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing
Richards, Jack C. and Theodore S. Rodgers. 2014. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Third Edition. Uden, Loma and Chris Beaumont. 2006. Technology and Problem- Based Learning. London: British Cataloguing in Publication Data. Sapir, Edward. 1921. Language. New York : Borcout, Brance and Company. Tan, Oon-Seng. 2003. Using Problem to Power Learning in the 21st Century. Singapore: Seng Lee Press. Tan, Oon-Seng. 2004. Enhancing Thinking through Problem-based Learning Approaches. Singapore: Thomson Learning.
Personal details: Name
: Ayu Rohani
Place and date birth
: Salatiga,
: Randuares RT 05 RW 01, Kec. Argomulyo, Salatiga.
: 085 640 989 841
March 1991
Educational Background: 1. SD Negeri 02 Salatiga 2. SMP Negeri 7 Salatiga 3. SMA Negerri 2 Salatiga 4. IAIN Salatiga
September 2015
Ayu Rohani NIM. 11311147
Observational Checklist For Teacher Cycle 1 Observer No.
: A’yun Masudah
Ya Tidak
activities 1.
students before
lesson begins. 2.
Praying before
V the
lessong begins. 3.
students attendant. 4.
students situation. 5.
Preparing of V the materials.
for students.
sehingga waktu
ada untuk
memberi motivasi kepada siswa 7.
explanation of
materials. 8.
untuk bertanya
kepada untuk bertanya.
Guiding the V students activity.
feedback after lesson.
Observational Checklist for Students No. Students’
Tidak Faktor
activities 1.
Penghambat v
Pendukung penyelesaian
Banyak siswa
participated in
peserta didik
dan tidak mau
ikut aktif di
aktif 2.
Guru tidak
Guru harus
other group
siswa untuk
kelompok lain
kel. lain
Using the ICT v or other media appropriately.
Showing enthusiastic in the
Observational Checklist For Teacher Cycle II : A’yun Masudah
Observer No.
Ya Tidak
activities 1.
students before
lesson begins. 2.
Praying before
V the
lessong begins. 3.
students attendant. 4.
students situation. 5.
Preparing of
the materials. 6.
motivation for students. 7.
explanation of
materials. 8.
opportunity for
question and suggestion. 9.
Guiding the V students activity.
feedback after lesson.
Observational Checklist for Students No.
activities 1.
Penghambat V
participated in the
learning process. 2.
other group presentation 3.
Using the ICT V or other media appropriately.
Showing enthusiastic in the activity
Tidak Faktor
Pendukung penyelesaian
Infrastructure, Condition of Students and Facilitie of SMKN 1 Salatiga Table of the Infrastructure 1.
Large m2
Certificate of land
Table the Condition of Students Number
of Number
Grade Class
Table of the Facilities 2.
38 unit
1 unit
Accounting laboratory
1 unit
Secretary Laboratory
1 unit
Marketing Laboratory
1 unit
Design Laboratory
1 unit
Beauty Laboratory
1 unit
Chef Laboratory
1 unit
Computer room
1 unit
Teachers’ room
1 unit
Headmaster room
1 unit
Health room
1 unit
1 unit
m. Volley-basket field n.
OSIS and Scout’s office
1 unit
1 unit
Mini Bank
1 unit
Meeting Hall
1 unit
Honest Canteen
1 unit
Mini Shop
1 unit
Language Laboratory
1 unit
Cycle 1 on
May 2015
Cycle II on
May 2015
RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN Satuan Pendidikan Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Materi Pokok Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu
: SMK N 1Salatiga : Bahasa Inggris : X/II : Fable text :1 : 2 x 45 menit
A. KOMPETENSI INTI 1) Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya. 2) Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong), kerjasama, toleran, damai, santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia. 3) Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisa pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomenadan kejadian serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural dalam bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah. 4) Mengolah, menalar dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajari di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan. B. KOMPETENSI DASAR DAN INDIKATOR No Kompetensi Dasar Indikator 1. 1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan 1. Peserta didik dapat dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris mengidentifikasi teks berbentuk sebagai bahasa pengantar fabel. komunikasi internasional yang 2. Peserta didik dapat menganalisa diwujudkan dalam semangat teks berbentuk fabel. belajar 2. 2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku Jujur jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan 3. Berperilaku selalu dapat bertanggung jawab dipercaya dalam perkataan, dalammelaksanakan komunikasi perbuatan dan pekerjaan baik transaksional dengan guru dan terhadap diri sendiri dan pihak
orang lain Peduli 4. Berperilaku peduli dengan mengajukan pertanyaanpertanyaan kritis terhadap masalahmasalah yang dikemukakan dalam teks fabel 5. Berperilaku peduli dengan selalu mengerjakan tugas dengan baik. Disiplin 6. Berperilaku selalu melaksanakan tugas dan kewajibannya dengan baik pada kegiatan pembelajaran Fable Text. 7. Berperilaku selalu menyelesaikan tugas dengan data atau informasi yang dapat dipercaya pada kegiatan pembelajaran Fable Text. Santun 8. Menggunakan pilihan kata, ekspresi dan gestur santun 9. Berperilaku menunjukkan sikap halus dan baik dari sudut pandang bahasa maupun tata perilakunya.
3.10 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks naratifsederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
Menyebutkan unsur-unsur ada dalam Fable Text
4.15 Menangkap makna teks Peserta didik dapat mengerti naratif lisan dan tulis berbentuk makna yang terdapat dalam teks legenda, sederhana. berbentuk fabel.
C. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Siswadapat: 1. Menunjukkan kesungguhan belajar bahasa Inggris terkait teks naratif sederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat.
2. Menunjukkan perilaku peduli, percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab dalam melaksanakankomunikasi terkait teks naratif sederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat. 3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, makna dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratifsederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat. 4. Menganalisa fungsi sosial, struktur teks, makna dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratifsederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat. 5. Menangkap makna teks naratif lisan dan tulis berbentuk legenda, sederhana. D. MATERI PELAJARAN 1. Fakta : Fables are simple, traditional tales with a moral or lesson. They were told thousands of years ago by storytellers in countries like Greece and Persia. Characters are usually animals who behaved as humans. They often have special qualities. 2. Konsep :FungsiSosial dari teks fabel adalah to amuse/entertain the readers/listeners. 3. Fungsi sosial : Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman. 4. UnsurKebahasaan : a) Use of time words; connective conjunction such as then, before, after that, a few moments later, etc, and temporal conjunctions such as; once upon a time, one day, long time ago, many years ago, etc. a) Use of adjective to build the animals charactersuch as The dilligent ant. b) Using past Tense; simple past tense , past perfect, past continuous, past perfect continuous, or past future continuous 5. StrukturTeks Parts of Fable Purpose Details Setting and Character To introduce setting Once upon a time, a and characters wolf had been gorging on an animal he had killed, when suddenly a small bone in the meat stuck in his throat and he couldnot swallow it. Conflict To show the starting He soon felt terrible of the conflict pain in his throat, and ran up and down
Plot (Rising Action)
To show an action
groaning and groaning and seeking for something to relieve the pain. He tried to induce every one he met to remove the bone. "I would give anything," said he, "if you would take it out."
To show the rising At last the action Craneagreed to try, and toldthe Wolf to lie on his side and open his jaws as wide as he could. Then the Crane put its long neck down the Wolf's throat, and with its beak loosened the bone, till at last it got it out. Plot (Climax) To show the climax "Will you kindly give me the reward you promised?" said the Crane. Plot (Falling Action) To show the falling The Wolf grinned and action showed his teeth and said: "Be content. You have put your head inside a Wolf's mouth and taken it out again in safety; that ought to be reward enough for you." 6. Topik :Berbagai hal terkait dengan interaksi antara guru dan siswa selamaproses pembelajaran, di dalam maupun di luar kelas, dengan memberikanketeladanan tentang perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggungjawab. 7. TujuanPembelajaran :Siswa terampil mengidentifikasi dan merespon teks tulis fabeluntuk menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur teks yang
runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks, secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama, dan cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).percayadiri, bertanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dancintadamai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan). E. PENDEKATAN DAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN 1. PendekatandalampembelajaraninimenggunakanScientific approach/pendekatanilmiahdenganlangkah-langkahsebagaiberikut: mengamati, menanya, menalar, mencoba, danmembuatjejaring. 2. Model pembelajaran yang dipergunakanadalah: PBL/Problem Based Learing, menggunakanpermasalahansebagai media. F. STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN 1. Lecturing 2.Discussion 3.Write sentence based on video given G. LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN KEGIATAN
DESKRIPSI KEGIATAN 1. Guru masuk ke kelas dan menyapa menggunakan bahasa Inggris agar tercipta English Environment. 2. Guru membukapelajarandenganmengucapsalamdanberdoa. 3. Guru memeriksakehadiranpesertadidiksebagaisikapdisiplin.
4. Apersepsi (menyambungkan dipelajari sebelumnya)
10 menit
5. Menyampaikan model dantujuanpembelajaran. 6. Membentukkelompok/rombonganbelajar yang heterogendenganmenggunakanhasilobservasikelas ( menerapkanprinsiptidakmembedakantingkatkemampuanber pikir, jeniskelamin, agama, suku, dll)
Mengamati 70 menit 1. Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa tentang teks fabel (fungsi sosialnya, kebahasannya, struktur teksnya) 2. Siswa memperhatikan dengan saksama penjelasan guru. 3. Guru memberikan contoh teks fabel kepada siswa untuk dipelajari (Lampiran 1) Menanya
4. Siswa mempertanyakan isi dari text fabel Mengeksplorasi dan mengasosiasi 5. Denganbimbingandanarahan guru, siswa menganalisa language features, social function and structure yang digunakan dari teks fabel. 6. Guru memberikan pre-test kepada siswa untuk menganalisa teks fabel(Lampiran 2) 7. Siswa mengumpulkan pre-test untuk dinilai guru. Pelaksanaan Metode PBL 8. Guru memperkenalkan metode PBL dan menjelaskannya. 9. Guru memberikan contoh penggunaan metode PBL (orientasi peserta didik kepada masalah, mengorganisasikan peserta didik, membimbing penyelidikan, menyajikan hasil karya dan menganalisa/mengevaluasi proses pemecahan masalah) dalam pembelajaran a. Meeting the Problem 10. Guru memberikan sebuah video permasalahan kepada siswa untuk diteliti.(Lampiran 3) 11. b. Problem analysis and learning issue Guru memulai mempertanyakan isi dan struktur kebahasaaan dari video. c. Discovery and reporting 12. Guru membentukkelompok/rombonganbelajar yang heterogendenganmenggunakanhasilobservasikelas ( menerapkanprinsiptidakmembedakantingkatkemampuanbe rpikir, jeniskelamin, agama, suku, dll) 13.Guru memberikan panduan untuk menyelesaikan masalah (Lampiran 4) 14.Denganbimbingandanarahan guru, siswa menganalisa teks video lampiran 3 d.solution, presentation and reflection 15.Siswa dan guru melakukan diskusi kelas untuk menganalisis pemecahan masalah, menyamakan persepsi. e.Overview, Integrating and Reflecting 16.Siswa dan guru melakukan menganalisa kelemahan diri maupun kelompok, dan menyampaikan saran untuk pembelajaran ke depan. 17.Guru memberikan pos-test cycle 1 (Lampiran 5) 1. Siswadenganbimbingan guru, membuatkesimpulan dan refleksitentangteks fabelyang telahdipelajaribersama. 10 menit 2. Siswadipersilakanuntukmempelajarimateriselanjutnya. Total Waktu
90 menit
H. MEDIA & SUMBER BELAJAR 1. Media a. Menggunakanpicture and video from Aesop’s fablesuntuklebihmudahdalammemahami dialog yang adapadateks. b. LCD c. White Board d. Laptop 2. SumberBelajar - Buku siswa kurikulum 2013 - Sumberbuku lain yang relevan I. INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN HASIL BELAJAR a. PenilaianSikap Indikator : Siswa menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalammelaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman. Kriteria Jujur
Percaya Diri
No Nama
Skor 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Indikator tidakpernahmenunjukkansikaptidakjujur pernahmenunjukkansikaptidakjujur beberapa kali menunjukkansikaptidakjujur seringmenunjukkansikaptidakjujur sangatseringmenunjukkansikaptidakjujur tidakpernahmenunjukkansikaptidakdisiplin pernahmenunjukkansikaptidakdisiplin beberapa kali menunjukkansikaptidakdisiplin seringmenunjukkansikaptidakdisiplin sangatseringmenunjukkansikaptidakdisiplin tidakpernahmenunjukkansikaptidakpercayadiri pernahmenunjukkansikaptidakpercayadiri beberapa kali menunjukkansikaptidakpercayadiri seringmenunjukkansikaptidakpercayadiri sangatseringmenunjukkansikaptidakpercayadiri tidakpernahmenunjukkansikaptidaksantun pernahmenunjukkansikaptidaksantun beberapa kali menunjukkansikaptidaksantun seringmenunjukkansikaptidaksantun sangatseringmenunjukkansikaptidaksantun
Skor Disiplin Disiplin Percaya diri
Jumlah Nilai Skor
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
Adellah Balqis Syakinah Agnes Rema Melati Annida Kumala Dewi Any Fahrunisak Aprilia Kartika Dewi Catur Yulianita Eka Lestari Eva Septiyani Fatimah Zahra Fitria Mahya Sofa Fransisca Octaviana Kristina Friski Yulia Astuti Garnis Puspitasari Maria Ulfa Miftakhul Azizah Noviyani Nurul Istiqomah Nuzulia Mufida Pratiwi Putri Wiji Utami Pritha Dewi Oktaviana Puji Lestari Putri Dannisa Qonita Nurjannah Rafika Hana Saputri Rahma Putri Ditho Utami Rina Wahyu Nugraheni Risma Devita
28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
Sari Salma Putri Rhamadhani Silvi Anisa Rahma Siti Anisa Ayu Nurul Hidayah Siti Setianingrum Sovia Nurul Wahyuningtias Tri Dewi Lestari Tri Mulyani Uby Galih Sannia Putri Yovi Yossyntha Maharani M. b. c. Penilaiantingkahlaku Kriteria Skor Kerja sama 5 4
Keaktifan berkomunikasi
3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
No NamaSiswa 1.
Indikator selalubekerjasama seringbekerjasama beberapa kali melakukankerjasama pernahbekerjasama tidakpernahbekerjasama selalumelakukankegiatankomunikasi yang tepat seringmelakukankegiatankomunikasi yang tepat beberapa kali melakukankegiatankomunikasi yang tepat pernahmelakukankegiatankomunikasi yang tepat tidakpernahmelakukankegiatankomunikasi yang tepat
Skor Jumlahskor Nilai Kerjasama KeaktifanKomunikasi
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.
Syakinah Agnes Rema Melati Annida Kumala Dewi Any Fahrunisak Aprilia Kartika Dewi Catur Yulianita Eka Lestari Eva Septiyani Fatimah Zahra Fitria Mahya Sofa Fransisca Octaviana Kristina Friski Yulia Astuti Garnis Puspitasari Maria Ulfa Miftakhul Azizah Noviyani Nurul Istiqomah Nuzulia Mufida Pratiwi Putri Wiji Utami Pritha Dewi Oktaviana Puji Lestari Putri Dannisa Qonita Nurjannah Rafika Hana Saputri Rahma Putri Ditho Utami Rina Wahyu Nugraheni Risma Devita Sari Salma Putri
29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
Rhamadhani Silvi Anisa Rahma Siti Anisa Ayu Nurul Hidayah Siti Setianingrum Sovia Nurul Wahyuningtias Tri Dewi Lestari Tri Mulyani Uby Galih Sannia Putri Yovi Yossyntha Maharani M. d. PenilaianPre-test cycle 1 NamaSiswa : …………….. Tanggal : ………. Kelas: Kriteria Skor Indikator Short 5 hampirsempurna Answer 4 adakesalahantapitidakmengganggumakna Taks 3 adakesalahandanmengganggumakna 2 banyakkesalahandanmengganggumakna 1 terlalubanyakkesalahansehinggasulituntukdipahami
No Nama
Skor Short answer tasks
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Adellah Balqis Syakinah Agnes Rema Melati Annida Kumala Dewi Any Fahrunisak Aprilia Kartika Dewi Catur Yulianita Eka Lestari
Jumlah Skor
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
Eva Septiyani Fatimah Zahra Fitria Mahya Sofa Fransisca Octaviana Kristina Friski Yulia Astuti Garnis Puspitasari Maria Ulfa Miftakhul Azizah Noviyani Nurul Istiqomah Nuzulia Mufida Pratiwi Putri Wiji Utami Pritha Dewi Oktaviana Puji Lestari Putri Dannisa Qonita Nurjannah Rafika Hana Saputri Rahma Putri Ditho Utami Rina Wahyu Nugraheni Risma Devita Sari Salma Putri Rhamadhani Silvi Anisa Rahma Siti Anisa Ayu Nurul Hidayah Siti Setianingrum Sovia Nurul Wahyuningtias
Tri Dewi Lestari 34. Tri Mulyani Uby Galih 35. Sannia Putri Yovi 36. Yossyntha Maharani M. 33.
e. PenilaianPost-test cycle 1 NamaSiswa : …………….. Tanggal No Nama
Skor Short answer tasks
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Adellah Balqis Syakinah Agnes Rema Melati Annida Kumala Dewi Any Fahrunisak Aprilia Kartika Dewi Catur Yulianita Eka Lestari Eva Septiyani Fatimah Zahra Fitria Mahya Sofa Fransisca Octaviana Kristina Friski Yulia Astuti Garnis Puspitasari Maria Ulfa Miftakhul Azizah
: ………. Jumlah Skor
Kelas: Nilai
16. Noviyani Nurul 17. Istiqomah Nuzulia 18. Mufida Pratiwi Putri 19. Wiji Utami Pritha Dewi 20. Oktaviana 21. Puji Lestari 22. Putri Dannisa Qonita 23. Nurjannah Rafika Hana 24. Saputri Rahma Putri 25. Ditho Utami Rina Wahyu 26. Nugraheni Risma Devita 27. Sari Salma Putri 28. Rhamadhani Silvi Anisa 29. Rahma Siti Anisa Ayu 30. Nurul Hidayah Siti 31. Setianingrum Sovia Nurul 32. Wahyuningtias Tri Dewi 33. Lestari 34. Tri Mulyani Uby Galih 35. Sannia Putri Yovi 36. Yossyntha Maharani M.
Salatiga, Guru Bahasa Inggris
April 2015
Mahasiswa Peneliti
Farida, S. Pd. Ing NIP. 19650221 198903 2 009
Ayu Rohani NIM 113- 11- 147
Kepala SMK N 1 Salatiga
Bambang Dwi H. S.Pd. M.Pd NIP 19570322 198603 1 005
Lampiran 1 The Wolf and the Crane A Wolf had been gorging on an animal he had killed, whensuddenly a small bone in the meat stuck in his throat and he couldnot swallow it. He soon felt terrible pain in his throat, and ranup and down groaning and groaning and seeking for something torelieve the pain. He tried to induce every one he met to removethe bone. "I would give anything," said he, "if you would take itout." At last the Crane agreed to try, and told the Wolf to lieon his side and open his jaws as wide as he could. Then the Craneput its long neck down the Wolf's throat, and with its beakloosened the bone, till at last it got it out."Will you kindly give me the reward you promised?" said theCrane.The Wolf grinned and showed his teeth and said: "Be content.You have put your head inside a Wolf's mouth and taken it outagain in safety; that ought to be reward enough for you."
Lampiran 2 Name:
Pre-test cycle 1 Analyze the fable text and fill in the table! Ant and Dove An ant went to the river for a drink. The water rushed so fast that it was washed off from the bank into the river. “Help! Help! I shall drown”, but its voice to tiny that it couldn be heard A dove perched on a tree hanging over the water. It saw the ant struggling and quickly pecked off a leaf and let it fall into the water. The ant climbed upon it and floated down the river, untill the leaf was washed upon the bank of the river. Several day afterwards, the dove again perched on a tree, a hunter crept up stealthily to the tree. His gun was pointed at the dove and as he was about to shoot, he was bitten on the leg by an ant. He screamed in pain and dropped his gun. This frightened the dove and flew away. “thank you kind ant.” Cooed the dove. The ant heard it and happy that it could help it. character1 1.
Plot (Action)
Plot (Rising Action)
character 2
Plot (Falling Action)
Plot (Climax)
The uses of past tenses (give 3 sentences) :
The moral values of the text
character 2
Dove 1. Setting : An ant went to the river for a drink.
2. Conflict : The water rushed so fast that it was washed off from the bank into the river.“Help! Help! I shall drown”, but its voice to tiny that it couldn be heard
3. Plot (Action) : A dove perched on a tree hanging over the water. It saw the ant struggling and
quickly pecked off a leaf and let it fall into the water. The ant climbed upon it and floated down the river, untill the leaf was washed upon the bank of the river.
4. Plot (Rising Action) : Several day afterwards, the dove again perched on a tree, a hunter crep
up stealthily to the tree.
5. Plot (Climax) : His gun was pointed at the dove and as he was about to shoot, he was bitten on the leg by an ant.He screamed in pain and dropped his gun
6. Plot (Falling Action) : This frightened the dove and flew away. “thank you kind ant.” Cooed
the dove. The ant heard it and happy that it could help it.
The uses of past tenses (give 3 sentences) : a. An ant went to the river for a drink. b. A dove perched on a tree hanging over the water. c. He screamed in pain and dropped his gun. The moral values of the text : We have to help each other.
Lampiran 4
The Hare and the Tortoise Once upon a time, The Hare thought she was the speediest thing on four legs in the forest. She said to the Tortoise,“You will never find anyone faster than me.” The Hare thoughtthat she could beat anyone in a race. She said so to the Tortoise. The Tortoise said,“Try me.”So a race was organised. The Hare and Tortoise turned up at thetrack, and when the judge said,“GO!” the hare shot off. The tortoise set off at a slow speed,just trundling along. Further along the track, the Hare decided that she had time for aquick sleep. She settled down underneath a huge tree, and dozed off.The Tortoise strolled by eventually, and tip toed past the Hare so hedidn’t wake her up. The race continued, and slowly, the tortoise gottowards the finishing line. There was still no sign of the Hare. Thetortoise walked through the winners tape, and was given a trophy forwinning the race. Just then, the Hare came hurtling round the corner,shouting, “I win, I win, I win!!!” But then she saw the tortoise holding the trophy, and could not believe her eyes. The tortoise laughed, and said,“Slow and steady wins the race.”
Mapping a fable Main characters
Falling action
Rising Action
The use of past tenses
Answer key
Mapping a fable Main characters
The Hare and the Tortoise
in the forest
Rising action
Falling Action
Once upon a time, The Hare thought she was the speediest thing on four legs in the forest. She said to the Tortoise, “You will never find anyone faster than me.” The Hare thought that she could beat anyone in a race. She said so to the Tortoise. The Tortoise said, “Try me.” So a race was organised. The Hare and Tortoise turned up at the track, and when the judge said, “GO!” the hare shot off. The tortoise set off at a slow speed, just trundling along. Further along the track, the Hare decided that she had time for a quick sleep. She settled down underneath a huge tree, and dozed off. The Tortoise strolled by eventually, and tip toed past the Hare so he didn’t wake her up. The race continued, and slowly, the tortoise got towards the finishing line. There was still no sign of the Hare. The tortoise walked through the winners tape, and was given a trophy for winning the race. Just then, the Hare came hurtling round the corner, shouting, “I win, I win, I win!!!” But then she saw the tortoise holding the trophy, and could not believe her eyes. The tortoise laughed, and said, “Slow and steady wins the race.
The use of past tenses
a. The Hare thought she was the speediest thing on four legs in the forest. b. The Hare and Tortoise turned up at the track. c. The race continued.
Do not underestimate others
Lampiran 5 Name:
Post-test cycle 1 Analyze the fable text and fill in the table!
The Lion and The Mouse Once upon a lion was fall asleep. He felt a little Mouse began running up and down upon him, this soon wakened the Lion. The mouse was very frightened and asked the lion not to eat him. The mouse said that he would do something for the lion if he let him go. The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him. However, he let the mouse go. The Little mouse ran away. One day the lion was walking along and he stepped into a trap. He was caught in a net. He called for help and the little mouse came. The mouse had sharp teeth and he bit through the ropes. The lion was very free and happy. The lion thanked to the little mouse. Character1 7.
Plot (Action)
10. Plot (Rising Action)
11. Plot (Falling Action)
12. Plot (Climax)
character 2
The uses of past tenses (give 3 sentences) :
The moral values of the text
Answer key character1
character 2
1. Setting : In the forest
2. Conflict: Once upon a lion was fall asleep. He felt a little Mouse began running up and down
upon him, this soon wakened the Lion 3. Plot (Action) : The mouse was very frightened and asked the lion not to eat him. The mouse said that he would do something for the lion if he let him go. The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him. However, he let the mouse go. The Little mouse ran away.
4. Plot (Rising Action) : One day the lion was walking along and he stepped into a trap. He wa
caught in a net 5. Plot (Climax) : The mouse had sharp teeth and he bit through the ropes.
6. Plot (Falling Action) : The lion was very free and happy. The lion thanked to the little mouse
The uses of past tenses (give 3 sentences) :
a. Once upon a lion was fall asleep. b. He felt a little Mouse began running up and down upon him, this soon wakened the Lion.
c. The mouse was very frightened and asked the lion not to eat him.
The moral values of the text : Even the small one can help the bigger one.
RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN Satuan Pendidikan Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Materi Pokok Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu
: SMK N 1Salatiga : Bahasa Inggris : X/II : Fable text :2 : 2 x 45 menit
J. KOMPETENSI INTI 5) Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya. 6) Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong), kerjasama, toleran, damai, santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia. 7) Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisa pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomenadan kejadian serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural dalam bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah. 8) Mengolah, menalar dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajari di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan. K. KOMPETENSI DASAR DAN INDIKATOR No Kompetensi Dasar Indikator 1. 1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan 1. Peserta didik dapat dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris mengidentifikasi teks berbentuk sebagai bahasa pengantar fabel. komunikasi internasional yang 2. Peserta didik dapat menganalisa diwujudkan dalam semangat teks berbentuk fabel. belajar 2. 2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku Jujur jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan 3. Berperilaku selalu dapat bertanggung jawab dipercaya dalam perkataan, dalammelaksanakan komunikasi perbuatan dan pekerjaan baik transaksional dengan guru dan terhadap diri sendiri dan pihak
orang lain Peduli 4. Berperilaku peduli dengan mengajukan pertanyaanpertanyaan kritis terhadap masalahmasalah yang dikemukakan dalam teks fabel 5. Berperilaku peduli dengan selalu mengerjakan tugas dengan baik. Disiplin 6. Berperilaku selalu melaksanakan tugas dan kewajibannya dengan baik pada kegiatan pembelajaran Fable Text. 7. Berperilaku selalu menyelesaikan tugas dengan data atau informasi yang dapat dipercaya pada kegiatan pembelajaran Fable Text. Santun 8. Menggunakan pilihan kata, ekspresi dan gestur santun 9. Berperilaku menunjukkan sikap halus dan baik dari sudut pandang bahasa maupun tata perilakunya.
3.10 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks naratifsederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
Menyebutkan unsur-unsur ada dalam Fable Text
4.15 Menangkap makna teks Peserta didik dapat mengerti naratif lisan dan tulis berbentuk makna yang terdapat dalam teks legenda, sederhana. berbentuk fabel.
1. Menunjukkan kesungguhan belajar bahasa Inggris terkait teks naratif sederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat. 2. Menunjukkan perilaku peduli, percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab dalam melaksanakankomunikasi terkait teks naratif sederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat. 3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, makna dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratifsederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat. 4. Menganalisa fungsi sosial, struktur teks, makna dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratifsederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat. 5. Menangkap makna teks naratif lisan dan tulis berbentuk legenda, sederhana. M. MATERI PELAJARAN 8. Fakta : Fables are simple, traditional tales with a moral or lesson. They were told thousands of years ago by storytellers in countries like Greece and Persia. Characters are usually animals who behaved as humans. They often have special qualities. 9. Konsep :FungsiSosial dari teks fabel adalah to amuse/entertain the readers/listeners. 10. Fungsi sosial : Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman. 11. UnsurKebahasaan : b) Use of time words; connective conjunction such as then, before, after that, a few moments later, etc, and temporal conjunctions such as; once upon a time, one day, long time ago, many years ago, etc. c) Use of adjective to build the animals charactersuch as The dilligent ant. d) Using past Tense; simple past tense , past perfect, past continuous, past perfect continuous, or past future continuous 12. StrukturTeks Parts of Fable Purpose Setting and Character To introduce setting and characters Conflict To show the starting of the conflict Plot(Action) Plot (Rising Action) Plot (Climax)
To show an action To show the rising action To show the climax
Plot (Falling Action)
To show the falling action
13. Topik :Berbagai hal terkait dengan interaksi antara guru dan siswa selamaproses pembelajaran, di dalam maupun di luar kelas, dengan memberikanketeladanan tentang perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggungjawab. 14. TujuanPembelajaran :Siswa terampil mengidentifikasi dan merespon teks tulis fabeluntuk menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks, secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama, dan cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).percayadiri, bertanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dancintadamai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan). N. PENDEKATAN DAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN 3. PendekatandalampembelajaraninimenggunakanScientific approach/pendekatanilmiahdenganlangkah-langkahsebagaiberikut: mengamati, menanya, menalar, mencoba, danmembuatjejaring. 4. Model pembelajaran yang dipergunakanadalah: PBL/Problem Based Learing, menggunakanpermasalahansebagai media. O. STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN 4. Lecturing 5.Discussion 6.Write sentence based on video and picture given P. LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN KEGIATAN
DESKRIPSI KEGIATAN 7. Guru masuk ke kelas dan menyapa menggunakan bahasa Inggris agar tercipta English Environment. 8. Guru membukapelajarandenganmengucapsalamdanberdoa.
9. Guru memeriksakehadiranpesertadidiksebagaisikapdisiplin. 10. Apersepsi (menyambungkan dipelajari sebelumnya)
11. Menyampaikan model dantujuanpembelajaran.
Mengamati 13. Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa tentang teks fabel (fungsi sosialnya, kebahasannya, struktur teksnya) 14. Siswa memperhatikan dengan saksama penjelasan guru. Menanya 15. Siswa mempertanyakan hal-hal yang belum jelas dari penjelasan guru Mengeksplorasi dan mengasosiasi 16. Guru memberikan pre-test kepada siswa untuk menganalisa teks fabel (Lampiran 1) 17. Siswa mengumpulkan pre-test untuk dinilai guru. Pelaksanaan Metode PBL 60 menit a. Meeting the Problem 18. Guru memberikan sebuah gambar sebagai permasalahan kepada siswa untuk diteliti.(Lampiran 2) 19. b. Problem analysis and learning issue Guru memulai mempertanyakan isi dan struktur kebahasaaan dari video. d. Discovery and reporting 12. Guru membentukkelompok/rombonganbelajar yang heterogendenganmenggunakanhasilobservasikelas ( menerapkanprinsiptidakmembedakantingkatkemampuanberpiki r, jeniskelamin, agama, suku, dll) 13.Guru memberikan panduan untuk menyelesaikan masalah (Lampiran 3) 14.Denganbimbingandanarahan guru, siswa menganalisa teks video lampiran 2 d. Solution, presentation and reflection 15. Siswa dan guru melakukan diskusi kelas untuk menganalisis pemecahan masalah, menyamakan persepsi, e. Overview, Integrating and Reflecting 15.Siswa dan guru menganalisa kelemahan diri maupun kelompok, dan menyampaikan saran untuk pembelajaran ke depan. 20. 16.Guru memberikan pos-test cycle 1 (Lampiran 4) 3. Siswadenganbimbingan guru, membuatkesimpulan dan refleksitentangteks fabelyang telahdipelajaribersama. 10 menit 4. Siswadipersilakanuntukmempelajarimateriselanjutnya. Total Waktu
75 menit
a. Menggunakanpicture from Aesop’s fablesuntuklebihmudahdalammemahami dialog yang adapadateks. b. LCD c. White Board d. Laptop 4. SumberBelajar - Buku siswa kurikulum 2013 - Sumberbuku lain yang relevan R. INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN HASIL BELAJAR f. PenilaianSikap Indikator : Siswa menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalammelaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman. Kriteria Jujur
Skor 5 4
Percaya Diri
Mata Pelajaran Tanggal
Indikator tidakpernahmenunjukkansikaptidakjujur pernahmenunjukkansikaptidakjujur
3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
beberapa kali menunjukkansikaptidakjujur seringmenunjukkansikaptidakjujur sangatseringmenunjukkansikaptidakjujur tidakpernahmenunjukkansikaptidakdisiplin pernahmenunjukkansikaptidakdisiplin beberapa kali menunjukkansikaptidakdisiplin seringmenunjukkansikaptidakdisiplin sangatseringmenunjukkansikaptidakdisiplin
5 4 3
tidakpernahmenunjukkansikaptidakpercayadiri pernahmenunjukkansikaptidakpercayadiri beberapa kali menunjukkansikaptidakpercayadiri seringmenunjukkansikaptidakpercayadiri sangatseringmenunjukkansikaptidakpercayadiri tidakpernahmenunjukkansikaptidaksantun pernahmenunjukkansikaptidaksantun beberapa kali menunjukkansikaptidaksantun seringmenunjukkansikaptidaksantun sangatseringmenunjukkansikaptidaksantun
2 1 5 4 3 2 1
: ...... : ……….
Kelas No Nama
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
Adellah Balqis Syakinah Agnes Rema Melati Annida Kumala Dewi Any Fahrunisak Aprilia Kartika Dewi Catur Yulianita Eka Lestari Eva Septiyani Fatimah Zahra Fitria Mahya Sofa Fransisca Octaviana Kristina Friski Yulia Astuti Garnis Puspitasari Maria Ulfa Miftakhul Azizah Noviyani Nurul Istiqomah Nuzulia Mufida Pratiwi Putri Wiji Utami Pritha Dewi Oktaviana Puji Lestari Putri Dannisa Qonita Nurjannah Rafika Hana Saputri
: Skor Disiplin Disiplin Percaya diri
Jumlah Nilai Skor
25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
Rahma Putri Ditho Utami Rina Wahyu Nugraheni Risma Devita Sari Salma Putri Rhamadhani Silvi Anisa Rahma Siti Anisa Ayu Nurul Hidayah Siti Setianingrum Sovia Nurul Wahyuningtias Tri Dewi Lestari Tri Mulyani Uby Galih Sannia Putri Yovi Yossyntha Maharani M. g. Penilaiantingkahlaku Kriteria Skor Kerja sama 5 4
Keaktifan berkomunikasi
3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Indikator selalubekerjasama seringbekerjasama beberapa kali melakukankerjasama pernahbekerjasama tidakpernahbekerjasama selalumelakukankegiatankomunikasi yang tepat seringmelakukankegiatankomunikasi yang tepat beberapa kali melakukankegiatankomunikasi yang tepat pernahmelakukankegiatankomunikasi yang tepat tidakpernahmelakukankegiatankomunikasi yang tepat
Mata Pelajaran Tanggal Kelas No NamaSiswa 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Adellah Balqis Syakinah Agnes Rema Melati Annida Kumala Dewi Any Fahrunisak Aprilia Kartika Dewi Catur Yulianita Eka Lestari Eva Septiyani Fatimah Zahra Fitria Mahya Sofa Fransisca Octaviana Kristina Friski Yulia Astuti Garnis Puspitasari Maria Ulfa Miftakhul Azizah Noviyani Nurul Istiqomah Nuzulia Mufida Pratiwi Putri Wiji Utami Pritha Dewi Oktaviana Puji Lestari Putri Dannisa Qonita
: ...... : ………. :
Skor Jumlahskor Nilai Kerjasama KeaktifanKomunikasi
24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
Nurjannah Rafika Hana Saputri Rahma Putri Ditho Utami Rina Wahyu Nugraheni Risma Devita Sari Salma Putri Rhamadhani Silvi Anisa Rahma Siti Anisa Ayu Nurul Hidayah Siti Setianingrum Sovia Nurul Wahyuningtias Tri Dewi Lestari Tri Mulyani Uby Galih Sannia Putri Yovi Yossyntha Maharani M.
h. PenilaianPre-test cycle 1 Mata Pelajaran : ...... Tanggal : ………. Kelas :
Kriteria Short Answer Task
Skor 2 1
Indikator sempurna Ada kesalahan
Skor Short answer tasks
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
Adellah Balqis Syakinah Agnes Rema Melati Annida Kumala Dewi Any Fahrunisak Aprilia Kartika Dewi Catur Yulianita Eka Lestari Eva Septiyani Fatimah Zahra Fitria Mahya Sofa Fransisca Octaviana Kristina Friski Yulia Astuti Garnis Puspitasari Maria Ulfa Miftakhul Azizah Noviyani Nurul Istiqomah Nuzulia Mufida Pratiwi Putri Wiji Utami Pritha Dewi Oktaviana Puji Lestari Putri Dannisa Qonita Nurjannah Rafika Hana Saputri Rahma Putri Ditho Utami Rina Wahyu Nugraheni Risma Devita Sari Salma Putri Rhamadhani Silvi Anisa Rahma
Jumlah Skor
30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
Siti Anisa Ayu Nurul Hidayah Siti Setianingrum Sovia Nurul Wahyuningtias Tri Dewi Lestari Tri Mulyani Uby Galih Sannia Putri Yovi Yossyntha Maharani M. i. PenilaianPost-test cycle 1 NamaSiswa : …………….. Tanggal
No Nama 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Adellah Balqis Syakinah Agnes Rema Melati Annida Kumala Dewi Any Fahrunisak Aprilia Kartika Dewi Catur Yulianita Eka Lestari Eva Septiyani Fatimah Zahra Fitria Mahya Sofa
Fransisca 11. Octaviana Kristina Friski Yulia 12. Astuti Garnis 13. Puspitasari
Skor Short answer tasks
: ………. Jumlah Skor
Kelas: Nilai
14. Maria Ulfa Miftakhul 15. Azizah 16. Noviyani Nurul 17. Istiqomah Nuzulia 18. Mufida Pratiwi Putri 19. Wiji Utami Pritha Dewi 20. Oktaviana 21. Puji Lestari 22. Putri Dannisa Qonita 23. Nurjannah Rafika Hana 24. Saputri Rahma Putri 25. Ditho Utami Rina Wahyu 26. Nugraheni Risma Devita 27. Sari Salma Putri 28. Rhamadhani Silvi Anisa 29. Rahma Siti Anisa Ayu 30. Nurul Hidayah Siti 31. Setianingrum Sovia Nurul 32. Wahyuningtias Tri Dewi 33. Lestari 34. Tri Mulyani Uby Galih 35. Sannia Putri Yovi 36. Yossyntha Maharani M.
Guru Bahasa Inggris
Mahasiswa Peneliti
Farida, S. Pd. Ing NIP. 19650221 198903 2 009
Ayu Rohani NIM 113- 11- 147
Kepala SMK N 1 Salatiga
Bambang Dwi H. S.Pd. M.Pd NIP 19570322 198603 1 005
Appendix 1 Match the picture in the left column with the fable story in the right column! Then, stick the picture on the worksheet below!
a.Once upon a time, the Fox and the Stork were on visiting terms and seemed very good friends in the forest.
b.The stork seated the table for their dinner. It was contained in a very long-necked jar with a narrow mouth, in which the Fox could not insert his snout, so all he could manage to do was to lick the outside of the jar.. c. The fox was angry with the Stork. However, the fox remembered when he invited the Stork to visit him. He served the soup in a plate. The stork couldn’t eat the soup. The fox felt guilty. d.Then the fox apologized to the Stork. The Stork didn’t want to revenge. She wanted the Stork to realize his fault. At the end, the fox and the stork became good friends . e."Pray do not apologise," said the Stork. "I hope you will return this visit, and come and dine with me soon." Then, the fork cooked much soup for the fox at the fox visiting day
f. The Fox invited the Stork to dinner, and for a joke put nothing before her but some soup in a plate. This the Fox could easily lap up, but the Stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it, and left the meal as hungry as when she began. "I am sorry," said the Fox, "the soup is not to your liking..
Pre-test cycle 2 Name : Class : No. : Picture
Generic structure
1. What is the purpose of the text! 2. What is the character of the fox and the stork! 3. What can you learn from the story! Answer key Pre-test cycle 2 Name : Class : No. : Picture
Generic structure Setting and Characters
a.Once upon a time, the Fox and the Stork were on visiting terms and seemed very good friends in the forest. Conflict f. The Fox invited the Stork to dinner, and for a joke put nothing before her but some soup in a plate. This the Fox could easily lap up, but the Stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it, and left the meal as hungry as when she began. "I am sorry," said the Fox, "the soup is not to your liking.
e."Pray do not apologise," said the Stork. "I hope you will return this visit, and come and dine with me soon." Then, the fork cooked much soup for the fox at the fox visiting day b.The stork seated the table for their dinner. It was contained in a very long-necked jar with a narrow mouth, in which the Fox could not insert his snout, so all he could manage to do was to lick the outside of the jar.
c. The fox was angry with the Stork. However, the fox remembered when he invited the Stork to visit him. He served the soup in a plate. The stork couldn’t eat the soup. The fox felt guilty. d.Then the fox apologized to the Stork. The Stork didn’t want to revenge. She wanted the Stork to realize his fault. At the end, the fox and the
Rising Action
Falling Action
stork became good friends .
1. What is the purpose of the text!To amuse/entertain the readers 2. What is the character of the fox and the stork!the fox is careless, the stork is kind-hearted and smart 3. What can you learn from the story!Everybody is uniqe, Everybody has own strength and weakness
Appendix 2
a. But as soon as the lion came near to Androcles he recognised his friend, and fawned upon him, and licked his hands like a friendly dog. The Emperor, surprised at this, summoned Androcles to him, who told him the whole story. Whereupon the slave was pardoned and freed, and the Lion let loose to his native forest. b.Androcles pulled out the thorn and bound up the paw of the Lion, who was soon able to rise and lick the hand of Androcles like a dog.
c. It happened in the old days at Rome that a slave named Androcles escaped from his master and fled into the forest, and he wandered there for a long time until he was weary and well nigh spent with hunger and despair d. . As Androcles was wondering about the place, a Lion lying down moaning and groaning. As he came near, the Lion put out his paw, which was all swollen and bleeding, and Androcles found that a huge thorn had got into it, and was causing all the pain
e.Then the Lion took Androcles to his cave, and every day used to bring him meat from which to live. For some time the lion continued to bring the game he had killed to Androcles, who became quite fond of the huge beast. The lion and Androcles became good friend.
f. The Emperor and all his Court came to see the spectacle, and Androcles was led out into the middle of the arena. Soon the Lion was let loose from his den, and rushed bounding and roaring towards his victim
6. 7.
g. However, one day a number of soldiers came marching through the forest and found Androcles, and as he could not explain what he was doing they took him prisoner and brought him back to the town from which he had fled
Generic structure
1. What is the purpose of the text! 2. What is the character of Androcles and the Lion! 3. What can you learn from the story!
Answer key
c.It happened in the old days at Rome that a slave named Androcles escaped from his master and fled into the forest, and he wandered there for a long time until he was weary and well nigh spent with hunger and despair.
d.As Androcles was wondering about the place, a Lion lying down moaning and groaning. As he came near, the Lion put out his paw, which was all swollen and bleeding, and Androcles found that a huge thorn had got into it, and was causing all the pain
b.Androcles pulled out the thorn and bound up the paw of the Lion, who was soon able to rise and lick the hand of Androcles like a dog.
e.Then the Lion took Androcles to his cave, and every day used to bring him meat from which to live. For some time the lion continued to bring the game he had killed to Androcles, who became quite fond of the huge beast. The lion and Androcles became good friend.
g. However, one day a number of soldiers came marching through the forest and found Androcles, and as he could not explain what he was doing they took him prisoner and brought him back to the town from which he had fled. f. The Emperor and all his Court came to see the spectacle, and Androcles was led out into the middle of the arena. Soon the Lion was let loose from his den, and rushed bounding and roaring towards his victim
a. But as soon as the lion
came near to Androcles he recognised his friend, and fawned upon him, and licked his hands like a friendly dog. The Emperor, surprised at this, summoned Androcles to him, who told him the whole story. Whereupon the slave was pardoned and freed, and the Lion let loose to his native forest.
1. What is the purpose of the text! To amuse/entertain the readers 2. What is the character of Androcles and the Lion? The Lion is loyal, Androcles is kind man 3. What can you learn from the story! Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.
Post-test cycle 2 Name Class No
: : : a.The giraffe put her head in the hole. She pushed her head to the hole, pushed and pushed until she saw the honey. She ate the delicious honey for free. The lion was right, the stomach ache was gone.
b.Giraffe ate mangoes or apples everyday. As a result, giraffe used to have stomach ache. Many other animals tried to give her solution. Lion, the jungle king, told that honey was the best for stomach ache.
c.Day by day, the giraffe stucK in the hole. Her neck grew longer, longer and longer. One day, she tried so hard to pull her head out. It worked. The giraffe was free. At the end, the giraffe had long neck and she could eat anything she wanted.
d.Giraffe asked the bee to give her the honey. “Why do you need honey?”asked the queen bee. “I have stomach ache. Would you give me, please!” said the giraffe. “oh, you can take it”the bee pointed the hole which full of honey. e.Long years ago, giraffe had a short legs and short neck. The giraffe only ate some foods such as mangoes or grass. Giraffe couldn’t reach the high trees.
5. 6.
f.After eating the honey, giraffe tried to pull her head out. Unfortunately, it seemed that her head stuck in the hole. Other animal tried to pull her out by her legs, but it failed. 1. What is the purpose of the text! 2. What is the character of giraffe? 3. What can you learn from the story
Generic structure
e.Long years ago, giraffe had a short legs and short neck. The giraffe only ate some foods such as mangoes or grass. Giraffe couldn’t reach the high trees b.Giraffe ate mangoes or apples everyday. As a result, giraffe used to have stomach ache. Many other animals tried to give her solution. Lion, the jungle king, told that honey was the best for stomach ache.
d.Giraffe asked the bee to give her the honey. “Why do you need honey?”asked the queen bee. “I have stomach ache. Would you give me, please!” said the giraffe. “oh, you can take it”the bee pointed the hole which full of honey.
a.The giraffe put her head in the hole. She pushed her head to the hole, pushed and pushed until she saw the honey. She ate the delicious honey for free. The lion was right, the stomach ache was gone.
.f.After eating the honey, giraffe tried to pull her head out. Unfortunately, it seemed that her head stuckin the hole. Other animal tried to pull her out by her legs, but it failed. 2.
c.Day by day, the giraffe stuck in the hole. Her neck grew longer, longer and longer. One day, she tried so hard to pull her head out. It worked. The giraffe was free. At the end, the giraffe had long neck and she could eat anything she wanted.
1. What is the purpose of the text!TO AMUSE OR ENTERTAIN THE READERS
2. What is the character of giraffe? THE GIRAFFE IS STEADY. 3. What can you learn from the story? We should try hard to get what we want,