Siti hlnlia h W hfnlkiyyah. F34101068 Dimerisasi Eogenol Hasil Isolasi dari hlinyak Cengkeh hlengganakan Katali Asam Padat Dibawab bimbingan Dr. Ir. hleika Syahbana Rusli, h$Sc dan Dr. S&ester Tnniloadi, hL Eng. 2008.
Indonesia merupakan salah .satu penghasil minyak cengkeh m k s a r di dunia Pasokan minyak cengkeh Indonesia ke pasm &a mencapai 60% kebuhlhan dunia Pada tahun 2000, dari 2,080 ton minyak cengkeh yang dipasarkan, Indonesia memasok 1 317 ton (Deptan, 2005). Minyak cengkeh maupah minyak atsiri dengan komposisi utama golongan few1 yaitu eugenol sebesar 80%. P d m minyak cengkeb tenrtama se-bagai produk-produk dan ddam produk mpuran -fro@en-) komumsi harim sepem phq prod& peravEatao kulit, dmdoran, sabuq shampo. detejen ser&asebagdi bahan intermediet dalam produld d i n sintetik Sedanpada bidang farmasi pemadbfamyamasih kurang sebgg dilakukan penelitian tmtuk memberikan nilai tambah dari eugeml d e a p proses derivatisasi yang dimerisasi eugenol. Hasil dimerisasi eugenol yaitu dimer eugenol @ d i s i i dieugenol memiliki daya antioksdian yang sanga! tinggi sebanding den* senyawa o-tokoferol yang berfungsi sebagai sumber vitamin E di dalam tuhuh manusia (Hadayani, 2001). Reaksi dimerisasi eugenol iii dilakukan dengan mereaksikan eugenol (I0 gr) dalam k u a n F'yridio (CsHsN) dengan perrambahan Wis asam padat dan senyaw ogsigen jadikal HiQogen Peroksida (Hz@) pada suhu 60°C selama 24 jam (Ogata, 2000). Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pembuatan sintesa dimer eugewl dengan menggcmakan variasi katalis yang terredia di alam maupm sin!etik Adapun tujuan khusumya yaitu mengetahui peogad kondisi proses sepertj wakhl, suhu dan komentmsi katalis tmtuk memperoleh kondisi proses yang m a k s i . Variasi katalis yang diguuakan )aitu Zeolit, Bentonit, Zeolit Komersial (Zeolyst), FeSOh W ,dan Ti&. Katalis-katalis tasebut digunakan dalam suasana asam yaitu dengan penambahan asam sulfa (HZSO,) dan di preparasi dengan metode yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan kondisi katalis yang d h g i r k m Mekanirme )ang terjadi saa! proses dimerisasi Mangstmg yaitu Reds; Oksidolif Kopling dimam melibatkan reaksi radikal bebas )ang terdiri dari tiga tahap )aim inisiasi (permulaan), ppagasi (perambataq clan t e r m h i @engakhiran). Setelah proses dimerisasi eugenol selama 24 jam, senyawva )ang didapatkan dimumikan dengan menggunakan sistem krornatografi kolom. Seya\\arnumi yang dihasilkan dievaluasi lebih lanjui menggunakan andisa krocromatografi dan spehmfotometn' seperti TLC (7lrin layer' Chromo~ogrophy)), CiC (Gar Chromofogrophy),GC-MS (GasChromofograp~Adars Spehascopy), LC-MS (Liquid ChromofograpIpA4ay Spedroswpy)), FTIR (Fourier Trmrrfom Infio Red), dan NEvIR (Nuclear Mognetic Resomime). Dari ewaluasi kromatografi, spehSmfotometri, dan NEvIR diketabu; proses dirnerisasi rnenggunalian katalis ZrO? dan Ti@ menghasilkan kristal dimer eugenol dengan identifikasi bobot molehd sejumlah dua Mi bobot molehd eugenol dihxmgi dua atom hidroga [(2 x 164>2H)=j26.
Dimer eugenol yang dihasillran benrpa kristal putih dengan bentuk @el )tang tidak beraturan cenderung tajam. Rendemen yang dihasilkan dari proses dimeiisasi menggunalian katalis ZIO,/sO, sebesar I% (0,l gr) dan )ang mengunah katalis TiWSO, sebesar 10% (I gr) dari daribobot eugenol )ang digunakan. Kafa hmci : Eugenol. Dimer Eugenol. Dimerisasi. Kafalis A m Podof, Renksi Oksi&t$Kopfing.
Siti 3folia hlalikil hlnlkiyyah. F3410U)68 Dimerization Of Eugenol From Clove Oil By Using Catalyst Activated Snlfat Acid Snpervised by hfeika Syahbaoa Rosli dan Sihrester Tnniloadi 2008. SmntARY Indonesia is one of the biggest clove oil producer in the wvorld. Supply of clove oil from Indonesia to the \\.orid market reach 600h dunaod of the \rod& In the year 2000, from 2,080 tons market of clove oil, Indowsia supplied 1,317 tom
Clove leaf oil is essential oils \with main composition of faction of pheool that is eugenol equal to SO?!. Exploiting of clove leaf oil specially as mixture in fragrant and in products and in daily c o m e r product like perfume, @&meat product of sbrin, deodorant, soap, shampoo, detergent and as component of intermediet in produce of syothetic Mnillin While at its the exploiting pharmacy area still less causing is done research to give added value from eugenol with deriMtizarion process oamed by dimeniation of eugenol. Result of dimerization of eugenol tfiat is dimeric of eugenol or shortened eugenol to has energy or power antioxidant a real proportional heighr with compotmd functioning tocopherol as. source of vitamin E in human body (Belitz and Grosch. . 1987). Reaaion of dimenratlon of this eugenol done with reacting eugenol(10 gr) in condensation Pyridin (C&IsN) with addition of solid acid catalyst and Hydrogen peroxide radical oxygen compound (Hz@) a tempemhe 6W b i o g 24 horn (Ogata,2000). This research general purpose is study making of dimeric synthesis of eugenol by using variouj h l a b l e catalyst in nature and also synthetic. As for p q a e of especially \ras knowing influence condition of process like time, temperahue and concentralion of catalyst to obtain condition of maximum process. Various d y s t applied that is Zealit,. Bentonit, Commercial Zeolite (Zeolyst), F a , , m,and Ti@. The catalysts applied in sour situation that is with addition of sulphate acid (H2SOa) and in preparation with diffesent metbod as . . according to condition of ca&lyst wanted. Mechanism happewd wheo dimenzabon process takes plaw that is Oksidative Coupliog Reaction where entangling reactioo of free radical consisted of three p h that is initiation (start), propagasi (propagator), and termination (terminating). After dimerizabon process of eugenol during 21 hours, compound got purified by using column chromatography s)sm~. pure Seyawa yielded evaluated furthemore applies chrooxmgqhy analysis and spectropbotornetry like TLC (Thin layer Chromatography), GC (Gas Chromatography), GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Specnoscopy), LC-MS (Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectroswpy), FI-IR (Fourier Tramform ffi Red), and N M R (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance). From evaluation of chromatography, specnophotometry, and N M R is known by dimerization process to apply catalyst Zr02 and Ti02 yields dimeric crystal of eugenol with identification of molecular weight a number of h i e eugenol molecular \\.eight is lesseoed by hvo hydrogen atoms [( 2 x 164>2*326. Dimeric of eugenol yielded in the form of white c r ) d \with form of irregular particle tended to sharply. Redement yielded From dimerization process to apply
caralyst Zr021S04 equal to 1% (0,l gr) and using catalyst Ti021S04 equal to 10°?( I gr) born eugenol tvivlght applied
Keyword : Eugenol, Dimeric of Eupenol, Dimerization, C a t a l ~Solid Acid, 0X)'dative Reaction of Coupling.
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