Curriculum Vitae
Ties Rijcken
Personalia Full name Title Born Phone E-mail Residence
Mr. Ties Rijcken Ir. (master of engineering; MSc) March 24, 1976 0031 6 4122 7617
[email protected] Molenpolder | Netherlands Headline Profile: scholar, innovator and publicist Technical fascination: the complexity of integrated national water systems Societal fascination: the democratic process, risk perception and conceptions about nature-technology-man relationships Societal mission: to enhance the understanding of scientific input in decision-making (on delta development and water systems) Innovation challenge: to apply new information and communication technology to integrate the above Education
‘10-’15 ’96-’03 ’01 ’94-’96 ’88-’94
Delft University of Technology PhD on Dutch flood risk policy and delta technology development since the Delta Works [currently finalising thesis] Masters Industrial Design Engineering (cum laude, grade: 10) Various courses in Civil Engineering Stanford University, USA Visiting student Product Design University of Utrecht Geophysics (first and second year) Praedinius, Groningen Gymnasium Professional positions
’10-’15 ’07-’09 ’09-‘15 ’07-’08 ’05-’07 ’01-’05
Delft University of Technology; Civil Engineering; Hydraulic Engineering Researcher 2 on integrated delta development Researcher 4 on living with water Delft University Infrastructures & Environment Initiatives (Hydraulic & Coastal Engineering, Water Management, Urbanism and Policy Analysis) Scientific secretary delta development Ministry of Housing and the Environment (SEV) Consultant Living with water Delft University; Architecture; Building Technology Research and design on floating and industrial housing concepts Floating home manufacturer ABC Arkenbouw Floating technology innovation manager
Curriculum Vitae
Ties Rijcken
Teaching experience ’06-‘14 ’07-’14 ’12-’13 ’09 ’06-‘07 ’05-‘06 ’04 ’05 ’05 ’95-’97
Delft University of Technology; Civil Engineering, Architecture and Industrial Design Engineering Mentor or advisor for various masters’ theses Initiator, coordinator and lecturer in masters graduation studios Climate Adaptation Lab and Delta Interventions Delft University; Civil Engineering; Hydraulic Engineering Group mentor for 4th year project on flood risk serious gaming Mentor and advisor for various bachelor’s theses [with ir. Tjalle de Haan] International COMEM delta design, group mentor Delft University; Architecture Assistant teacher for 4th year architectural design class Delft University; Industrial Design Engineering Group mentor for Product Design 6 Group mentor for Product Design 3 Erasmus University; Rotterdam school of management Assistant teacher innovation management [with Prof. dr. ing. Teun Hardjono] Hogeschool Rotterdam Mentor for various graduation projects University of Utrecht; Earth Sciences Teaching assistant in mechanics and mathematics Scientific publications
‘14 ’13 ’12
’10 ’07 ’06 ’05
Research in Urbanism Series 2(1), p 249-276; A critical approach to certain ideas about flood risk [Accepted] European Journal of Geography; SimDelta Global [with David Christopher, Louisiana State University] MDPI Water 2012, 4(2), 295-320; SimDelta—Inquiry into an Internet-Based Interactive Model for Water Infrastructure Development in The Netherlands [with dr. ir, Jan Stijnen and drs. Nadine Slootjes] MDPI Water 2012, 4(2), 474-493; Influence of a Storm Surge Barrier’s Operation on the Flood Frequency in the Rhine Delta Area [co-author, with ir. Hua Zhong, dr. ir. Peter-Jules van Overloop and dr. ir. Pieter van Gelder] 5th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM5), 27-29 September 2011, Tokyo, Japan; Moveable barriers in the Rhine-Meuse estuary [with dr. ir. Matthijs Kok] Kennis voor Klimaat; Rhine estuary closeable but open, a systems approach BouwIQ, tijdschrift voor bouwinnovatie; Autarkisch Drijven [with dr. ir. Arjan van Timmeren] Agora, tijdschrift voor sociaal-ruimtelijke vraagstukken; Van woonboot naar waterwijk International conference Doing, thinking, feeling home – 14-15 October 2005, Delft; Floating neighbourhoods as they were and will be; why dwellers would want to live on water Delft University of Technology; Towards a Floating Concept House [with prof. dr. ir. Mick Eekhout]
Curriculum Vitae
Ties Rijcken
Professional publications Kennis voor Klimaat / Deltaprogramma Rijnmond-Drechtsteden; Onderzoek faalkans Maeslantkering en ontwerp ‘tweede linie’ [co-author, with dr. ir. Ton Botterhuis, prof. dr. ir. Matthijs Kok, ir. Ad van der Toorn] Magazine Nationale Veiligheid en Crisisbeheersing, 9 (3); Keteneffecten Japan ook bij overstromingsrampen in Nederland te verwachten [co-author, with dr. ir. Bas Jonkman and ir. Joost Lansen] Stedenbouw en Ruimtelijke Ordening; Zoden aan de Dijk tegen Waterwolven [book review] Financieele Dagblad; Draaien aan de kranen in strijd tegen het water [with dr. ir. Peter-Jules van Overloop] [book] De Republiek; Waterwijken Wereldwijd Financieele Dagblad; Rotterdam straks schoonste en slimste haven ter wereld [with prof. ir. Han Ligteringen] [book part] ARCAM; Ligplaats Amsterdam Stedenbouw en Architectuur; Bouwen voor peilfluctuatie en verplaatsbaarheid Cement; De drijvende bouwsteen: modulair drijvend funderingsconcept voor bebouwing, begroeiing en bestrating [with ir. Joop den Uyl]
’09 ’08 ‘08 ’07 ’06
Essays Europoort Kringen; Natural factors in engineering TU Delft en Waterforum; Tien jaar meerlaagsveiligheid Financieele Dagblad; De tuinman en de ingenieur Wilde Roos (eigen beheer); Een goed verhaal De Ingenieur; Masters of the Universe - de ideeëningenieur De Volkskrant; Waak voor de modes in de waterwereld Wilde Roos (eigen beheer); Veiliger kunnen we het niet maken, wel natter De Volkskrant; The Ultimate Dyke Operator Stedenbouw en Ruimtelijke Ordening; Gevangen in de risicospiraal?
‘13 ’12 ’11 ’09 ‘08 ‘07 ‘08 ‘08 ‘05 ’04 ‘99 ’95
Awards Rotary Europe; Leonardo da Vinci art&science award (handed over by minister of education Ronald Plasterk) Faculty of Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology; 3d prize entrepreneurial scientist award Royal Institute of Engineers KIVI; Technology and Society thesis award NNK Netherlands; Quality management research award Dutch association of Universities VSNU; Winner of essay prize on future society problems, awarded Kennedy grant to visit Stanford University Royal Dutch Shell; Winner of student travel bourse Columns, lectures and presentations
See appendix
Curriculum Vitae
Ties Rijcken
Languages Native Good Reasonable Moderate
Dutch English French, German Spanish, Italian Various
Inventor of Kolonisten van Catan – Dijken & Polders (Settlers of Catan – Delta Dwellers) [under development] ’11 Chairman/host Building with Nature student symposium ’10 Chairman/host student session Delta Commissioner’s visit to Delft UT 09-’10 Executive coordinator of research project Rhine estuary closeable but open, an integrated exploration [with dr. ir. Matthijs Kok, prof. ir. Maurits de Hoog, drs. Nadine Slootjes, dr. ir. Jan Stijnen, ir. Anne Loes Nillesen, dr. Ton de Nijs a.o.] ‘08 Afsluitbaar open Rijnmond (Rhine estuary closeable but open)-concept adopted by the National Deltacommittee (-Veerman) ’08 Research spinoff: DeltaSync registered as a company (exists still) ‘06 Founder and manager of academic group Deltasync, winning 1st, 2nd, and 4th prize in the Royal Haskoning Deltacompetition ‘05 Inventor of concrete space-frame poured in moulded styrofoam to obtain a modular floating foundation system (patent number 1025707) ‘04 Inventor of a balancing system for floating homes (still on the market) ’13-’15
Interests Economics, politics, philosophy and contemporary history Getting Things Done (GTD) and other self-improvement concepts Landscape photography Nature: hiking, photography, documentaries Gardening and home improvement Causes I care about
Human rights, refugees, aids, poverty, wildlife, street musicians
February 2015
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Columns ‘12-’14
WaterForum / Delta Programma Link Delft newsletter; Ruimte voor de natuur; Systeemmaatregelen; Steek een sigaartje op; Deltapijn; Wabi, of: de natuur beweegt mee met de mens; Dit ooit weer!; De afvoerverdeling Delft University Delta Programma Link Delft newsletter; Meerlaags inzicht; Deltadijken; De tweede laag; Werk aan innovatie in de delta; Een open Haringvliet; Adaptief deltamanagement; Policy Entrepreneurship Waterwonen Magazine; Watertrappelen in Rotterdam; Carpe Diem; Waarom waterwonen; Adaptief bouwen; Snoep verstandig van de Gouden Randen De Water Magazine (Ministerie van Verkeer & Waterstaat); Ingenieurs buiten spel; Angst is een slechte raadgever; [Tulpeiland:] weinig diepgang; [Brede dijken:] geen doel op zich
Lectures (selection) Twente Unversity; Flood Risk in the Netherlands (2x) KIVI-NIRIA; SimDelta Water Wonen & Ruimte conference; Water Esthetiek ‘11 Ministerie I&M; Gebiedsgericht ontwerpen [masterclass] University of California, Berkeley; Water Infrastructure Planning ’10 New York University; A Dutch perspective on waterfront development Columbia University; Living on a Water Machine iTunes U ; Bring in the Dutch! ‘09 University of California, Berkeley; Water conflicts DHV consultants; Perspectieven op het hoofdwatersystem Gemeentewerken Amsterdam; Drijvende Steden PvdA waterbestuurders bijeenkomst; Afsluitbaar Open Rijnmond en Drijvend Particulier Opdrachtgeverschap Munchen University; Floating Cities and Climate Change Rotary Europe; Premio Leonardo da Vinci SEV congres Waterwonen; Drijvend Particulier Opdrachtgeverschap ’07 Universität Hannover; Living on Water in the Netherlands Open University, Milton Keynes; Floating Houses and Flood Management in the Netherlands Aachener Stiftung Euregionale; Schwimmende Gebaude ’06 Architectuurcentrum Den Bosch; Homo Aquarius Universiteit Twente; Living on Water Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam; Waterwonen Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten; Neerlands H2Oop Gemeentehuis Den Haag; Neerlands H2Oop in de Raadszaal ’13-’14 ’12
Presentations (selection) ‘14 ’13 ’12
PvdA waterbestuurders bijeenkomst; Meerlaagsveiligheid Tweede Kamercommissie Infrastructuur & Milieu; De tweede laag Deltaprogramma kennisconferentie; Meerlaagsveiligheid Rivierendag Deltaprogramma; Reflecties op meerlaagsveiligheid Deltaprogramma rivieren; Reflecties op de afvoerverdeling
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’07 ’06 ’05
EuroGeo, Dublin; SimDelta Deltaprogramma zuidwestelijke delta; SimDelta Deltaprogramma kennisconferentie; SimDelta ICFM05 conference, Tokyo; Rhine-Meuse estuary, a systems approach Waterdienst; SimDelta University of California, Davis; Water Infrastructure Development Deltaprogramma rivieren; Afsluitbaar Open Rijnmond Deltaprogramma Rijnmond-Drechtsteden; Afsluitbaar Open Rijnmond Rotterdam Climate Proof; Systeembenadering Rijn-Maasmond Directeur Generaal VROM; Afsluitbaar Open Rijnmond World Expo, Shanghai; Bring in the Dutch! Rotterdam Climate Proof; Dicht, afsluitbaar of open Leven met Water; Dijkontwikkeling Rijnmond 21ste eeuw Stuurgroep zuidwestelijke delta; Een alternatief plan voor het Volkerak Nederlands Architectuur Instituut; Afsluitbaar Open Rijnmond Economic Development Board Rotterdam; Rotterdam & Water: het verzilveren van het Blauwe Goud? Aqua Dock - RDM Live!; Drijvend bouwen UPE7 conference, Bangkok; Waterworld Booosting; Concept Houses for Floating Neighbourhoods Atelier IJmeer; Neerlands H2Oop
February 2015
‘11 ’10 ’09 ’08