CURRICULUM VITAE Personal details Name Date and place of birth
Kim de Jong June 8, 1977 - Alkmaar
E-mail Website
[email protected]
Positions 2013-2014
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Psychology Department, Visiting scholar
2013 - present
LEIDEN UNIVERSITY, Department of Clinical, Health and Neuropsychology, Assistant professor (tenure track)
2009 - 2013
ERASMUS UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, Department of Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Researcher
2000 - 2013
GGZ NOORD-HOLLAND-NOORD, Department of research and monitoring, Researcher
Sep 2008 - Jan 2009
BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY, Psychology department Visiting scholar
2001 - 2004
UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM, Psychology department, Teacher Research practicum
1997 - 1999 2000 - 2001
HOTELSCHOOL THE HAGUE, International institute for hospitality management, Teacher Statistics and Research methodology (Dutch and English)
Education Jun 2006 – Apr 2012
LEIDEN UNIVERSITY PhD in Clinical Psychology and Methodology; including Dutch-Vlemish postgraduate school for Research and education in Experimental Psychopathology (EPP)
1995 - 2000
UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM Masters in Clinical psychology and in Psychological Methodology – ‘met genoegen’ (with honors)
Clinical training and experience 2000
Clinical internship at polikliniek Ypenstein (GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord). Activities included intakes, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for social phobia group, Physical exercise and relaxation therapy group for anxious patients, running therapy for depressed patients and psychodiagnostic case studies.
2000 - present
Training and experience in several structured clinical interviews, including SCID-I, SCID-II, BPDSI-IV, MINI Plus; Semi-structured clinical interview with several types of patients as part of research program.
Jan-Apr 2013
RINO Noord-Holland – Cognitive behavioral therapy post-doctoral training Post-doctoral training licensing track to register as cognitive behavioral therapist with the Dutch/Flemish Association for Behavioral and Cognitive therapy
Psychologie La Croix, Amsterdam – psychologist Cognitive behavioral therapy under supervision of Kim la Croix
Beck Institute, Philadelphia – CORE 3 course on Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorder patients.
Penn Cognitive Therapy Training Clinic – psychologist (trainee) Individual cognitive therapy under supervision of Robert J. deRubeis
Publications International peer reviewed journals De Jong, K. Deriving implementation strategies for outcome monitoring feedback from theory, research and practice. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, ePub ahead of print [IF 201 3.44] Conijn, J.M., Emons, W.H., De Jong, K. & Sijtsma, K. Using person-fit analysis to detect and explain aberrant responding to the Outcome Questionnaire-45. Assessment, ePub ahead of print [IF 2013 3.29] De Jong, K., Timman, R., Hakkaart-van Roijen, L., Vermeulen, P., Kooiman, K., Passchier, J. & Van Busschbach, J. (2014). The effect of feedback to clinicians and patients on treatment outcome in outpatient mental health: randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy Research, 24, 629-639 [IF 2013 1.60] Bouwmans, C., De Jong, K., Timman, R., Swan Tan, S., Vlasveld, M., Van der Felz-Cornelis, C. & Hakkaart-van Roijen (2013). Feasibility, reliability and validity of a questionnaire on health care utilization and productivity (TiC-P). BMC Health Service Research, 13, 1: 217. [IF 2012 1.77] De Jong, K., Van Sluis, P., Nugter, M.A., Heiser, W.J., Spinhoven, P. (2012). Understanding the differential impact of outcome monitoring: therapist variables that moderate feedback effects in a randomized clinical trial. Psychotherapy Research, 22, 464-474. [IF 2012: 1.75] De Jong, K., Moerbeek, M. & Van der Leeden, M. (2010). A priori power analysis in longitudinal three level multilevel models: An example with therapist effects. Psychotherapy Research, 20, 273-284. [IF 2010: 1.71] Wennberg, P. & Philips, B. & De Jong, K. (2010). The Swedish OQ in a addiction sample: preliminary results. Psychology and psychotherapy, 83, 325-329. [IF 2010 1.08] De Jong, K., Nugter, M.A., Polak, M., Wagenborg, J.E.A., Spinhoven, P. & Heiser, W.A. (2007). The Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45) in a Dutch population : A cross-cultural validation. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 14, 288-301. [IF 2010: 1.28] 2
National peer reviewed journals (in Dutch) De Jong, K. & Van 't Spijker, A. (2013). Routine outcome monitoring: love it or leave it? Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 39(3), 190-194. La Croix, K., De Jong, K., De Groot, E. (2013). Is de ene therapeut beter dan de andere? Een verkenning van therapeuteffecten in Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 39(3),172-187. De Jong, K. (2012). Outcome monitoring feedback over behandelvoortgang bij ambulante psychiatrische behandelingen: wat is effectief? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Behavioral Medicine, De Jong, K. (2012). De rol van de behandelaar: de ‘vergeten’ factor in ROM. Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie, 54, 197-201. Noom, M., De Jong, K., Tiemens, B., Kamsteeg, F., Pot, A.M., et al. (2012). ROM en benchmarking: hoe kunnen behandelresultaten op een zorgvuldige manier vergeleken worden? Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie, 54, 141-145. De Jong, K. (2009). Monitoren van behandelresultaten: betere gezondheidsuitkomsten of kortere behandelduur? Maandblad Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, 9 (12), 1119-1121. De Jong, K., Nugter, M.A., Polak, M., Wagenborg, J.E.A., Spinhoven, P. & Heiser, W.A. (2008). De Nederlandse versie van de Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45) : Een crossculturele validatie. Psychologie & Gezondheid, 36, 35-45. De Jong, K. & Nugter, K. (2004). De Outcome Questionnaire : psychometrische kenmerken van de Nederlandse vertaling. Nederlands tijdschrift voor de psychologie, 59, 76-79. Books and book chapters Nugter, M.A., De Jong, K. & Kortrijk, H. (2013). Meten van verandering bij ROM. In: Praktijkboek ROM in de GGZ II. Implementatie en gebruik bij verschillende doelgroepen. (pp. 149-164). Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. De Jong, K. (2012). A change for change: Building an outcome monitoring feedback system for outpatient mental health care. Doctoral dissertation, Leiden University. Tiemens, B. & De Jong, K. (2011). Monitoring en evidence based werken – omdat geen cliënt hetzelfde is. In: van Hees, S., van der Vlist, P. & Mulder, C.L. (Eds). Van weten naar meten: ROM in de ggz. Amsterdam: Boom. De Jong, K., Nugter, M.A. (2011). De kunst van effectief feedback geven: waarom weten niet altijd tot verbeteren leidt. In: Buwalda, V.J.A., Nugter, M.A., Swinkels, J.A. & Mulder, C.L. (Eds.). Praktijkboek ROM in de ggz. Een leidraad voor gebruik en implementatie van meetinstrumenten. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. Buwalda, V.J.A., De Jong, K. (2011). Gebruik van meetinstrumenten in verschillende settings. De (kortdurende) ambulante zorg. In: Buwalda, V.J.A., Nugter, M.A., Swinkels, J.A. & Mulder, C.L. (Eds.). Praktijkboek ROM in de ggz. Een leidraad voor gebruik en implementatie van meetinstrumenten. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom De Jong, K., Nugter, M.A., Lambert, M.J. & Burlingame (2009). Handleiding voor afname en scoring van de Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45). Salt Lake City, UT: OQ Measures LLC Other publications De Jong, K. & Nugter, A. (2013). De gespannen relatie tussen benchmarking en gebruik van ROM voor de behandeling. Reactie op Verbraak. De Psycholoog, oktober 2013, 40. De Jong, K. (2012). Ceterum censeo (column). Digitaal en sociaal? Tijdschrift voor psychotherapie, 38 (2), 127-130. 3
De Jong, K. (2012). Ceterum censeo (column). Stapelgek. Tijdschrift voor psychotherapie, 38 (1), 54-55. De Jong, K. (2005). Een GGZ Thermometer Waardering door Betrokkenen. Rapportage resultaten pilotonderzoek. Utrecht: Trimbos instituut. Selection of internal research reports De Jong, K., Van der Ploeg, E., Feenstra, R. (2011). Evaluatie intensieve zorg Schagen. Heiloo: GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord. De Jong, K., Van der Ploeg, E., Mooij, N. (2011). Implementatie en uitkomsten ROM divisie kortdurende psychiatrie 2008-2010. Heiloo: GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord. De Jong, K., Nugter, M.A., Jansen, J. (2009). Voorspellers voor behandeluitkomsten en indicatie voor het vijfgesprekkenmodel. Heiloo: GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord. De Jong, K. & Nugter, M.A. (2006). Evaluatie Psychiatrische Crisis Thuiszorg. Heiloo: GGZ NoordHolland-Noord. Teer, W., De Jong, K. & Nugter, M.A. (2003). De SPV in de huisartsenpraktijk. Heiloo: GGZ NoordHolland-Noord De Jong, K. (2002). Zorgzwaarte en personele bezetting in de langdurige zorg voor ouderen; een benchmark tussen zes instellingen. Heiloo: GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord. De Jong, K. (2000). Hulpvraag en –aanbod op polikliniek Ypestein. Heiloo: GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord.
Presentations Conference presentations De Jong, K. & De Rubeis, R.J. Who benefits most? Disentangling patients and therapist effects in outcome monitoring feedback. 44th Annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2014 (panel presentation). De Jong, K. Risk models for negative outcomes: clinical applications. Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy 47th Annual Convention. Nashville, TN, USA, November 2013 (panel presentation). De Jong, K. The role of the clinician in outcome monitoring: providing progress feedback in outpatient psychotherapy. American Psychiatric Association Institute of Psychiatric Services conference. Philadelphia, PA, USA, October 2013 (panel presentation). De Jong, K. Therapist effects as moderators for feedback effects in psychotherapy. Achieving Clinical Excellence Conference: Putting the pieces together. Amsterdam, May 2013 (plenary presentation). De Jong, K. Meetinstrumenten effectief gebruiken in de praktijk: hoe (P)ROM toegevoegde waarde heeft. 5e Nationale Congres voor Evidence Based Practice, Ede, Dec 2012 (plenary presentation). De Jong, K. Risk models for negative outcomes using CART and multilevel analysis. 42th Annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Virginia Beach, USA, June 2012 (panel presentation) De Jong, K., Timman, R., The effects of feedback on symptom reduction and wellbeing. 41th Annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Bern, Switzerland, July 2011 (panel presentation) Buwalda, V.J.A., De Jong, K. ROM in de kortdurende ambulante psychiatrie. ROM in de ggz: professionals in the lead. 5e lustrumcongres van de afdeling Beleidspsychiatrie van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie, Utrecht, March 2011 (workshop). De Jong, K., Nugter, M.A., ROM en feedbacktheorie. ROM in de ggz: professionals in the lead. 5e lustrumcongres van de afdeling Beleidspsychiatrie van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie, Utrecht, March 2011 (workshop). 4
Arntz, A., De Jong, K., Algemene en specifieke factoren in cognitieve gedragstherapie. Dag van de psychotherapie, Amsterdam, December 2010 (workshop). De Jong, K., Timman, R., Resultaten van het Monitoring Psychotherapie project. Studiedag Monitoring Psychotherapie voor Vrijgevestigden. Utrecht, October 2010 (plenary presentation). De Jong, K., De werkingsmechanismes achter voortgangsfeedback: theorie en praktijk. Studiedag Monitoring Psychotherapie voor Vrijgevestigden. Utrecht, October 2010 (plenary presentation). De Jong, K., ROM voor ondersteuning behandeling: leidt ROM tot betere uitkomsten? Najaarscongres Vereniging voor Gedragstherapie en Cognitieve Therapie & Vlaamse Vereniging voor Gedragstherapie. Veldhoven, the Netherlands, November 2010 (panel presentation). De Jong, K., Levy, K., Lutz, W. A guide to becoming a successful researcher: Workshop on career perspectives in psychotherapy research. 41th Annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Asilomar California, USA, June 2010 (pre-conference workshop). De Jong, K., Timman, R., Nugter, M.A., Van Busschbach, J., Spinhoven, P., Passchier, J., Heiser, W.A. The effect of feedback on psychotherapy outcome in a Dutch outpatient population. 41th Annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.Asilomar California, USA, June 2010 (paper presentation). De Jong, K., Nugter, M.A. De effectiviteit van Dialectische Gedragstherapie in the GGZ-praktijk. Najaarscongres Vereniging voor Gedragstherapie en Cognitieve Therapie & Vlaamse Vereniging voor Gedragstherapie. Veldhoven, the Netherlands, November 2009 (paper presentation). De Jong, K., Nugter, M.A., Spinhoven, P., Heiser, W.A.. Predicting patient progress in a large naturalistic sample. 40th Annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Santiago, Chile, June 2009 (paper presentation). De Jong, K. Het voorspellen van behandelvoortgang en geven van feedback aan behandelaars Najaarscongres Vereniging voor Gedragstherapie en Cognitieve Therapie & Vlaamse Vereniging voor Gedragstherapie. Veldhoven, the Netherlands, November 2008 (panel presentation). De Jong, K., Nugter, M.A., Heiser, W.A.. & Spinhoven, P.. Predicting patient progress: Process and preliminary results. 39th Annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Barcelona, Spain, June 2008 (paper presentation). De Jong, K., Nugter, M.A., Polak, M., Wagenborg, J.E.A., Spinhoven, P. & Heiser, W.A.. The Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45) in a Dutch population : A cross-cultural validation. 38th Annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Madison, WI, USA, June 2007 (paper presentation). De Jong, K., Nugter, M.A., Heiser, W.J. & Spinhoven, P. Predicting patient progress in outpatient psychotherapy. 38th Annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Madison, WI, USA, June 2007 (poster presentation). De Jong, K. & Nugter, M.A., Patient satisfaction and outcome in brief psychotherapy: preliminary results. 37th Annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. “From research to practice”, Edinburgh, June 2006 (poster presentation). Selection of invited talks
Using outcome monitoring feedback to improve clinical practice. TZK Seminars Webinar. April 2014
Developing a method to disentangle therapist effects in feedback studies. University of Pennsylvania Clinical Psychology “Big Lab” Meeting. April 2014 5
A chance for change: Building an outcome monitoring system for outpatient mental health care. University of Copenhagen. June 2013
A chance for change: Building an outcome monitoring system for outpatient mental health care. Anna Freud Center, London. June 2013.
Effectiviteit van ROM en feedback in de behandeling. Ledenvergadering Landelijke Vereniging voor Medisch Psychologen. May 2013
Effectiviteit van ROM en feedback in de behandeling. Workshop ROMCKAP bijeenkomst, Apr 2013
A chance for change: Building an outcome monitoring system for outpatient mental health care. Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen, serie lezingen Psychiatrie, Apr 2013
A chance for change: Building an outcome monitoring system for outpatient mental health care. Society for Psychotherapy Research Webinar, Dec 2012.
A chance for change: building an outcome monitoring feedback system. Nederlands Jeugd Instituut, Nov 2012.
Routine outcome monitoring: theorie en praktijk. [Routine outcome monitoring: theory & practice]. Algemene ledenvergadering Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vrijgevestigde Psychotherapeuten. Nov 2012
De rol van de behandelaar, de ‘vergeten’ factor in ROM. GGZ Eindhoven. Sep 2012
Workshop Implementeren van ROM en de rol van de behandelaar. GGZ Rivierduinen. Sep 2012
Routine Outcome Monitoring: Using measurements to inform clinical practice. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, gastcollege cursus Evidence based practice, Sep 2012
Risk models for negative outcomes in psychotherapy. Boston University, Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Jun 2012
Common factors in psychological interventions, Nihes, gastcollege cursus Preventing failed psychological intervention research, May 2012
Routine outcome monitoring: onderzoek, theorie en praktijk. Pro persona, Wolfheze. Jan 2012.
ROM en feedback in de behandeling. Invitational conference ROM ggz project, Amersfoort, May 2011.
Workshop terugkoppeling uitkomsten van behandeling op teamniveau (met Annet Nugter). Netwerkbijeenkomst ROM-kwesties in de dagelijkse praktijk, Amersfoort, Mar 2011.
Workshop gebruik feedbacktheorie bij implementatie van ROM. Leergang Betekenisvol implementeren in de GGZ., Trimbos instituut, Apr 2011; Nov 2011; May 2012.
De Outcome Questionnaire als uitkomstmaat: psychometrische eigenschappen en gebruik. Delta psychiatrisch centrum, Spijkernisse, Sep 2010.
Het effect van ROM feedback op de behandeling en de behandelaar. Opening Centrum voor Zorg Monitoring, Arnhem, Sep 2010.
Feedback aan behandelaars. Leerkring psychologen, GGNet, Apeldoorn, Jun 2010.
Outcome research in outpatient naturalistic settings: Design, implementation and analysis. Psychology Forum. Brigham Young University, Provo, Jan 2009
Taking feedback to the next level: (internationaal) onderzoek met de OQ-45. Inhoudelijke 6
beleidsmiddag, SynQuest, Utrecht, May 2009.
Uitkomstenmetingen en feedback in de GGZ. Inhoudelijke beleidsochtend, Zorgverzekeraars Nederland, Zeist, Jan 2008.
Voorspellen van behandelvoortgang en geven van feedback. Psychiaterbijeenkomst, Delta Pyschiatrisch Centrum, Poortugaal, Nov 2008.
Research in clinical practice: design, implementation and analysis. Universität Trier, Nov 2008
Research visits April, 3 – April, 5, 2014
Pennsylvania State University, Department of clinical psychology
Feb, 10 – Feb, 16, 2014
Brigham Young University, Department of clinical psychology
June, 10 – June, 12, 2013
University of Copenhagen, Department of clinical psychology
June, 25 – June, 30, 2012
Harvard School of Public Health / Boston University
April, 26 – April, 29, 2010
Pennsylvania State University, Department of clinical psychology
April, 26 – May, 6, 2009
Universität Trier, Department of clinical psychology
Sept, 15, 2008-Jan, 23, 2009
Brigham Young University, Department of clinical psychology
November, 17-20, 2008
Universität Trier, Department of clinical psychology
Teaching Existing courses taught
Statistics course (intermediate level)
SPSS computer practicum
Research practicum (research methodology and writing)
Courses taught and developed
Research methodology
Lab meetings research supervision - Brigham Young University (with Michael J. Lambert)
Supervision of master theses for students of the University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, Utrecht University, Radboud University and Leiden University (+25 theses)
Small group research projects – University of Amsterdam
Group supervision research multicenter “Feedbackonderzoek”: local researchers and master thesis students – GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord
Group and individual research supervision clinical trainees (GZIOS)
Group supervision on several undergraduate research projects at the University of Amsterdam and Hotelschool the Hague.
Editorial work 2014
Guest-editor special issue Patient-Focused Psychotherapy Research and Feedback for Psychotherapy Research (with Wolfgang Lutz)
2013- present
Member of the Advisory Editorial Board of Psychotherapy Research
Associate Editor Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie [Dutch Journal of Psychotherapy]
2007- present
Ad hoc reviewer for journals Journal of Consulting and Clinical PsychologyJournal of Affective Disorders Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy Psychotherapy Research Psychology & Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie PLoS ONE
Grants and awards 2013
NWO Rubicon, visiting scholar grant
Nomination for PhD prize for best article in academic year 2010-2011, Institute of Psychology, Leiden University
Travel Award, Stichting Dr. Catharina van Tussenbroek Fonds
Student Travel Award, Society for Psychotherapy Research, European Chapter
Foreign Visit Scholarship, Stichting Dr. Muller Vaderlandschfonds
Membership of professional organizations 2006 -
Society for Psychotherapy Research
2008 -
American Psychological Association
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy
Other professional activities 2013 – present
Member “Netwerk bruikbaar onderzoek voor beleid en praktijk” (ZonMw)
Course “Starten met leidinggeven in de wetenschap” [Starting management in science]
2012 - 2014
Member of the NVP ‘Trijsburg Award for excellence in Psychotherapy Research’ jury
2012 - 2013
Member of task force ROM VGCt
2012 - present
Member of task force ROM LVVP
2011 - 2013
Research meeting coordinator department of Medical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Member of program committee Society for Psychotherapy Research international annual meeting, June 2012, Virginia Beach, VI, USA
2011 - present 2010
Chair Communications committee, Society for Psychotherapy Research 8
2010 - 2014
Member of organizing committee Studiedag Monitoring, Utrecht, Hoog Brabant
Chair of organizing committee webinars, Society for Psychotherapy Research
2009 - 2011
Member of organizing committee, SPR Methods workshop, Trier
2008 - 2012
Member national task force ROM GGZ ‘Vergelijkbaarheid’, GGZ Nederland Moderator Student Services Section, Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR)
Participation in Dutch translation of the CORE-OM
2007 - 2010
Member educational committee - Postgraduate school for Experimental Psychopathology (EPP)
2006 - present
Coordinator International OQ Researchers collaborative
2006 - 2009
Member organizing committee yearly internal conference for psychologists – GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord
2005 - 2007
Chair national task force on ‘Benchmarking on patient satisfaction in elderly patients’, GGZ Nederland, branch organization for mental health care in the Netherlands
Member national task force on ‘Development of the Satisfaction Questionnaire for Family and Acquaintances of Psychiatric Clients’, Netherlands institute of mental health and addiction (Trimbos-instituut).