HPST, s.r.o. Písnická 372/20 142 00 Praha 4 Česká republika
IČ: 25791079 DIČ: CZ25791079 Citibank a.s., Praha 6 č.ú.: 2504270118/2600
Tel.: +420 244 001 231 Fax: +420 244 001 235 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.hpst.cz
Ceník izolačních kitů STRATEC v mikrodestičkách Ceny jsou uvedené v Kč bez DPH, zaokrouhlené na celé koruny a platné do 31.12.2016 Pro konkrétní cenovou nabídku pište na:
[email protected]
Objednací číslo
Popis Izolace plasmidové DNA
ST7010300200 ST7010300300
Invisorb® Plasmid HTS 96 Kit for isolation of pDNA from up to 2.0 ml bacteria suspension in a 96-well format using a centrifuge Single Components for Invisorb® Plasmid HTS 96 Kit Solution I Solution II Solution III Binding Solution (empty bottle with label to fill with 60 ml Isopropanol) Wash Buffer PL (add 140 ml Ethanol) Elution Buffer
ST7010316000 ST7010316100 ST7010316200 ST7010312500 ST7010313700 ST7010314000
Velikost balení
Jednotková cena
2 x 96 preps 4 x 96 preps
9 229 15 120
24 x 96 preps
81 687
40 ml 80 ml 80 ml
1 728 2 003 2 160
1 bottle
60 ml 30 ml
1 807 1 375
4 x 96 preps
6 480
24 x 96 preps
22 582
63 ml 30 ml
2 042 1 375
2 x 96 preps
9 033
4 x 96 preps
15 356
24 x 96 preps
78 938
Purifikace fragmentů DNA
MSB® HTS PCRapace for purification and concentration of DNA fragments after PCR reactions and from enzymatic reaction mixtures in a 96-well format using a centrifuge
ST7021322000 ST7021324000
Single Components for MSB® HTS PCRapace Binding Buffer (add 100 ml Isopropanol) Elution Buffer
Izolace genomické DNA ST7031300200 ST7031300300
Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit for purification of genomic DNA from up to 200 µl fresh/ frozen human whole blood samples or from 75 µl mammalian blood samples etc. (with the common anticoagulants: EDTA, citrate) in a 96-well format using a centrifuge
HPST, s.r.o. Písnická 372/20 142 00 Praha 4 Česká republika
IČ: 25791079 DIČ: CZ25791079 Citibank a.s., Praha 6 č.ú.: 2504270118/2600
Tel.: +420 244 001 231 Fax: +420 244 001 235 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.hpst.cz
Ceník izolačních kitů STRATEC v mikrodestičkách Ceny jsou uvedené v Kč bez DPH, zaokrouhlené na celé koruny a platné do 31.12.2016 Pro konkrétní cenovou nabídku pište na:
[email protected]
Objednací číslo ST7131310200
ST7031311800 ST7031312300 ST7031313300 ST7031313400 ST7031314000 ST7032900200 ST7032900300 ST7032900400
ST7032311300 ST7032312700 ST7032313200 ST7032314000 ST7037300200 ST7037300300 ST7037300400
Velikost balení
Popis Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit/ X (for use on X-tractor Gene™, Corbett Robotics) for automated purification of genomic DNA from up to 200 µl fresh/ frozen human whole blood samples or from 75 µl mammalian blood samples etc. (with the common anticoagulants: EDTA, citrate) in a 96-well format Single components for Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit Lysis Buffer HL Binding Buffer HL (add 90 ml Isopropanol) Wash Buffer I (add 80 ml Ethanol) Wash Buffer II (add 140 ml Ethanol) Elution Buffer Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit with elution plate in 8-well strip format for purification of genomic DNA from up to 20 mg tissue samples, mouse tail, biopsy material, swabs, eucaryotic cells or paraffin embedded tissue in a 96-well format using a centrifuge Single components for Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit Lysis Buffer G Binding Buffer A (add 56 ml Isopropanol) Wash Buffer (add 140 ml Ethanol) Elution Buffer Invisorb® DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit for purification of genomic DNA from up to 50 mg of a wide variety of plant species in a 96-well format using a centrifuge
Jednotková cena
2 x 96 preps
8 247
4 x 96 preps
15 670
24 x 96 preps
77 956
60 ml 30 ml 80 ml 60 ml 60 ml
1 964 1 610 2 278 1 964 2 317
2 x 96 preps
10 172
4 x 96 preps
19 204
24 x 96 preps
88 324
100 ml 24 ml 60 ml 60 ml 2 x 96 preps
3 142 1 453 2 631 2 317 9 504
4 x 96 preps
16 495
24 x 96 preps
97 357
HPST, s.r.o. Písnická 372/20 142 00 Praha 4 Česká republika
IČ: 25791079 DIČ: CZ25791079 Citibank a.s., Praha 6 č.ú.: 2504270118/2600
Tel.: +420 244 001 231 Fax: +420 244 001 235 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.hpst.cz
Ceník izolačních kitů STRATEC v mikrodestičkách Ceny jsou uvedené v Kč bez DPH, zaokrouhlené na celé koruny a platné do 31.12.2016 Pro konkrétní cenovou nabídku pište na:
[email protected]
Objednací číslo ST7037311200 ST7037312800 ST7037313300 ST7037313400 ST7037314000
Velikost balení
Popis Single components for Invisorb® DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit Lysis Buffer P Binding Buffer A (add 56 ml Isopropanol) Wash Buffer I (add 80 ml Ethanol) Wash Buffer II (add 140 ml Ethanol) Elution Buffer
Jednotková cena
60 ml 24 ml 80 ml 60 ml 30 ml
2 317 1 453 2 278 1 964 1 610
2 x 96 preps
10 996
4 x 96 preps
24 231
24 x 96 preps
88 128
4 x 96 preps
na vyžádání
24 x 96 preps
na vyžádání
2 x 96 preps
9 151
4 x 96 preps
17 476
24 x 96 preps
86 989
60 ml
1 964
Simultánní izolace genomické a bakteriální DNA ST7035360200 ST7035360300 ST7035360400 ST7135330300
PSP® SalivaGene DNA HTS 96 Kit for purification of DNA (genomic, bacterial) from SalivaGene stabilized clinical swab (mouth brushes) and saliva samples in a 96-well format using a centrifuge Invisorb® DNA Swab HTS 96 Kit/ STARlet (for use on MICROLAB® STARlet, Hamilton) for automated purification of DNA (genomic, bacterial) from SalivaGene stabilized clinical swab (mouth brushes) and saliva samples in a 96-well format
Izolace patogenní DNA ST7033300200 ST7033300300 ST7033300400
Invisorb® Universal Bacteria HTS 96 Kit for purification of bacterial DNA from different kinds of starting materials in a 96-well format using a centrifuge Single components for Invisorb® Universal Bacteria HTS 96 Kit Lysis Buffer HL
HPST, s.r.o. Písnická 372/20 142 00 Praha 4 Česká republika
IČ: 25791079 DIČ: CZ25791079 Citibank a.s., Praha 6 č.ú.: 2504270118/2600
Tel.: +420 244 001 231 Fax: +420 244 001 235 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.hpst.cz
Ceník izolačních kitů STRATEC v mikrodestičkách Ceny jsou uvedené v Kč bez DPH, zaokrouhlené na celé koruny a platné do 31.12.2016 Pro konkrétní cenovou nabídku pište na:
[email protected]
Objednací číslo ST7042300200 ST7042300300 ST7042300400
ST7042311800 ST7042312300 ST7042313300 ST7042313400 ST7042314000
Velikost balení
Popis Invisorb® Virus DNA HTS 96 Kit for purification of viral DNA from up to 200 µl serum, plasma or blood samples (with the common anticoagulants: EDTA, citrate), cell-free body fluids of human origin and rinsed liquid from swabs in a 96-well format using a centrifuge Single components for Invisorb® Virus DNA HTS 96 Kit Lysis Buffer HL Binding Buffer HL (add 90 ml Isopropanol) Wash Buffer I (add 80 ml Ethanol) Wash Buffer II (add 140 ml Ethanol) Elution Buffer
Jednotková cena
2 x 96 preps
7 815
4 x 96 preps
14 138
24 x 96 preps
75 207
60 ml 30 ml 80 ml 60 ml 30 ml
1 964 1 610 2 278 1 964 1 610
2 x 96 preps
9 425
4 x 96 preps
16 691
24 x 96 preps
95 786
2 x 96 preps
11 036
4 x 96 preps
18 183
24 x 96 preps
101 716
80 ml
2 828
1 bottle
80 ml
2 631
Izolace patogenní RNA ST7043300200 ST7043300300 ST7043300400 ST7143310200
ST7043311000 ST7043312500 ST7043313500
Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit for purification of viral RNA from up to 200 µl serum, plasma samples, cell-free body fluids of human origin and rinsed liquid from swabs and supernatant from stool suspensions in a 96-well format using a centrifuge Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit/ X (for use on X-tractor Gene™, Corbett Robotics) for automated purification of viral RNA from up to 200 µl serum, plasma samples, cellfree body fluids of human origin, rinsed liquid from swabs, supernatant from stool suspensions in a 96-well format Single components for Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit Lysis Buffer RV Binding Solution (empty bottle with label to fill with 60 ml Isopropanol) Wash Buffer R1 (add 80 ml Ethanol) 4
HPST, s.r.o. Písnická 372/20 142 00 Praha 4 Česká republika
IČ: 25791079 DIČ: CZ25791079 Citibank a.s., Praha 6 č.ú.: 2504270118/2600
Tel.: +420 244 001 231 Fax: +420 244 001 235 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.hpst.cz
Ceník izolačních kitů STRATEC v mikrodestičkách Ceny jsou uvedené v Kč bez DPH, zaokrouhlené na celé koruny a platné do 31.12.2016 Pro konkrétní cenovou nabídku pište na:
[email protected]
Objednací číslo
ST7043313600 ST7043314100
Wash Buffer R2 (add 160 ml Ethanol) Elution Buffer R
Velikost balení
Jednotková cena
40 ml 30 ml
1 767 1 335
4 x 96 preps
na vyžádání
24 x 96 preps
na vyžádání
2 x 96 preps
9 975
4 x 96 preps
17 476
24 x 96 preps
102 070
60 ml 18 ml 80 ml 40 ml 30 ml 2 x 96 preps 4 x 96 preps
2 317 1 492 2 631 1 767 1 335 10 407 18 969
24 x 96 preps
102 855
Simultánní izolace genomické, bakteriální a virové DNA/RNA
Invisorb® Universal HTS 96 Kit/ STARlet (for use on MICROLAB® STARlet, Hamilton) for automated purification of human and bacterial DNA as well as viral DNA/ RNA from a diverse range of starting materials like blood, plasma, serum, and other cellfree body fluids (like urine), rinsed liquid from swab and supernatant from stool suspensions in a 96-well format
Celková izolace RNA ST7061300200 ST7061300300 ST7061300400
ST7061311700 ST7061312200 ST7061313500 ST7061313600 ST7061314100 ST7062300200 ST7062300300 ST7062300400
InviTrap® RNA Cell HTS 96 Kit for purification of total RNA from up to max. 5 x 105 human and animal cells - without DNase digestion - in a 96-well format using a centrifuge Single components for InviTrap® RNA Cell HTS 96 Kit Lysis Solution S Binding Buffer R (add 42 ml Ethanol) Wash Buffer R1 (add 80 ml Ethanol) Wash Buffer R2 (add 160 ml Ethanol) Elution Buffer R InviTrap® RNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit for purification of total RNA from 1-10 mg fresh or frozen tissue sample- without DNase digestion - in a 96-well format using a centrifuge 5
HPST, s.r.o. Písnická 372/20 142 00 Praha 4 Česká republika
IČ: 25791079 DIČ: CZ25791079 Citibank a.s., Praha 6 č.ú.: 2504270118/2600
Tel.: +420 244 001 231 Fax: +420 244 001 235 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.hpst.cz
Ceník izolačních kitů STRATEC v mikrodestičkách Ceny jsou uvedené v Kč bez DPH, zaokrouhlené na celé koruny a platné do 31.12.2016 Pro konkrétní cenovou nabídku pište na:
[email protected]
Objednací číslo
ST7064300200 ST7064300300
InviTrap® RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit for purification of total RNA from up to 50 mg of plant material in a 96-well format using a centrifuge Single components for InviTrap® RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit Lysis Solution DC Binding Buffer R (add 84 ml Ethanol) Wash Buffer R1 (add 80 ml Ethanol) Wash Buffer R2 (add 160 ml Ethanol) Elution Buffer R
ST7064311700 ST7064312200 ST7064313500 ST7064313600 ST7064314100
Velikost balení
Dopravní podmínky pro produkty STRATEC Molecular GmbH: Doprava ZDARMA
Zboží nad 10 000 Kč bez DPH
Doprava 500 Kč bez DPH
Zboží pod 10 000 Kč bez DPH
Objednávky zasílejte na adresu:
[email protected].
Jednotková cena
2 x 96 preps 4 x 96 preps
9 897 18 419
24 x 96 preps
93 823
200 ml 36 ml 80 ml 40 ml 30 ml
4 713 2 278 2 631 1 767 1 335