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Berpikir & Menulis Kreatif Minggu, 24 Maret 2013
Haililah Tri Gandhiwati,S.S.,S.Si.,M.M. FIKOM Program Studi
Hubungan Masyarakat
Pengertian Kreatif & Kreativitas Kreatif = to Create Combine: penggabungan suatu hal dengan hal lain. Reverse: membalikkan beberapa bagian atau proses. Eliminate: menghilangkan beberapa bagian. Alternatif: menggunakan cara, bahan, dsb, dengan yang lain. Twist: memutarkan sesuatu dengan ikatan. Elaborate: merinci atau menambah sesuatu. Kreativitas merupakan kemampuan untuk memberikan gagasan-gagasan baru dan menerapkannya dalam pemecahan masalah (Conny R. Semiawan).
WHAT IS CREATIVITY? John Watson’s definition is perhaps remarkable: “How the new comes into being: One natural question often raised is : How do we ever get new verbal creations such as a poem or a brilliant essay? The answer is that we get them by manipulating words, shifting them about until a new pattern is hit upon.”
"Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being...creativity requires passion and commitment. Out of the creative act is born symbols and myths. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. The experience is one of heightened consciousnessecstasy.“ (Rollo May, The Courage to Create)
What is Creativity?
Creativity is the foundation of every human invention and it is embodied in art, culture, science, management and so on. Creativity is a process of producing something original and valuable. When solving problems, creative people are insightful and tend to do divergent thinking, developing a variety of unusual, new responses. Highly creative people are flexible and are willing to be different. Important factors related to creativity include motivation, intelligence, knowledge, personality and the environment.
Factors of Creativity
Extremely high intrinsic motivation to be creative in their field Self-Discipline and dedication to their work Deep belief in the value of what they are creating Dedication to high standards of excellence Creative people are insightful and often think divergently Extensive knowledge of the particular area of expertise Profound commitment to the creative endeavor An ability to take intellectual risks and to be nonconformist Willingness to criticize and improve their creative efforts Flexible thinkers, they seek novel solutions and imagine many possibilities
Berpikir Kreatif – Melepaskan diri dari pola umum yang sudah tertanam dalam ingatan. – Mampu mencermati sesuatu yang luput dari pengamatan orang lain. Didalam dunia periklanan dan kehumasan, kata kreatif banyak dipakai bersama beberapa kata lain untuk merujuk pada istilah dan pengertian yang berbeda. Antara lain: “ Orang kreatif ” “ Strategi kreatif ” “ Pemikiran kreatif ” “ Pengerjaan kreatif ”
Tabel Penghambat & Pendorong Kreativitas Faktor Penghambat dan Pendorong Kreativitas Penghambat
Sikap negatif Takut gagal Stres berlebihan
Perubahan sikap Teknik mengambil resiko Mampu menyalurkan stres Melanggar aturan
Taat pada aturan Membuat asumsi Terlalu mengandalkan logika Merasa tidak kreatif
Memeriksa asumsi Menggunakan imajinasi dan intuisi Yakin kalau kreatif
Can It Be Learned? Creativity is a state of mind which can be learned Some people seem to have a facility for it while others do not, but they can improve with practice Mental barriers to creativity have to be removed to allow innate spontaneity to flourish Creative acts are not isolated acts of perception, they require an emotional disposition too, for any new idea replaces and in effect destroys the previous order It takes courage and persistence to brave the resistance that any change seems to engender Creativity is not a heritable trait, and there’s no single gene for creativity. We can’t look to genetics for the explanation of creativity. This contributes to viewing creativity as something mythical
Creativity can be learned An innovation is applied creativity: “Innovation is the central issue in economic prosperity” Michael Porter We’ll learn about the creative process some creativity-enhancing techniques
Every creative act is related on: Being ready: creative activity is not an accident, but it needs of plane, expectation and knowledge. Being expert: we can not improvise a creative act, but we have to acquire competencies and knowledge. Being not adverse to risk: scientists have to explore new fields and must have open mind. SIMON (1996)
How to Learn creativity
Using the accidental or logical progression Using special techniques, deliberate creative thinking can be used to develop new ideas. Doing advance brainstorming sessions then you too will be more creative. Learning the creative thinking techniques practice the techniques to increase your skill at ongoing creative thinking. Practicing
Creative Process A process of gradual continuous improvement. The competitive process intensifies the incentive to improve Suggests creative geniuses are not born. They are made. Creativity is giving life to something which does not exist before and it is just the first step of innovation Innovation is the application of creative ideas to a new product, a new productive process or a new kind of organization in such a way to have an economic return.
Creative thinking is the process which we use when we come up with a new idea. It is the merging of ideas which have not been merged before. Brainstorming is one form of creative thinking: it works by merging someone else's ideas with your own to create a new one. You are using the ideas of others as a stimulus for your own. This creative thinking process can be accidental or deliberate.
Creative Person & Personality Genetic predisposition doesn’t hurt. Curiosity, wonder, and interest. Access to a domain. Access to a field: Bottlenecks. Complexity as key.
Creativity Open mind Curiosity Patience Persistence Positive Attitude Discipline and focus
Why Is Being Creative Important? What makes the difference between project Success and Failure? Reliable Forecasting/strategic planning Scope/Expectation control Fostering Teamwork Healthy Customer relationships Anticipating Risks/Mitigation responses Finding just the right solution YOUR CREATIVE ABILITIES! The problem with creativity is that we know it when we see it, but it is hard to define. Invention is 99% perspiration and 1%inspiration. (Thomas Alva Edison) Creativity is fostered by an environment Creativity must be valued by a community Creativity is shaped by those who evaluate it Creator (the individual) Individuals must be experts Domain (what is being worked on) Field (the collaborators, colleagues, and audience)
How to Enhance Creativity Nature of creativity The ability of making something new Originality Utility No correlation with intelligence Nature and nurture both important Creative personality
Do we have creative moments?
Do you listen? Day dreams Inspirational flashes Night dreams Ideas while walking
Do we have creative moments?
How can they help? Visionary leadership Strategic thinking Forecasting/planning Solving problems Working with people Creative writing *If we listen & learn, creative moments can facilitate confidence in dealing with the “unknown”
How Extraordinary Creative Ideas Occur?
Sudden spontaneous visions Dreams Cross-pollination from different fields Nurturing Creativity Exploring in depth a new area Think creatively on a regular basis Know when to work more deeply or to move on Daily meditation Practicing observation and describing Practicing imagination
Kerangka Kerja Berpikir Efektif Proses berpikir kreatif termasuk lahirnya kreatifitas dalam bentuk gagasan maupun karya nyata bertalian erat dengan fungsi otak, dalam hal ini otak manusia ada 2 bagian yaitu otak kanan dan otak kiri. Clark (1983) dalam karyanya tentang konsep otak mengenalkan perbedaan fungsi otak menurut belahannya: 1. Left hemisphere Belahan otak kiri berkenaan dengan kemampuan berpikir ilmiah, kritis, dan logis. 2. Right hemisphere Belahan otak kanan berkenaan dengan imajinasi, warna, ritme, musik, intuisi, dan kreatif.
Proses Berpikir Proses berpikir kreatif termasuk lahirnya kreatifitas dalam bentuk gagasan maupun karya nyata bertalian erat dengan fungsi otak, dalam hal ini otak manusia ada 2 bagian yaitu otak kanan dan otak kiri. Clark (1983) dalam karyanya tentang konsep otak mengenalkan perbedaan fungsi otak menurut belahannya: 1. Left hemisphere Belahan otak kiri berkenaan dengan kemampuan berpikir ilmiah, kritis, dan logis. 2. Right hemisphere Belahan otak kanan berkenaan dengan imajinasi, warna, ritme, musik, intuisi, dan kreatif.
Gambar Otak
Look at the chart and say the COLOR not the word YELLOW BLACK PURPLE ORANGE BLUE GREEN
Left-Right Conflict Your right brain tries to say the color but your left brain insist on reading the word
Karakteristik Orang Berpikir Kreatif Pemikir kreatif itu cenderung memiliki rasa ingin tahu. Kebiasaan ingin tahu yang mendorong mereka untuk memberikan perhatian sambil menyelidik terhadap apa yang menarik bagi mereka. “Hal yang penting ialah jangan berhenti bertanya”, Albert Einstein. Pemikir kreatif itu mengeksplorasi berbagai pilihan. Mengeksplorasi berbagai kemungkinan membantu merangsang imajinasi dan imajinasi itu penting bagi kreatifitas. Menurut Albert Einstein “Imajinasi itu lebih penting daripada pengetahuan”
Pemikir Kreatif Pemikir kreatif itu menghargai ide-ide. Kreatifitas adalah soal mempunyai ide-ide. Orang akan memunyai ide hanya apabila orang itu menghargai ide. Menurut Annette Moser – Wellman “Orang-orang yang sangat kreatif berdedikasi pada ide-ide tidak mengandalkan talenta tapi disiplin”. Pemikir kreatif itu merangkul kemenduan. Kreatif tidak perlu menghapus ketidakpastian. Justru kreatifitas timbul dari segala macam ketidak-konsistenan dan jurang perbedaan dalam kehidupan, dengan mengeksplorasi perbedaan itu atau menggunakan imajinasi untuk menutupinya.
Pemikir kreatif menyenangi yang lain daripada yang lain. Kreatifitas seringkali mengeksplorasi jalan yang lain daripada yang lain dan melawan arus. Menurut Kingman Brewster “Ada korelasi antara yang kreatif dengan yang eksentrik.” Untuk membangkitkan kreatifitas pada diri sendiri maupun sesama bersedialah mentolerir keanehan-keanehan. Pemikir kreatif menghubungkan yang tidak berhubungan. Menurut Tim Hansen “Kreatifitas itu terekspresikan dalam kemampuan untuk mengadakan hubungan, asosiasi, membolak-balikan segalannya dan mengekspresikannya dengan cara yang baru”.
Pemikir kreatif tidak takut gagal Kreatifitas menuntut kemampuan tidak takut gagal. Mengatasi kegagalan adalah kunci sukses dalam kehidupan. Menurut John C Maxwell “Perbedaan antara rata-rata orang berprestasi adalah persepsi mereka tentang kegagalan serta respon mereka terhadap kegagalan”
REFERENCE Amabile. Motivating Creativity in Organizations Joanne Aaronson. Right Brain Creativity for Left Brain People John Scotland . Strategic Innovation Leadership Maureen O’Connor. Creativity M. Csikszentmihalyi. Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention . Tony Proctor. Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem Solving Process Rebecca Pera.Principles and Theories of Creative No name. Organizing and Managing Creativity No name. Kick Start Your Creativity No name. Creativity Communication No name. Innovation or Creativity
Terima Kasih Haililah Tri Gandhiwati,S.S.,S.Si.,M.M.