PUBLICATIONS Dick de Waard 22.10.2014 JOURNALS 1st author (Order: publication year/backwards)
Published De Waard, D. & Lewis-Evans, B. (2014). Self-report scales alone cannot capture mental workload. A reply to De Winter, Controversy in human factors constructs and the explosive use of the NASA TLX: A measurement perspective. Cognition Technology & Work, 16, 303-305. DOI: 10.1007/s10111014-0277-z De Waard, D., Lewis-Evans, B., Jelijs, B., Tucha, O.M., & Brookhuis, K. (2014). The effects of operating a touch screen smartphone and other common activities performed while bicycling on cycling behaviour. Transportation Research Part F, 22, 196-206. DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2013.12.003 De Waard, D. (2013) Meer typen dan bellen op smartphone tijdens fietsen. Verkeerskunde, nr 06, 32. De Waard, D., Edlinger, K.M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2011). Effects of listening to music, and of using a handheld and handsfree telephone on cycling behaviour. Transportation Research Part F, 14, 626–637. De Waard, D., Schepers, P., Ormel, W., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2010). Mobile phone use while cycling: incidence and effects on behaviour and safety. Ergonomics, 53, 30-42. De Waard, D. Van den Bold, T.G.M.P.R., & Lewis-Evans, B. (2010). Driver hand positions on the steering wheel while merging into motorway traffic. Transportation Research Part F, 13, 129-140. De Waard, D., Dijksterhuis, C., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2009). Merging into heavy motorway traffic by young and elderly drivers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 41, 588–597. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2009.02.011 De Waard, D., Kruizinga, A., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2008). The consequences of an increase in heavy goods vehicles for passenger car drivers’ mental workload and behaviour: A simulator study. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 40, 818-828. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2007.09.029 De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., & Mesken, J. (2005) Evaluation of legibility of not properly reflecting signs. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 35, 645-651. De Waard, D. (2005). Ontwikkelingen in de studie van het verkeersgedrag 1980-2004. Tijdschrift voor Ergonomie,30 (1), 4-9. De Waard, D., Steyvers, F.J.J.M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2004). How much visual road information is needed to drive safely and comfortably? Safety Science, 42, 639-655. De Waard, D., Hernández-Gress, N., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2001). The feasibility of detecting phone-use related driver distraction. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 26, 85-95. De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2000). Drug effects on driving performance, letter to the editor. Annals of Internal Medicine, 133, p. 656. De Waard, D., Van der Hulst, M., Hoedemaeker, M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1999b). Reply to comments on “Driver behavior in an emergency situation in the Automated Highway System”. Transportation Human Factors, 1, 87-89. De Waard, D., Van der Hulst, M., Hoedemaeker, M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1999a). Driver behavior in an emergency situation in the Automated Highway System. Transportation Human Factors, 1, 67-82. De Waard, D., Van Der Hulst, M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1999). Elderly and young drivers’ reaction to an incar enforcement and tutoring system. Applied Ergonomics, 30, 147-157. De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1997). Behavioural adaptation to warning and tutoring messages. Results from an on-the-road and simulator test. Heavy Vehicle Systems, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 4, 222-234. De Waard, D. (1997). Het meten van mentale belasting in een realistische taakomgeving. Tijdschrift voor Ergonomie, 22 (1 ), 17-23. De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1995). Een intelligent toezichtsysteem in de auto. Verkeerskunde, nr 11, 16-20.
De Waard, D., Jessurun, M., Steyvers, F.J.J.M., Raggatt, P.T.F., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1995). Effect of road layout and road environment on driving performance, drivers' physiology and road appreciation. Ergonomics, 38, 1395-1407 De Waard, D., & Rooijers, T. (1994). An experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of different methods and intensities of law enforcement on driving speed on motorways. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 26, 751-765. De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1991). Assessing driver status: a demonstration experiment on the road. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 23, 297-307.
co-author (Order: publication year/backwards) In press Caljouw, S.R., Dotzauer, M., De Waard, D., Akkerman, Y., & Brouwer, W.H. (in press). Experienced drivers with Parkinson’s disease show tactical compensation when crossing intersections. Movement Disorders. Published 2015 Dotzauer, M., de Waard, D., Pöhler, G., Caljouw, S.R., & Brouwer, W.H. (2015 or 2014—not clear ). Behavioral adaptation of young and older drivers to an intersection crossing advisory system. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 74, 24-32. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2014.09.030 Dotzauer, M., Caljouw, S.R., De Waard, D., & Brouwer, W.H. (2015). Longer-term effects of ADAS use on speed and headway control in drivers diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Traffic Injury Prevention, 16, 10-16. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2014.909037 2014 Vrieling, J.H., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2014). Driving behaviour while driving through two types of road works. The International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 3, 141148. Stuiver, A., Brookhuis, K.A., de Waard, D., Dijksterhuis, C., Mulder, B. (2014). Short-term Cardiovascular Measures for Driver Support: Increasing Sensitivity for Detecting Changes in Mental Workload. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 92, 35-41. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2014.01.010 2013 Dijksterhuis, C., de Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., Mulder, L.J.M., & de Jong, R. (2013). Classifying visuomotor workload in a driving simulator using subject specific spatial brain patterns. Frontiers in Neuroprosthetics, 7, article 149. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2013.00149 Dotzauer, M., De Waard, D., Caljouw, S.R., & Brouwer, W.H. (2013). Longer-term exposure to an intersection assistant: effects of ADAS use on intersection performance of drivers diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2, 223-245. DOI: 10.1504/IJHFE.2013.059376 Dotzauer, M., Caljouw, S.R., de Waard, D., & Brouwer, W.H. (2013). Intersection assistance: A safe solution for older drivers? Accident Analysis and Prevention, 59, 522-528. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2013.07.024 Schepers, J.P., den Brinker, B.P.L.M., de Waard, D, Twisk, D., Schwab, A.L., & Smeets, J.B.J. (2013) Studying the role of vision in cycling: Critique on restricting research to fixation behaviour. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 59, 466– 468. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2013.06.027 Űnal, A.B., De Waard, D., Epstude, K., & Steg, L. (2013). Driving with Music: Effects on Arousal and Performance. Transportation Research Part F, 21, 52-65. DOI:10.1016/j.trf.2013.09.004 Van der Zwaag, M.D., Janssen, J.H., Nass, C., Westerink, J.H.D.M., Chowdhury, S. & de Waard, D. (2013). Using music to change mood while driving. Ergonomics, 1504-1514. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2013.825013 Widyanti, A., De Waard, D., Johnson, A., & Mulder, B. (2013). National culture moderates the influence of mental effort on subjective and cardiovascular measures. Ergonomics, 56, 182-194.
Widyanti, A., Johnson, A., & De Waard, D. (2013). Adaptation of the Rating Scale Mental Effort (RSME) for use in Indonesia. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 43, 70-76. 2012 Dijksterhuis, C., Stuiver, A., Mulder, L.J.M., Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (2012). An adaptive driver support system: user experiences and driving performance in a simulator. Human Factors, 54. 772785. Fabriek, E., De Waard, D., & Schepers, P. (2012). Improving the visibility of bicycle infrastructure. The International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 1, 98-115. Goldenbeld, Ch., Houtenbos, M., Ehlers, E., & De Waard, D. (2012). The use and risk of portable electronic devices while cycling among different age groups. Journal of Safety Research, 43, 1-8. Lewis-Evans, B., De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., & Jolij, J. (2012). What You May Not See Might Slow You Down Anyway: Masked Images and Driving. PLoS ONE, 7(1): e29857. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029857 Stuiver, A., De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., Dijksterhuis, C., Lewis-Evans, B. & Mulder, L.J.M. (2012). Short-Term Cardiovascular Responses to Changing Task Demands. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 85, 153-160. Van der Zwaag, M.D., Dijksterhuis, C., De Waard, D., Mulder, L.J.M., Westerink, J.H.D.M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2012). The influence of music on mood and performance while driving. Ergonomics. 55, 1222. Veldstra, J.L., Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., Molmans, B.H.W., Verstraete, A.G., Skopp, G., & Jantos, R. (2012). Effects of Alcohol (BAC 0.5‰) and ecstasy (MDMA 100 mg) on simulated driving performance and traffic safety. Psychopharmacology, 222, 377-390. Wiethoff, M., Brookhuis, K., De Waard, D., Marchau, V., Walta, L., Wenzel, G., De Brucker, K., & Macharis, C. (2012). A methodology for improving road safety by novel infrastructural and invehicle technology combinations. European Transport Research Review, 4, 67-77. 2011 Lewis-Evans, B., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2011). Speed maintenance under cognitive load – Implications for theories of driver behaviour. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 43, 1497-1507. DOI: 0.1016/j.aap.2011.02.030 Dijksterhuis, C, Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (2011). Effects of steering demand on driver’s lateral position keeping behaviour, self-reports, and physiology. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, 1074-1081. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2010.12.014 Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., Steyvers, F.J.J.M., & Bijsterveld, H. (2011). Let them experience a ride under influence of alcohol; A successful intervention program. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, 906-910. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2010.11.013s Uchida, N., De Waard, D, & Brookhuis, K.A. (2011). Countermeasures to prevent detection failure of a vehicle approaching on collision course. Applied Ergonomics, 42, 540-547. 2010 Schepers, P., & De Waard, D. (2010). Fietspaden met twee richtingen op kruispunten onveiliger. Fietsverkeer, 26 (oktober), 32-35. Lewis-Evans, B., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2010). That's close enough - A threshold effect of time headway on the experience of risk, task difficulty, effort, and comfort. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, 1926-1933. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2010.05.014 Brookhuis, K.A. & De Waard, D. (2010). Monitoring drivers' mental workload in driving simulators using psychophysiological measures. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, 898-903. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2009.06.001 2009 Mulder, L.J.M., Dijksterhuis, C., Stuiver, A., & De Waard, D. (2009). Cardiovascular state changes during performance of a simulated ambulance dispatchers’ task: potential use for adaptive support. Applied Ergonomics, 40, 965-977. 2007 Mesken, J., Hagenzieker, M.P., Rothengatter, T., & De Waard, D. (2007). Frequency, determinants, and consequences of different drivers’ emotions: an on-the-road study using self-reports, (observed) behaviour, and physiology. Transportation Research Part F, 10, 458-475. 2006
Ward, N.J., Shankwitz, C., Gorgestani, A., Donath, M., De Waard, D., & Boer, E. (2006). An evaluation of a lane support system for bus rapid transit on narrow shoulders and the relation to bus driver mental workload. Ergonomics, 49, 832-859. 2005 Santos, J., Merat, N., Mouta, S., Brookhuis, K., & De Waard, D. (2005). The interaction between driving and in-vehicle information systems: comparison of results from laboratory, simulator and realworld studies. Transportation Research part F, 8, 135-146. 2004 Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., & Samyn, N. (2004). Effects of MDMA (Ecstasy), and multiple drugs use on (simulated) driving performance and traffic safety. Psychopharmacology, 173, 440-445. 2003 Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., & Fairclough, S.H. (2003). Criteria for driver impairment. Ergonomics, 46, 433-445. 2002 Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (2002). Commentary. On the assessment of (mental) workload and other subjective qualifications. Ergonomics, 45, 1026-1030. Samyn, N., De Boeck, G., Wood, M., Lamers, C.T.J., De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., Verstraete, A.G., & Riedel, W.J. (2002). Plasma, oral fluid and sweat wipe ecstasy concentrations in controlled and real life conditions. Forensic Science International, 128, 90-97. 2001 Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., & Janssen, W.H. (2001). Behavioural impacts of advanced driver assistance systems –an overview. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 1, 245-253. 2000 Steyvers, F.J.J.M., & De Waard, D. (2000). Road-edge delineation in rural areas: effects on driving behaviour. Ergonomics, 43, 223-238. Uchida, N., De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., & Katayama, T. (2000). Effects of mental workload on Visual search while driving. (In Japanese). JARI Research Journal, 22, 491- 494. Van Winsum, W., Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (2000). A comparison of different ways to approximate time-to-line crossing (TLC) during car driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 32, 47-56. 1999 Brookhuis, K.A. & De Waard, D. (1999). Limiting speed, towards an Intelligent Speed Adapter (ISA). Transportation Research part F, 2, 81-90. Van Winsum, W., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1999). Lane change manoeuvres and safety margins. Transportation Research part F, 2, 139-149. 1998 Brookhuis, K., De Waard, D., Peters, B., & Bekiaris, E. (1998). SAVE –System for Detection of Driver Impairment and Emergency Handling–. IATSS Research, 22, 37-42. 1997 Steyvers, F.J.J.M., & De Waard, D. (1997). Kantbelijning op wegen in rurale verblijfsgebieden. Verkeerskunde, nr 3, 20-23. Van der Laan, J.D., Heino, A., & De Waard, D. (1997). A simple procedure for the assessment of acceptance of advanced transport telematics. Transportation Research - Part C: Emerging Technologies, 5, 1-10. 1995 Van der Hulst, M., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1995). Automatisch verkeerstoezicht: effectiviteit, mentale belasting en acceptatie. Tijdschrift voor Ergonomie, 20 (1), 7-11. 1994 Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., & Mulder, L.J.M. (1994). Measuring driving performance by carfollowing in traffic. Ergonomics, 37, 427-434. 1993 Brookhuis, K.A., De Vries, G., & De Waard, D. (1993). Acute and subchronic effects of the H1-histamine receptor antagonist ebastine in 10, 20 and 30 mg dose, and triprolidine 10 mg on car driving performance. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 36, 67-70.
Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (1993). The use of psychophysiology to assess driver status. Ergonomics, 36, 1099-1110. 1991 Brookhuis, K.A., De Vries, G., & De Waard, D. (1991). The effects of mobile telephoning on driving performance. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 23, 309-316. Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (1991). De bestuurder bewaakt. Verkeerskunde, nr 2, 38-40.
ON-LINE De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K., Wiczorek, R., Di Nocera, F., Brouwer, R., Barham, P., Weikert, C., Kluge, A., Gerbino, W., and Toffetti, A. (Eds.) (2014). Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2013 Annual Conference. Available as open source download from ISSN 2333-4959 (online). [413 pp] De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K., Dehais, F., Weikert, C., Röttger, S., Manzey, D., Biede, S., Reuzeau, F., and Terrier, P. (Eds.) (2012), Human Factors: a view from an integrative perspective. Available as open source download ( ISBN 978-0-945289-449 [387 pp]
BOOKS 1st editor/author (Order: publication year/backwards) De Waard, D., Merat, N., Jamson, A.H., Barnard,Y., and Carsten. O.M.J. (Eds.) (2012). Human Factors of Systems and Technology. Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. [402 pp] De Waard, D., Gérard, N., Onnasch, L., Wiczorek, R., and Manzey, D. (Eds.) (2011). Human Centred Automation. Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. [367 pp] De Waard, D, Axelsson, A., Berglund, M., Peters, B., and Weikert, C. (Eds.) (2010). Human Factors: A system view of human, technology and organisation. Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. [457 pp]. De Waard, D., Godthelp, J., Kooi, F.L, and Brookhuis, K.A. (Eds.) (2009), Human Factors, Security and Safety. Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. [437 pp]. De Waard, D., Flemisch, F.O., Lorenz, B., Oberheid, H., and Brookhuis, K.A. (Eds.) (2008), Human Factors for Assistance and Automation. Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. [504 pp]. De Waard, D., Hockey, G.R.J., Nickel, P. and Brookhuis, K.A. (Eds.) (2007), Human Factors Issues in Complex System Performance. Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. [512 pp]. De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., and Toffetti, A. (Eds.) (2006), Developments in Human Factors in Transportation, Design, and Evaluation. Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. [363 pp]. De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., Van Egmond, R, and Boersema, Th. (Eds.) (2005), Human Factors in Design, Safety, and Management. Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. [527 pp]. De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., and Weikert, C.M. (Eds.) (2004), Human Factors in Design. Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. [362 pp]. De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., Sommer, S.M., and Verwey, W.B. (Eds.) (2003). Human Factors in the Age of Virtual Reality. Maastricht, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. [358 pp]. De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., Moraal, J., and Toffetti, A. (Eds.) (2002). Human Factors in Transportation, Communication, Health, and the Workplace. Maastricht, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. [525 pp]. De Waard, D., Weikert, C., Hoonhout, J., and Ramaekers, J. (Eds.). (2000). Human-System Interaction. Education, Research and Application in the 21 st Century. Maastricht, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. [380 pp]. De Waard, D. (1996). The measurement of drivers' mental workload. PhD thesis, University of Groningen. Haren: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre.
co-editor/author (Order: publication year/backwards) Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., & Weikert, C.M. (Eds.). (2000). Human Factors in Telecommunications – Implications for the aged and disabled. Maastricht, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., & Weikert, C.M. (Eds.). (1997). Simulators and Traffic Psychology. Proceedings of the 1996 annual meeting of the Europe Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Groningen, the Netherlands: Centre for Environmental and Traffic Psychology, University of Groningen. Brookhuis, K.A., Weikert, C., Moraal, J., & De Waard, D. (Eds.). (1996). Aging and Human Factors. Proceedings of the Europe Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 1993. Haren: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. Brookhuis, K.A., Weikert, C., & De Waard, D. (Eds.). (1994). Ergonomics and safety in the workplace. Proceedings of the Europe Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 1992. Haren: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre.
CHAPTERS IN EDITED BOOKS 1st author (Order: publication year/backwards) De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., Noordmans, M.C., Hogema, J.H., & Visscher, R.M. (2004). A “thinking road surface”. In D. de Waard, K.A. Brookhuis, and C.M Weikert (Eds.), Human Factors in Design (pp 83-94). Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. De Waard, D. & Brookhuis, K.A. (2003). Werkgroep 2: Veiligheidscultuur in de goederenvervoerbaranche. In I. Van Schagen (Red.). Veiligheidscultuur in het Verkeer (pp. 49-50). Leidschendam: Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV. De Waard, D. (2002). Mental Workload. In R. Fuller and J.A. Santos (Eds.) Human Factors for Highway Engineers (pp. 161-175). Oxford: Pergamon. De Waard, D., Mesken, J., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2000). Recognition of electronic road signs. In K.A. Brookhuis, D. de Waard, and C.M. Weikert (Eds.) Human Factors in Telecommunications – Implications for the aged and disabled (pp. 37-48). Maastricht, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1997). On the measurement of driver mental workload. In J.A. Rothengatter and E. Carbonell Vaya (Eds.), Traffic and Transport Psychology. Theory and application (pp. 161-171). Oxford: Pergamon. De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1999). Driver support and automated driving systems: acceptance and effects on behavior. In M.W. Scerbo and M. Mouloua (Eds.) Automation Technology and Human Performance: Current Research and Trends (pp. 49-57). Mahwah, N.J., USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. co-author (Order: publication year/backwards) Lewis-Evans, B., de Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2013) Contemporary Models of Behavioural Adaptation. In S. Jamson, and C. Rudin-Brown (Eds). Behavioural Adaptation and Road Safety: Theory, Evidence and Action (pp.35-59). Boca Raton, FL, USA: Taylor and Francis, CRC Press. Wilschut, E.S. & De Waard, D. (2011). Psychophysiological measures of driver state. In Y. Barnard, R. Risser, and J. Krems (Eds.). The safety of intelligent driver support systems. design, evaluation, and social perspectives (pp. 111-120). Farnham, UK: Ashgate Publishing. Dangelmaier, M., Wenzel, G., Gemou, M., Bekiaris, E., Wiethoff, M., De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K., Spruijtenburg, E., & Marchau, V. (2011). Putting the Legos in Place. In E. Bekiaris, M. Wiethoff, and L. Gaitanidou (Eds.) Infrastructure and Safety in a Collaborative World (pp. 43-84). Berlin: Springer.
Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., (2011). Measuring physiology in simulators. In D.L. Fisher, M. Rizzo, J.K. Caird, and J.D. Lee (Eds.) Handbook of Driving Simulation for Engineering, Medicine and Psychology (pp. 17-1 – 17-10). Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press. Dijksterhuis, C., Kroiß, C., & De Waard, D. (2010). Adaptive driving support -information about the vehicle’s lateral position. In D. de Waard, A. Axelsson, M. Berglund, B. Peters, and C. Weikert (Eds.) (2010). Human Factors: A system view of human, technology and organisation (pp. 71 87). Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. Veldstra, J.L., Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (2009). Developing a virtual driving environment to test dose related effects of alcohol and drugs on simulated driving performance. In D. de Waard, J. Godthelp, F.L. Kooi, and K.A. Brookhuis (Eds.) (2009), Human Factors, Security and Safety (pp. 239 - 249). Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. Mulder, B., De Waard, D., Hoogeboom, P., Quispel, L., & Stuiver, A. (2008). Towards a Companion: using physiological measures for task adaptation. In J.H.D.M. Westerink, M. Ouwerkerk, T.J.M. Overbeek, W.F. Pasveer, and B. de Ruyter (Eds.), Probing Experience. From assessment of User Behaviour to Development of Products (pp. 221-234). Philips Research Book Series, Vol. 8. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer. Brookhuis, K. & De Waard, D. (2007). Intelligent Transport Systems for vehicle drivers. In T. Gärling and L. Steg (Eds.), Threats from car traffic to the quality of urban life (pp. 383 - 399). Amsterdam: Elsevier. Mulder, B., Rusthoven, H., Kuperus, M., de Rivecourt, M., & de Waard, D. (2007). Short-term heart rate measures as indices of momentary changes in invested mental effort. In D. de Waard, G.R.J. Hockey, P. Nickel, and K.A. Brookhuis (Eds.), Human Factors Issues in Complex System Performance (pp. 101 - 116). Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. Brookhuis, K., De Waard, D., Marchau, V.,Wiethoff, M., Walta, L. & Bekiaris, A. (2006). Self-explaining and forgiving roads to improve traffic safety. In D. de Waard, K.A. Brookhuis, and A. Toffetti (Eds.), Developments in Human Factors in Transportation, Design, and Evaluation (pp. 51 - 61). Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. Kruizinga, A., Mulder, B., & De Waard, D. (2006). Eye scan patterns in a simulated ambulance dispatcher´s task. In D. de Waard, K.A. Brookhuis, and A. Toffetti (Eds.) Developments in Human Factors in Transportation, Design, and Evaluation (pp. 305 - 317). Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. Brookhuis, K.A. & De Waard, D. (2005).ADAS’ acceptance and effects on behaviour: the consequences of automation? In G. Underwood (Ed.), Traffic and Transport Psychology. Theory and Application (pp.273-278). Amsterdam: Elsevier. Mulder, L.J.M., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2005). Estimating Mental Effort Using Heart rate and Heart Rate Variability. In N. Stanton, A. Hedge, K. Brookhuis, E. Salas, and H. Hendrick (Eds.) Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics Methods. Chapter 20 (pp.20-1 – 20-8). Boca Raton: CRC Press. Brookhuis, K.A. & De Waard, D. (2004). Why is driver impairment difficult to assess? In T.Rothengatter and R.D. Huguenin (Eds.), Traffic and Transport Psychology. Theory and Application (pp.231244). Amsterdam: Elsevier. Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., Kraaij, J.H., & Bekiaris, E. (2003). How important is driver fatigue, and what can we do about it. In D. de Waard, K.A. Brookhuis, S.M. Sommer, and W.B. Verwey (Eds.). Human Factors in the Age of Virtual Reality (pp. 191-205). Maastricht, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. Rothermel, S., Sommer, S., & De Waard, D. (2003). The role of simulation in the training of novice drivers. In D. De Waard, K.A. Brookhuis, S.M. Sommer, and W.B. Verwey (Eds.). Human Factors in the Age of Virtual Reality (pp. 157-159). Maastricht, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. Roskam, A.J., Uneken, E, De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K., Breker, S., & Rothermel, S. (2002). Evaluation of the comprehensibility of various designs of a Full Colour Information Panel. In D. de Waard, K.A. Brookhuis, J. Moraal, and A. Toffetti, Human Factors in Transportation, Communication, Health, and the Workplace (pp. 231-244). Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. Roskam, A.J., De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K., Uneken, E., Boverie, S., & Giralt, A. (2002). Drowsiness warning and driver acceptance –a simulator experiment. In D. de Waard, K.A. Brookhuis, J.
Moraal, and A. Toffetti, Human Factors in Transportation, Communication, Health, and the Workplace (pp. 217-229). Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (2001). Assessment of drivers’ workload: performance, subjective and physiological indices. In P. Hancock and P. Desmond (Eds.) Stress, workload and fatigue: theory, research and practice (pp. 321-333). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (2000). Electronic driver support systems: opportunities and pitfalls. In K.A. Brookhuis, D. de Waard, and C.M. Weikert (Eds.) Human Factors in Telecommunications – Implications for the aged and disabled (pp. 81-88). Maastricht, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing.
PAPERS IN PROCEEDINGS OF CONFERENCES 1st author (Order: publication year/backwards) De Waard, D. & Mulder, L.J.M. (2006). Can cardiovascular indices be used to adapt the ambulance dispatch worker’s task? In R.N. Pikaar, E.A.P. Koningsveld, and P.J.M. Settels (Eds.) Proceedings IEA2006 congress (CD). Elsevier (6 pp.). De Waard, D. & Mulder, L.J.M. (2006). Can cardiovascular indices be used to adapt the ambulance dispatch worker’s task? In S. Miyake and M. Trimmel (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Psychophysiology in Ergonomics. PIE-IEA Maastricht 2006, pp 90-96. De Waard, D. Brookhuis, K.A., Fabriek, E., & Van Wolffelaar, P.C. (2004). Driving the Phileas, a new automated public transport vehicle Proceedings ICCTP2004, online: De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., & Pernot, L.M.C. (2000). A driving simulator study on the effects of MDMA (Ecstasy) on driving performance and traffic safety. In H. Laurell (Ed.) T’2000 Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety. Stockholm, Sweden (5 pages on cd-ROM). Stockholm, Sweden: Ekonomi-press. De Waard, D. (1997). Driver Support Systems and Information Processing. In P. Albuquerque, J.A. Santos, C. Rodrigues, and A.H. Pires da Costa (Eds.) Human Factors in Road Traffic II. Traffic Psychology and Engineering, (pp. 100-101). Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho. De Waard, D., Van der Hulst, M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1997). The detection of driver inattention and breakdown. In P. Albuquerque, J.A. Santos, C. Rodrigues, and A.H. Pires da Costa (Eds.) Human Factors in Road Traffic II. Traffic Psychology and Engineering, (pp. 102-107). Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho. De Waard, D., Van der Hulst, M., Hoedemaeker, M., Brookhuis, K., & Soeteman, H. (1997). Human Factors, an emergency situation, and the Automated Highway System. In K.-P. Holzhausen (Ed.) Advances in Multimedia and Simulation. Human-Machine-Interface Implications, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Conference in Bochum, November 1997 (pp. 175-183). Bochum, Germany: Fachhochschule Bochum, University of Applied Sciences. De Waard, D, Van der Hulst, M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1996). Behavioural adaptation to an enforcement and tutoring system-a driving simulator study. In K.A. Brookhuis, C. Weikert and C.R. Cavonius (Eds.), Training and simulation, proceedings of the Europe Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 1994 (pp. 105-119). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. De Waard, D., Van der Hulst, M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1994). Het DETER toezichtssysteem getest in een rijsimulator. In F.J.J.M. Steyvers & A.R.A. van der Horst (Red.) Verkeersgedrag in onderzoek (pp 53-58). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. De Waard, D. (1991) Driving behaviour on a high-accident-rate motorway in the Netherlands. In C. Weikert, K.A. Brookhuis, and S. Ovinius (Eds). Man in complex systems, Proceedings of the Europe Chapter of the Human Factors Society Annual Meeting 1991. Work Science Bulletin 7 (pp 113-123). Work Science Division, Department of Psychology, Lund, Sweden: Lund University.
De Waard, D. & Brookhuis, K.A. (1991). The feasibility of a device that monitors driver's status and abilities. In Proceedings of the 24th ISATA International symposium on automotive technology and automation (pp. 725-731). Croydon, England: Automotive Automation Limited. co-author (Order: publication year/backwards) Stuiver, A. Mulder, L.J.M., Brookhuis, K.A., de Waard, D. & Dijksterhuis, C. (2011). Adaptive Task Support Based on Dynamic Human State Estimation. In P. Kellenberger (Eds.) SASO2010, fourth IEEE International conference on self-adaptive and self-organizing systems, Workshop W5, Selforganisation in Pervasive Adaptive Systems (PerAda) (pp.153-158). Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE. Wiethoff, M., Brookhuis, K., de Waard, D., Marchau, V., Walta, L., Wenzel, G., de Brucker, K., & Macharis, C. (2007) New concepts for Driver Assistance Systems to improve Road Safety. In P. Hilferink, P. Rietveld, T. van den Hanenberg (Eds) Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Day 2007. Zelzate, Belgium: Nautilus Academic Books. Brookhuis, K.A. & De Waard, D. (2006). Consequences of automation for driver behaviour and acceptance In R.N. Pikaar, E.A.P. Koningsveld, and P.J.M. Settels (Eds.) Proceedings IEA2006 congress (CD). Elsevier (6 pp.). Wilschut, E.S., Brouwer, R.F.T., Duistermaat, M., Hogema, J.H., Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (2005). Detecting drowsiness of drivers with a deterministic hypovigilance diagnosis module. In L. Macchi, C. Re, & P.C. Cacciabue (Eds.), Proceedings of the international workshop on modelling driver behaviour in automotive environments (pp. 297-299). Berlijn: Ispra. Rakauskas, M.E., Ward, N.J., Bernat, E.M., Cadwallader, M. Patrick, C.J., & De Waard, D. (2005). Psychophysiological measures of driver distraction and workload while intoxicated. Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design; Rockport, Maine (June 27-30,2005).(pp. 150-157). Ward, N.J., Manser, M.P., De Waard, D., Kuge, N., & Boer, E. (2003). Quantifying car following performance as a metric for primary and secondary (distraction) task load: Part A – Modification of task parameters. Proceedings of the HFES 47th Annual Meeting 2003 (pp. 1870-1874). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Pardo, J., Dols, J., Knoll, C., & De Waard, D. (2003). TRAINER: improving road safety by applying multimedia and simulation in novice drivers’ education. XVth triennial congress International Ergonomics Association, Seoul, Korea. Dols, J., Pardo, J., Verwey, W., & De Waard, D. (2001). TRAINER project: development of an improved learning method for training novice drivers with simulators. In ATTCE 2001 proceedings, Volume 1: safety, pp. 141 – 151. SAE Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale , USA. Uchida, N., Katayama, T., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2001). Visual search problems as causative factor of accidents at crossroads. Proceedings of the 1st Human-Centered Transportation Simulation Conference, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, November 4-7 (ISSN 15383288). [9 pages] Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., & Pernot, L.M.C. (2000). A driving simulator study on driving performance and traffic safety after multiple drug use, consisting of MDMA (Ecstasy) and various other psychoactive compounds. In H. Laurell (Ed.) T’2000 Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety. Stockholm, Sweden (5 pages on cd-ROM). Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (1999). The human factor in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), vehicle control for the future. In Imeche Seminar Publication 1999-13 (pp. 59-76). Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd. Molin, E., Marchau, V., Van Hoytema, S., & De Waard, D. (1999). Drivers’ stated preferences for a driver state monitoring system. In P.Bovy (Ed.) Proceedings 5 th TRAIL annual congress, Five years “Crossroads of Theory and Practice”, part 2, 21 pages. December 1999. Delft, The Netherlands: Delft University Press. Steyvers, F.J.J.M., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1999). Aspects of human behaviour in tunnel fires – a literature review. In proceedings of the International Tunnel Fire & Safety Conference, Rotterdam 2-3 December 1999. Leusden, The Netherlands: Brisk Events.(10 pages) Brookhuis, K. & De Waard, D. (1997). Intelligent Speed Adaptor (ISA). In K.-P. Holzhausen (Ed.) Advances in Multimedia and Simulation. Human-Machine-Interface Implications, Proceedings of
the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Conference in Bochum, November 1997 (pp. 203-214). Bochum, Germany: Fachhochschule Bochum, University of Applied Sciences. Brookhuis, K. & De Waard, D. (1997). In-vehicle system for detection of violations and impairment. In D. Roller (Ed.). 30th International Symposium on Automotive Technology & Automation (ISATA) (pp. 231-239). London: Automotive Automation Ltd. Brookhuis, K., De Waard, D., & Bekiaris, E. (1997). Development of a system for detection of driver impairment. In C. Mercier-Guyon (Ed.) Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety - T’97 (pp. 581-586). Annecy, France: CERMT Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches en Médecine du Traffic. Steyvers, F.J.J.M. & De Waard, D. (1997). Road-edge delineation in rural areas: effects on driving behaviour. In K.A. Brookhuis, D. de Waard, and C.M. Weikert (Eds.) Simulators and Traffic Psychology. Proceedings of the 1996 annual meeting of the Europe Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (pp. 163 - 178). Groningen, the Netherlands: Centre for Environmental and Traffic Psychology, University of Groningen. Van der Hulst, M., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K. (1997). Time-of-day effects on anticipation in distancekeeping. In P. Albuquerque, J.A. Santos, C. Rodrigues, and A.H. Pires da Costa (Eds.) Human Factors in Road Traffic II. Traffic Psychology and Engineering, (pp. 78-83). Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho. Bekiaris, E., Brookhuis, K., & De Waard, D. (1997). A system for detection of driver impairment and emergency handling. In D. Roller (Ed.). 30th International Symposium on Automotive Technology & Automation (ISATA) (pp. 223-231). London: Automotive Automation Ltd. Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., & Van der Hulst, M. (1996). De auto uw gids, politie-agent en hoeder?! In F.J.J.M. Steyvers & P.G.M. Miltenburg (red.), Gedragsbeïnvloeding in Verkeers- en Vervoersbeleid (pp. 3-9). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. Van der Hulst, M., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K. (1995). New technology and behaviour of older drivers, mental effort and subjective evaluation. In K. Johansson & C. Lundberg (Eds.), Proceedings of the symposium Aging and driving. Effects of aging, diseases, and drugs on sensory functions, perception, and cognition, in relation to driving ability, Stockholm September 1994 (pp 53-57). Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Family Medicine, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden. Van der Laan, J.D., De Waard, D., & Muskaug, R. (1994). Social acceptance of prevailing and automatic policing systems. In ERTICO (Ed.). Towards an intelligent transport system. Proceedings of the First World Congress on applications of transport telematics and intelligent vehicle-highway systems (pp 1983-1990). Boston: Artech House. Brookhuis, K.A. & De Waard, D. (1991). The use of psychophysiology to assess driver status. In A. Gundel, Commission of the European Communities, Proceedings of the workshop "Psychophysiological measures in transportation operations" (Report IB 316-91-01) (pp. 283304). Köln, Germany: DLR - Institut für Flugmedizin. Brookhuis, K.A. & De Waard, D. (1991). The use of physiological measures in traffic research. In C. Weikert, K.A. Brookhuis, and S. Ovinius (Eds). Man in complex systems, Proceedings of the Europe Chapter of the Human Factors Society Annual Meeting 1991. Work Science Bulletin 7 (pp 1-11). Work Science Division, Department of Psychology, Lund, Sweden: Lund University.
TECHNICAL REPORTS APA order Brookhuis, K.A., De Vries, G., & De Waard, D. (1989). De effecten van het gebruik van de autotelefoon op het rijgedrag (Rapport VK 89-02). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. Brookhuis, K.A. & De Waard, D. (1995). Considerations on introduction of driver behaviour monitoring systems. In K.A. Brookhuis (Ed.), Integrated systems. Results of experimental test, recommendations for introduction (Report V2009/ DETER/Deliverable 18 (331A, 440AB), pp. 105-108). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre.
Brookhuis, K.A. & De Waard, D. (1995). Legal aspects and cost-benefit evaluations of on-site systems. In D. de Waard (Ed.), On-site tutoring and enforcement systems: Operational aspects, behavioural, cost-benefit and safety assessment. (Report V2009/ DETER/Deliverable 16 (210B,230A), pp. 4145). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (1996). Limiting speed through telematics. Towards an Intelligent Speed Adaptor (ISA).(Report VK 96-04). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. Brookhuis, K.A. & De Waard, D. (1997). A validation study of a PC-based test of safety aspects of invehicle information systems: a test of an auditory message version of an RDS-TMC task. report COV 97-06. Groningen, The Netherlands: University of Groningen: Centre for Environmental and Traffic Psychology. Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., & Albronda, P.G.M. (1998). Steering wheel grip and head position sensor. Report SAVE/TRC 2.1. SAVE Consortium. Groningen, the Netherlands: University of Groningen, Centre for Environmental and Traffic Psychology. Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., & Mesken, J. (1998). Evaluatie leesbaarheid van wegwijzers. Een deelstudie. (Rapport COV 98-01). Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Centrum voor Omgevings- en Verkeerspsychologie. Brookhuis, K.A., de Waard, D., & Steyvers, F.J.J.M. (2000). Behavioural aspects of an Intelligent ManMachine Interface for driver-support systems (Report COV-00-01). Groningen: University of Groningen, Centre for Environmental and Traffic Psychology. Brouwer, R.F.T., Duistermaat, M., Hogema, J.H., Brookhuis, K.A., De Waard, D., & Wilschut, E.S (2004). Detecting drowsiness under different highway scenarios using a simple hypovigilance diagnosis system. Report pilot5. AWAKE IST-2000-28062 Consortium. Soesterberg: TNO Human Factors. Brouwer, R.F.T., De Waard, D., Brookhuis, & K.A (2005). Pilot 7 and 12: A test of the Traffic Risk Estimator and the Driver Warning System. Pilot 7-12. Report TNO-DV3 2005-D 001. Soesterberg: TNO Defense, Security and Safety. Brouwer, R.F.T., Duistermaat, M., Hogema, J.H., De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., & Wilschut, E.S (2005). Detecting drowsiness under different highway scenarios using a simple hypovigilance diagnosis system. Report TNO-DV3 2005-D 009. Soesterberg: TNO Defense, Security and Safety. De Vries, G., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1989). A double blind study to compare the acute and subchronic effects of Ebastine 10, 20 and 30 mg o.d., tripolodine 10 mg o.d. and placebo on car driving performance (Report VK 89-22). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. De Waard, D. (1988). Specificatie van subjectieve kansverdelingen met behulp van interaktieve computerprogramma's. (Rapport HB-88-921-SW). Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Vakgroep Statistiek en Meettheorie, PPSW. De Waard, D. (Ed.) (1995). On-site tutoring and enforcement systems: Operational aspects, behavioural, cost-benefit and safety assessment. (Report 2009/DETER/Deliverable 16 (210B,230A)). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. De Waard, D. (1998). Reliability of head position sensor. Report SAVE/TRC 10.1. SAVE Consortium. Groningen, the Netherlands: University of Groningen, Centre for Environmental and Traffic Psychology. De Waard, D. (2005). HASTE Report Brussels Workshop March 2005, HMI and Safety-Related Driver Performance. HASTE Consortium GRD1/2000/25361. ITS-University of Leeds. De Waard, D. (2008). Mobile phone use while cycling: results of an observation study, Bellen op de fiets: resultaten van een observatiestudie - Short Communication for the Ministry of Transport. Report commissioned by the Ministry of Transport (Rijkswaterstaat DVS). De Waard, D., Van der Linden, L.H.K., & Westra, E.J. (1990). Observaties van rijgedrag in een geïnstrumenteerde auto op de A-28 tussen Assen en Groningen (Rapport VK 90-16). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. De Waard, D. & Rooijers, A.J. (1992). Het effect van handhavingsactiviteiten op rijsnelheid op autosnelwegen. Deel 1: intensiteit, methodiek en afhandeling (Rapport VK 92-01). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum.
De Waard, D., Söder, J.C.M., & Rooijers, A.J. (1992). Het effect van handhavingsactiviteiten op rijsnelheid op autosnelwegen. Deel 2: eindrapportage, optimalisatie van toezicht (Rapport VK 92-03). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. De Waard, D., Steyvers, F.J.J.M., Heino, A., Jessurun, M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1992). Effecten van taakbelasting en stuurbeweging op prestatie en fysiologische parameters in een gesimuleerde rijtaak (Rapport VK 92-10). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., Van der Hulst, M., & Van der Laan, J.D. (1994). Behaviour comparator prototype test in a driving simulator (Report 2009/DETER/Deliverable 10 (321B)). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. De Waard, D. & Brookhuis, K.A. (1995) Experimental test of the integrated DETER system. In K.A. Brookhuis (Ed), Integrated systems. Results of experimental test, recommendations for introduction (Report V2009/ DETER/Deliverable 18 (331A, 440AB), pp. 91-104). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. De Waard, D. & Van der Laan, J.D. (1995). Behavioural and safety assessment of on-site feedback and enforcement systems. In D. de Waard (Ed.), On-site tutoring and enforcement systems: Operational aspects, behavioural, cost-benefit and safety assessment . (Report 2009/DETER/Deliverable 16 (210B,230A), pp. 35-40). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. De Waard, D. & Steyvers, F.J.J.M. (1995). Wegbelijning in rurale verblijfgebieden: een experiment met kantbelijning. (Rapport VK 95-07). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. De Waard, D., Van der Hulst, M., Brookhuis, K.A., Verwey, W.B., & Zaidel, D.M. (1996). Driver Inattention. (Report VK 96-05). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. De Waard, D., Van Der Hulst, M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1997). Driver breakdown and performance criteria. Report SAVE TRC 5.1 to the commission of the European Union. Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. De Waard, D. & Brookhuis, K.A. (1997a). Pilot on-the-road experiment on driver breakdown. Report SAVE/TRC 5.2. SAVE Consortium. Haren, the Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. De Waard, D. & Brookhuis, K.A. (1997b). On-the-road experiment on cardiac arrest. Report SAVE/TRC 5.3. SAVE Consortium. Haren, the Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. De Waard, D. & Steyvers, F.J.J.M. (1997). First trials on effects of alcohol on grip and head sensor measures. Report SAVE/TRC 6.1. SAVE Consortium. Groningen, the Netherlands: University of Groningen, Centre for Environmental and Traffic Psychology. De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., & Van Winsum, W. (1997). Behavioural change as a result of introduction of a SAVE unit; points of concern. Report SAVE/TRCTN 8.1. SAVE Consortium. Haren, the Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. De Waard, D., Van der Hulst, M., Hoedemaeker, M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1997). Human control in an emergency situation in the Automated Highway System (AHS) (Report COV-97-04). Groningen: University of Groningen, Centre for Environmental and Traffic Psychology. De Waard, D., Mesken, J., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1998). Begrijpelijkheidsonderzoek Argumentatieborden – Herkenbaarheidsonderzoek verkeersborden in matrixuitvoering. (Rapport COV 98-02). Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Centrum voor Omgevings- en Verkeerspsychologie. De Waard, D. & Brookhuis, K.A. (2000). Praktijkervaring met calamiteiten in tunnels. Taakanalyse gedrag in tunnels (Rapport COV 00-02). Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Centrum voor Omgevings- en Verkeerspsychologie. De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., Pernot, L.M.C., Lamers, C.Y.J., Booij, L., Sikkema, K.L., Muntjewerff, N.D., Vuurman, E.F.P.M., & Riedel, W.J. (2000). Een onderzoek naar de effecten van MDMA (Ecstasy) op cognitieve- en psychomotorische functies, rijgedrag in de simulator, en consequenties voor de verkeersveiligheid (Rapport COV 00-06). Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Centrum voor Omgevings- en Verkeerspsychologie. De Waard, D., Steyvers, F.J.J.M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2000). Visuele Informatie en rijgedrag: Resultaten van een experiment in de rijsimulator (Rapport COV 00-09). Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Centrum voor Omgevings- en Verkeerspsychologie.
De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., Streefkerk, J.W., & Van Wolffelaar, P.C. (2001). Evaluatie “Denkdek” (ondersteuningssysteem ritsen) in de rijsimulator. Rapport experimentele en Arbeidspsychologie in opdracht van TNO Technische Menskunde. De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K.A., Fabriek, E., & Van Wolffelaar, P.C. (2003). Phileas simulatoronderzoek: gedrag en evaluatie chauffeurs. Rapport Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Experimentele en Arbeidspsychologie, in opdracht van APTS. De Waard, D. & Brookhuis, K.A. (2004). Resultaten van het Denkdek onderzoek in Rijsimulator en Praktijkproef vergeleken. Rapport ITSA-2004-01. Wijk en Aalburg: ITS Advies. De Waard, D, De Jong, C, Brookhuis, K., Brouwer, R, & Antonello, C. (2004). Detecting drowsiness onthe-road after a night shift. Report WP7, Pilot 16. AWAKE IST-2000-28062 Consortium. Groningen: TRAIL Research School, Experimental and Work Psychology. De Waard, D., Stuiver, A., Roerdink, M., Amos, D., & Hinton, J. (2007). HILAS Deliverable D3.2.2.3 Questionnaires. Dublin, Ireland: Trinity College. Report to EU De Waard, D., Kruizinga, A., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2007). De invloed van de groei van vrachtwagenverkeer op het gedrag van ander verkeer bij in- en uitvoegstroken op snelwegen. een simulatoronderzoek. Rapport Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Experimentele en Arbeidspsychologie, in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer (AVV). De Waard, D., Dijksterhuis, C., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2008). Groei van het vrachtwagenverkeer en invoeggedrag van jonge en oudere automobilisten op snelwegen –verkenning van het probleem en de effecten van twee maatregelen. Een simulatoronderzoek. Rapport Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Experimentele en Arbeidspsychologie, in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer (AVV). Dijksterhuis, C., Veldstra, J., & De Waard, D. (2012). Verzilvering van de wegomgeving bij het invoegen op de (auto)snelweg - Leesbare, begrijpelijke, en zinvolle informatie op dynamische informatiepanelen ter ondersteuning van de snelheidskeuze tijdens de invoegmanoeuvre voor oudere weggebruikers. Rapport Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Neuropsychologie, in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat Dienst Verkeer en Scheepvaart (DVS). Fabriek, E., De Waard, D., & Den Brinker, B. (2011). Visuele Aspecten van Fietsvoorzieningen. Rapport Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Neuropsychologie, in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat Dienst Verkeer en Scheepvaart (DVS). Fairclough, S., Ewing, K., Gilleade, K., De Waard, D., Dijksterhuis, C., Stuiver, A., & Mulder, B. (2011). Cognitive experience. In N. Serbedzija (Ed.). Reflective Approach for Real-Life Computing (pp. 74-81). PerAda. Berlin: Fraunhofer First, White paper for the RELECT project. Hogema, J.H., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2001). Het slimme wegdek: evaluatie van twee ritssystemen. Rapport TM-01-C048. Soesterberg, TNO Technische Menskunde in opdracht van Bouwdienst Rijkswaterstaat. Hoogeboom, P., Jorna, P., Mulder, B., De Waard, D., & Stuiver, A. (2005). COMPANION (Co-operative Observing MMI for Personalised Assistance and Narration as Induced by Operator Needs) Final report. NLR/2005.03.31. Amsterdam: NLR National Aerospace Laboratory. Jessurun, M., Steyvers, F.J.J.M., De Waard, D., Dekker, K., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1990). Beleving, waarneming en activatie tijdens het rijden over een deel van de A2 (Rapport VK 90-18). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. Jessurun, M., De Waard, D., Steyvers, F.J.J.M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1991). Activatie en beleving tijdens het bekijken van dia's met wegomgevingen (Rapport VK 91-03). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. Jessurun, M., De Waard, D., Raggatt, P.T.F., Steyvers, F.J.J.M., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1993). Implementatie van snelheidsbeperkende maatregelen op 80 km/uur wegen: effecten op rijgedrag, activatie en beleving (Rapport VK 93-01). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. Kuiken, M.J., Miltenburg, P.G.M., De Waard, D., & Van de Mey. P. (1991). Behaviour of novice, inexperienced and experienced drivers during manoeuvring tasks. In M.J. Kuiken & J.A. Groeger (Eds.), Report on feedback requirements and performance differences of drivers (Report V1041/GIDS/Deliverable ADA02). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. Lewis-Evans, B., Dijksterhuis, C., De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K., & Tucha, O. (2013). Behaviour change and Pay-As-You-Drive insurance: Rewards, punishment, and persuasive information delivery.
Report PAYD-1 In opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat en Univé verzekeringen, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands. Lourens, P.F., De Waard, D, & Steyvers, F.J.J.M. (1996). Verkeersproblemen knooppunt Joure. Een onderzoek met de geïnstrumenteerde auto van het VSC (Rapport VK-WR-96-09). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. Mulder, B., Stuiver, A., De Waard, D., Hoogeboom, P., & Jorna, P. (2005). Companion. Final Report. IOP MMI99002A&B. Experimentele en Arbeidspsychologie, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Östlund, J., Nilsson, L., Carsten, O., Merat, N., Jamson, H., Jamson, S., Mouta, S.,Carvalhais, J.,Santos, J., Anttila, V., Sandberg, H., Luoma, J., De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K., Johansson, E. Engström, J., Victor, T., Harbluk, J., Janssen, W., & Brouwer, R. (2004). Report Deliverable 2: HMI and Safety-Related Driver Performance. HASTE Consortium GRD1/2000/25361. ITS-University of Leeds. Rakauskas, M., Ward, N., Bernat, E. Cadwallader, M., & De Waard, D. (2005). Driving Performance During Cell Phone Conversations and Common In-Vehicle Tasks While Sober and Drunk. Report MN/RC – 2005-41. Minneapolis, MN: HumanFirst, University of Minnesota. Online: Roerdink, M., De Waard, D., & Bacigalupo, M. (2006). ANACONDA Review. HILAS Deliverable D3.1.2.2. Amsterdam: NLR National Aerospace Laboratory NLR. Rooijers, A.J., De Waard, D., & Söder, J.C.M. (1992). De effectiviteit van maatregelen ter beheersing van de rijsnelheid. Een overzicht (Rapport VK 92-09). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. Rothengatter, J.A., De Waard, D., Slotegraaf, G., Carbonell Vaya, E., & Muskaug, R. (1991). Social acceptance of automatic policing and information systems (Report 1033/AUTOPOLIS/Deliverable 7). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. Schuitema, G., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (2008). Onderzoek naar de effecten van TRIALS, the ultimate driving test. Rapport Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Experimentele en Arbeidspsychologie, in opdracht van Stichting TRIALS. Söder, J.C.M., Rooijers, A.J., & De Waard, D. (1993). Evaluatieonderzoek naar het effect van maatregelen ter beheersing van de rijsnelheid op de Friesestraatweg, 1992. (Rapport VK 93-04). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. Steg, L, De Waard, D., Lindenberg, S., & Brookhuis, K. (2010). Acceptatie en gevolgen van groene straatverlichting. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. (in opdracht Gemeente Assen). Steyvers, F.J.J.M. & De Waard, D. (1990). Citybikes vergeleken op comfort, gebruiksgemak, nachtrijden en remwerking. Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. Steyvers, F.J.J.M., De Waard, D., Jessurun, M., Rooijers, A.J., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1992). Een voorstudie naar de effecten van snelheidsbeperkende maatregelen op het rijgedrag op 80-km wegen (Rapport VK 92-05). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. Steyvers, F.J.J.M., De Waard, D., & Garmann, M. (1996). Effecten van wegkantbelijning op autorijden in het donker (Rapport VK 96-02). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum. Steyvers, F.J.J.M. & De Waard, D. (1997). Effecten van Alcohol op rijgedrag: een gecontroleerde replicatie van de ervaringsproef in het project “Alcoholvrij op weg”. Rapport COV 97-08. Groningen: Centrum voor Omgevings- en Verkeerspsychologie, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Steyvers, F.J.J.M., De Waard, D., & Brookhuis, K.A. (1999). Algemene aspecten van tunnelgebruik en veiligheid. Rapport COV 99-09. Groningen: Centrum voor Omgevings- en Verkeerspsychologie, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Van der Laan, J.D., De Waard, D., & Muskaug, R. (1995). Policing and enforcement: an analysis of acceptance of current and automatic policing activities (Report V2009/DETER/Deliverable 17 (220A)). Haren, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, Traffic Research Centre. Van der Zwaag, M., Schroeder, A., Westerink, J., De Vries, G.J., Janssen, J., & De Waard, D. (2011). Emotional experience. In N. Serbedzija (Ed.). Reflective Approach for Real-Life Computing (pp. 62-73). PerAda. Berlin: Fraunhofer First, White paper for the RELECT project. Van Winsum, W., Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (1998). Approximations of Time to Line Crossing (TLC) for real time measurement during car driving. Report TM-98-B008. Soesterberg, the Netherlands: TNO Human Factors Research Institute.
Van Winsum, W., Brookhuis, K.A., & De Waard, D. (1998). Characteristics of lane change behaviour. Report TNO TM-98-D004. Soesterberg, the Netherlands: TNO Human Factors Research Institute. Ward, N.J., Shankwitz, C, Gorgestani, A., Boer, E., & De Waard, D. (2003). A pilot study of a lane support system for BRT operations: bus driver stress in dedicated bus shoulders. Report. HumanFIRST Program, ITS Institute, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota. Westra, E.J., Steyvers, F.J.J.M., & De Waard, D. (1993). Snorfietsen vergeleken op comfort, gebruiksgemak, nachtrijden, remwerking en acceleratie (Rapport WR 93-01). Haren: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum.
OTHER De Waard, D. (2005). Convegno 2005 dell’HFES Econference HFES EC. Ergonomia, 3, p. 47. Brookhuis, K.A., Steg, L., De Waard, D., Carsten, O., Pringle, C., & Groeger, J.A. (2009). Obituary- In Memoriam Talib Rothengatter. Transportation research Part F, 12, 359-360.