APPENDIX 1 QUESTIONNAIRES FOR THE PARENTS Pilihlah SATU jawaban antara a, b, c, atau d yang paling sesuai dengan keadaan Anda 1. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris apabila menanyakan suatu benda? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 2. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris apabila menyebutkan suatu angka? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 3. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris apabila menyebutkan suatu warna? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 4. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris dengan anda dirumah? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang e. Tidak pernah
5. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris dengan teman sekolahnya di luar jam sekolah? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 6. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris dengan guru sekolahnya di luar jam sekolah? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 7. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda tertarik untuk mendengarkan pembicaraan orang lain yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 8. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda mematuhui perintah-perintah yang anda berikan dalam bahasa Inggris? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 9. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda sering menyanyikan lagu dalam bahasa Inggris? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah
10. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda sering mendengarkan lagu dalam bahasa Inggris? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 11. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda sering bertanya dengan orang lain dengan bahasa Inggris? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 12. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda dapat membaca atau menyebutkan suatu huruf dengan bahasa Inggris? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 13. Apakah sejak bersekolah di Kiddieland Playgroup-Preschool anak anda dapat menirukan perkataan-perkataan yang disebutkan dengan bahasa Inggris? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah
APPENDIX 2 ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS FOR THE PARENTS Pilihlah SATU jawaban antara a, b, c, atau d yang paling sesuai dengn keadaan Anda 1. Apakah pekerjaan anda/suami/istri anda (bisa lebih dari 1 jawaban)? a. Pegawai Negeri b. Pegawai Perusahaan Swasta c. Wiraswasta d. Professional (dokter, notaries, pengacara, dll) e. Lain-lain (Ibu rumah tangga, dll) 2. Mengapa anda menyekolahkan anak anda di Kiddieland? a. Saya ingin anak saya bisa berbahasa Inggris. b. Saya merasa pendidikan lebih awal itu baik. c. Agar anak saya tidak menganggur di rumah. d. Lain-lain : ______________________________________________ 3. Berapa usia anak anda? a. 3 – 4 tahun
c. 5 – 6 tahun
b. 4 – 5 tahun
d. 6 – 7 tahun
4. Sudah berapa lama anak anda belajar di Kiddieland? a. Dibawah 1 tahun
d. Antara 3 – 4 tahun
b. Antara 1 –2 tahun
e. Lebih dari 4 tahun
c. Antara 2 – 3 tahun 5. Siapa yang dapat berbicara bahasa Inggris dirumah anda? (Bisa lebih dari 1 jawaban) a. Anda sendiri b. Suami/istri anda c. Anak-anak anda yang lain d. Orang-orang lain (Kakek, nenek, paman, bibi, dll) 6. Apakah anda puas dengan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris anak anda setelah belajar di Kiddieland? a. Sangat puas
c. Kurang puas
b. Tidak puas
d. Puas
APPENDIX 3 QUESTIONNAIRES FOR THE TEACHERS Pilihlah SATU jawaban antara a, b, c, atau d yang paling sesuai dengn keadaan Anda 1. Apakah anak-anak menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menanyakan suatu hal kepada anda? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 2. Apakah anak-anak mengerti instruksi-instruksi yang anda berikan dalam bahasa Inggris? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 3. Apakah anak-anak menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang anda ajukan dengan bahasa Inggris? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 4. Apakah anak-anak mengalami kesulitan dalam mengungkapkan suatu hal dalam bahasa Inggris apabila hendak berbicara dengan anda? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 5. Apakah anak-anak dalam bermain bersama teman-teman di sekolah tetap menggunakan bahasa Inggris? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah
6. Apakah apabila anak-anak sedang bermain puzzle atau melalukan role play, atau kegiatan Fun Activities yang lain mereka menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi dengan teman? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah 7. Apakah menurut anda, kegiatan yang bersifat Fun Activities (mis: games, puzzle, role play, songs, poems, dll) itu bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan murid berbicara bahasa Inggris? a. Sangat bermanfaat b. Bermanfaat c. Kurang bermanfaat d. Tidak bermanfaat 8. Apakah anak-anak dapat menghapalkan nyanyian-nyanyian dalam bahasa Inggris yang telah diajarkan? a. Sering b. Kadang-kadang c. Jarang d. Tidak pernah
: “I spy with my little eye something that we use to sit on. The color is white and it is make from wood. What is that? Who knows the answer?”
: “It’s a chair, Miss?”
: “Raise your hand first.”
: “Miss, he doesn’t raise his hand.”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok, Fando, next time you have to raise your hand first and wait for the teacher call your name. Sorry Fando you cannot get the star even your answer is correct. OK?”
: “Okay.”
: “Ok guys…listen to the next question. I spy…”
: “Miss, look at Erica, she doesn’t cross her legs.”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok Helena, but you have to raise your hand first when you want to speak, you cannot just interrupt someone like what you did before. OK Helena?”
: “Okay.”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok guys, before Miss Nungky continuous the game I want to remind you all that you have to raise your hand if you want to say something. Do not interrupt someone who’s speaking. It’s not polite…it will…”
: “Yeah, it’s not good Helena.”
Ms. Mona
: “Josh, what just Miss Nungky said about?”
: “Raise your hand first if you want to speak?”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok guys…that’s enough…you have to remember to raise your hand if you want to speak and wait until the teacher call your name. Ok now…Let’s continuo the game…I spy with my little eye something we use to cut paper. It has 2 holes. What is that? Who knows the answer?”
All of the pupils
: “Me…me…me…Miss.” (raising their hand)
Ms. Rina
: “Guys, you have to wait until Miss Nungky call your name. No yelling.”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok Jovan.”
Jovan Ms. Nungky
: “Hmmm…” : “Jovan, if you don’t know the answer, don’t raise your hand.”
: “Jovan, It’s a scissors.” (whistling)
Ms. Nungky
: “Val, don’t say the answer to Jovan. Ok guys, time’s up, it’s time for us to get something to play in Practical Life area, Sensorial Material Area, Library, Computer, or Math Corner. Ms. Yani, could you please call them.”
Ms. Yani
: “Ok…Let’s see who’s sitting nicely…”
: “Me…me…Miss…”(still raising their hand and make noise)
Ms. Yani
: “Sit ni cely means you have to cross your legs, put your hands in your lap and be quiet…”
All of the pupils
: ……………………………………………………………
Ms. Yani
: “Ok, Cathlyn…Come here Cat…”
Jordy : “Miss…Look at Justin…he doesn’t sit nicely.” Ms. Yani
: “Jordy…”
Jordy : “Okay…” Ms. Febi
: “Justin…sit nicely…”
(Ms. Yani calls all of the kids and they get something to play)
: “Good Morning Everybody…”
All of the pupils
: “Good Morning Miss Nungky.”
Ms. Nungky
: “ How are you today?”
All of the pupils
: “I’m fine thank you.”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok…today is Wednesday, what do we usually have on Tuesday?”
All of the pupils
: “Geography….”
Ms. Nungky
: “Good…Ok…Last Monday I’ve explained to you about China, Korea, Japan, and Philippine. Is that right?”
All of the pupils
: “Yes……”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok, let me ask you some question…Hmmmmmm….Let see who’s sitting nicely will get a turn to answer the questions. What is the rule?”
: “Cross your legs, be quiet, and raise hand t o speak.”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok good…but this time I’m going to do review, so I will point at you randomly. So you have to be ready. Now listen, what is the color of the flag in China…Patty?”
: “The color is red with one big star and four little star…”
Ms. Nungky
: “Good, now Gavra, what is animal come from China?”
: “I know…I know…Panda.”
Ms. Nungky
: ”Do I call you Vincent?”
: ………….(Quiet)
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok Listen again, What is the color of the flag in Korea…Emily?”
: “White with a circle in the middle, the color is red and blue with 4 stripes.”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok good, now How about the color of the flag in Japan? Ian?”
: “Hmmm…White with red circle in the middle.”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok, now I’m going to ask Jayson. Jayson, what is t he famous place in Japan?”
: …….(Quiet)
Ms. Nungky
: “You don’t know the answer right…You keep talking all the time…One more time you do it again, we’ll put you in the corner.”
: “No…no…no…Miss…”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok then you have to listen. Ok w ho knows the answer.”
Jason : “Me Miss…” Ms. Nungky
: “Yes Jason…”
Jason : “Fuji Mountain.” Ms. Nungky
: “Good, now Kelvin, what is the money use in China?”
: “Yuan.”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok good, now Amanda, what is the money use in Korea?”
: “Rupi ah….”
: “It’s Indonesia…”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ssssstttt…yes Amanda, Rupiah is the money that Indonesian people use it. How about Korean, if you want to buy toy in Korea, what money will you use? It’s almost the same with number 1?”
: “Hmmm….I know M iss, it’s Won…”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok…good….Ups…time’s up guys, we will continue it again tomorrow, to prepare for the Mini Mind Olympic next week. Ok who’s the helper for today?”
All of the pupils
: “Jojo….”
Ms. Nungky
: “Ok, Jojo, come here…”
: “Good morning everybody?”
All of the pupils
: “Good morning Miss Inge.”
Ms. Inge
: “How are you today?”
All of the pupils
: “I’m fine, thank you.”
Ms. Inge
: “Good, Ok guys , It’s almost the end of January. What month comes after January? Let’s sing the song?”
All of the pupils
: “There are twelve months There are twelve months There are twelve months in a year, January, February, March, and April, May, and June July, August then September next some fun October too, then November and December there are twelve months now we’ve through.”
Ms. Inge
: “Good, so how many months do we have in a year?”
: “Twelve months….”
Ms. Inge
: “Ok…good Ian…Now, what
months come after January?
Let’s count together.” All of the pupils
: “January…..February….March….”
: “February…”
Ms. Inge
: “Ok…good Fando, but remember to raise your hand first. Ok guys, what kind of celebration do we celebrate on February?”
: “Christmas..”
Ms. Inge
: “No…Christmas in on…what month, who knows?”
: “December. On February we’ll celebrate Valentine.”
Ms. Inge
: “Ok good job Ian. Now, I’m going to teach you a new song for our Mom and Dad. Repeat after me guys. Be quiet, sit nicely and listen to me.”
………………………………………………………………………………………….. Ms. Inge
: “Ok good…Listen carefully, I’ll sing it first and all of you have to pay attention to me…Ok… I have a Valentine just for you
I wrote on the card I love you true I wrapped it and mailed it yesterday Close to your heart I hope it’s true. Is it a nice song guys? It’s very easy right?” All of the pupils
: “Yes……….”
Ms. Inge
: “Ok, now I’ll say it one by one and you repeat after me Ok…Listen…. I have a Valentine just for you…Ok repeat please?”
All of the pupils
: “I have a Valentine just for you…”
Ms. Inge
: “Ok good, next…I wrote on the card…”
All of the pupils
: “I wrote on the card…”
Ms. Inge
: “Good…next…I love you true…”
All of the pupils
: “I love you true…”
Ms. Inge
: “I wrapped it and mailed it yesterday…”
All of the pupils
: “I wrapped it and mailed it yesterday…(inaudible)”
Ms. Inge
: “Ok, one more time I wrapped it…”
All of the pupils
: “I wrapped it…”
Ms. Inge
: “and mailed it…”
All of the pupils
: “and mailed it…”
Ms. Inge
: “Good…Ok…next is Close to your heart I hope it’s true…”
All of the pupils
: “Close to your heart I hope it’s true…”
Ms. Inge
: “Ok guys…let’s try it together..1…2….3”
All of the pupils +
: “I have a Valentine just for you
All of the teachers
I wrote on the card I love you true I wrapped it and mailed it yesterday Close to your heart I hope it’s true.”
Ms. Inge
: “You have to say I wrapped it and mailed it..”
All of the pupils
: “I wrapped it and mailed it…”
Ms. Inge
: “Ok good…one mor e time please…”
All of the pupils +
: “I have a Valentine just for you
All of the teachers
I wrote on the card I love you true I wrapped it and mailed it yesterday Close to your heart I hope it’s true.”
: “Ok kids, today is Thursday. What do we usually have every Thursday…?
All of the pupils
: “Show and Tell…”
Ms. Puspa
: “Good…and whose group’s turn to do Show and Tell today…?”
All of the pupils
: “Miss Rina’s group…”
Ms. Puspa
: “Good…and who ar e they…”
All of the pupils
: “Kelvin, Jojo, Little Jason, Aileen, Gavra, Justin.”
Ms. Puspa
: “Good…and what should you bring for our Show and Tell today…”
All of the pupils
: “Car…”
Ms. Puspa
: “Good… now let me ask you something…in Miss Rina’s group who doesn’t bring a car…”
: “Miss…miss…?”
Ms. Puspa
: “Yes Danielle…”
: “I bring 3 cars…”
Ms. Puspa
: “Yes, I know you bring 3 cars. But today’s turn is Miss Rina’s group? Are you Miss Rina’s group?”
: “No…Miss Yani..”
Ms. Puspa
: “ You got to say I’m Miss Yani’s group…”
: “Okay…I’m Miss Yani’s group…”
Ms. Puspa
: “Ok, then sorry you cannot do Show and Tell today.”
: “Okay…”
Ms. Puspa
: “Ok, let’s continuo, in Miss Rina’s group who doesn’t bring a car for our Show and Tell today…”
All of the pupils
: ………………………………………………………
Ms. Puspa
: “Ok let’s start…Aileen come here…”
………………………………………………………………………………... Ms. Puspa
: “Ok, now you show the car to your friends and tell them everything about it…”
: “This is my car, it ’s sport car, the color is blue, it has 4 wheels…( look at Ms. Puspa ).”
Ms. Puspa
: “Is that all…It has rearview mirror or not…where is that?”
: “Yes…this one (pointing at the rearview mirror).
Ms. Puspa
: “Ok, how about the steering wheel…”
: “This one (pointing at the steering wheel)”
Ms. Puspa
: “How about the wiper…where’s is that?”
: “Hmmmmmmmm…”
Ms. Puspa
: “Like when we sing a song “The Wheel on The Bus. The ………on the bus go swish…swish…. swish…”
All of the pupils
: “Aaaaa…. I know…I know….”
Ms. Puspa
: “I asked Aileen…you have to wait guys…”
: “This one…(pointing at the wiper).”
Ms. Puspa
: “Ok…good…is that all…”
: “Yes…”
Ms. Puspa
: “Ok…thank you Aileen.”
: “I want that…”
: “Me first…”
: “No…you already.…yesterday…”
: “No…I am not yesterday…”
: “Miss, look at Fando and Jovan…”
Ms. Mona
: “What’s up guys…”
: “I want that but Jovan take from me …”
: “But I want it…”
: “But you already yesterday…take turn”
Ms. Mona
: “Ok, that’s enough…you can play this together or nobody can play with this…”
Fando and Jovan
: ……………………………..
Ms. Mona
: “You can share the toy, Ok, come here guys, s it over there…”
Fando and Jovan
: …………………(sit nicely)
Ms. Mona
: “Ok, Jovan, you put the green one and Fando, you put the blue one over here… Ok…”