STATEMENT ON THESIS AND SOURCE OF INFORMATION I herewith declare that this thesis entitled of An Analysis of Little Tuna Resources Management Options in the East Coast of Minahasa, North Sulawesi Province is my own work and has not been published in any form and for another degree. Source of information which is collected or cited from published or unpublished works has acknowledged in this text and put it in the list of references at the end of thesis.
September 2006
Kusdiantoro C2510403240
ABSTRACT KUSDIANTORO. An Analysis of Little Tuna Resources Management Options in the East Coast of Minahasa, North Sulawesi Province. Under the supervision of KIAGUS ABDUL AZIZ, LUKY ADRIANTO, and RAHMAT KURNIA Presently, the utilization of little tuna resource in the Minahasa coastal waters is not well managed by the local fisheries authority. In the other word, the local government has not sufficient capacity to protect their local fish resources. The management regime used by the local government is quasi open access regime which no control on fisheries capacity in terms of input and output. In this regards, this study can contribute in giving alternative scenario to manage little tuna resources in study area. Using Gordon-Schaefer model, it has been revealed that the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) is estimated at the level of 744.27 ton, while Maximum Economic Yield (MEY) 267.73 tons, Optimum Sustainable Yield (OSY) 275.90 tons and Open Access Yield (OAY) 476.02 tons respectively. In terms of effort, theses level would be 9,453 trips; 1,889 trips; 1,954 trips; and 3,778 trips. From the stekholders analysis, it can be also obtaiend that directorate general of capture fisheries (national level), marine and fisheries service (regional level), regional legislative, fisheries and marine service, regional planning and development board, non goverment organization, private sectors, fishing boat owner and fishermen group (local level) are the most strategic stakeholders. Based on this identification, therefere, trade-off analysis on management scenarios has been undertaken. From the actual condition, it has been indicated that actual production le vel has been excessed the level of MSY. It can be said that the actual condition of resources utilitization has been biological overfished. From the effort point of view, the condition of actual effort also has been excessed the level of OAY or has been economically overfished. Furthermore, optimal economic rent can be achieved when little tuna management is operated MEY and OSY level. From the results of trade-off analysis, it can be revealed that output control scenario can be considered as the best scenario due to its total score more than input control scenario and output- input control scenario. However, in the real implementation, the output control scenario and input control scenario can be implemented if the government reducing the production is 718.70 tons, 533.24 tons and its effort level is 7,772 trips, 10,150 trips respectively.
ABSTRAK KUSDIANTORO. Analisis Opsi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Ikan Tongkol di Pesisir Timur Minahasa, Propinsi Sulawesi Utara. Dibimbing oleh KIAGUS ABDUL AZIZ, LUKY ADRIANTO, dan RAHMAT KURNIA Selama ini pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan tongkol di Minahasa tidak secara baik dikelola oleh pemerintah setempat. Dengan kata lain, pemerintah setempat tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk melindungi sumberdaya ikannya. Selama periode 1986-2004, pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan tongkol di Minahasa dilakukan melalui pendekatan akses terbuka. Oleh karena itu, kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan alternatif pengelolaan ikan tongkol yang lebih memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip keberlanjutan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menggunakan pendekatan Gordon-Schaefer, titik acuan kunci untuk hasil tangkapan maksimum berkelanjutan, hasil tangkapan maksimum secara ekonomi, hasil tangkapan optimal berkelanjutan dan akses terbuka secara berturut-turut adalah 744,27 ton; 267,73 ton; 275,90 ton dan 476,02 ton, sedangkan tingkat upayanya adalah sebagai berikut 9.453 trip; 1.889 trip; 1.954 trip dan 3.778 trip. Berdasarkan penilaian terhadap pemangku kepentingan, diketahui bahwa pemangku kepentingan yang berada diatas garis linier memiliki posisi yang strategis didalam pengelolaan perikanan tangkap di wilayah ini. Pemangk u kepentingan dimaksud antara lain Ditjen Perikanan Tangkap (tingkat nasional), Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan (tingkat propinsi), Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Daerah, Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat, swasta, pemilik kapal dan kelompok nelayan (tingkat lokal). Selanjutnya, berdasarkan analisis trade-off diketahui bahwa skenario terbaik adalah skenario C karena skenario C memiliki nilai total lebih besar dari skenario B dan A. Pemanfaatan ikan tongkol tahun 2004 diduga mengalami gejala tangkap berlebih secara biologi karena produksinya lebih besar dari hasil tangkapan maksimum berkelanjutan. Sedangkan tingkat upaya tahun 2004 diduga mengalami keseimbangan secara bioekonomi pada kondisi akses terbuka karena tingkat upaya lebih besar dari upaya hasil tangkapan akses terbuka. Selanjutnya, keuntungan dapat dicapai pada saat pengelolaan ikan tongkol dioperasikan pada kondisi hasil tangkapan maksimum secara ekonomi dan hasil tangkapan optimum berkelanjutan. Akhirnya, skenario C dan skenario B dapat dilaksanakan jika pemerintah daerah mengurangi produksi sebanyak 718,70 ton dan 533.24 ton, dan upaya sebanyak 7.772 trip dan 10.150 trip.
An Analysis of Little Tuna Resources Management Options in the East Coast of Minahasa, North Sulawesi Province
C 25 10 40324
Approved by the advisory board,
Ir. Kiagus Abdul Aziz, M.Sc. Supervisor
Dr. Ir. Luky Adrianto, M.Sc. Co-supervisor
Ir. Rahmat Kurnia, M.Si. Co-supervisor
Acknowledged by:
Head of Study Program
Prof.Dr.Ir. Rokhmin Dahuri, MS.
Date of examination: September 20, 2006
Dean of Post Graduate School
Dr.Ir. Khairil Anwar Notodiputro, MS.
Approved on:
Thesis as partial fulfillment for Master Science Degree in Coastal and Marine Resources Management Study Program
© Copyright property of Kusdiantoro, 2006 All rights reserved Forbidden to cite and to copy, without written permission from Bogor Agricultural University, partly or entirely in any form, neither print, photocopy, microfilm, and others
BIOGRAPHY OF AUTHOR The author was born in Indramayu of West Java on the date of 10th July 1977. He is a son of Mr. Hasan Domiri (the late) and Mrs. Siti Rochaeni M. He has two brothers and one sister. In 2003, he was married by Mrs. Maya Wilakstanti, S.Pi and he has a son of Abrar Ardiona Dyarma Saputro in 2006. He finished elementary and junior school in Indramayu District, West Java Province in 1990 and 1993 respectively. After that, he finished high school in Kuningan District of West Java in 1996. In the time, he got the opportunity to pursue his education in Bogor Agriculture University (IPB) by USMI. During 1996 – 2001, he studied on department of Fisheries Resources Utilization, Marine Science and Fisheries Faculty, Bogor Agriculture University. After graduation from Bogor Agriculture University in 2001, he was approved in Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, exactly in Public Services and Information Centre (revised become Information and Data Statistic Centre). Beside that, during 2002 – 2006, he got the opportunity to active in the association of Indonesian Fisheries Scholars (ISPIKANI) on department of organization development (vice of chairman). In July 2004, he passed the exam for Marine and Coastal Resource Management Project (MCRMP) scholarship to pursue he study for Sandwic h Master Degree Program in the coastal and marine resource management. The program was cooperation between Bogor Agricultural University of Indonesia and Århus Universitet of Denmark. During his study in Denmark, he has written scientific writing about Marine Fisheries Management in Tropical Area: Theory and Practice (Minor Thesis).
PREFACE Hereby I would like to give thankfulness to God who has been giving his blessing to me, so I could be finished my thesis. The study entitled of An Analysis of Little Tuna Resources Management Options in the East Coast of Minahasa, North Sulawesi Province has been done in April to June 2006. This thesis is as partial fulfillment for master science degree in Coastal and Marine Resources Management Study Program. In this moment, I wish to express my earnest thanks and sincere appreciation to parties as follows: 1. Ministry of Marine Affair and Fisheries, and also mana ger of Marine and Coastal Resource Management Project (MCRMP). I am very grateful thanks for financial support by awarding me the scholarship during of my two years Master Degree study which without this support, this degree would not be possible. 2. Dr. Aji Sularso (The Head of Information and Statistic Data Centre, Ministry of Marine Affair and Fisheries/ISDC MMAF) and all of my partners in ISDC. I am very grateful thanks for support and opportunity to pursue study of Master Degree. 3. Ir. Adi Priana H. Pasaribu (Former of the Head of Public Services and Information Centre). I am very grateful thanks for opportunity to pursue study of Master Degree. 4. Ir. Kiagus Abdul Aziz, M.Sc., Dr. Ir. Luky Adrianto, M.Sc. and Ir. Rahmat Kurnia, M.Si., who acted respectively as my supervisor and co-supervisor of advisory board. I am deeply appreciate and respected them for their constant guidance, valuable suggestion; good advice and technical comment during arrange my thesis. 5. Prof.Dr.Ir. Ismudi Muchsin, DEA and Dr.Ir. Mennofatria Boer, DEA who have ready to become examiners and their inputs were very valuable for the improvement of this thesis. 6. Prof.Dr.Ir. Rokhmin Dahuri, MS (The head of study program), Dr. Ir.Bambang Widigdo, M.Sc., Dr.Ir. Yusli Wadiatno, M.Sc., Dr.Ir. Mukhlis Kamal, M.Sc., Mrs. Ola, and all of my lecturers in Bogor Agriculture vii
University. I am the highest thanks for cooperation and precious knowledge and also understanding about marine and coastal resource management. 7. Prof. JØrgen Bundgaard, Prof. Lars Lund-Hansen, Vibeke Simonsen, Henning Mogensen, and all of my lecturers in Århus Universitet, Denmark. I am the highest
knowledge and
understanding about English language problem during my study. 8. The Head of Fisheries and Marine Service and all of fisheries stakeholders in Minahasa, North Minahasa and South Minahasa. Thank you very much for all of their kindness and help during my research. 9. My friends and colleagues, Zaitul, Zaenal, Efrizal, Machmud, Saptoyo, Edo, Coky, Nety, Norma, Yesy and Eirin. Thank you very much for our friendship, our togetherness, help, advice, support and so on, so that we can finish study right on time. 10. My mother, my late father, my father- in- law, my mother-in- law, my brothers (Bambang Suprapto, Heru Rudiyanto, Edi Sukolaksono) and my sister (Dewi Ratnasari). I am very grateful thanks for their support and their prayers any time. 11. My wife and my son. I am deeply appreciate and very grateful thanks for their permission, their full support, their sacrifice, their love, their motivation and their players any time, which made this study possible and led to a successful completion. 12. Many people that I should thank for this task that is not mentioned individually Moreover, I hope this thesis can give benefits to every one who needs it.
Bogor, September 2006
The author