Amplify IT-Consultancy Solutions Amplify IT-Consultancy advises medium and large companies with optimizing or redesigning their business processes. This is the basis on which we are able to specify adequate process support by means of Information Technology. These IT Solutions and their architecture take account of the rapidly changing environment of the company by which internal processes and related IT support can be adapted in a flexible way. At Amplify IT-Consultancy we guide our customers in the appropriate direction and together we look ahead to discover how we can anticipate on changes. We try to understand your situation in every critical detail and jointly search for a solution. Our solutions encompass: * Develop system architecture * Improve business processes * Consolidate ICT resources * Arrange ICT application landscape * Apply software in products System development Amplify IT-Consultancy has more than 30 years experience in developing systems and changing business processes as a consequence or in preparation of the introduction of new software applications. Examples of systems: * Command, Control, Communication & Information (C3I) * Air Traffic Control * Vessel Traffic Management * Warehouse & Distribution * Customer Relationship Management * Enterprise Resource Management * Product Life-cycle Management * Enterprise Workflow Process Improvement The attention for the optimization of business processes is growing. One strives for Operational excellence to beat the competition. Initially this was department oriented “how do I optimize my department?” but now it is
Amplify IT-Consultancy B.V.
expanding to processes at business level or even enterprise level “how do we connect different departmental processes?” Within companies only a few experts are able to describe processes spanning multiple departments. Besides, not all processes can be described in a business workflow, because these processes have an ad-hoc chaotic character or have to adapt very flexible to the changing circumstances. Agile process definitions ask for agile ICT support. The ICT architecture should be able to absorb the changes and enable managers to keep overview over the complete processes. Amplify IT-Consultancy is able, by more than thirty years experience in system development and information technology, to see through your processes, to switch between high-level management terms and low-level software development lingo, and by that bridging the gap between user needs and technical possibilities. Amplify IT-Consultancy is specialized in high-tech product development processes. IT-Consolidation Vanwege de behoefte aan meer flexibiliteit en ook aan kostenbesparing op IT-beheer, besluiten veel bedrijven hun IT-middelen te consolideren. Er zijn een aantal vormen van consolidatie: * fysieke; het verplaatsen van de hardware naar rekencentra en het inwisselen van PCs tegen thin clients * gegevens; het scheiden van gegevensopslag en de servers waarop de applicaties draaien * applicaties; reduceren van het aantal versies en het aantal producten met gelijke functionaliteit Vaak kiest men in de praktijk voor een mix van deze consolidatievormen. Hiermee keert men ten dele terug van de centrale oplossing met een Mainframe via de decentrale oplossing met fat clients naar de centrale oplossing voor de bulk van het werk. De fat clients worden eventueel ingezet voor die bedrijfsprocessen waarvoor de thin clients geen oplossing bieden. Amplify heeft ruime ervaring met het maken van consolidatieplannen en met het herinrichten van de beheersprocessen tengevolge van een consolidatietraject. Applicatielandschap In de meeste bedrijven zijn de bedrijfsondersteunende applicaties gericht op een bepaald competentiegebied: Personeelszaken, Productontwikkeling, Productie, Verkoop, Financiën. Elke zichzelf respecterend software-pakket levert ook workflow, document management, content management et cetera. Dit kan lokaal efficiënte processen opleveren, maar bedrijfsbrede processen zijn daardoor zelden optimaal. Men zoekt regelmatig de oplossing in punttot-punt interfaces tussen applicaties, waardoor zij elkaars informatie uitwisselen. Dit levert op termijn een kluwen van interfaces op met veelvuldige duplicatie van gegevens. Een Service Oriented Architecture ofwel "SOA" lijkt het toverwoord. Het biedt goed omschreven elementaire functionaliteiten (services) die op basis van gestandaardiseerde berichten hun gegevens uitwisselen. Zo is SAP bezig om zijn geïntegreerde oplossing om te toveren naar deze architectuur. Verschillende software aanbieders leveren pakketten die SOA ondersteunen. Hierbij kan geleidelijk naar de ideale architectuur gemigreerd worden terwijl men de legacy applicaties kan blijven gebruiken. Door de toevoeging van "orchestrator" functionaliteit kunnen bedrijfsbrede services worden ontwikkeld die gebruik maken van services die op afdelingsniveau worden geboden. Business Process Modelling speelt hierbij een belangrijke rol en ondersteunt daarbij een adequate monitoring en reportage van de processen.
Amplify IT-Consultancy B.V.
Amplify heeft bij verschillende opdrachtgevers aangetoond ook op dit terrein ervaring te hebben. In-Product software Regelmatig zijn de productontwikkelaars de drijvende kracht achter het toepassen van informatietechnologie in producten. Bedrijfseconomische aspecten worden dan geregeld onderbelicht. Toepassing van in-product software kan verschillende voordelen hebben: kostenverlaging, extra functionaliteit of de mogelijkheid om apparatuur op afstand te kunnen bewaken of zelfs diagnose te kunnen plegen. Vaak is het opstellen van een betrouwbare business case een moeilijk karwei. De kosten zijn te berekenen, maar de opbrengsten zijn lasting in te schatten. Dit komt omdat men niet goed weet hoe de potentiële klanten zich zullen gedragen: verwacht men dat de service beter wordt of dat het servicecontract goedkoper wordt en is men bereid te betalen voor software in plaats van hardware? Amplify heeft ruime ervaring met het adviseren van productontwikkelbedrijven omtrent de issues die het gevolg zijn van het starten van in-product software. Denk daarbij aan: * Schrijven van een businessplan * Onderbouwen van de beslissing om zelf te ontwikkelen of uit te besteden * Beschrijven van de gevolgen van remote monitoring en diagnostiek voor de organisatie en logistiek * Inrichten van de organisatie
Services Amplify IT-Consultancy has extensive experience in the application of information technology in medium and large companies. That is why you can rely on Amplify for the provisioning of services in several areas: * Manage multidisciplinary teams from the line as well as the project organization * Initiate IT projects * Define and implement processes, methods & techniques * Implement process improvements (including supporting IT tools) in organizations * Develop and lead workshops en courses in the field of process improvement and system architecture * Advise high-tech companies about their ICT strategy Managing multi-disciplinary teams Amplify has experience in project as well as line management. Think of setting up and reorganizing a software development department, managing complex system integration projects and projects in the field of ICT exploitation and management. Examples of assignments:
* Manage an ICT-Strategy team (2001-2003) * Develop a plan for communication via Extranet (2000) * Establish a business unit for technical-automation services (1997-2000)
Amplify IT-Consultancy B.V.
* Lead an Applications Facilities Management (AFM) group (1995) * Develop a strategic partnership agreement (1993) * Head a department for system design and development (1988-1989) * Design a complex data-handling system (1987) Project initiation Amplify IT-Consultancy can be deployed in the initiation phase of complex system integration projects. Think of the specification of these projects and the way in which the result should be handed over from development to the application at the customer site. It is evident that Amplify IT-Consultancy takes care of the alignment with the co-developer and supplier community. Examples of assignments: * Specify a change management system (2006) * Specify a Single Unified Air Traffic Management system (1992-1993) * Specify a large document management system for patents (1992-1993) * Specify an automatic road pricing system (1991-1992) Processes, Methods & Techniques Amplify IT-Consultancy has a profound knowledge of processes, methods and techniques. At the organizational level Amplify has experience with techniques for quality assurance (ISO-9001), project-management methods and procedures for tendering and delivering (test and integration). At the technical level Amplify has knowledge of software-development techniques, methods for system development, component based development, application of internet technology in business processes, process assessments based on the Capability Maturity Model and software process improvement programs. Examples of assignments: * Develop methods and tooling for project management (2006-2007) * Arranging processes in support of products and services catalogue(2005-2006) * Investigate efficiency of business processes(2004) * Develop integrated configuration management system(2003-2008) * Arrange quality system for an internet service provider and application service provider (ISP/ASP) (2000) * Develop a method for Millennium services(1995-1997) * Improve configuration management process (1994) * Execute software process assessments (1994) * Project plan for SAP implementation (1994) * Quality assurance for the realization of an advanced communication system (1993) * Develop a strategic partnership agreement (1993)
Amplify IT-Consultancy B.V.
* Create a quality manual for software development conforming to ISO-9001 (1991) Workshops & courses Amplify IT-Consultancy can be deployed in executing workshops and courses in the area of process improvement and system architecture. Examples of assignments: * Execute 4-day course on system architectures (2008) * Lead of workshop to disentangle a user community from its former company (2006) * Arrange processes in support of products and services catalogue (2005-2006) * Lead software process improvement workshops (1994) * Train professional service provider in a method for Millennium services (1995-1997) Architecture development Thanks to the long track record and holistic attitude, Amplify IT-Consultancy is capable to develop an ICT architecture that enables a company to expand its competitive advantage, to improve its ICT management and to be prepared for change and/or to increase Return on Investment. Examples of assignments: * Develop system architecture for a family of Warehouse & Distribution systems (2007- present) * Operate in a system-architecture team responsible for translating business processes into supporting ICT tooling (2005-2008) * Create a plan of attack for data center consolidation (2006-2007) * Develop shared vision on e-Service (2001-2004) * Rearrange application landscape (2002-2003)
Sectors Every sector shows its own unique demands and challenges. Amplify IT-Consultancy has experience in different sectors and branches, by which we are capable to find specific solutions for your branch. Based on many years experience we developed methods and kept best practices. You are in search of a consultant who knows your business and the market you are operating in, someone who understands the challenges that you meet in your day to day business, but also discerns the risks that are associated with the business processes. You expect innovative solutions in managing your complex risk profile. Amplify IT-Consultancy has extensive experience in the sectors: * High-tech industry * Professional services * Research & development
Amplify IT-Consultancy B.V.
High-tech industry The saying 'standstill is decline' is nowhere so strong as in the technology sector. Developments in information technology succeed in tearing pace. At the same time, cost management and risk management are serious issues. Investing in new developments and technologies is a must, but in an accountable and managed way. Amplify IT-Consultancy advised high-tech companies about the arrangement of development processes and the development of the system architecture of their products or product families. It concerns products for: * Defense (sensors, actuators, communication and command & control) * Transport (air traffic control, vessel traffic management and road pricing) * Semi-conductor industry (lithography) * Logistics (warehouse & distribution systems for retail, fashion and parts & components) Professional services ICT service providers are confronted with rapid changes in the organizations which they support. The application landscape changes continuously and the call for new applications that are completely integrated in the existing landscape increases. This asks for, besides the technical efforts also for effort in the field of rearranging and integrating business processes. In doing so, it is essential to manage resistance against change. Amplify IT-Consultancy advised professional service providers with arranging their ICT services (processes and application landscape) in support of: * Government (Police and Transport) * Media (Newspapers) * High-tech industry (semi-conductor and defense industry) * Application service provider The following methods and standards have been applied: * ITIL en BISL, * CMMI, * CMMII, * TOGAF, * PRINCE2 and PMBOK Research & Development Amplify IT-Consultancy investigates the development of system architectures for products and product families. It concerns products for: * Defense (communication and command & control)
Amplify IT-Consultancy B.V.
* Transport (air traffic control) * Health care (medical systems) * Semi-conductor industry (lithography) * Logistics (warehouse & distribution systems for retail, fashion and parts & components) In addition to that, Amplify takes care of the System Architecting (SARCH) course of the Embedded Systems Institute (ESI).
Amplify IT-Consultancy B.V.
Curriculum Vitae This is a concise resume of dr. ir. Eef van Heusden: * 1975 Master in Science electro-technical engineering at Technical University Twente * 1981 Doctor in Mathematics and Physics at Utrecht University * 1980 - 1990 Hollandse Signaalapparaten B.V. in the roles of:
System developer Naval Systems Head system design and development of Air Traffic Control and Vessel Traffic Management systems
* 1990 - 2000 BSO Origin in the roles of:
Senior Consultant Aerospace & Systems Service Practice Manager Technical Automation
* 2000 until present director/consultant Amplify IT-Consultancy B.V. * 2008 until present teacher System Architecting at the Embedded Systems Institute
Contactgegevens Amplify IT-Consultancy B.V. Spelt-oord 30 3991 XH Houten
: +31 (0)30 638 22 95 : +31 (0) 30 638 22 96 :
[email protected]
Amplify IT-Consultancy B.V.