air the room clean clean the windows cook do the gardening do the rooms do the shopping dust the furniture
dry the dishes empty the dustbin hang the clothes hoover iron (the clothes) lay/set the table mow the lawn repair (work)
axe broom brush bucket cleaning detergents dishwasher drill dustbin
sew spring clean sweep (the floor) wash / do the laundry / do the washing wash the floor wash up (the dishes) / do the washing up water (the plants) weed
dust cloth dust pan feed pets hammer hoe ladder lawn mower mop mop the floor
needle rake saw scissors sewing machine shovel spade sponge thread
tidy up tool box tool kit vacuum clean vacuum cleaner washing machine washing powder washing up liquid watering can
1) Name the housework you can see in the pictures.
1. _______________ 2. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________
5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________
8. _______________
2) Unjumble the following letters to have meaningful words. l
p p
k u
t e
3) Match the words from the 1st coloumn to the words in the second. air the furniture clean the table do the floor dust the windows dry the dishes empty the dustbin hang the plants lay the lawn mow the room spring the clothes sweep the laundry water clean 4) Match the words with the definitions. air the room
do the gardening
do the shopping
lay the table
sew sweep wash 1. to do jobs in the garden like growing plants, watering, digging etc. 2. to remove wild plants from a place where they are not wanted 3. to clean something using water 4. to make clothes flat and smooth using an iron 5. to join or repair something with a needle and thread 6. to clean a room, surface, etc. using a broom 7. to buy things from shops 8. to put a cloth, knives and forks, etc. on the table in preparation for a meal 9. to allow fresh air into a room or a building 10. to restore something that is broken, damaged or torn to good condition 11. to clean a carpet, floor, etc. with a vacuum cleaner 12. to make something free from dirt or dust by washing or rubbing it
5) Complete the sentences with the words listed and translate the sentences into your language. air the room
do the gardening
did the shopping
lay the table
1. _______________ the fruit thoroughly before eating.
You should _______________ your room – it’s very dirty. I'll need to _______________ that dress before I can wear it. Leave the window open to _______________. I've been _______________ the vegetable garden. I _______________ the carpet thoroughly but the stain remained there. When Pam broke her leg and she wasn’t able to go to shops, her neighbour _______________ for her. 8. It’s sunny and warm. I think it’s the perfect time to go outside and _______________. 9. The mechanic said the car was so old it wasn't worth _______________. 10. She _______________ the crumbs into the trashcan. 11. Could you _______________ for lunch, please? 12. I made this skirt just by _______________ two pieces of material together. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
6) Translate the following sentences from Hungarian into English. EASY 1. Minden nap ki szoktam szellőztetni a szobákat. 2. Kevés ember szeret takarítani. 3. Ritkán mosok ablakot. 4. Néhány férfi szeret főzni. 5. Nagy kertünk van, és gyakran végzünk kerti munkát. 6. Ma már mindenki mosógépben mos ruhát. 7. A fiam évente egyszer teszi rendbe a szobáját. 8. A családunkban az öcsém szokott porszívózni, virágot locsolni és teregetni, én mosogatok, port törlök és sepregetek, anyukám vásárol, mos és vasal, apukám pedig törölget, füvet nyír és szerel. 9. Senki nem akarta kiüríteni a szemetest. 10. Jane nagyon ritkán vasal. 11. Paul szeret asztalt teríteni. 12. James soha nem mossa fel a padlót. 13. A tavaszi nagytakarítást idén februárban végeztük. 14. Magam varrom a ruháimat. MORE DIFFICULT 1. Nagyon fontos, hogy naponta legalább egyszer alaposan kiszellőztessük a szobákat. 2. Ritkán mosok ablakot, mert félek, hogy kiesek a nyolcadik emeletről. 3. Vannak férfiak, aki szeretnek és tudnak főzni. 4. Mivel nincs kertem, nem kell kerti munkát végeznem. 5. Ruhát mosni egyszerű, de tudni kell, hogyan kapcsold be a mosógépet. 6. Tedd rendbe a szobákat, mielőtt a vendégek megérkeznek. 7. Ha bevásárolsz nekem, én porszívózok helyetted. 8. Sajnos nem törölhetek port, mert azonnal tüsszögni kezdek. 9. Senki nem akarta kiüríteni a szemetest, pedig már nagyon büdös volt. 10. Ha ügyesen teregeted ki a ruhákat, könnyebb lesz a vasalásuk. 11. Amikor Paul megteríti az asztalt, mindig elfelejt poharakat tenni rá. 12. James imád szerelgetni, de a padlót soha nem söpri vagy mossa fel. 13. Mivel az üzletekben nincs olyan ruha, ami nekem tetszik, meg kell tanulnom varrni. 14. Előbb öntözzem meg a növényeket vagy gyomláljak?
7) Match the descriptions to the household chores and pictures. mow the lawn do the laundry dust set the table iron cook feed pets hang out clothes to dry vacuum clean water plants tidy up the wardrobe go shopping sweep walk a dog wash a car mop floors take the rubbish out clean windows make a bed wash up clean the bathroom You remove dirt from the windows using cloth or chamois and special liquid. 16
You use cloth to remove small pieces of dry dirt from furniture. 1 You wash the cups, plates, cutlery, and pans which have been used for cooking and eating a meal. 5 You remove dirt from a washbasin, a shower and a toilet.
You wash your vehicle using water and detergent.
You use a brush with a long handle to push dirt or rubbish off a floor.
You collect dust or dirt using an electric machine which sucks it up from carpets.
You wash clothes, sheets and towels. 6 You arrange the sheets and covers of a bed after you have slept in it.
You cut an area of grass using a machine called a lawn mower. 13 You take your dog for a stroll in order to keep it healthy.
You make clothes flat and smooth using a piece of equipment heated with electricity. 21
4 You give your pet food to eat.
You prepare food for eating by boiling, baking or roasting it. 7
You pour water over the plants in order to help them to grow.
You remove rubbish for collection.
You put plates and utensils on the table ready for use.
You clean a floor with a sponge or a piece of equipment with many pieces of string attached to a long handle. 14
You put clothes, shoes and accessories in their proper places so that everything is neat. 19
You put wet clothes on a washing line or special dryer to become dry.
d e
f h g
You go to the supermarket and buy all necessary things. 17
r u
1 )
4 )
1. iron 2. sweep the floor 3. empty the dustbin 4. hoover 5. do the laundry 6. wash the floor 7. do the gardening 8. dry the dishes
1. do the gardening 2. weed 3. wash 4. iron 5. sew 6. sweep
2 )
clean repair work wash up hoover mow the lawn spring clean
7. do the shopping 8. lay the table 9. air the room 10. repair 11. hoover 12. clean
3 ) air the room clean the windows do the laundry dust the furniture dry the dishes empty the dustbin hang the clothes lay the table mow the lawn spring clean sweep the floor water the plants
5 ) 1. wash 2. clean 3. iron 4. air the room 5. weeding 6. hoovered
7. did the shopping 8. do the gardening 9. repairing 10. swept 11. lay the table 12. sewing
6 EASY 1. I air the rooms every day. 2. Few people like cleaning. 3. I rarely wash the windows. 4. Some men like cooking. 5. We have a big garden and we often do the gardening. 6. Today everybody washis clothes in a washing machine. 7. My son tidies up his room once a year. 8. In our family, my brother does the hovering, waters the plants and hangs the clothes, I wash up the dishes, dust the furniture and sweep the floor, my mum does the shopping, washes and irons the clothes and my dad dries the dishes, mows the lawn and does the repair work. 9. Nobody wanted to empty the dust bin. 10. Jane irons very rarely. 11. Paul likes setting (/laying) the table. 12. James never washes the floor. 13. We did the spring cleaning in February this year. 14. I sew my clothes myself. MORE DIFFICULT 1. It’s very important to air the rooms at least once a day. 2. I rarely clean the windows because I’m afraid of falling from the 8th floor. 3. There are men who like and can cook. 4. As I don’t have a garden, I don’t have to do the gardening. 5. Washing clothes is easy but you should know how to switch on the washing machine. 6. Do the rooms before the guests arrive. 7. If you do the shopping for me, I’ll hoover for you. 8. Unfortunately I can’t dust the furniture because I start sneezing immediately. 9. Nobody wanted to empty the dustbin, though it was very smelly. 10. If you hang the clothes skillfully, ironing them will be easier. 11. When Paul lays the table, he always forgets to put glasses on it. 12. James loves repairing but he never sweeps or washes the floor. 13. As in the shops there isn’t a dress that I like, I need to learn sewing. 14. Shall I water the plants or weed first?
7 ) 1. dust - k 2. sweep - o 3. vacuum clean - e 4. feed pets - m 5. wash up - n 6. do the laundry - l 7. cook - h 8. clean the bathroom - b 9. make a bed - g 10. water plants - i 11. take the rubbish out – f 12. wash a car - s 13. mow the lawn - u 14. mop floors - r 15. set the table - c 16. clean windows - j 17. go shopping - a 18. walk a dog - p 19. tidy up the wardrobe - d 20. hang out clothes to dry - t 21. iron - q