Otakar ROP a kolektív
Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica Mimoriadne číslo 2009
Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica – Mimoriadne číslo Nitra, Slovaca Universitas Agriculturae Nitriae, 2009, s. 573-579 CHEMICKÉ CHARAKTERISTIKY PLODŮ VYBRANÝCH KRAJOVÝCH ODRŮD JABLONÍ CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FRUIT IN SELECTED LOCAL APPLE VARIETIES Otakar ROP1, Daniela KRAMÁŘOVÁ1, Tünde JURÍKOVÁ2, Miroslav JANÍK3, Ignác HOZA1, Jiří MLČEK1, Pavel VALÁŠEK1 1 Tomas Bata University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Food Engineering, Nam. T.G. Masaryka 275, 762 72 Zlin, Czech Republic 2 Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra, Faculty of Central European Studies, Department of Elementary Didactics, Dražovská 4, 949 74 Nitra, Slovak Republic 3 Czech Union for Nature Conservation Kosenka, Brumovská 11, 766 01 Valašské Klobouky, Czech Republic Abstract: The aim of the research was to monitor basic chemical characteristics of the local apple varieties. Altogether 23 varieties were gathered from the Valašské Klobouky region which lies in the southeast part of the White Carpathians. This particular part belongs to the typical regions with tradition in the occurrence of old local varieties. For the comparison, traditional commercial apple fruit obtained from the same locality was analysed. In particular varieties such qualities as dry matter, refractometric dry matter, total amount of acids, crude protein, amounts of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, pectin and tannin were determined. The apples were stored after harvest at the temperature + 2 ºC and relative humidity 85 %. In the analyses apples were used in succession of their stage of consumption maturity. There were analysed peel and pulp together, without seeds. High nutritional value was found in the variety ’Panenské české’ or in the variety’Car Alexander’, which is Russian origin. Key words: apples, local varieties, chemical compounds, mineral elements
In particular parts of Central Europe planting of local, for the given region typical fruit species, was common and today these species are called local varieties. In most cases, the villages were surrounded by strips of tall-trunk orchards. In the connection with intensification of agriculture, especially in the last century, transition to intensive growing of fruit species took place. This cultivation way was marked by growing less high-grown but highly productive fruit plants (Ivičič, 1985). In addition, with the change of this cultivation way, not only did extensive (tall-trunk) planting start to be eliminated, but also field bushes and baulks and in this way many biotopes were destroyed. As a consequence, many plant kinds and varieties disappeared or were of no interest in our nature (Tetera, 2003). At present, the development of mankind also contributes to a large extent to the changes in the character of the environment and natural ecosystems in the landscape. In these, basic conditions in the plant and animal development are disturbed and it leads to destruction of many ecotypes, so natural genetic fund is impoverished (Campbell and Reece, 2006). At the same time, genetic diversity is unique and irreplaceable richness. With the help of natural selection in different regions populations have been created and these adapt perfectly to specific conditions. However, they are endangered most by the current way of landscape utilization (Purves et al., 2004). Just uniqueness of genetic basis, today of nearly forgotten or, on the contrary, little examined or unknown varieties, is the main reason for preservation of local varieties. Moreover, the decline of each variety which is a combination of specific dispositions can be hardly replaced (Tóth et al., 2004). Many old varieties show strong
Otakar ROP a kolektív
Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica Mimoriadne číslo 2009
resistance to pathogens and pests and a high adaptability to less favourable climatic and soil conditions. Furthermore, they are stress resistant (Tetera, 2006). Material and Methods For the purpose of our research we selected some of typical local apple varieties in the southeast part of the White Carpathians in the Valašské Klobouky region. From time immemorial, this very landscape of the White Carpathians is known for orchards and gardens with old regional tall-trunk fruit varieties (Kuča et al., 1992). In addition, apple trees belong to well-known and popular fruit kinds grown in temperate zone and their growing has a long tradition. Apple fruit was picked from the locality which lies in the cadastral area of Valašské Klobouky. Basic soil and climatic characteristics of the locality are shown in Table 1. Apart from the local varieties, we performed analysis of common commercial varieties obtained from the given locality and these were: ’Golden Delicious’, ’Spartan’ and ’Rubín’. Tabulka 1. Půdní a klimatická charakteristika lokality Parameter Soil type Altitude The mean annual temperature Average annual rainfall Table 1. Soil and climatic characteristics of the locality
Locality Gleyic cambisol 340 m above sea level 7,9 °C 760 mm
Apple fruit was harvested always from five trees of the given variety. The apples were stored after harvest at the temperature + 2ºC and relative humidity 85%. Gradually, for analyses apples were used in the stage of consumption maturity. Peel and pulp together without seeds were analysed. For the measurement, three replications were used for each tree (for each variety it was altogether 15 replications). After homogenization of all fruit varieties, some of their quality factors were determined such as dry matter content, refractometric dry matter, titrable acidity, crude protein and vitamin C. Although the results were obtained during one year, they give evidence about the differences in chemical properties of particular varieties and can provide more precise knowledge to generally known nutritional characteristics of fruit. Next, the content of the dry matter was determined by drying at 105°C ± 2°C and for the measurement of refractometric dry matter polarimeter method was used. The amount of acids (titrable acidity) was determined with potentiometer by titration of caustic soda. For the analysis of plant material for the nitrogen content plant mass was mineralized in the mixture of concentrated sulphuric acid and 30% hydrogen peroxide. The Kjeldahl method was used for the measuring of mineralizated mass. The amount of nitrogen was converted into crude protein content by multiplying by a factor of 6.25. Moreover, in mineralized sample phosphorus content was measured colorimetrically by vanadate method, potassium content by flame photometry (apparatus JENWAY PFP7) and the calcium and magnesium content using atomic absorption spectrometry (apparatus PHILIPS PU 9200X). The amount of vitamin C was measured in the fresh material by the method of high performance liquid chromatography HPLC with the help of ECD detector. For the determination of pectin amount the leach of apple pomace by hydrochlorid acid c = 1 mol.dm-3 was used. Then, pectin was determined photometrically as a coloured complex comprised by thermal treatment of galacturonic acid with m-hydroxybiphenyl and sulphuric acid. The amount of tanning agents was carried out in apple pomace by tannin oxidation using potassium permanganate titration (Novotný, 2000).
Otakar ROP a kolektív
Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica Mimoriadne číslo 2009
All results were evaluated using the ANOVA variation statistics programme. Correlation matrices and regression functions were calculated according to Snedecor and Cochran (1967) when using the statistical package Unistat, v. 5.1 and Office Excel® Microsoft. Results and Discussion The results of chemical analyses of samples of particular apple varieties are shown in Tables 2 – 4. Tabulka 2. Průměrný obsah sušiny (hmot. %), refraktometrická sušina (% RS), obsah kyselin (g.100g-1 čerstvé hmoty) a obsah hrubého proteinu (g.100g-1 čerstvé hmoty) ± S.D. Variety Biesterfeldská reneta Blenheimská reneta Car Alexander Gascoyneho šarlatové Golden Delicious Grahamovo Hvězdnatá reneta Jadernička moravská Jeptiška Kalvil bílý zimní Kanadská reneta Kožená reneta Krátkostopka královská Landsberská reneta Lebelovo Malinové holovouské Matčino Oldenburgovo Panenské české Rubín Spartan Strýmka Vilémovo
Dry matter
Refractometric dry matter
Content of acids
Content of crude protein
19,20 ± 1,14
15,25 ± 0,12
0,74 ± 0,05
0,53 ± 0,05
17,14 ± 1,46
16,16 ± 0,15
0,52 ± 0,06
0,46 ± 0,02
17,11 ± 1,21
17,14 ± 0,32
0,51 ± 0,10
0,55 ± 0,03
17,58 ± 0,96
18,57 ± 0,12
0,87 ± 0,04
0,77 ± 0,05
17,58 ± 1,08
17,10 ± 0,09
0,62 ± 0,08
0,39 ± 0,03
16,02 ± 1,84
14,33 ± 0,15
0,81 ± 0,05
0,67 ± 0,06
16,07 ± 1,65
18,30 ± 0,14
0,90 ± 0,09
0,39 ± 0,02
17,06 ± 1,02
17,43 ± 0,15
0,37 ± 0,10
0,64 ± 0,03
18,40 ± 0,85
17,11 ± 0,20
0,62 ± 0,04
0,59 ± 0,03
18,66 ± 0,94
15,14 ± 0,08
0,49 ± 0,07
0,62 ± 0,04
17,43 ± 1,71 18,98 ± 1,55
15,26 ± 0,10 14,97 ± 0,17
0,53 ± 0,05 0,58 ± 0,04
0,59 ± 0,02 0,51 ± 0,05
18,27 ± 0,91
12,96 ± 0,11
0,65 ± 0,06
0,53 ± 0,03
17,28 ± 0,77
17,20 ± 0,11
0,60 ± 0,05
0,54 ± 0,05
14,07 ± 1,11
14,43 ± 0,14
0,75 ± 0,08
0,47 ± 0,06
15,55 ± 1,63
15,23 ± 0, 15
0,50 ± 0,05
0,38 ±0,07
14,94 ± 1,56 15,07 ± 0,89 17,50 ± 0,81 15,82 ± 1,12 16,98 ± 1,32 17,03 ± 0,95 16,10 ± 1,42
16,06 ± 0,21 17,00 ± 0,08 16,85 ± 0,09 15,67 ± 0,09 13,03 ± 0,12 14,80 ± 0,11 12,36 ± 0,10
0,45 ± 0,06 0,59 ± 0,08 0,49 ± 0,10 0,45 ± 0,09 0,41 ± 0,05 0,59 ± 0,05 0,54 ± 0,07
0,37 ± 0,06 0,62 ± 0,05 0,61 ± 0,04 0,50 ± 0,06 0,39 ± 0,05 0,66 ± 0,05 0,46 ± 0,05
Table 2. Average content of dry matter (% w/w), refractometric dry matter (%), acids (g.100g1 of the fresh matter) and crude protein (g.100g-1 of the fresh matter) ± S.D. 575
Otakar ROP a kolektív
Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica Mimoriadne číslo 2009
Tabulka 3. Průměrný obsah fosforu, draslíku, vápníku a hořčíku mg.100g-1 čerstvé hmoty ± S.D. Variety Biesterfeldská reneta Blenheimská reneta Car Alexander Gascoyneho šarlatové Golden Delicious Grahamovo Hvězdnatá reneta Jadernička moravská Jeptiška Kalvil bílý zimní Kanadská reneta Kožená reneta Krátkostopka královská Landsberská reneta Lebelovo Malinové holovouské Matčino Oldenburgovo Panenské české Rubín Spartan Strýmka Vilémovo
19,30 ± 2,14
98,45 ± 6,17
7,62 ± 1,15
9,14 ± 1,10
18,93 ± 1,15
126,24 ± 10,20
4,23 ± 1,10
8,23 ± 1,05
21,14 ± 1,16
111,77 ± 11,15
24,30 ± 1,22
10,62 ± 1,03
11,47 ± 1,35
85,15 ± 8,54
11,85 ± 1,14
7,96 ± 1,03
17,17 ± 1,23
110,26 ± 6,32
12,36 ± 0,98
8,56 ± 1,08
18,76 ± 1,25
114,14 ± 11,20
17,58 ± 1,20
7,95 ± 1,12
11,84 ± 1,54
98,11 ± 2,69
3,52 ± 0,85
8,33 ± 0,80
33,20 ± 2,20
101,85 ± 17,25
18,47 ± 0,90
11,52 ±1,10
9,63 ± 1,00
114,62 ± 18,20
8,63 ± 1,31
9,51 ± 1,02
17,22 ± 1,24
119,69 ± 7,05
11,25 ± 1,14
7,14 ± 0,89
15,38 ± 0,96 18,74 ± 1,52
125,12 ± 11,92 121,74 ± 10,30
4,53 ± 1,17 7,51 ± 0,85
8,65 ± 1,04 9,95 ± 1,24
9,90 ± 0,96
94,73 ± 4,52
12,20 ± 1,02
9,13 ± 1,20
12,47 ± 1,22
88,95 ± 9,65
17,85 ± 1,66
10,25 ± 1,14
16,01 ± 1,51
100,17 ± 11,45
10,16 ± 0,87
7,68 ± 0,95
8,34 ± 1,04
89,55 ± 7,84
18,63 ± 1,41
12,51 ± 0,99
19,66 ± 1,85 11,81 ± 0,84 28,61 ± 1,02 12,10 ± 1,03 23,32 ± 0,98 12,88 ± 1,50 22,87 ± 1,13
96,68 ± 11,54 95,17 ± 6,50 114,26 ± 14,72 86,95 ± 8,62 97,44 ± 7,32 129,35 ± 16,13 119,47 ± 12,28
14,22 ± 0,98 7,65 ± 1,03 20,37 ± 1,08 12,54 ± 0,87 10,30 ± 0,94 21,44 ± 1,21 9,36 ± 0,79
7,45 ± 1,05 9,51 ± 1,12 16,54 ± 1,54 8,57 ± 1,02 8,39 ± 0,94 11,27 ± 1,01 8,63 ± 0,97
Table 3. Average content of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium (mg.100g-1 of the fresh matter) ± S.D.
Otakar ROP a kolektív
Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica Mimoriadne číslo 2009
Tabulka 4. Průměrný obsah vitaminu C (mg.100g-1 čerstvé hmoty), pektinu (g.100g-1 čerstvé hmoty) a tříslovin (g.100g-1 čerstvé hmoty) ± S.D. u jednotlivých odrůd jablek Variety Biesterfeldská reneta Blenheimská reneta Car Alexander Gascoyneho šarlatové Golden Delicious Grahamovo Hvězdnatá reneta Jadernička moravská Jeptiška Kalvil bílý zimní Kanadská reneta Kožená reneta Krátkostopka královská Landsberská reneta Lebelovo Malinové holovouské Matčino Oldenburgovo Panenské české Rubín Spartan Strýmka Vilémovo
Vitamin C
10,17 ± 1,15
1,15 ± 0,12
0,09 ± 0,01
9,51 ± 1,21
3,81 ± 0,14
0,04 ± 0,02
11,24 ± 1,02
3,93 ± 0,11
11,26 ± 1,09
1,85 ± 0,15
0,12 ± 0,02
9,54 ± 0,85
1,96 ± 0,13
0,05 ± 0,01
12,38 ± 1,22
2,74 ± 0,12
0,07 ± 0,01
10,17 ± 1,41
1,14 ± 0,14
0,10 ± 0,02
10,95 ± 1,24
2,95 ± 0,17
0,04 ± 0,01
8,62 ± 1,01
1,02 ± 0,14
0,09 ± 0,01
9,52 ± 1,51
2,11 ± 0,11
0,10 ± 0,01
10,25 ± 0,96 8,41 ± 1,54
3,65 ± 0,10 3,74 ± 0,15
0,12 ± 0,02 0,11 ± 0,03
9,05 ± 0,86
2,99 ± 0,18
0,07 ± 0,01
9,97 ± 0,97
1,01 ±0,19
0,09 ± 0,01
9,82 ± 1,09
0,89 ± 0,14
0,09 ± 0,01
8,55 ± 1,22
1,95 ± 0,16
0,07 ±0,01
9,81 ± 0,74 9,80 ± 0,95 10,11 ± 1,05 9,22 ± 0,86 9,22 ± 1,09 9,88 ± 1,12 9,89 ± 1,15
1,84 ± 0,12 2,84 ± 0,14 0,95 ± 0,10 1,46 ± 0,14 2,55 ± 0,20 3,11 ± 0,19 2,87 ± 0,10
0,09 ± 0,02 0,07 ± 0,01 0,10 ± 0,02 0,07 ± 0,01 0,05 ± 0,01 0,08 ± 0,02 0,11 ± 0,02
0,08 ± 0,02
Table 4. Average content of vitamin C (mg.100g-1 of the fresh matter), pectin (g.100g-1 of the fresh matter) and tannin (g.100g-1 of the fresh matter) ± S.D. When comparing particular apple varieties, statistically significant differences were recorded both in the dry matter content and refractometric dry matter (see Table 2). Also, an important factor for evaluation of the quality of varieties is amounts of acids. That has an impact on harmonious flavour of both pomace and other canned products (Kyzlink, 1990). In
Otakar ROP a kolektív
Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica Mimoriadne číslo 2009
our experiment, the highest amounts of acids were recorded in ’Gascoyneho šarlatové’ and ’Hvězdnatá reneta’ (up to 0,9 g.100g-1 of the fresh matter). On the one hand, the results correspond to generally known amounts but, on the other hand, they are very often presented in a wide range in food tables (Vojtaššáková, 1997; Kopec, 1997). As far as particular varieties are concerned, significant differences were observed, not only in the amount of acids, but also in other nutritional qualities. Moreover, some typical old local varieties excelled in their chemical properties over traditional commercial varieties such as, for example, ’Golden Delicious’, ’Rubín’ or ’Spartan’. These varieties were obtained from the aforementioned locality for the purpose of comparison. Regarding mineral elements, the highest phosphorus content was measured in ’Panenské české’, namely 28,61 mg.kg-1 of the fresh matter. Furthermore, the highest magnesium content was observed in this variety (see Table 3). Traditional Russian variety ’Car Alexander’ (Tetera, 2006) showed the highest calcium content, namely 24,30 mg.kg-1 of the fresh matter. Potassium was recorded in ’Strýmka’ variety on a large scale (129,35 mg.kg-1 of the fresh matter). Other important characteristics are listed in Table 4. Surprisingly, in vitamin C content no statistically conclusive content in particular varieties was confirmed. On the contrary, statistically significant differences were observed in pectin with the highest amounts in ’Car Alexander’, ’Blenheimská reneta’ and ’Strýmka’. In the past, these varieties were locally used for the production of jams and other fruit spreads. Pectin and its gelatination power was utilized. However, when processing pomace pectin can act negatively because of high viscosity and consequently, turbidity of the succus (Velíšek, 1999). Obtained results are a part of extensive research which is carried out at the Department of Food Engineering, Thomas Bata University in Zlín. Its aim is the mapping of occurrence of old local kinds and fruit varieties in which basic nutrition characteristics are also determined. Súhrn: Cílem výzkumu bylo sledování základních chemických charakteristik krajových odrůd jabloní. Podařilo se shromáždit celkem 23 odrůd z lokality Valašských Klobouk, které se nacházejí v jihovýchodní oblasti Bílých Karpat. Právě tato oblast patří k typickým regionům s tradicí ve výskytu starých krajových odrůd. Pro srovnání byly analyzovány také plody tradičních tržních plodů jablek získaných ze stejné lokality. U jednotlivých odrůd byly stanovovány sušina, refraktometrická sušina, celkový obsah kyselin, hrubý protein, obsahy fosforu, draslíku, vápníku, hořčíku, vitaminu C, pektinu a tříslovin. Jablka byla po sklizni skladována při teplotě + 2º C a relativní vzdušné vlhkosti 85 %. Pro analýzy byly postupně použity plody v konzumní zralosti. Analyzovány byly společně slupka s dužninou po odstranění semen. Vysoká nutriční hodnota byla zjištěna například u odrůd Panenské české nebo původem ruské odrůdy Car Alexander. Klíčová slova: jablka, krajové odrůdy, chemické složení, minerální látky References CAMPBELL, A. N. – REECE, J. B. 2006. Biologie. Computer Press : Brno, c2006, 1332 s. IVIČIČ, L. 1985. Ovocnictví. SZN : Praha, 1985, 217 s. KOPEC, K. 1998. Tabulky nutričních hodnot ovoce a zeleniny. ÚZPI : Praha, 1998, 72 s. KUČA, P. – MÁJSKY, J. – KOPEČEK, F. – JONGEPIEROVÁ, I. 1992. Biele Karpaty. Ekológia : Bratislava, 1992, 380 s. KYZLINK, V.: Principles of Food Preservation. Elsevier : Amsterdam, 1990, 598 p. NOVOTNÝ, F. 2000. Metodiky chemických rozborů pro hodnocení kvality odrůd. ÚKZÚZ : Brno, 2000, 555 s.
Otakar ROP a kolektív
Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica Mimoriadne číslo 2009
PURVES, W. – SADAVA, D. – ORIANS, G. H. – HELLER, H. C. 2004. Life: The Science of Biology. Sinauer Associates : Sunderland, 2004, 1121 p. ROP, O. – KRAMÁŘOVÁ, D. – JANÍK, M. 2007. Výskyt vitamínu C v krajových odrůdách jablek. In: Zahradnictví, vol. 49, 2007, no. 7, s. 12 – 13. SNEDECOR, G. W. – COCHRAN, W. G. 1967. Statistical Methods. Iowa State University Press : Iowa, 1967. TETERA, V. 2003. Záchrana starých a krajových odrůd ovocných dřevin. ČSOP : Veselí nad Moravou, 2003, 76 s. TETERA, V. 2006. Ovoce Bílých Karpat. ČSOP : Veselí nad Moravou, 2006, 310 s. TÓTH, M. – KÁSA, K. – SZANI, Z. S. – BALIKÓ, E. 2004 Traditional old apple cultivars as new gene sources for apple breeding. In: Acta Horticulturae, vol. 2, 2004, p. 609 – 612. VELÍŠEK, J. 1999. Chemie potravin I. Ossis : Tábor, 1999, 352 s. VOJTAŠŠÁKOVÁ, A. 1997. Potravinárske tabulky. VÚP : Bratislava, 1997, 210 s. Kontaktní adresa: Ing. Otakar Rop, Ph.D., Ústav potravinářského inženýrství, Fakulta technologická, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, náměstí T.G. Masaryka 275, 762 72 Zlín Telefon: 576 031 529 e-mail:
[email protected]