The Committee of International Joint Master Program on Smart Grid and Green Energy School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung 1.
International Short Course on Smart Grid and Green Energy The Committee of International Joint Master Program on Smart Grid/Green Energy School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung in collaboration with French universities Institut Teknologi Bandung March 30 – April 2, 2015.
As the groundbreaking of establishing international joint master program on smart grid and green energy at Institut Teknologi Bandung, the program committe proudly present an International Short Course on Smart Grid and Green Electricity (ISCSmartgrid) that will be held at East Hall (Aula Timur) of Institut Teknologi Bandung on March 30 – April 2, 2015.
The course provides an opportunity for researchers and professionals to benefit from international-level cuttingedge expertise.
1.2 1.1
Hybridization approach for micro grids mitigating the effect of renewable energy disturbance Energy management with energy storage Smartgrid – Physics and chemistry of dielectric’s ageing and asset manager’s plans within the smartgrid concept Challenges with polymeric insulated cables for long distance DC transport State of the art intelligent lighting systems for cities and buildings High voltage components and power electronics within grids
Language Used
Key Topics Delivered Problems of Smartgrid and its development in France: Concept on demonstration Energy management at the grid edge: Solutions and challenges
The course will be delivered in English. All materials and publications will be printed in English.
The Committee of International Joint Master Program on Smart Grid and Green Energy School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung 1.3
Invited Speakers
The course will be given by international renowned experts of the center of excellence in the field in the world as follow C. Laurent, Research Director of CNRS/LAPLACE, Toulouse, France G. Zississ, Toulouse University, France N. Hadjsaid, Grenoble University, France R. Roche, Belfort University, France B. Dakyo, Le Havre University, France J.P. Cambronne, Toulouse University, France
Course Fee
Participants will be charged course fee of IDR 5.000.000. The course fee covers course materials, lunch, coffee break and certificate.
Some benefits can be earned by participants enhance their knowledge and develop international networking in the field of Smart Grid and Green Energy. get inspired by novel ideas brought by cutting-edge expertise of the field
The course will be held in Aula Timur of Institut Teknologi Bandung on March 30 – April 2, 2015.
4. PARTICIPANTS The course is expected to be attended by around 150 participants from international/regional/national key players in the field with diverse backgrounds ranging from research academics, industries and
governments. The professionals come from telecom and energy companies, oil and gas industries, utility, service companies
5. CONTACT ADDRESS Mrs. Deti/Ms. Dianne ISC-Smartgrid-2015 Committee Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika ITB, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 Indonesia Tel/Fax/HP: +62-22-2504486 / +62-856-213-4643 Email:
[email protected] Website:
6. TRANSFER OF FUNDS Transfer of funds via Bank BNI 46 – Cabang Perguruan Tinggi Bandung Jl. Ganesha No. 10 – Bandung 40132 Account name: Seminar Teknologi Ketenagalistrikan
Account no. (Rupiah): 0142139576
Panitia Program Master Internasional Smart Grid dan Green Energy Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung 1.
Kuliah Singkat Internasional Smart Grid and Green Energy Panitia Program Joint Master Internasional Smart Grid and Green Energy Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung bekerjasama dengan beberapa universitas Perancis
Institut Teknologi Bandung March 30 – April 2, 2015
Sebagai pembuka penyelenggaran Program Joint Master International Smart Grid and Green Energy di Institut Teknologi Bandung, panitia program mempersembahkan Kuliah Singkat Internasional Smart Grid and Green Energy (ISC-Smartgrid-2015) yang akan diselenggarakan di Aula Timur Institut Teknologi Bandung pada 30 Maret – 2 April 2015. Kuliah singkat ini memberikan kesempatan kepada akademisi, peneliti dan professional untuk memanfaatkan kepakaran tercanggih internasional. 1.1
Topik Kunci Permasalahan Smart Grid and perkembangannya di Perancis: Konsep dan Demonstrasi Manajemen Energi pada Sisi Jaringan: Solusi dan Tantangan Pendekatan Hibridisasi untuk Microgrid dalam Mitigasi Efek Gangguan Energi Terbarukan
Manajemen Energi dengan Penyimpan Energi Smart Grid – Fisika dan Kimia Penuaan Dielektrik dan Perencanaan Manager Aset dalam Konsep Smart Grid Tantangan dalam Kabel dengan Insulasi Polimer untuk Transmisi DC Jarak Jauh Kondisi Terkini Sistem Penerangan Pintar untuk Kota dan Bangunan Komponen Tegangan Tinggi dan Elektronika Daya dalam Jaringan Bahasa
Kuliah akan disampaikan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Seluruh material dan publikasi akan dicetak dalam Bahasa Inggris. 1.3
Kuliah akan diawali dengan Kuliah Kunci dari Direktur Utama PT. PLN (Persero) dengan topik “Permasalahan dalam Pembangunan dan Konstruksi Pembangkit 35,000 MW dan Energi Baru/Terbarukan dan Jaringan
Panitia Program Master Internasional Smart Grid dan Green Energy Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung Transmisi dan Distribusinya” yang dipandu oleh Rektor ITB dan dihadiri oleh Duta Besar Perancis untuk Indonesia. Kuliah pakar diberikan oleh para pakar terkenal dunia dari pusat kepakaran di bidang Smart Grid and Green Energy meliputi C. Laurent, Direktur Penelitian CNRS/LAPLACE, Toulouse, Perancis G. Zississ, Universitas Toulouse, Perancis N. Hadjsaid, Universitas Grenoble, Perancis R. Roche, Universitas Belfort, Perancis B. Dakyo, Universitas Le Havre, Perancis J.P. Cambronne, Universitas Toulouse, Perancis 1.4
Biaya Kuliah
Peserta dikenakan biaya kuliah Rp. 5.000.000 untuk bahan kuliah, makan siang, rehat kopi dan sertifikat.
Beberapa manfaat yang dapat diperoleh oleh peserta Memperbaharui pengetahuan mereka dan mengembangkan jejaring internasional di bidang Smart Grid and Green Energy. Mendapatkan inspirasi dari gagasan baru yang dibawa para pakar dunia di bidang terkait
Kuliah akan diselenggarakan di Aula Timur Institut Teknologi Bandung pada 30 Maret s.d. 2 April 2015.
4. PESERTA Kuliah diharapkan dihadiri oleh sekitar 150 peserta dari pemain kunci nasional/regional/internasional dengan beragam latar belakang mulai akademisi, peneliti, pemerintahan hingga professional dari kalangan
industri telekomunikasi, listrik, migas dan energi.
5. ALAMAT KONTAK Bu Deti/Bu Dianne Panitia ISC-Smartgrid-2015 Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika ITB, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 Indonesia Tel/Fax/HP: +62-22-2504486 / +62-8562134643 Email:
[email protected] Website:
6. TRANSFER DANA Transfer dana via Bank BNI 46 – Cabang Perguruan Tinggi Bandung Jl. Ganesha No. 10 – Bandung 40132 Nama rekening: Seminar Teknologi Ketenagalistrikan
No. rekening (Rupiah): 0142139576
The Committee of International Joint Master Program on Smart Grid and Green Energy School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung
Dr. Christian LAURENT Research Director of CNRS/LAPLACE, at the University of Toulouse, France Fellow of IEEE
Outline of scientific achievements Christian Laurent was born in Limoges, France, in 1953. He studied solid state physics at the National Institute for Applied Sciences in Toulouse and received his engineering degree in physics in 1976. He joined the Electrical Engineering Laboratory at the Paul Sabatier University in 1977 to study dielectrics and electrical insulation in the context of Electrical Engineering. He focused on the study of physical processes linked to ageing and breakdown of solid insulation – electrical treeing, partial discharge phenomena and induced degradation, water treeing – which were the topics of his doctorate degrees in Engineering (1979) and Physics (1984). He joined the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) in 1981. In 1985, he spent one year as a postdoctoral fellow with the IBM Almaden Research Center, where he studied the magnetic and electrical properties of plasmapolymerised thin films for data storage applications. Returning to
Toulouse, he concentrated on the statistics of thin-film breakdown and high field phenomena (both organics and inorganics). He then developed a new approach to the electrical ageing of polymeric materials based on the analysis of electroluminescence emitted by the materials, and developed complementary innovative techniques for the understanding of the mechanisms at play during ageing and breakdown. This work was recognised by the international community and he was awarded the "Eric Forster Memorial Lecture" at the IEEE International Conference on Conduction and Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics" held in Sweden in 1998. He then worked on a way of modelling charge transport in insulating materials based on advanced experimental techniques (space and timeresolved space charge distribution analysis correlated with luminescence). This work was also recognised by the international community and he was awarded the "Liu Ziyu Memorial Lecture" at the International Conference on
The Committee of International Joint Master Program on Smart Grid and Green Energy School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials held in China in 2009. He is now investigating experimental and modelling activity in relation to charge transport and ageing. He has been awarded the “Whitehead Memorial Lecture” of the Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena in 2012. During his career he has authored more than 140 papers in peerreviewed scientific journals (his citation index exceeds 2,000 in Web of Science), 165 communications in International Conferences with proceedings and 35 invited lectures. He is/was a member of scientific committees for major IEEE international conferences on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (CEIDP, ICSD, CSC, APTADM, ICPADM), a member of steering committees for research organisations (Institute of Physics (UK), Dielectric and Electrical Insulation Society (IEEE, USA)) and has been involved in international working groups.
Management ability During his career, Christian Laurent has been involved in a number of collaborations with industrialists and in numerous research projects at regional, national and international levels. These include two major European projects (10 partners each: universities, industrialists and utilities): -1998-2002: Brite-Euram project of the 4th European Union Research and Development Scheme, "Ageing and Reliability Testing and Monitoring of Power Cables: Diagnosis for Insulation Systems" (ARTEMIS). -2003-2007: project of the 5th European Union Research and Development Scheme, "Benefits of HVDC Links in the European Power Electrical System and Improved HVDC Technology" (HVDC). Christian Laurent was a member of the management team for both projects (Management Committee in ARTEMIS, Steering Committee in HVDC). In 2002, he was Deputy Director of "Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de
Toulouse" (100 people – 50 staff members) and subsequently Director of the same body from 2003 to 2006. Since then, he has served as Director of LAPLACE, the largest lab in Electrical Engineering at the national level in France (350 people – 160 staff members). He has been Director of one of the four research poles at the University de Toulouse (“Mathematics, Information and Engineering Sciences and Technologies” -1300 members of staff) between 2008 and 2012.