Ohaus Discovery Discovery Ohaus
Semi-Micro and Analytical Balances
Semi-mikro a analytické váhy Ohaus Discovery Semi-Micro and Analytical Balances
Profesionální proFor analytické ThePro f e s s i o n a volba l ’s Choice Analyticalaplikace! Applications! The Pro fřada e s s isemi-mikro o n a l ’s Choice For Analytical Applications! NOVÁ a analytických vah Ohaus Discovery kombinuje nepřekonatelnou TM The NEW Ohaus Discovery series softwarem of semi-micro and analytical balances combine výkonnost ve vážení s inovativním SmarText společnosti Ohaus a díkyunmatched tomu vyniká vysokou spolehlivostí a snadnou obsluhou. Odolné sklo, ocelová konstrukce a také weighing performance with Ohaus’ innovative SmarText™ software, making it extremely The NEW Ohaus Discovery series of semi-micro and analytical balances combine unmatched TM zdokonalená interní kalibrace AutoCal jako jedny z vlastností řady Discovery umožňují reliable performance and easy-to-use. The Discovery durable glassmaking and steel construction and weighing with Ohaus’ innovativefeatures SmarText™ software, it extremely těmto vahám poskytovat nejlepší výkonnost v jejich třídě: reliable and easy-to-use. The Discovery features durable glass and steel construction and balance in together with advanced AutoCal™ internal calibration make it the best performing together with advanced AutoCal™ internal calibration make it the best performing balance in its Nejvyšší class: • výkonnost s opakovatelností a linearitou, která je 2x lepší než většina vah této its class:
třídy. TM • HighestSmarText Performance with repeatability andpři linearity performance 2xa nastabetter than • Software používá textové pobídky provádění uživatelů that’s aplikací •vením Highest Performance with repeatability and linearity performance that’s 2x better than mostváhy. balances in its class most balances in its class TM • Zdokonalená interní kalibrace přesnost vážení. use and • SmarText™AutoCal Software automatická utilizes text prompts to guidezajišťuje users through application • SmarText™ Software utilizes text prompts to guide users through application use and balance setup balance setup
Řada Ohaus Discovery představuje vedle čtyř analytických modelů s váživostí do 310 g TM a dílkem 0,1 mg také model FineRange , calibration kterýcalibration nabízíensures odečitatelnost 10 mikrogramů. • Advanced AutoCal™ automatic internal ensures accurate weighing Dis• Advanced AutoCal™ automatic internal accurate weighing covery je ideálně vhodná pro univerzitní výzkum, farmaceutický výzkum a lékařská šetření a obecné laboratorní aplikace.
TheOhaus Ohaus Discovery series features analytical models with capacities up to The Discovery series features four four analytical models with capacities up to 310g by310g by 0.1mg with a FineRange™ model that offers 10 microgram readability. Discovery is perfect 0.1mg with a FineRange™ model that offers 10 microgram readability. Discovery is perfect for research, pharmaceutical research and drug and general lab foruniversity university research, pharmaceutical research and discovery, drug discovery, and general lab applications. applications.
iscov emi-Micro and Analytical Balances D iD sD c ea analytické re yerrSyeymSiSe-M roic and Analytical Balances isov cov miic -M ro Discovery and Analytical Balances Semi-mikro váhy Highest Performance Nejvyšší výkonnost Highest Performance Highest Performance Discovery’s repeatability and linearity performance is 2x better than most semiVýkonnost Discovery v opakovatelnosti a linearitě je better 2xisvyšší než výkonnost Discovery’s repeatability and performance 2x most semimicro balances in itslinearity class. Glass and steelisconstruction resists the effects of Discovery’s repeatability and linearity performance 2xthan better than most semivětšiny semi-mikro vah této třídy. Sklo a ocelová konstrukce odolávají působení micro balances in its class. Glass and steel construction resists the effects of staticbalances and corrosion increasing and accuracy, as well as of micro in its class. Glass balance and steelstability construction resists the effects statické elektřiny a koroze, zvyšují stabilitu váhyasa zároveň prodlužují static and corrosion increasing balance stabilitya přesnost and accuracy, well as as well extending product life. static and corrosion increasing balance stability and accuracy, as její životnost. extending productproduct life. life. extending TM TM SmarText Software Brings obsluhu Man and s váhou Machine Together Software SmarText propojuje TM TM
SmarText Software Brings Manbalance and Together SmarText ManMachine and Machine Together TM SmarText™ isSoftware Ohaus’ easy Brings to use SmarText je snadno obsluhovatelný software SmarText™ is Ohaus’ easy to easy use software utilizes textbalance prompts to guide SmarText™ ispoužívá Ohaus’ to use balance váhy Ohaus, kterýthat textové pobídky pro software that utilizes text prompts to guide users through application use and software that aplikací utilizes text prompts tobalance guide provádění obsluhy a nastavením váhy. users through application use and setup. Delivered through abalance 2-line backlit users through application use and balance K informování o tom, co váha právě dělá a co setup. Delivered through a 2-line backlit LCD and clearly marked buttons, setup. Delivered through a 2-line backlit máte udělat jako následující krok, software TMand marked LCD andLCD clearly buttons, SmarText™ tells you what is going on and clearly marked buttons, SmarText využívá 2řádkový podsvícený LCD SmarText™ tells you what is going on and what you have to dowhat next. tells you is tlačítka. going on and displejSmarText™ a srozumitelně označená what you have tohave do next. what you to do next.
Na 2 řádcích LCD displeje SmarTextTM souběžně zobrazuje hodnotu hmotnosti a informace specifické pro Utilizing the 2-line LCD, SmarText™ simultaneously displays weight and application-specific information such aplikacithe jako2-line jsouLCD, procenta nebo kusy. Po stisku displays tlačítka weight funkceand zobrazí SmarTextTM informace o referenci UtilizingUtilizing SmarText™ application-specific information such such as percent or count. AtSmarText™ the simultaneously touch of the Function button, SmarText™ will display application reference the 2-line LCD, simultaneously displays weight and application-specific information aplikace jako je například průměrná hodnota hmotnosti jednoho kusu (APW). as percent or count. At the touch of the Function button, SmarText™ will display application reference such asAtthe weight (APW). asinformation percent or count. theaverage touch ofpiece the Function button, SmarText™ will display application reference information such assuch the average piece weight information as the average piece (APW). weight (APW). TM Automatic Internal Calibration Advanced AutoCal™ Zdokonalená AutoCal automatická interní kalibrace
Advanced AutoCal™ Automatic Internal Calibration Advanced Automatic CalibrationAutoCal™ utilizes two internal TM To minimizeAutoCal™ weighing errors and ensure Internal accurate measurements, weights to Pro minimalizaci chyb při vážení a pro zajištění přesných výsledků měření používá AutoCal při provádění
To minimize weighing errors and ensure accurateaccurate measurements, AutoCal™ utilizes utilizes two internal weightsweights to perform a dvě linear calibration. Tokalibrace minimize weighing errors and ensure measurements, AutoCal™ two internal to lineární interní závaží. performperform a linearacalibration. linear calibration. AutoCal™ internal calibration system automatically calibrates the
TM SystémAutoCal™ interní kalibrace AutoCal váhu automaticky zkalibruje, jakmile AutoCal™ internal calibration system automatically calibrates the enough balance when it senses a temperature change significant to internal calibration system automatically calibrates the zaznamená změnu teploty, která je natolik významná, že by mohla balance when it senses a temperature change significant enough to affect the weighing accuracy. balance when it senses a temperature change significant enough to ovlivňovat přesnost vážení. affect the weighing accuracy. affect the weighing accuracy.
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Semi-mikro a analytické váhy Discovery Ohaus Discovery Application Modes Režimy aplikací Ohaus Discovery
Ohaus Discovery Application Modes
Ohaus Discovery Statistics Mode Application Modes Statistický režim Ohaus Discovery Modes Statistics are usedApplication when it is desired a number několik of samples Statistics Mode Statistika je používána v případech, kdy to je compare potřeba porovnat Statistics Mode and examine the relative deviation of the samples along with other vzorkůStatistics a prověřit odchylku vzorků spolu s dalšími statistickýarerelativní used when it is desired to compare a number of samples Statistics Mode Statistics are zpracování used when itstatistiky is desired to compare number of samples statistical data. A minimum of three samplesa are required in mi daty. jsou minimálně třithis vzorky. andPro examine the relative deviation ofzapotřebí the samples along with other and examine the relative deviation of the samples along with other program. Statistics contains menu options which include: number of Statistics are used when it is desired to compare a number of samples Statistika obsahuje nastavení nabídky, které zahrnuje: počet vzorků, statistical data. A minimum of three samples are required in this statistical data. A minimum of three samples are required in this samples, maximum, minimum, difference, sum, mean, standard and examine theStatistics relativerozdíl, deviation of thestřední samples along include: with other maximum, minimum, součet, standardní program. contains menu optionshodnotu, which number of program. Statistics contains menu options which include: number of deviation, relative deviation, auto sample, and auto print. statistical data. A minimum of three samples are required in this odchylku, relativní odchylku, automatický vzorek a automatický samples, maximum, minimum, difference, sum, mean, standardtisk.
samples, Statistics maximum,contains minimum, difference, sum, mean, standard program. menu options which include: number of for In additionrelative to standard weighing, statistical data canprint. be provided deviation, deviation, auto sample, and auto deviation, relative deviation, auto sample, and auto print. Statistická data mohou být také jako doplňující informace ke stansamples, maximum, minimum, sum, mean, standard Animal/Dynamic Weighingdifference, and Checkweighing measurements. In addition todeviation, standardauto weighing, statistical data can be provided for dardnímu vážení stanovována při vážení zvířat / dynamickém deviation, relative sample, and auto print. In addition to standard weighing, statistical data can be provided forvážení Animal/Dynamic Weighing and Checkweighing measurements. a kontrolním vážení. Animal/Dynamic Weighing and Checkweighing In addition to standard weighing, statistical datameasurements. can be provided for Mode Animal/Dynamic Weighing and CheckweighingDensity measurements. Režim hustoty Discovery provides users with four methods of density Density Mode Density Mode Discovery poskytuje uživateli výběr ze čtyř metod hustoty pro determination to choose from depending on theirstanovení need. Discovery provides users with four methods of density požadované materiály. Pomocí těchto metod: Density Mode Discovery provides users with four methods of density They are: determination to choose from depending on their need. determination to choose from depending on their need. Discovery provides users with four methods density 1. User can determine density for solidsofmore dense than water They are: 1. Uživatel může stanovit hustotu materiálů s větší hustotou než je They are: determination to choose from depending on their need. hustota vody.determine density for solids less dense than water 2. 1. User User can can determine density for solids more dense than water They are: 1. User can determine density for solids more dense than water 3. User can density for liquid (sinker needed – je 2. Uživatel může stanovit hustotu materiálů s menší hustotou 2. User can determine determine density for solids density less dense than waternež 2. User User can determine density for solids less dense than water 1. can determine density for solids more dense than water not included) hustota 3. Uservody. can determine density for liquid density (sinker needed – 3. User User can determine density for solids liquid density (sinker 2. determine density for less dense thanneeded water – 4. can User can determine density for Porous material (impregnated not included) 3. not Uživatel může stanovit hustotu kapalin ( k tomu je zapotřebí ponorné included) withdetermine oil). 3. User can density for liquid density (sinker needed – těleso – není součástí dodávky ). material (impregnated 4. User can determine density forváhy Porous 4. not Userincluded) can determine density for Porous material (impregnated After entering a couple hustotu of parameters into the balance,(impregnovathe built with oil). stanovit Uživatel může porézních materiálů with oil). 4.4. User can determine density formeasurement Porous material (impregnated in density table, and mass of the balance take over ných olejem). After entering a couple of parameters into the balance, the built with oil). After entering a couple of parameters into the balance, to provide rapid and accurate density results, withthe nobuilt manual in density table, and mass measurement of the balance take over in density table, and mass measurement of the balance take over calculations needed. After entering a couple of parameters into the balance, the to provide rapid parametrů and accurates využitím density results, with nobuilt manual Poprovide zadání několika tabulky hustoty uložené to rapid and accurate density results, with no manual in density table, and mass measurement of the balance take over calculations needed. v paměti váhy a po změření hmotnosti vzorku váha z těchto hodnot calculations needed. to provide rapid and accurate density results, with no manual rychlePipette vytvoříCalibration přesný výsledek Mode stanovení hustoty bez potřeby provádět calculations needed. jakékoliv manuální výpočty. Pipette Pipette calibration Calibrationchecks Mode the Pipette Calibration Mode values accuracy and precision Pipette calibration checks the Režim Pipette Calibration Mode Pipette calibration checks ofkalibrace pipettes bypipet weightthe analysis. accuracy and precision values accuracy and precision values The Discovery DV215CD Kalibrace pipet kontroluje správPipetteofcalibration pipettes bychecks weightthe analysis. of pipettes by weight analysis. 0.01mg semi-micro balance nost a přesnost pipet pomocí is accuracy precision values Theand Discovery DV215CD The Discovery DV215CD recommended for maximum analýzy hmotnosti. Díky své is of pipettes by weight analysis. 0.01mg semi-micro balance 0.01mg istuto to accuracy. To calibrate a pipette, theThe user willsemi-micro select the balance type of liquid maximální přesnosti je pro Discovery DV215CD recommended for maximum recommended for maximum be used in the pipette (normally water), barometric pressure, nominal aplikaci doporučována semisemi-micro is accuracy. To calibrate a pipette, the0.01mg user will select the balance type of liquid to accuracy. Toand calibrate pipette, the userpipette. will select typemaximum of liquid to rest. value, unit ofa measure of the The the balance will do the mikro váha Discovery DV215CD recommended for be used in the pipette (normally water), barometric pressure, nominal be used the pipettewill (normally water), barometric pressure, nominal TheinTo Discovery accept an alternate density in g/cc atkali0,01 mg. Před zahájením accuracy. calibrate will liquid’s select type of tocurrent value, and unit ofa pipette, measurethe of user the pipette. Thethe balance willliquid do the rest. value, and unit of measure of the pipette. The balance will do the rest. room temperature as well. brace pipety uživatel zvolí typ kapaliny, která bude v pipetě použita be used in the pipette (normally water), barometric pressure, nominal The Discovery will accept an alternate liquid’s density in g/cc at current The Discovery will accept an alternate liquid’s density in athodnotu current (obvykle používána voda), atmosférický tlak, nominální value, andjeunit of measure the pipette. The balance willg/cc do the rest. room temperature as of well. room temperature as well. a jednotku měření pipety.anVáha se postará o zbytek. Discovery také The Discovery will accept alternate liquid’s density in g/cc at current akceptuje používání alternativních kapalin s hustotou v g/cc při běžné room temperature as well.
pokojové teplotě.
cov Se M icand ro and Analytical Balances DiD sicsov ea analytické reyry Sem i-m Mii-c ro Analytical Balances Semi-mikro váhy Discovery DiD sicsov ereyry Semi-Micro and Analytical Balances c ov SModes emi-Micro and Analytical Balances Ohaus Discovery Application Ohaus Discovery Application Modes Režimy aplikací Ohaus Discovery Discovery Semi-Micro and Analytical Balances Percent Weighing Mode Režim procentuálního vážení Ohaus Discovery Application Modes Percent Weighing Mode Ohaus Discovery Application Modes This mode allows thetouser to display thehmotnost weight ofvzorku a sample as Tento režim umožňuje uživateli zobrazovat This mode allows the user display the weight of a sample as v podobě Ohaus Discovery Application Modes a percentage of a reference weight useful in sieving applications, Percent Weighing Mode procentuální míry z hodnoty referenční hmotnosti, což je užitečné a percentage of a reference weight useful in sieving applications, Percent Weighing Mode reagent weighing, moisture determination, and other types Percent Weighing Mode například přiallows procesech třídění, vážení stanovení vlhkosti reagent weighing, moisture and other types of This mode the user todetermination, display the činidel, weight of a sample as of a při ingredient Percent Weighing Mode dalších typech směsí složek. This mode allows the user to display weight of mixing. aingredient percentage ofměření amixing. reference sieving applications, This mode allows the weight user to useful displayinthe the weight of aa sample sample as as
of reference weight useful inofsieving sieving applications, reagent weighing, moisture and other typesapplications, ofas This mode allows the todetermination, display the useful weight a sample aa percentage percentage of user aa reference weight in reagent weighing, moisture determination, and other types of Parts Counting Mode Režim počítání kusů ingredient mixing. a percentage of a reference weightdetermination, useful in sieving reagent weighing, moisture andapplications, other types of Parts Counting Mode ingredient mixing. reagent weighing,mixing. moisture determination, and other types of ingredient Parts counting mode is useful when counting pills, or parts Režim počítání kusů užitečný počítání tabletek nebo součástí, Parts counting mode is je useful whenpři counting pills, or parts ingredient mixing. that have a consistent, but low nominal mass. This mode Parts Counting Mode které mají stejnou, ale nízkou nominální hmotnost. Tento režim uživathat have a consistent, but low nominal mass. This mode Parts Counting Mode allows the user to count based on a calculated piece weight. Parts Counting Mode teli umožňuje počítat kusy na základě vypočítané hodnoty hmotnosti allows the user to count based on a calculated piece weight. Parts counting mode is useful when counting pills, or parts The optimization feature improves counting accuracy by automatically re-calculating the piece weight as parts Parts Counting Mode jednoho kusu. Parts counting mode is useful when counting pills, or The optimization feature improves counting accuracy by automatically re-calculating the piece weight as parts that have a consistent, but low nominal mass. This mode Parts counting mode is useful when counting pills, or parts parts are added. that haveweight. consistent, but low counting nominal mass. mass. This mode are added. allows the user to count based on a calculated piece Parts counting mode is usefulbut when pills, orThis parts that have aa consistent, low nominal mode Funkce optimalizace po přidání dalších referenčních kusů zvyšuje přesnost počítání automatickým přepočíallows the user to count based on a calculated piece weight. The optimization feature improves counting accuracy by automatically re-calculating the piece weight as parts that have a consistent, but low nominal mass. This mode allows the user to count based on a calculated piece weight. táním hodnoty hmotnosti jednoho kusu. The counting accuracy Check Weighing Mode are added. allows the optimization user toMode countfeature basedimproves on a calculated piece weight.by The optimization feature improves counting accuracy by automatically automatically re-calculating re-calculating the the piece piece weight weight as as parts parts Check Weighing are added. The optimization feature improves counting accuracy by automatically re-calculating the piece weight as parts are added. This mode thetouser to check the weight of a sample This mode allowsallows the user check the weight of a sample againstagainst Režim kontrolního vážení are added. preset target parameters such as underweight and overweight. Check Weighing Mode preset target parameters such as underweight and overweight. Check Weighing Mode Tento režim uživateli umožňuje kontrolovat hmotnost vzorků podle Checkallows Weighing Mode This mode the user to check the weight of a sample against dříve stanovených cílových parametrů a klasifikovat je sample jako přijatelné Check Weighing Mode mode allows user check the weight of against Weighing presetThis target parameters such asto underweight and overweight. This mode allows the the user to check the Animal/Dynamic weight of aa Weighing sample against Animal/Dynamic Mode Mode nebo nevyhovující z důvodu nedostatečné nebo nadměrné hodnoty presetallows targetthe parameters such the as underweight underweight and overweight. overweight. This mode user to check weightDynamic of a sample against preset target parameters such as and weighing be when used when a rough environment is hmotnosti. Dynamic weighing can becan used either either a rough environment is preset target parameters such as underweight and overweight. encountered such as on a ship, or when in a location that may not Animal/Dynamic Weighing Mode encountered such as on a ship, or when in a location that may not Animal/Dynamic Weighing Mode haveconditions. ideal conditions. In addition, this mode allows the to weigh moving such as animals, Animal/Dynamic Weighing Mode have ideal In addition, this mode allows the user weigh moving objects such as animals, Dynamic weighing cantouser be used when either aobjects rough environment is Režim dynamického vážení insects or other moving specimens. Dynamic weighing averages out weight readings over a period Animal/Dynamic Weighing Mode Dynamic weighing can be used when either rough environment is insects or other moving specimens. Dynamic weighing averages out weight readings overaaarough period of time encountered such as on acan ship, or when in aeither location that may notof time Dynamic weighing be used when environment is Dynamické vážení můžete využít, pokud váhu používáte v neklidném and displays the results until cleared. encountered such as on a ship, or when in a location that may not and displays the results until cleared. have ideal conditions. In addition, this mode allows the user weigh objects such as animals, Dynamic weighing cantobe a rough environment is not encountered such asused on moving awhen ship, either or when in a location that may prostředí, jako jethe třeba na lodi, nebo v prostředí, které váze neposkytuideal conditions. In this allows user to weigh moving insectshave or other specimens. Dynamic weighing averages readings over a such period ofanimals, time encountered such as on aout ship, or when in a objects location that as may not have ideal moving conditions. In addition, addition, this mode mode allows the user to weight weigh moving objects such as animals, jeDynamic ideální podmínky pro její provoz. Tento režim uživateli navícof insects or other other moving specimens. Dynamic weighing averages out weight weight readings over period ofumožtime and the results cleared. havedisplays ideal conditions. Inuntil addition, this mode allows weighing the user toaverages weigh moving objects such as animals, insects or moving specimens. out readings over aa period time ňuje vážit pohybující se objekty jako jsou zvířata, hmyz nebo jiné živé exempláře. Režim dynamického vážení displays the results until cleared. insectsand or other moving specimens. Dynamic weighing averages out weight readings over a period of time and displaysMode the results until cleared. Totalization stanoví průměr z hodnot hmotnosti naměřených v průběhu stanoveného času a na displeji bude výsledek Totalization Mode and displays the results until cleared. zobrazovat až do odstranění zváženého objektu. This mode thetouser a series of sample weights that can This mode allowsallows the user sumtoasum series of sample weights that can be greater than the capacity of the balance. Totalization is helpful Totalization Mode be greater than the capacity of the balance. Totalization is helpful Totalization Mode when adding theuser masses of several together without the Totalization Mode Režim sčítání whenmode adding the masses oftoseveral without the This allows the sum asamples seriessamples oftogether sample weights that can need for athe calculator. Totalization Mode This mode allows the to sum aa series of weights that need for be greater than capacity of the Totalization is helpful Thisa calculator. mode allows the user user tobalance. sumřady series of sample sample weights that can can Tento režim uživateli umožňuje sčítat hodnot hmotnosti vzorků, be greater than the capacity of the balance. Totalization is helpful when adding the masses of several samples together without the This mode allows the user to sum a series of sample weights that can be greater than the capacity of the balance. Totalization is helpful jejichž součet však nesmí překročit váživost váhy. Sčítání je užitečné when adding masses of samples together without the need for a calculator. bepostupném greater than the the capacity of the balance. Totalization is helpful when adding the masses of several several samples together without the při vážení většího množství vzorků a stanovování jejich need for a calculator. when need adding masses of several samples together without the forthe a calculator. celkové hmotnosti bez potřeby používat kalkulačku. High Point High Point Mode Mode need for a calculator. High can Pointbecan be when used when analyzing batches for quality High Point used analyzing batches or lots,ororlots, for or quality Režim nejvyšší hodnoty checking of random samples. High mode, Point mode, the balance High Point checking ofMode random samples. When When in HighinPoint the balance High Point Mode will save only the highest weight value from a series of weighings. High Point Mode Režim nejvyšší hodnoty můžete využít při analyzování šarží nebo will save only the highest weight value from aPoint series weighings. High canofbe used when analyzing batches or lots, or for quality High Point Mode dávek nebo pro kontrolu kvality náhodně zvolených vzorků. V režimu High Point can be used when analyzing batches or lots, or for checking of random samples. When in High Point mode, the balance High Point can be used when analyzing batches or lots, or for quality quality nejvyšší hodnoty váhawhen ukládá doWhen svébatches paměti nejvyšší checking of random samples. in Point mode, the balance will save only the highest weight value from series weighings. High aPoint canofbe used analyzing orpouze lots, or for quality checking of random samples. When in High High Point mode, thenaměřebalance nou from hodnotu hmotnosti z dané vážení. will save save only only the the highest highest weight weight value value from series ofsamples. weighings. checking ofaarandom Whensérie in High Point mode, the balance will series of weighings. will save only the highest weight value from a series of weighings.
Key Features:
Hlavní charakteristiky:
Key Features: Environmental Settings Key Features: Přizpůsobení prostředí Key Features: When working in harsh environments, Key Features: users can adjust environmental Při používání váhy Discovery’s v neklidném prostřeMultiple Weighing Units settings to compensate for vibrations Key Features: dí může uživatel nastavit parametryand Connectivity Více jednotek Discoveryhmotnosti features multiple other disturbances. Environmental Settings Environmental Settings prostředí uložené v paměti váhy DiscoDiscovery comes with an included weighing units including When working in Settings harsh environments, Environmental When in harsh environments, Discovery umožňuje používata userrůzné very tak,working aby váha mohla kompenzovat Environmental Settings RS232 interface and provides full users canworking adjust Discovery’s environmental When in harsh environments, defined custom unit for use in users can adjust Discovery’s environmental When working in harsh environments, jednotky hmotnosti včetně vlastní vibrace a dalšísettings rušivé vlivy. Multiple to compensate for vibrations and users can adjust Discovery’s environmental GLP/GMP data Multiple Weighing UnitsWeighing Units settings to compensate for vibrations and unique weighing applications. users can adjust Discovery’s environmental Propojitelnost Environmental Settings Connectivity jednotky definované uživatelem promultiple Discovery features Connectivity Multiple Weighing Unitsother disturbances. other disturbances. settings to compensate for vibrations and output. Discovery features multiple Multiple WeighingWhen Unitsworking in harsh settings to compensate for vibrations and environments, Discovery an included Connectivity units including a userDiscovery comes with an comes includedwithvestavěným Discovery features multiple other disturbances. využití ve specifických aplikacích weighing units weighing including a userDiscovery je vybavena Connectivity Discovery featuresusers multiple adjust Discovery’s other environmental disturbances. interface andwith provides full Discovery comes an included custom unit for useacan inuserRS232 interfaceRS232 and provides full weighing units including defined customdefined unit for use in vážení.Multiple Discovery comes with an included rozhranímRS232 RS232 weighing units including a userWeighing Units dataa poskytuje interface and provides full unique weighing GLP/GMP data GLP/GMP defined customapplications. unitsettings for use to in compensate for vibrations and unique weighing applications. RS232 interface and provides full Connectivity defined custom unit for use in Discovery features multiple other disturbances. kompletní datový output. GLP/GMP data output. unique weighing applications. GLP/GMP Discovery comes with output. an includeddata unique weighing applications. weighing units including a uservýstup GLP/GMP. Up-Front Level Indicator output.full RS232 interface and provides definedv přední custom unitčásti for use in Vodováha Discovery has been designed with an GLP/GMP data unique weighing applications. up-front level eliminating the output. Discovery bylaindicator vytvořena Up-Front LevelUp-Front IndicatorLevel Indicator need to look behind the balance during s vodováhou v její Discovery has been designed with an Up-Front Level Discovery umístěnou has been designed withIndicator an Up-Front Level Indicator the leveling Apři quick glance up-front level indicator eliminating Discovery has been designed withthe an up-front level eliminating theat přední části process. tak, indicator aby vyrovDiscovery has been designed with an the up-front level need to look behind the balance during up-front level indicator eliminating the need to look behind the balance during návání váhy nutné seglance up-front level indicator eliminating the Up-Front Levelnebylo Indicator Weigh-Below Hook theneed leveling process. quick glance at look behind balance during indicator helps to Aatthe the leveling process. Ato quick need to look behind the balance during Discovery has been designed with process. an the up-front Háček pro spodní vážení dívat za váhu. Rychlý pohled the leveling A quicklevel glance at the up-front level Discovery’s integral weigh-below ensure that the the leveling the process. A quick glance at level indicator eliminating Weigh-Below Hook naup-front vodováhu v přední části indicator helpslevel to the up-front Weigh-Below Hook indicator helps to Háček pro spodní vážení hook allows density determination is during level prior the up-front level need to look behind balance the balance Discovery’s integral weigh-below Weigh-Below Hook that helps the to indicator Discovery’s integral weigh-below ensure that the ensure Vám pomůže při ověřování vestavěný ve váze Discovery Weigh-Below Hook or calculating the specific gravity indicator helps to use. atbalance the leveling process.toA each quick glance hook allows density Discovery’s integraldetermination weigh-below leveltheprior ensureisthat hook allows density determination balance is level prior Discovery’s integral weigh-below správného ensure that the the up-front level to balance of samples. pomáhá při stanovování hustoty orhook calculating the specific gravity allows density determination each use. is level prior or calculating the specific gravity to each use. hook allows density determination Weigh-Below Hook of samples. balance is level prior indicator helps váhy to vyrovnání or calculating the specific gravity nebo výpočtu to each use. of samples. or calculating the specific gravity to each use. Discovery’s integral weigh-below ensure the of samples. před that každým specifické of samples. hook allows density determination balance is level prior vážením. hmotnosti or calculating the specific gravity to each use. of samples. vzorku. EasyEasy to View Display Easy to View Display to View Display Discovery features a 2-line Discovery 2-line Easyfeatures to Viewa Display Discovery features a 2-line Snadno odečitatelný Easy to View Display alphanumeric LCDawith alphanumeric LCD with Discovery features 2-line alphanumeric LCD with Discovery features a 2-line displej brilliant brilliant backlight. alphanumeric LCD with brilliant backlight. backlight. Easy to View Display alphanumeric LCD with
Snadné čištění
to Clean Easy Easy to Clean Easy to Clean Discovery’s stainless steelplatform platform and and Easysteel to Clean Discovery’s stainless platform and Discovery’s steel brilliant backlight. Easy stainless to Clean brilliant backlight. wind Discovery’s stainless steel platform and removableremovable windremovable wind stainless steel platform and Discovery’s make it wind Easy to Use Keypad removable ring make it ring Easy to Use Keypad removable wind ring make it Easy to Clean Easy to Use Four-button Keypad easy keypad with dedicated extremely easy extremely ring make it Easy to dedicated Use Keypad Four-button keypad with ringeasy make it and Easy to Usededicated Keypad Discovery’s stainlesstosteel platform Four-button keypad clean. NO,with BACK and EXIT extremely easy Four-button keypad withfunctions dedicated to clean. extremely YES, NO, BACKYES, and EXIT functions extremely easy Four-button keypad with dedicated removable wind to clean. YES, NO, BACK andNO, EXIT functions simplify menu navigation and to clean. YES, BACK and EXIT functions simplify menu navigation and to clean. YES, NO, BACK and EXIT functions ring make it Easy to Use Keypadbalance set-up. Dedicated and simplify menu navigationleft and simplify menuDedicated navigation and balance set-up. left and simplify menu navigation andextremely easy Four-button keypad with dedicated right tare buttons provide balance set-up. Dedicated left and right tare buttons provide balance Dedicated leftDedicated and balance set-up. lefttoand clean. YES, NO, BACK set-up. and ambidextrous EXIT functions taring.provide right tare buttons ambidextrous taring. right tare buttons provide right tare buttons provide simplify menu navigation and ambidextrous taring. ambidextrous taring. ambidextrous taring. balance set-up. Dedicated left and right tare buttons provide ambidextrous taring.
Discovery je vybavena Discovery features a 2-line 2řádkoým alfanumerickým alphanumeric LCD with brilliants vynikajícím backlight. LCD displejem podsvícením.
Snadné použití klávesnice
Čtyřtlačítková klávesnice s vyhrazenými funkcemi YES, NO, BACK a EXIT zjednodušuje pohyb v nabídce a nastavení váhy. Umístění tlačítek pro tárování na levé i pravé straně umožňují pohodlně tárovat levou i pravou rukou.
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Outline Dimensional Vnější rozměry Drawings Outline Dimensional Drawings
Díky váhové misce z nerezové oceli a odnímatelnému kroužku proti proudění vzduchu je čištění váhy Discovery velmi snadné.