International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW)
Volume 6 (1), May 2014; 81-‐87 Juanda & Nani Darheni EISSN: 2289-‐2737 & ISSN: 2289-‐3245
THE ANALYSIS OF INDONESIAN SENTENCE ERROR IN PRINTED/ELECTRONIC MASS MEDIA Juanda Faculty of Letters Indonesia University of Computer (UNIKOM) Bandung Indonesia Nani Darheni Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat-Indonesia ABSTRACT This paper will only describe the incorrect use of sentence structure. There are minimum three forms of error related to structure, which are the errorr due to (1) no-subject sentence e.g. Dengan perubahan zaman telah menuntut para pendidik untuk mencari metode yang baru.; (2) no-object sentence e.g. Menteri Pendidikan mengungkapkan tentang berbagai masalah yang timbul berkenaan dengan pendidikan.;and (3) the use of participle form e.g. melihat situasi memanas,petugas dari Depnaker mengambil alih pimpinan dialog. No-subject sentence is frequently found in spoken and written language. No-subject sentence is probably due to the lack of understanding standard sentence structure in Indonesian. No-object sentence occurs due to (1) the lack of understanding standard sentence structure in Indonesian or (2) being influenced by the translator who is not fluent in foreign language. The use of participle form is a sentence begun with verb. One of the theory used is structural theory claimed by Verhaar which is a synthesis of some modern syntactic theories. Besides that, this paper also uses the concept contained in the third edition of Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia.
KEYWORDS: error analysis, sentence structure, written language INTRODUCTION Indonesian newspaper informing international news usually receives such news from foreign news offices. Consequently, a lot of foreign structures are moved without considering the standard pattern used in Indonesian. The result is that Indonesian news has foreign language structure or resembles the foreign language structure. Moreover, local news is also presented using foreign language structure. Such case is frequently found in printed and electronic media. Language in mass media gets the influences –especially negative influence – from foreign language or the first language mastered. Both influences are united and cause various structure errors in various forms such as phonological, morphological, and/ or syntactic errors. The other thing that is needed to revealed is that not all editors of mass media master Indonesian adequately. 81
International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW)
Volume 6 (1), May 2014; 81-‐87 Juanda & Nani Darheni EISSN: 2289-‐2737 & ISSN: 2289-‐3245
This writing will reveal some errors viewed from Indonesian structure. Thus, this paper will only describe the incorrect use of sentence structure. Such error will be analyzed by using structural theory. RESEARCH QUESTIONS The research questions of this writing are to know structure error consist: a. What kind of form of no subject sentence? b. What kind of form of no-object sentence? c. What kind of form of sentence begun with verb? THEORETICAL FOUNDATION The theory used is structural theory claimed by Verhaar which is a synthesis of some modern syntactic theories. Verhaar (2001:162) classified sentence based on function, category and role. The function is in forms of subject, predicate, object and adverb. The category is in forms of word class or type, and the role is in forms of actor (agent), experiencer (benefactive) and receiver (patient). Besides that, this writing also uses the concept contained in the third edition of Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia. The basic structure of Indonesian sentence is actually very simple, which only has the structure of subject – predicate (S-P). Meanwhile, such structure can be developed into (1) subject-predicateobject (S-P-O), (2) subject-predicate-complement (S-P-C), (3) subject-predicate-objectcomplement (S-P-O-C), (4) subject-predicate-adverb (S-P-A), (5) subject-predicate-object-adverb (S-P-O-A), and (6) subjek-predicate-object-complement-adverb (S-P-O-C-A). Subject and object in Indonesian are usually in forms of verb, adjective and noun. Adverbs are in forms of prepositional phrase or temporal noun, while complement according to Lapoliwa (1990) can be in forms of noun phrase or verb phrase. Indonesian sentence can be differentiated into simple sentence and complex sentence. Complex sentence can be differentiated into coordinate complex sentence and subordinate complex sentence. The structure of simple sentence consists of seven forms such as (1) S-P, (2) S-P-O, (3) S-P-C, (4) S-P-O-C, (5) S-P-A, (6) S-P-O-A, and (7) S-P-O-C-A. Meanwhile, the structure of coordinate clause complex sentence is S-P coordinative conjunction + S-P, while the structure of subordinate clause is subordinate clause + main clause or main clause + main clause. Subordinate clause is under the term of object, adverb or subject. DISCUSSION Based on the observation of the collected data, the description is gained that there are minimum three forms of error related to structure, which are the errorr due to (1) no-subject sentence, (2) no-object sentence, and (3) the use of participle form. Such errors are explained below.
International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW)
Volume 6 (1), May 2014; 81-‐87 Juanda & Nani Darheni EISSN: 2289-‐2737 & ISSN: 2289-‐3245
No-Subject Sentence No-subject sentence is frequently found in spoken and written language. No-subject sentence is probably due to the lack of understanding standard sentence structure in Indonesian. The followings are the examples of data. (1) Dengan perubahan zaman telah menuntut para pendidik untuk mencari metode yang baru. (2) Menurut pakar lain di bidang marketing menyatakan bahwa pemasaran adalah proses memasarkan barang hingga berujud uang. (3) Dalam debat calon presiden itu memutuskan bahwa anggaran pendidikan di Indonesia akan ditingkatkan sesuai amanat UUD 1945. If the above examples are analyzed. It seems that the phrases of dengan perubahan zaman in sentence (1), menurut pakar lain di bidang marketing in sentence (2), and dalam debat calon presiden itu in sentence (3) are verb phrases which function as predicate. Meanwhile, para pendidik in sentence (1), bahwa pemasaran adalah proses memasarkan barang hingga berujud uang in sentence (2), and bahwa anggaran pendidikan di Indonesia akan ditingkatkan sesuai amanat UUD 1946 in sentence (3) function as object, while untuk mencari metode yang baru in sentence (1) is prepositional phrase which functions as adverb. In a whole, such sentence structure (1--3) is APOA in sentence (1) and APO in sentence (2) and (3). However, in Indonesian, such structures are incorrect because the correct structures in Indonesian are SPOK and SPO. To make such three sentences correct, the function of sucject should be available in three sentences. The subject in Indonesian is not preeceded by preposition. Therefore, the function of adverb in the sentence beginning of such three sentences should be changed into subject by eliminating preposition or changing active verb into passive verb. Changing active verb into passive verb, however, cannot always be done. Pay attention to this change. (1) a. b. (2)
Perubahan zaman telah menuntut para pendidik untuk mencari metode yang baru. (SPOA) Dengan perubahan zaman para pendidik telah dituntut untuk mencari metode yang baru. (ASPA) a. Pakar lain di bidang marketing menyatakan bahwa pemasaran adalah
proses memasarkan barang hingga berujud uang. (SPO) b. *Pakar lain di bidang marketing dinyatakan bahwa pemasaran adalah proses memasarkan barang hingga berujud uang. (SPO) (3) a. Debat calon presiden itu memutuskan bahwa anggaran pendidikan di Indonesia akan ditingkatkan sesuai amanat UUD 1945. (SPO) b. Dalam debat calon presiden itu diputuskan bahwa anggaran pendidikan di Indonesia akan ditingkatkan sesuai amanat UUD 1945. (APS)
International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW)
Volume 6 (1), May 2014; 81-‐87 Juanda & Nani Darheni EISSN: 2289-‐2737 & ISSN: 2289-‐3245
It can be seen that sentences (1) and (3) can be corrected into (1a--1b) and (3a--3b), but sentence (2) can only be corrected into (2a) and cannot be corrected into (2b). It shows that active verb predicate in ungrammatical sentence which has APOA pattern can not always be corrected into passive verb as it can be seen in sentence (2b). No-Object Sentence No-object setence is also usually found in spoken and written language. No-object sentence occurs due to (1) the lack of understanding standard sentence structure in Indonesian or (2) being influenced by the translator who is not fluent in foreign language. The following are the examples. (4) Menteri Pendidikan mengungkapkan tentang berbagai masalah yang timbul berkenaan dengan pendidikan. (5) Pemimpin perusahaan Sanyo di Indonesia sedang membahas mengenai gaji pegawai perusahaan. (6) Kami mengharap atas kehadiran para capres pada Debat Para Calon Presiden di kampus kami. (7) Pemimpin sidang berhak mengingatkan agar peserta sidang berbicara secara teratur. Such sentences do not have objects because objects are usually in forms of noun or noun phrase. If noun or noun phrase is preceeded by preposition, the constituent will be prepositional phrase, not noun phrase. Prepositional phrase, almost in all languages, functions as adverb in sentence. Thus, the constituents tentang berbagai masalah yang timbul berkenaan dengan pendidikan in sentence (4), mengenai gaji pegawai perusahaan in sentence (5) , atas kehadiran para capres pada Debat Para Calon Presiden di kampus kami in sentence (6), and agar peserta sidang berbicara secara teratur in sentence (7) are prepositional phrases function as adverb, not noun phrase functions as object, Purwo (1985:25--31) and Verhaar (2001) stated that transitive verb should be directly followed by object. It implies that predicate in form of transitive verb should be folowed by objek, not by prepositional phrase. Thus, verb phrase mengungkapkan in sentence (4), membahas in sentence (5), mengharap in sentence (6), and mengingatkan in sentence (7) should be followed by object because such verbs are transitive verbs which need objects, not adverbs. Thus, to make such sentences correct, the function of adverb in the right side of transitive verb predicate should be changed into object function by eliminating preposition or changing the position of preposition in the sentence into the following sentence (8--11). (8) Menteri Pendidikan mengungkapkan berbagai masalah yang timbul berkenaan dengan pendidikan. (9) Pemimpin perusahaan Sanyo di Indonesia sedang membahas gaji pegawai perusahaan. (10) Kami mengharap kehadiran para capres pada Debat Para Calon Presiden di kampus kami. 84
International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW)
Volume 6 (1), May 2014; 81-‐87 Juanda & Nani Darheni EISSN: 2289-‐2737 & ISSN: 2289-‐3245
(11) Pemimpin sidang berhak mengingatkan peserta sidang agar berbicara secara teratur. The error contained in sentences (4--7) is object preceeded by prepositional phrase or transitive verb not followed by noun phrase, but followed by prepositional phrase. Besides no-object sentences in such examples (4--7), there are other examples as following here. (12) (13)
Demikian X melaporkan dari Palembang. Kegiatan ini sangat menjanjikan.
Transitive verb needs object. If transitive verb is not followed by object, the structure will be incorrect. Prepositional phrase dari Palembang in sentence (12) cannot be changed into noun phrase by eliminating the preposition of dari. It meand the sentences (12--13) absolutely need object. If there is not object, the sentence will be: (12) a. b. c. (13) a. b.
Demikian X melaporkan kejadian itu dari Palembang. Demikian X melaporkan peristiwa itu dari Palembang. Demikian X melaporkannya dari Palembang. Kegiatan ini sangat menjanjikan masa depan Anda. Kegiatan ini sangat menjanjikan keuntungan yang luar biasa.
It is probably that the sentence (12) is influence by English structure, This X reporting from Palembang. Actually, reporting in such sentence is not melaporkan (verb) but it is laporan (noun). Such sentence should be translated into Demikian(lah) laporan X dari Palembang. Participle Sentence Recently, we have found a lot of sentences begun with verb in printed or electronic mass media, even in daily life – especially in spoken language – either formal or informal situation. However, the linguists such as Hoed (1983), Purwo (1985), Alwi (1998), and Verhaar (2001) did not aknowledge such structure. The examples are presented below. (14) Berbicara kepada Media kemarin di kantornya, Rini Suwandi mengatakan bahwa dirinya tidak mengenal Nurdin Halid. (15) Melihat situasi mulai memanas, petugas dari Depnaker mengambil alih pimpinan dialog. (16) Ditemani pengacaranya, Fuad Bawazir mengadukan dan Tempo kepada Polri. Such sentences are not parts of Indonesian sentence structure because the subordinate clause in Indonesia only occupies the functions of object, adverb or subject. Subordinate clause in Indonesia cannot occupy the function of predicate. It seems that such sentence is influence by English participle. In English, the sentences similar with sentence (14--16) are abundant. Compare the structure of sentences (14--16) with the structure of sentences (17--19). 85
International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW)
Volume 6 (1), May 2014; 81-‐87 Juanda & Nani Darheni EISSN: 2289-‐2737 & ISSN: 2289-‐3245
(17) Speaking before the students, the Minister stated that there would be no changes in school curricula. (18) Following the guidebook, he repairs his computer. (19) Accompained by pianist Donna and the vocals of Donni Pulungan and Tommi Awuy, Sutardji read his poems in his famous drunkardstyle. The structure of sentences (17--19) in English is usually called as present participle or active participle and it is very common in English. Meanwhile, if the structure is used to make Indonesian sentence so it results in the example sentences (14--15), the structure will be uncommon. Actually, the structure of sentences (14--16) has ASPO pattern, while sentence (16) has ASPOA pattern. However, adverb (A) in the beginning of sentence is eliminating the conjunctions of ketika, tatkala, or saat in sentence (16). If conjunction and preposition above is added, the sentence will be the following sentences (20--22). (20)
a. Ketika melihat situasi mulai memanas, petugas dari Depnaker mengambil alih
pimpinan dialog. b. Tatkala melihat situasi mulai memanas, petugas dari Depnaker mengambil alih pimpinan dialog. c. Saat melihat situasi mulai memanas, petugas Depnaker mengambil alih pimpinan dialog. (21) a. Ketika berbicara kepada Media kemarin di kantornya, Rini Suwandi \ mengatakan bahwa dirinya tidak mengenal Nurdin Halid. b. Tatkala berbicara kepada Media kemarin di kantornya, Rini Suwandi mengatakan bahwa dirinya tidak mengenal Nurdin Halid. c. Saat berbicara kepada Media kemarin di kantornya, Rini Suwandi mengatakan bahwa dirinya tidak mengenal Nurdin Halid. (22) Dengan ditemani pengacaranya, Fuad Bawazir mengadukan dan Tempo kepada Polisi. After the addition of conjunction and preposition, as presented in the examples (20--22), it is clear that sentences (14--16) are actually subordinate complex sentences consisting of subordinate and main clauses. Meanwhile, the conjunction which functions as signifier is eliminated so that the sentence becomes ungrammatical. The signifier of subordinate clause is usually in form of subordinator, either in form of conjunction or preposition. Closing Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the errors of Indonesian sentence structure are usually found in the cases of no-subject sentence, no-object sentence and sentence influenced by present participle and active participle form in English. Subject and object in Indonesian should be in form of noun or noun phrase. Prepositional phrase does not function as subject or object because this phrase can only function as adverb. However, 86
International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW)
Volume 6 (1), May 2014; 81-‐87 Juanda & Nani Darheni EISSN: 2289-‐2737 & ISSN: 2289-‐3245
it does not means that the sentence cannot be preceeded by preposition, predicate in such sentence usually has passive form and the subject is located in the right side of predicate or after predicate. Subordinative complex sentence should be signified by subordinate conjunction or subordinator correlating subordinate clause and main clause. Without subordinator, such subordinate clause is assumed to be influenced by English participle structure. The implication of this writing that an scriptwriter should consider the rules of sentence structure in Indonesian. It is realized that the rules of language is not always the same as the rules of the other language. Therefore, a scriptwriter must know the languge rules are written so that no overgeneralization in applying the rules of a language. REFERENCES Alwi, Hasan et al. (1998). Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia (Edisi Ketiga). Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Hoed, B. H. (1983). “Ragam Bahasa Berita dan Cirinya.” Dalam Konggres Bahasa Indonesia II. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. James, C. (1980). Contrastive Analysis. Longman Group Limited. Lapoliwa, H. (1990). Klausa Pemerlengkapan dalam Bahasa Indonesia: Suatu Tinjauan Sintaktik dan Semantik. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. Purwo, B. K., & Anton, M. M. (1985). “Analisis Fungsi Subjek dan Objek: Sebuah Tinjauan.” Dalam Purwo, Bambang Kaswanti. (Ed.). 1985. Jakarta: Arcan. Verhaar, J.W.M. (2001). Asas-Asas Linguistik Umum (Cetakan Ketiga). Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.