CURRICULUM VITAE, LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Name: ANDOR, JÓZSEF Degree: Ph.D. (University of Debrecen, Hungary – linguistics) Place and date of birth: Pécs, Hungary, March 14, 1949. Place of work:
Department of English Linguistics University of Pécs Ifjúság u. 6. Pécs, Hungary H-7624 Tel./Fax: (36)(72) 314714 Office: A/540. E-mail:
[email protected] Position: associate professor Home address:
Zrínyi u. 1. II.em.14 Pécs, Hungary H-7621 Tel.: (36)(72) 216326 E-mail: andorj@
[email protected]
History of employment: Since 1991: University of Pécs, Dept. of English Linguistics, Pécs, Hungary associate professor (since 1996) assistant professor (1991-1996.) 1991: T.I.T. (Society for the Dissemination of Knowledge in the Arts and Sciences), Pécs, Hungary – director of Foreign Language Program 1982-1991.: Janus Pannonius University, Department of Hungarian Lingusitics, Pécs, Hungary – assistant professor 1975-1982.: Medical University of Pécs, Department of Foreign Languages, Pécs, Hungary – foreign language instructor (English, Russian), director of English Language Unit 1973-1975: Marx Károly University of Economics, Budapest, Campus in Pécs, Department of Foreign Languages assistant professor (1975) teaching assistant (1973-1975) Teaching activity: Lectures and seminars in the fields listed below: - Introduction to linguistics - English generative syntax (phrasal and clausal)
Linguistic pragmatics Lexicology and lexical semantics Comparative pragmatics: a. language of the media; b. color naming and symbolism English corpus linguistics Text linguistics and discourse analysis English applied linguistics English language practice Empirical linguistics: analyzing learner language Trends and fields of English linguistics Regional variants of English
Fields of research: - lexicology and lexical semantics - linguistic pragmatics - generative and functional syntax - lexicase grammar - comparative pragmatics: language of the media - corpus linguistics - text linguistics and discourse analysis - English applied linguistics - empirical linguistics - foreign language examination systems Teaching in PhD programs: University of Pécs, Hungary: PhD Program in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics permanent founding member University of Pécs, Hungary: PhD Program in English applied linguistics permanent founding member University of Debrecen, Hungary: PhD Program in English Linguistics permanent external member
Fields: pragmatics lexicology lexical semantics textology, text linguistics, discourse analysis empirical linguistics: analyzing learner language Teaching experience in foreign countries: -
International Seminar on Pragmatics (“Beyond Semantics and Pragmatics”). InterUniversity Center. Dubrovnik. Jugoslavia. 1984. invited speaker (10 lectures, 2 weeks) Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Indiana, PA, USA. Department of Philosophy visiting professor (1987-88.) University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Department of Foreign Languages. Visiting professor: Hungarian language and linguistics (1988. one month) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The Netherlands. Department of English. visiting professor (Erasmus exchange program, 1 week, May, 2000., June 2007.) 2
Université de Bretagne-Sud. Lorient and Vannes. France. Visiting professor (Erasmus exchange program, 1 week, October, 2004.)
Fellowships awarded: -
Fulbright research scholar, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA, 2003. – 5 months
Degrees: – dr. univ. (Lajos Kossuth University. Debrecen. 1977. – general and English linguistics) – Ph.D. (Lajos Kossuth University. Debrecen. 1996. – linguistics)
List of publicatons I.
Edited books:
I.a. English: 1.Andor, J., B. Hollósy, T. Laczkó, P. Pelyvás, eds.: The Diversity of Linguistic Description: Studies in Linguistics for Béla Korponay (Debrecen: KLTE, 1998., 334pp.) 2. Andor, J. J. Horváth, M. Nikolov, eds.: Studies in English Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (Pécs: Lingua Franca Csoport, 2003., 345pp.) 3. Andor, J., B. Hollósy, T. Laczkó, P. Pelyvás, eds.: When Grammar Minds Language and Literature: Festschrift for Prof. Béla Korponay (Debrecen: IEAS, University of Debrecen, 2008., 482pp.) I.b. Hungarian: 1. Andor, J., T. Szűcs, I. Terts, eds.: Színes eszmék nem alszanak…: Szépe György 70 születésnapjára [Colorful ideas do not sleep …: A Festschrift for György Szépe at the Occasion of His 70th Birthday] (Pécs: Lingua Franca Csoport, 2001., 1403pp.) 2. Andor, J., Zs. Benkes, A. Bókay, eds.: Szöveg az egész világ [A World of Texts: A Festschrift for S. János Petőfi at the Occasion of his 70th Birthday] (Budapest: Tinta, 2002., 616pp.) I.c. In preparation:
1. Empirically-Based Studies on Synonymy in English and Hungarian– ms.
Articles, book chapters:
II.a. English: 1. Some Notes on Stativeness (Linguistic Inquiry 9/2. 1978. 294-297.) 2. On Primary Topicalization (In: J.J. Jaeger at al., eds.: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley, CA., 1978. 18-29.) 3. Case Grammar, Deep Semantic Relations and Cognition (In: eds. W.U. Dressler and W. Meid: Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Linguists. Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft. Innsbruck. Austria. 1979. 163-166.) 4. Deep Semantic Relations, Cognition, and the Teaching of English (ITL, Review of Applied Linguistics 47/2. Leuven. 1980. 29-38.) 5. Individualising the Teachingof the Lexicon: A Case Grammar Approach (IATEFL Newsletter 60. Whitstable. Kent. 1979. 21-22.) 6. Some Remarks on the Notion of Competence: An Open Peer Commentary of Noam Chomsky: Rules and Representations (The behavioral and Brain Sciences 3/1. Cambridge. 1980. 15-16.) Noam Chomsky‟s reply: on page 42. of the same issue of BBS 7. Topicalization and Text Coherence (Kommunikativ-funktionale Sprachbetrauchtung. Band 1. Halle/S. GDR. 1981. 31-38.) 8. Inconsistences in the in the Verbal Paradigm: Duratives and Frequentatives in Hungarian (In: M.K. Suojanen et al., eds.: CQIFU II. Turku. Finland. 1980. 75.) 9. Frame Semantics and Text Analysis (In: ed. Tasso Borbé: Semiotics Unfolding. Vol.2.. Berlin and new York: Mouton. 1984. 705-712.) 10. The Interpretation of Frames and Scenes in Gypsy Discourse (In: eds. John X. Evans and P. Horwath: Adjoining Cultures as Reflected in Literature and Language. Tempe, Arizona: Arizona University Press. 1983. 167-168.) 11. Training Mother Tongue Teachers Who Will at the Same Time Become Applied Linguists (co-author: György Szépe)
(Journal of Applied Linguistics No.2. Thessaloniki. Greece. 1986. 106-117.) 12. Strategies, Tactics and realistic Methods of Text Analysis In: eds. W. Heydrich, F. Neubauer, J.S. Petőfi, E. Sözer: Connexity and Coherence. (Analysis of Text and Discourse) (RTT 12. Berlin and New York: Walter deGruyter. 1989. 28-36.) M: Charolles‟s reply: pp.37-40. of the same volume of RTT. 13. On the Psychological Relevance of Frames (Quaderni di Semantica 6/2. 1985. Special Issue on Frame Semantics. Bologna. 212-221.) 14. The Originality of the Concept of Deep Structure (a.Annales Universitatis Budapestinensis XII. 1981. 5-11.; b. In: T. Frank, ed.: The Origin and Originality of American Culture. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 1984. 735-744.) 15. Toward an Integration of Lexicase and Case-Based Deep Semantics (Hungarian Studies in English 15. Debrecen. Hungary. 1982. 63-73.) 16. Concerning the Basic Hypothesis of Lexicase: The Role of Patients (In: ed. S. Rot: Languages in Function. Budapest. 1983. 33-38.) 17. On the Lexical Bases of Ellipsis in English (In. ed. J. Andor, B. Hollósy, T. Laczkó, P. Pelyvás : The Diversity of Linguistic Description. Debrecen. Hungary: KLTE. 1998. 39-54.) 18. A Frame-Based, Lexicalist Approach to Describing Functions of the Verbal Prefix „le–„ in Hungarian (co-author: Tamás Pólya) (In. Eds. Andor, J., T. Szűcs, I. Terts: Színes eszmék nem alszanak …: Szépe György 70. születésnapjára. [Colorful Ideas Do Not Sleep…: A Festschrift for György Szépe for His 70th Birthday] (Pécs: Lingua Franca Csoport. 2001. 67-83.) 19. Empiricism and the Objectivity vs. Subjectivity/Intersubjectivity of Context (In: eds. Andor, J., Zs. Benkes, A. Bókay: Szöveg az egész világ: Petőfi S. János 70. születésnapjára [A World of Texts: A Festschrift for János S. Petőfi for His 70th Birthday]. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó. 2002. 12-18. 20. On the Cohesion and Coherence of Animal Jokes: A Frame-semantic Analysis of Narrative Structure (In: eds. Csábi, Sz. and J. Zerkowitz: Textual Secrets: The Message of the Medium. Proceedings of the 21st PALA Conference. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd University Press. 2002. 90-101. 21. Being/s/ in Ambush: A Lexicographic, Lexicological Case Study (Studies in Linguistics Vol. VI. Part I., 2002. 86-98.) 22. On the Social-Cognitive and Linguistic Status of Various Types of Knowledge and Knowledge Structures
(In: eds. Komlósi, L.I., P. Houtlosser and M. Leezenberg: Communication and Culture: Argumentative, Cognitive and Linguistic Perspectives. Amsterdam: Sic Sat. 2003. 115-130. 23. On the Role of Frame-Based Knowledge in Lexical Representation: An Open Peer Commentary of Ray Jackendoff: Foundations of Language (The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 26.No.6., 2003. 667-668.) 24. Functional Studies in the Polarity and Gradation of Amplifier Adjectives and Adverbs in English (In: eds. Andor, J., J. Horváth and M. Nikolov: Studies in English Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Pécs: Lingua Franca Csoport. 2003. 43-59.) 25. A Lexical Semantic-Pragmatic Analysis of the Meaning Potentials of Amplifying Prefixes in English and Hungarian: A Corpus-Based Case Study of Near Synonymy (In: eds. P. Danielsson and S. Hunston: Proceedings from the Corpus Linguistics Conference Series – Vol.1.No.1. – Corpus Linguistics 2005. Birmingham. ISSN 1747-9398 26. Textual Properties of Schizophrenic Discourse: A Case Study (In: eds. L. Galgóczi and L. Vass: A mondat: kaland (Hetven tanulmány Békési Imre 70. születésnapjára) Szeged: JGYF Kiadó. 2006. 21-24.) 27. Amplifying Prefixes in English: An Empirical Study of Near Synonymic Relations in the Functional Lexicon (In: eds. R. Benczes and Sz. Csábi: The Metaphors of Sixty – Papers Presented on the Occasion of the 60th Birthday of Zoltán Kövecses. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd University. 2006. 21-35.) 28. Definitely (In: eds. J. Horváth and M. Nikolov: UPRT 2007: Empirical Studies in English Applied Linguistics. ISBN 978-963-642-224-0. Pécs: Lingua Franca Csoport. 2007. 281-292.) 29. On the Role of Frame-Based Knowledge in Lexical Representation (In: ed. Rema Rossini Favretti: Frames, Corpora, and Knowledge Representation (Bologna: Bononia University Press. 2008. 53-78.) 30. No problem (In: eds. R. Lugossy, J. Horváth & M. Nikolov: UPRT 2008: Empirical Studies in English Applied Linguistics. ISBN 978-963-642-300-1. Pécs: Lingua Franca Csoport. 2008. 153-163.) 31. Horwich on Synonymy (Argumentum, 5 (2009). Debrecen: Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó. 93-97.)
32. Schiffer on Vagueness: The Issue of Unarticulated Constituents (Argumentum, 5 (2009). Debrecen: Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó. 98-104.)
33. Frame Shifting and the Status of Key Words in Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs: A Frame-Semantic View (In: eds. A. T.Litovkina, P. Barta, M. Daczi: Linguistic Shots at Humour. Humour and Culture Vol.1., Kraków: Tertium. 2010. 27-53. 34. The Distribution of Light Verbs in English: An Empirical, Corpus-Based Study (BAS: A Journal of the Romanian Society of English and American Studies Vol.16. (2010). Timisoara: Universitatea de Vest. ISSN 1224-3086. 189-201.) 35. The Near Synonymy of Adjectives of Appreciation: A Corpus-Based, Empirical Study (In: eds. I. Hegedűs, S. Martsa: Cross Sections Vol.1.: Selected Papers in Linguistics from the 9th HUSSE Conference. Pécs: Institute of English Studies. University of Pécs. 2010. 117-132.) II.b. Hungarian: 1. Mondattani elemzés szemantikai szemszögből [Syntactic Analysis from a Semantic Point of View] (Magyar Nyelvőr 101/4. Budapest. 1977. 489-500.) 2. Az esetgrammatika elméletének új útjai [Recent Trends in the Theory of Case Grammar] (Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 81/2. Budapest. 1979. 451-459.) 3. Napjaink esetgrammatikája nagyító alatt [Current Models of Case Grammar under the Magnifier] (In: eds. Telegdi Zs. And Gy. Szépe: Általános nyelvészeti Tanulmányok XIV. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 1982. 5-15.) 4. A generatív nyelvelmélet nyelvpedagógiai alkalmazásának lehetőségei [Possibilities for Applying Generative Linguistics for Pedagogical Purposes] (Modern nyelvoktatás 19/1-2. Budapest. 1982. 141-163.) 5. A nyelvleírás szövegtanának egyik lehetséges megközelítése [A Possible Textological Approach to Linguistic Description] (eds. Szathmári I. And I. Várkonyi: A szövegtan a kutatásban és az oktatásban [Textology in Research and Teaching]. A Kaposvári Tanárképző Főiskola Kiadványai 2. Kaposvár. Hungary. 1979. 33-45.) 6. A grammatika perspektívája, avagy a perspektíva grammatikája [Perspectives for Grammar or the Grammar of Perspective] (In: ed. Kovács F.: Nyelvpedagógiai Írások III. [Studies in Language Pedagody III.]. Budapest: MKKE. 1982. 84-98.)
7. Enciklopédikus ismeretek hatása a magyar egyszerű mondat szórendjére [The Influence of Encyclopaedic Knowledge on the Word Order of Simple Sentences in Hungarian] (In: ed. Á. Mihalovics and É. Máté: Könyv Dezső Lászlónak [A Festschrist for László Dezső]. Nyíregyháza. Hungary: Bessenyei György Könyvkiadó. 1997. 19-26.) 8. A komplex lexikálisjegy-analízis és a mormota esete [Complex Lexical Feature Analysis and the Case of the Marmot] (In: eds. Cs. Pléh and M. Győri: A kognitív szemlélet és a nyelv kutatása [Cognitive Views and Linguistic Research]. Budapest: Pólya Kiadó. 1998. 83-100.) 9. A fogalmi keret, a szemantikai mező és a szinonimitás határvonalai [Conceptual Frames, Semantic Fields and the Borderlines of Synonymy] (In. eds. T. Gecső and M. Spannraft: A szinonimitásról [On Synonymy]. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó. 1998. 7-19.) 10. Államilag elismert nyelvvizsgák (központok, rendszerek) akkreditációjának kézikönyve [Handbook of Accreditation of Language Examinations (Centers, Syntems) Recognized by the State]. Ed. Zsolt Lengyel, written by J. Andor et al.). (Budapest: NYAT-NYAK, Ministry of Education. 1999. 122pp.) 11. Angol és magyar, ugrást kifejező igék lexikális szemantikai és pragmatikai vizsgálata [A Lexical Semantic-Pragmatic Analysis of Verbs of Jumping in English and Hungarian] (In: ed. T. Gecső: Kontrasztív szemantikai kutatások [Studies in Contrastive Semantics]. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó. 2001. 7-24. 12. Keretismereten alapuló nómenek fogalmi és argumentum státusának lexikális szemantikai-pragmatikai vizsgálata pszicholingvisztikai teszteléssel [A Lexical Semantic – Pragmatic Analysis of the Conceptual and Argument Status of FrameBased Nouns with Psycholinguistic Testing] (In. eds. Fóris, Á., E. Kárpáti, T. Szűcs: A nyelv nevelő szerepe – A XI. Magyar Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Kongresszus előadásainak válogatott gyűjteménye. [ The Educational Role of Language: Selected Papers from the XIth Congress of Hungarian Applied Linguistics]. Pécs. Hungary: Lingua Franca Csoport. 2002. 200-208.) 13. Állatviccek kulcsszavai: összevető keret-szemantikai vizsgálat [Keywords in Animal Jokes: A Comparative, Frame-Semantic Analysis] (In: eds. M. Daczi, A. T. Litovkina, P. Barta: Ezerarcú humor [The Multiple Faces of Humor] Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó. 2008. 249-256. 14. A kulcsszavakról [On Keywords] (In: eds. J. Sebestyén and Zs. Surányi: A nyelv, az irodalom és a kultúra varázsa – Köszöntő kötet Mihalovics Árpád 60. születésnapjára [The Magic of Language, Literaure and Culture – A Festschrift for Árpád Mihalovics on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday]. Veszprém: Pannon Egyetem. 2009. 23-28. 15. Hogyan humorizálnak a japánok? [Japanese Ways of Humor] (In: eds. A. T. Litovkina, P.Barta, J. Hidasi: A humor dimenziói [Dimensions of Humor]. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó. 2010. 179-190.
16. Azok a cserbenhagyó szavak. Megfigyelések Virginia Woolf nyelvezetéről [On words that fail us. Observing the language of Virginia Woolf] (In: eds. T. Bényei, E. Bollobás, I. D. Rácz: A mondat becsülete [Honoring the Sentence]. Debrecen: Debrecen University Press. 2010. 161-171.) 17. De durva ez a téma! – Megfigyelések a melléknévi polaritásváltásról [What a wicked topic! – On the shifting of polarity of adjectival meaning] (Hungarológiai Évkönyv 12. 2011. [Yearbook of Hungarian Studies 12. 2011.] 33-42.) 18.
II.c. Reviews and Review Articles: 1. Review of Noam Chomsky: Reflections on Language (Glasgow: Fontana/Collins. 1975.) (Linguistics 209. The Hague: Mouton. 1978. 71-81.) 2. Review of D.L.F. Nilsen and A.P. Nilsen: Semantic Theory: A Linguistic Perspective (Rowley, MA: Newbury House. 1975.) (Linguistics 203. The Hague: Mouton. 1978. 63-69.) 3. Review of H.S. Cairns and C.E. Cairns: Psycholinguistics: A Cognitive View of Language (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1976.) (International Journal of Psycholinguistics 5/3. The Hague: Mouton. 1978. 89-94.) 4. Review of Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok Vol.XII. [Studies in General Linguistics Vol.XII.] (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. (Az MTA I. Osztályának Közleményei 31/1-2. 1979. 227-230.) 5. Review of D.L.F.Nilsen and A.P. Nilsen: Language Play (Rowley, MA: Newbury House. 1978.) (Language Sciences 2/1. Tokyo. 1980. 183-185.) 6. Review of C. Georgopoulos and R. Ishigara: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language: Essays in Honor of S.Y. Kuroda (Dordrect: Kluwer. 1991.) (LOS Forum 26. 1998. 33-41.) 7. Review of R. Jackendoff: The Architecture of the Language Faculty (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 1997.) (LOS Forum 29. 2001. 20-25. 8. Review of Anna T. Litovkina and Wolfgang Mieder: Old Proverbs Never Die, They Just Diversify (Burlington: The University of Vermont Press – Veszprém: The Pannonian University of Veszprém Press. 2006.) (Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 52/1. 2007. 245-248.) 9. Review of M.A.K. Halliday and C.M.I.M. Matthiessen: Constructing Experience
Through Meaning: A Language-Based Approach to Cognition (London: Continuum. 2006.) (In: G. Tolcsvai Nagy and M. Ladányi, eds.: Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok XXII. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 2008. 501-522.) 10. Review article of Ferenc Kiefer (ed.): Strukturális magyar nyelvtan 4. A szótár szerkezete. [Structural Grammar of Hungarian 4. Structure of the lexicon] (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 2008.) (Magyar Nyelv 106/1. 2010. 35-59.) 11. Review of Jürgen Esser: Introduction to English Text Linguistics (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 2009.) (Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Közlemények 4/1. 2009. 195-200. and Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Közlemények 5/1. 2010. 240-245.)
II.d. Interviews: 1. Pro Scientia aranyérem: Riport Andor Józseffel és Pólya Tamással [Pro Scientia Gold Medal: An Interview with József Andor and Tamás Pólya] (Tudományos Dialóg, No.3. Pécs, Hungary: Dialóg Campus. 1998. 11-13.) 2. On the Architecture of the Language Faculty: An Interview with Ray Jackendoff (Studies in Linguistics 6. Debrecen, Hungary. 2001. 15-28. 3. Születésnapi beszélgetés Szépe Györggyel: Gondolatok a nyelvtudományról, nyelvészeti nézeteinek és tevékenységének alakulásáról, a tudományszervezésről. [A Birthday Interview with György Szépe: Views on Linguistics and Research Planning; the Development of His Linguistic Views and Activities. (In. eds. Andor, J., T. Szűcs, I. Terts: Színes eszmék nem alszanak…: Szépe györgy 70. születésnapjára. [Colorful Ideas Do Not Sleep…: A Festschrift for György Szépe on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday] Pécs: Lingua Franca Csoport. 2001. 1357-1403. 4. Beszélgetés H.H. Clarkkal az ún. Háttérismeretekről, valamint esszenciális jelentéstani és pragmatikai kérdésekről [On Mutual Knowledge, Common Ground, and Essential Semantic-Pragmatic Issues] (Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomány Vol.1.No.2. 2001. 101-112.) Original version in English: On mutual knowledge, common ground, and essential semantic-pragmatic issues: an interview with Herbert H. Clark (Studies in Linguistics Vol. VI. Part II. 2002. 463-476.) 5. A szövegtan diszciplináris alapkérdéseiről és a szemiotikai textológia státusáról: Elektronikus beszélgetés Petőfi S. Jánossal [On Disciplinary Issues of Textology and the Status of Semiotic Textology: An Electronic Conversation with János S. Petőfi] (In: eds. Andor J., Zs. Benkes, A. Bókay: Szöveg az egész világ: Petőfi S. János 70. születésnapjára [A World of Texts: A Festschrift for Sándor J. Petőfi for His 70th Birthday]. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó. 2002. 567-597.)
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6. The master and his performance: An interview with Noam Chomsky (Intercultural Pragmatics Vol.1.No.1., 2004. 93-111.) Translation in Hungarian: A Mester és performanciája: Interjú Noam Chomskyval (Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomány, Vol.4., 2004. 91-109.) 7. Cognitive grammar: The State of the art and related issues: An interview with Ronald Langacker (Acta Linguistica Hungarica Vol.52/4., 2005. 341-366.) Translation in Hungarian: Kognitív grammatika: A tudomány jelenlegi állása és kapcsolódó kérdések: Interjú Ronald Langackerrel (eds. A. Kertész and P. Pelyvás: Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok [Studies in General Linguistics] XXI. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 2005. 13-42.) 8. Az esetgrammatikus – Születésnapi beszélgetés a 80 éves Korponay Bélával, az angol nyelvészet debreceni professzorával, pályájáról, tudományos kapcsolatainak alakulásáról [The case grammarian – An interview with Béla Korponay, professor of English linguistics at the University of Debrecen, on the occasion of his 80th birthday about his professional career and research contacts]. In: J. Andor, B. Hollósy, P. Pelyvás, T. Laczkó, eds.: When Grammar Minds Language and Literature (Festschrift for Prof. Béla Korponay on the occasion of his 80th birthday). Debrecen: IEAS, University of Debrecen. 2008. 17-30. 9. A lexicon kutatása: interjú James Pustejovsky amerikai számítógépes nyelvésszel (Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Közlemények, Vol.3., 2008. 175-192. 10. Words in Culture: An Interview with Anna Wierzbicka (Acta Linguistica Hungarica Vol.56/2-3. 2009. 315-335.) 11. What Corpora Can Do, What You Can Do with Corpora: An Interview with Douglas Biber (In: eds. I.Hegedűs, S. Martsa: CrosSections Vol.1.: Selected Papers in Linguistics from the 9th HUSSE Conference. Pécs: Institute of English Studies. University of Pécs. 2010. 307-317. ISBN 978-963-642-323-0) 12. Discussing Frame Semantics: The State of the Art (An Interview with Charles J. Fillmore) (Review of Cognitive Linguistics Vol. 8/1. 2010. Amsterdam: Benjamins.) 157-176. 13. Szabad beszélgetés nyelvészettörténeti kérdésekről (Interjú a 80 éves Szépe Györggyel) [Discussing issues in the history of linguistics: Interview with 80-year-old György Szépe] (Hungarológiai Évkönyv 12. – 2011. [Yearbook of Hungarian Studies 12. – 2011.] 315-344.) 14. Reflections on Speech Act Theory: An Interview with John R. Searle
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(International Review of Pragmatics 3/1. 2011. Leiden: Brill.) 113-134. 15. Séta a lexikális szemantika és lexikális pragmatika határvonalain: Interjú Kiefer Ferenccel [On the borderlines of lexical semantics and lexical pragmatics: An interview with Ferenc Kiefer] 1-2. (Magyar Nyelv 107/2 (232-243), 107/3. 2011.) 16.
II.e. To appear, accepted for publication, in preparation: 1. Some Changes in Hungarian Adult Education with Special Reference to the Training of Unemployed Citizens, and More Specifically to Foreign Language Instruction (Coauthor: József Czuczor) (In: eds. T. Toivianinen and E. Siirala: Meeting in Finland: Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference. Helsinki) 2. Review of Paul Baker: Sociolinguistics and Corpus Linguistics (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2010.) (Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Közlemények 6/1. 2011.) 3.
III. Ph.D. dissertation: A generatív grammatika elmélete és gyakorlati alkalmazása az angol nyelv oktatásában [The Theory of Generativ Grammar and Its Application for Pedagogical Purposes in ther Teaching of English] – “SUMMA CUM LAUDE” (Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen, Department of Generatl Linguistics, Department of English, 1977 – Dr.univ., 1996 – Ph.D.)
IV. Conference papers: 1. Milyen mély a mélystruktúra [How Deep is Deep Structure?] (Fiatal Kutatók 2. Országos Konferenciája. Debrecen: KLTE. 1975.) 2. Case Grammar, Deep Semantic Relations, and Cognition (XIIth International Congress of Linguists. Vienna. Austria. 1977. Section 1.: Basic Problems of Semantics.) 3. Deep Semantic Relations, Cognition, and the Teaching of English (XIIIth FIPLV Congress on Language Learning. Luzern. Switzerland. 1978.) 4. Towards an Integration of Lexicase Grammar and Case-Based Deep Semantics (International Seminar of English and American Studies. KLTE. Debrecen. Hungary. 1978.) 5. A nyelvleírás szövegtanának egyik lehetséges megközelítése [A Possible Approach
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to the Textology of Linguistic Description] (A Magyar nyelvtudományi Társaság 1978. évi Közgyűlése. Kaposvár. Hungary. 1978.) 6. Individualising the Teaching of the Lexicon: A Case Grammar Approach (3rd Overseas Conference of IATEFL. Poznan. Poland. 1979.) 7. Frame Semantics and Text Analysis (2nd International Conference of the International Association of Semiotics. Vienna. Austria. 1979.) 8. The Application of Frame Semantics in the Acquisition of Communicative Skills (2nd International Conference of the Teaching of Spoken English. Leeds. England. 1979.) 9. The Originality of the Concept of Deep Structure (International Conference on the Origins and Originality of American Culture. ELTE – MTA. Budapest. 1980.) 10. Topicalization and Text Coherence (III. Konferenz zur kommunikativ-funktionalen Sprachbetrachtung. Halle/S. G.D.R. 1980.) 11. A grammatika perspektívája avagy a perspektíva grammatikája [Perspectives of Grammar or a Grammar of Perspective] (“A Chomsky utáni nyelvészet” c. nemzetközi konferencia. Budaoest: MKKE. 1980.) 12. Concerning the Basic Hypothesis of Lexicase: The Role of Patients (13th Annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Budapest. 1980.) 13. Frames for Frames (6th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. Røros. Norway. 1981.) 14. The Interpretation of Frames and Scenes in Gypsy Discourse (XVth International Conference of FILLM. Phoenix – Scottsdale. Arizona. 1981.) 15. On the Cognitive Status of Lexical Instruction (Nyelvoktatási Stratégiák és Taktikák c. országos konferencia. Pécs: T.I.T. 1981.) 16. On the Psychological Relevance of Frames (XIIIth International Congress of Linguists. Tokyo. 1982. – Co-chairman of Workshop on Frame Semantics) 17. Cognitive Structures and Semantic Representation: The Content of Frames (International Symposium on Semantics. Budapest: MTA – ACLS (USA). 1982. 18. Esetek keretei és keretek esetei [Case Frames and Cases for Frames] (Nemzetközi Anglisztikai és Amerikanisztikai Konferencia. Anglisztikai Napok. Debrecen. Hungary: KLTE. 1983.)
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19. Scriptal Knowledge in Text Processing (Beszédközpontú Angol Nyelvoktatás c. országos konferencia. Pécs. 1983.) 20. A lexikális információ szerepe a mondat szórendjének alakulásában [The Role of Lexical Information in the Word Order of Hungarian Sentential Structures] (Emlékülés Klemm Antal születésének 100. évfordulója alkalmából: “A magyar szórend kérdései” – international conference. Pécs. Hungary: JPTE. 1983.) 21. The Relation of Lexical and Relational Constants 16th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Poznan. Poland. 1983.) 22. Interpretation and the Socio-Cultural Content of Frames (Conference on Perception and Interpretation of Social Interaction in Literature, Theater and Film. Budapest: MTA – ACLS (USA). 1983. 23. Training Mother Tongue teachers Who Will at the Same Time Become Applied Linguists (co-author: György Szépe) (AILA Congress. Brussels. Belgium. 1984.) 24. Perspective and the Concept of the Nucleus in Functional Grammar (International Colloquium on Functional Grammar. Amsterdam. Holland. 1984.) 25. Lectures on Frame Semantics (10 lectures) (“Beyond Semantics and Pragmatics”. Internatonal Seminar on Pragmatics. InterUniversity Center. Dubrovnik. Jugoslavia. 1984.) 26. Strategies, Tactics, and Realistic Methods of Text Analysis (Plenary co-report on paper given by Michel Charolles: “Coherence as a Principle in the Regulation of Discoursive Production”) (Internationaql Conference on Text Coherence. ZiF. Universität Bielefeld. Germany. 1984.) 27. Frames and Scripts in Lexical Instruction (2, Beszédközpontú angol nyelvoktatás c. országos konferencia. JPTE. Pécs. Hungary. 1985.) 28. Frame Breaks in Gypsy Discourse (Finnish – Hungarian Interdisciplinary Meeting on Text, Dialogues and Interpretation. MTA – Academy of Finland. Pécs. 1985.) 29. On the Frame Semantic Analysis of Gypsy Folktales (6th Sociolinguistics Symposium. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. England. 1986.) 30. A Frame Semantic Analysis of Hungarian Jokes (WHIMSY VII. International Conference of Humor Research. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University. 1988.) 31. The Application of Frame Semantics in Teaching Hungarian as a Second Language (AHEA Conference: International Conference of the Language Teaching Association of American Hungarians. University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, PA. 1988.)
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32. A keret-szemantika alkalmazása a magyar mint idegen nyelv oktatásában angol anyanyelvűek számára [The Application of Frame Semantics in Teaching Hungarian as a Foreign Language to Native Speakers of English] (I. Nemzetközi Hungarológia Oktatás Konferencia. Budapest. 1989.) 33. Parameters and Features for Lexical Entries in Franklin‟s Electronic Language master (International Conference on Computational Lexicography. Balatonfüred. Hungary. 1990.) 34. On the Teaching of Vocabulary in English: A Frame-Semantic Approach (World Congress of FIPLV. Pécs. Hungary. 1991.) 35. A Lexical Analysis of Text Representation in the T.I.T. – Pécs EFL Project (1st IATEFL – Hungary Conference. Kecskemét. Hungary. 1991.) 36. The Treatment of Argument Incorporation in Functional Grammar (5th International Conference on Functional Grammar. Antwerp. Belgium. 1992.) 37. A komplex lexikális jegy-analízis és a mormota esete [Complex Lexical FeatureBased Analysis and the Case of the Marmot] (2. Magyar megismeréstudományi Konferencia. Visegrág. Hungary. 1994.) 38. Lexicalization Patterns in Hungarian verbs: Argument Incorporation (2nd International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian. JATE. Szeged. Hungary. 1994.) 39. Verbs of Cutting: A Multi_Feature, Frame Semantic Analysis (5th International Symposium of Lexicography. Copenhagen. Denmark. 1994.) 40. Mormoták, unikornisok, ufók és más különlegességek: Komplex lexikális jegyanalízis [Marmots, unicorns, UFOs and Other Strange Beings: A Complex lexicalFeature Analysis] (V. Országos Alkalmazott nyelvészeti Konferencia. Veszprém. Hungary. 1995.) 41. Some Changes in Hungarian Adult Education, with Special Reference to the Training of Unemployed Citizens, and More Specifically to Foreign Language Instruction (coauthor: József Czuczor) (“Meeting in Finland”: An International Conference on Adult Education. FAEA. Helsinki. Finland. 1995. – invited talk) 42. On the relevance of the Language Instinct in a Lexical Perspective (11th Annual meeting of the Language Origins Society. JPTE. Pécs. Hungary. 1995.) 43. Frame and Scriptal Breaks in Joke Analysis (13th International Congress of the ISHS. Conference on Humor Research. Birmingham University. Birmingham. U.K. 1995.) 44. Verbs of Jumping in English and Hungarian: A Comparative, Multi-Feature, Frame Semantic Analysis
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(28th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Leiden. Holland. 1995.) 45. Which Dictionary? The User‟s Expectations and needs (Silver Jubilee Conference of the 25th Annuversary of English Language Higher Education in Pécs. JPTE. Pécs. Hungary. 1995.) 46. Frame Breaks in the News (British Studies Seminar: Media Studies – Framing the Issues. The British Council. MTA–PAB. Pécs. Hungary. 1995.) 47. On the Lexical Bases of Ellipsis in English (ESSE–4. – European Society for Studies in English. Debrecen. Hungary. 1997.) 48. Verbs of Cutting: A Comparative, Multi-Feature, Frame Semantic Analysis (16th International Congress of Linguists. Paris. 1997.) 49. A fogalmi keret, a szemantikai mező és a aszinonimitás határvonalai [Borderlines of Conceptuasl Frames, Semantic Fields, and Synonymy] (National Conference on Aspects of Synonymy. ELTE. Department of General and Applied Linguistics. Budapest. 1997.) 50. On the Scope of Frames and Fields. A Lexical-Functional View (8th International Conference on Functional Grammar. Amsterdam. Holland. 1998.) 51. Blowing in the WIND: On the Representation of Types of Knowledge in Dictionaries (Teaching and language Corpora – TALC ‟98. Keble College. Oxford. U.K. 1998.) 52. Semantic, Syntactic, and Pragmatic Functions of the Hungarian verbal Prefix “LE” („DOWN‟): A Frame-Based, Cognitive Analysis (co-author: Tamás Pólya) (4th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian. MTA-PAB. Pécs. Hungary. 1998.) 53. A “LE-“ és a “FEL-“ igekötővel prefixált, vágást kifejező igék poliszémiájának funkcionális, ketret-szemantikai vizsgálata [ A Functional, Frame Semantic Study of the Polysemy of Verbs of Cutting Prefixed with “LE-“ („DOWN)‟ and “FEL-“ („UP‟)] (National Conference on Polysemy and Homonymy. ELTE. Department of General and Applied Linguistics. Budapest. 1998.) 54. The Role of Framing in Lexical representation: The case of “GOOD” and Its Immediate Collocates (International Multidisciplinary Colloquium on Rules and Rule-Following: Philosophy, Linguistics and Psychology. HAS–JPU. Pécs. Hungary. 1998.) 55. The Architecture of the Language Faculty Revisited: An Interview with Ray Jackendoff (Utrecht Congress on Storage and Computation in Linguistics. UIL-OTS. Utrecht. Holland. 1998.) 56. The Types of Knowledge We Need in Dictionaries (HUSSE, ELTE. Budapest. Hungary. 1999.)
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57. On the Semantics and Pragmatics of “GOOD”: A Corpus-Based Analysis (COMPLEX ‟99. HAS. Pécs and Budapest. Hungary. 1999.) 58. The Role of Types of Knowledge and Stereotyping in Understanding Jokes: A Comparative, Corpus-Based Analysis (11th Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies. Oakland. CA. 1999.) 59. On the Scope of Frames and Fields: A Contrastive, Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis of English and Hungarian verbs of Jumping and verbs of Cutting 2nd International Conference in Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics. Newnham College. Cambridge. U.K. 2000.) 60. Angol és magyar, ugrást jelentő igék kontrasztív szemantikai-pragmatikai vizsgálata [A Contrastive, Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis of English and Hungarian Verbs of Jumping] (National Conference on Contrastive Semantics. Dept. of General and Applied Linguistics. ELTE. Budapest. 2000.) 61. On the Role of Types of Knowledge in Linguistic Representation: An Interview with Herbert H. Clark (Götalog – International Conference. Göteborg. Sweden. 2000.) 62. On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Adjectives of Appreciation: A Corpus-based Study (HUSSE 5., Eger. Hungary. 2001.) 63. A nyelvi hegemóniáról és a nyelvi globalizációról [On Linguistic Hegemony and Linguistic Globalization] (Language Culture in Hungary. Fulbright Commission. Budapest. 2001.) 64. Keretismereten alapuló nómenek argumentum státusának lexikális szemantikai és pragmatikai vizsgálata pszicholingvisztikai teszteléssel [A Lexical Semantic– Pragmatic Analysis of the Conceptual and Argument Status of Frame-based Nouns with Psycholinguistic Testing] (XIth Congress of Hungarian Applied Linguistics. Pécs. Hungary. 2001.) 65. Frame Breaks in the News (International Conference on Language, the Media and International Communication. St Catherine‟s College. Oxford. U.K. 2001.) 66. On the Cohesion and Coherence of Animal Jokes: A Frame-Semantic Analysis of Narrative Structure (PALA: Textual Secrets. Section 2.: Linguistic Analysis of Humorous Narrative Texts. Budapest. ELTE. 2001.) 67. The Meaning Potentials of the Hungarian Interjection „NA‟ in Dialogic Doscourse (8th International Conference of the I.A.D.A. on Dialog Analysis. Göteborg. Sweden. 2001.)
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68. Az EU normái és a magyar készültség állapota: Idegen nyelvi és kommunikációs kérdések [EU Norms and Hungary‟s Status of Preparation: Aspects of Language and Communication] (National Conference Celebrating the 16th Anniversary of T.I.T.‟s Foundation. Kaposvár. Hungary. 2001.) 69. Being/s/ in Ambush (HUSSE Conference in English Linguistics. Debrecen. Hungary. 2001.) 70. Empiricism and the Objectivity vs. Subjectivity/Intersubjectivity of Context (International Conference on Richard Rorty‟s Philosophy. University of Pécs. Pécs. Hungary. 2001.) 71. Coherence, Cohesion, and Connexity in Animal Jokes: A Frame-Based, Comparative Study (13th Conference of the Internatonal Society for Humor Studies., 20th International Humor Conference. University of maryland. College Park, MD. 2001.) 72. Polaritás-vizsgálatok melléknevek lexikai fokozásában [Studying Polarity in Degree Adjectives] (National Conference on Controversiality and Equivalence in Meaning. ELTE. Department of General and Applied Linguistics. Budapest. 2001.) 73. On the Cognitive-Social and Linguistic Status of Various Types of Knowledge and Knowledge Structures (Dutch-Hungarian Conference on Social Cognition and Verbal Communication. MTA-PAB. Pécs. Hungary. 2002.) 74. A Contrastive, Functional Analysis of the Polarity of Amplifier Adjectives and Adverbs in English and Hungarian (10th International Conference on Functional Grammar. Amsterdam. Holland. 2002.) 75. A szuper-, hiper- és ultra- előtagú szavak kollokációinak szemantikai-pragmatikai Vizsgálata [ A semantic-pragmatic analysis of the collocations of words prefixed with szuper-, hiper- and ultra-] (Syntagmatic and Associative Relations in Language – National Conference, ELTE, Budapest, 2003. October) 76. Fokozó értelmű előtagok kollokációjának és gradációjának vizsgálata a magyarban [ Analyzing the Collocations and Gradation of Amplifier Prefixes in Hungarian] (Colloquium on Issues in English Studies. University of Pécs, Szekszárd, 2004. May) 77. Empirikus vizsgálatok a szinonimitás pragmatikájából [Empirical studies in the pragmatics of synonymy] (Linguistic Society of Hungary, Chapter of General Linguistics, Budapest, 2004. November) 78. A lexical pragmatic analysis of polarity relations in adjectival and adverbial amplification in English and Hungarian: A corpus-based study of near synonymy
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(International Colloquium on Word Structure and Lexical Systems. Pavia, Italy. 2004. December) 79. Which Dictionary? An Analysis of the Meaning Potentials of Amplifying Prefixes in English (HUSSE 7., University of Veszprém, Veszprém, 2005. January) 80. A Lexical Semantic-Pragmatic Analysis of the Meaning Potentials of Amplifying Prefixes in English and Hungarian: A Corpus-Based Case Study of Near Synonymy (3rd International Conference of Corpus Linguistics. Birmingham, 2005. July) 81. Verbs of Dying in English and Hungarian: A Contrastive- Corpus-Based Study of Near Synonymy (4th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference. Santiago de Compostela. Spain. 2005. September) 82. On So-called Style Stance Adverbs: A Corpus-Based Case Study (1st University of Pécs Round Table in English Applied Linguistics. Pécs. 2006. January) 83. Horwich on Synonymy (Deflationism: Paul Horwich‟s Minimalist Theory of Meaning and Truth – International Conference. University of Pécs. Pécs. 2006. May) 84. On the Role of Frame-Based Knowledge in Lexical Representation: a Corpus-Based and Psycholinguistic Case Study (Frames – An International Colloquium in Linguistics, Philosophy and Economics. Bologna. 2006. June) 85. Empirikus alapú lexikális szemantikai kutatások a szinonimitás köréből [Empirically Based Studies in Lexical Semantics: Synonymy] (A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe. Hungarian Academy of Sciences-PAB. Pécs. Hungary. 2006. November) 86. A Case Study in Contrastive Lexical Pragmatics: Shifty and Its Synonyms (HUSSE 8. University of Szeged. Szeged. Hungary. 2007. January) 87. Definitely (UPRT 2. Univ. of Pécs, Pécs, June 2007.) 88. Schiffer on vagueness: the issue of unarticulated constituents (The Things We Mean: International Conference on Stephen Schiffer‟s Theory of Meaning. University of Pécs. Pécs, May 2007.) 89. Framing and lexical priming in news discourse: the status of keywords (International Conference on Keyness in Text. University of Siena. Siena – Pontignano. June 2007.) 90. Állatviccek kulcsszavai: összevető, keret-szemantikai analízis [Keywords of amimal jokes: a contrastive, frame-semantic analysis]
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(1st Hungarian Interdisciplinary Conference of Studies of Humor. University of Pécs. Szekszárd. September 2007.) 91. Frame shifting in proverbs and anti-proverbs: a frame semantic analysis (International Symposium on Humor and Linguistics/Folklore. University of Pécs. Szekszárd. September 2007.) 92. Globalization in English near synonymic prefixes: a corpus-based case study of pluri-, poly-, and multi(International Conference on Global English. University of Verona. Verona.) 94. No problem (UPRT 3., University of Pécs, Pécs, June 2008.) 95. What do good dictionaries look like? Reviewing Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (4th edition) and the Longman Dictionary of American English (Nyelvparádé. Longman – Pécs-Baranyai T.I.T., Pécs, September 2008.) 96. The near synonymy of adjectives of appreciation (A Corpus-based, Empirical Study) (HUSSE 9. University of Pécs. January 2009.) 97. The distribution of light verbs in English (An empirical, corpus-based study) (19. International BAS Conference. Timisoara. Roumania, May 2009) 98. Light verbs and full verbs: A case study (UPRT 4. Pécs. University of Pécs. June 2009.) 99. (with Monika Szirmai as co-author) Hogyan humorizálnak a japánok? [Techniques and Genres of Japanese Humor] (2nd Hungarian Interdisciplinary Conference of Studies of Humor. János Kodolányi College. Siófok. September 2009.) 100. Empirical approaches to doing research in English lexical semantics, pragmatics and text linguistics (Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe [Day of Hungarian Science]. Institute of English Studies, University of Pécs and Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Pécs, November 2009) 101. The pragmatics of No problem in Irish English: an empirical, corpus-based study (International Conference on New Perspectives on Irish English. University College. Dublin. March 2010.) 102. The lexical pragmatics of adjectives of appreciation in British, American and Irish English: An empirical, corpus-based study (4th International Conference of Intercultural Pragmatics, Madrid, November 2010.)
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103. Semantic prosody of hyperbolic adverbial collocations: An empirical, corpus-based study (21st International Conference of British and American Studies (BAS 21), Timisoara, Roumania, May 2011 104. Functionalism and generativism in the syntactic theory of Samuel Brassai (ICHOLS 12 (12th International Conference of the History of the Language Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 28 – September 2, 2011) V. Membership in Editorial Boards of Journals and Book Series 1. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research (Mouton de Gruyter. Berlin and New York. –– member of the Board of Consulting Editors since 1988, Vol.1. of the journal) 2. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences (Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. –– BBS associate since 1978, Vol.1. of the journal) 3. Studies in Linguistics (Debrecen. –– member of the Editorial Board) 4. Pécs Studies in Linguistics (book series) 5. Folio Verso: Kommunikáció és Médiatudományi Közlemények / Journal of Communication and media Research (member of the Editorial Board – Vol.1. (2011)) VI. Membership in Scholarly Associations, Societies, Boards and Organizations 1. International Society of Humor Studies (since 1988.) 2. International Pragmatics Association (since 1999.) 3. European Association for Lexicography (1994 - 2001.) 4. Societas Linguistica Europaea (since 1980.) 5. The New York Academy of Sciences (active member, 1994.) 6. Association for Computational Linguistics (1988-1996.) 7. Linguistic Society of Hungary (since 1974.) 8. International Society of Hungarian Philology (since 1981.) 9. HUSSE (since 1996., member of the HUSSE Board of Directors – 2001-2007.) 10. ESSE (since 1996.) 11. Hungarian Association of Language Schools – member of the Board of Directors (1994-5), member of the Ethical Committee (1994-5.) 12. Association of Hungarian Applied Linguists (since 1999.) 13. Society for the Dissemination of Knowledge in the Arts and Sciences (T.I.T.), Hungary (since 1973) 14. National Accreditation Board for Foreign Language Exams Recognized by the State (NYAT) (member: 1998-2000.), external member: since 2001. 15. Linguistic Society of America (since 2003.) 16. Pécs Chapter of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Working Committee on Linguistics (president) 17. International Cognitive Linguistics Association (since 2007.) 2 1
18. International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE) (2009) 19. University of Pécs, PhD Program in Linguistics (Scientific Committee – member since 2009)
(Dr. Andor József)
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