By Maria Fransiska Natalia ID No: 19007132
A Final Project in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Management
Undergraduate Program of Management Study School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung 12th August, 2010
Approved By
___________________________ Dr. Reza Ashari Nasution, ST NIP 132327353 i
ABSTRACT Speedy, as the internet provider product by TELKOM, has its marketing communication to reach its target market and to be a preferred brand. For that, one of the marketing programs is Speedy having cooperation with PT. Fastfood Indonesia Tbk (KFC) started in May 2009 which handled by Promotion Unit. The cooperation has agreed to install Speedy hotspot in 116 KFC stores in Indonesia. It is targeted the youth market aged 15-19 years old and focused on building Speedy brand to be brand preference among the target market. However, the result from the first cooperation was far from what was expected since there were only 35 stores in Indonesia out of 116 that were installed in. It turns out that the communication program was unsuccessful in building brand preference toward Speedy because it was not suitable with KFC customers. However, TELKOM still wants to continue the cooperation so they declared the second term of joint work started in September 2010. Knowing that the marketing communication program was unsuitable, TELKOM managers should know KFC’s customers preference and perception to propose an effective marketing communication program. A research is conducted to know what the knowledge and behavior of youth customers in KFC about/toward Speedy brand is. The research is conducted by distributing questionnaire to 100 respondents in malls in Bandung, who have KFC stores age 15-19 years old, to know how the respondents brand awareness toward Speedy, they prefer Speedy or not, and what the customer perception toward Speedy is. Based on the research result, it shows that Speedy is the top of mind internet provider represented by 69% of the respondents which brings out that Speedy has high brand recall over the youth. Besides having high brand recall, Speedy also has high brand recognition. It is because more than 50% of the respondents are able to answer Speedy identical color which is red, Speedy logo, and Speedy tagline which is “Speed that you can trust”. It turns out that Speedy also the preferred brand of the youth that use Speedy in their home. The analysis result shows that Speedy has good brand perception. Speedy has fulfilled all important attributes of an internet provider. It is derived from the respondents agreement, from agree to very agree (all result above 3) of the statement given to them about Speedy performance. Based on the result, it shows that customer perception toward Speedy is good. The recommendations are given from this research to PT. Telekomunikasi Tbk for an effective marketing communication to the youth segment in KFC in order to make Speedy to be the preferred brand. Speedy should create effective sales promotion since the most reason the youth use other internet provider like IM2 other than Speedy because of other internet provider’s sales promotion. Further research will be needed to know what sales promotion that fit best to create desire for the youth. Speedy should install hotspot internet provider in places where the youth used to hang out like malls in Bandung, café, restaurants, and even schools to approaching deeper to the youth. Speedy should maintain and improve the top three most important attributes to be effective which are connection speed, connection stability, and conformity between costs and benefits to be the preferred internet provider and hotspot internet provider.
Key words: brand awareness, preferred brand, brand perception iii
Speedy, sebagai produk provider internet dari TELKOM, mempunyai komunikasi pemasaran sendiri untuk menjangkau target pasar mereka dan menjadi merek yang dipilih. Untuk itu, salah satu dari program pemasarannya adalah Speedy memiliki kerjasama dengan PT. Fastfood Indonesia Tbk (KFC) yang dimulai sejak bulan Mei 2009 yang ditangani oleh Unit Promosi. Kerjasama tersebut telah menyetujui untuk memasang hotspot Spedy di 116 toko KFC di Indonesia. Kerjasam ini menargetkan anak muda berusia 15-19 tahun dan memfokuskan pada pembangunan merek Speedy untuk menjadi merek yang dipilih di antara target pasar. Tetapi, hasil dari kerjasama pertama ternyata jauh dari yang diharapkan karena hanya 35 toko yang dipasang Speedy hotspot. Ternyata program tersebut tidak sukses dalam membangun Speedy sebagai merek pilihan karena tidak sesuai dengan pelanggan KFC. Akan tetapi TELKOM masih ingin melanjutkan kerjasama tersebut sehingga mereka mendeklarasikan “Kejasama tahap II” yang dimulai di September 2010. Mengetahui bahwa komunikasi pemasaran yang lama tidak sesuai, maka para manajer TELKOM harus mengetahui konsumen KFC akan pilihan dan persepsi mereka terhadap Speedy untuk mengajukan sebuah program komunikasi pemasaran yang efektif. Sebuah riset dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan perilaku dari anak muda konsumen KFC tentang/terhadap merek Speedy. Riset dilakukan dengan membagikan kuesioner kepada 100 responden di mal di Bandung, yang memiliki toko KFC di dalamnya, berusia 15-19 tahun untuk mengetahui responden kesadaran merek terhadap Speedy, mereka memilih Speedy atau tidak, dan bagaimana persepsi mereka terhadap Speedy. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa Speedy merupakan penyedia internet yang menjadi top of mind yang diwakili oleh 69% responden. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Speedy memiliki brand recall yang tinggi di antara anak muda. Selain itu, Speedy juga mempunyai brand recognition yang tinggi pula. Hal ini karena lebih dari 50% responden yang mampu menjawab warna yang identik dengan Speedy yaitu merah, logo Speedy, dan Speedy tagline yaitu “Speed that you can trust”. Ternyata, Speedy juga merupakan merek yang dipilih oleh anak muda yang menggunakan Speedy di rumah mereka. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Speedy memiliki persepsi merek yang bagus. Speedy telah memenuhi semua atribut yang penting bagi sebuah penyedia internet. Hal ini didapat dari persetujuan responden, dari setuju sampai sangat setuju (semua hasil di atas 3), atas pernyataan yang diberikan kepada mereka tentang performa Speedy. Rekomendasi untuk TELKOM untuk sebuah komunikasi pemasaran yang efektif kepada anak muda agar Speedy menjadi merek pilihan. Speedy sebaiknya membuat promosi penjualan yang efektif karena alasan terbanyak mengapa anak muda menggunakan menggunakan penyedia internet yang lain seperti IM2 karena penyedia internet promosi penjualan tersebut. Riset lebih lanjut akan diperlukan untuk mengetahui promosi penjualan apa yang sesuai untuk menciptakan keinginan bagi anak muda. Speedy sebaiknya memasang hotspot di tempat-tempat yang menjadi tempat berkumpul anak muda di Bandung seperti mal, kafe, restoran, dan bahkan sekolah-sekola untuk mendekat lebih dalam kepada anak muda. Speedy sebaiknya mempertahankan dan meninkatkan tiga tertinggi atribut terpenting agar menjadi efektif yaitu kecepatan koneksi, kestabilan koneksi, dan kesesuaian antara buaya dan keuntungan untuk menjadi penyedia internet dan hotspot yang dipilih. Kata kunci: kesadaran merek, preferred brand, persepsi merek
Huge grateful to Jesus Christ for His mercy, blessing, help, and guiding me through every single day in my life. You always be the one I cry on, lean on, hope on, and depend on. Thank you for the whole time You spend for me with always listening to my pray and always give light when I face darkness. Thank you to my father, who always remain me and educate me to be a good girl with your very wise advices and I believe you purring me, your little girl always, with your pure love. I love you, Papi. Thank you to my mother, who always there to listen of my problem, supports me to pass every phase in my life that you love me endlessly, cares for me. I love you Mami. Thank you to my brother Leonard Kristianto and my cute little sister, Elisabeth Valentina Anggraini for always supporting and praying for me to complete my campus life and to face the new step of my life. Thank you to my counselor, Dr. Reza Ashari Nasution for your time and patience you have given to me during this Final Project assignment. Your advices were really helping me in finishing this research. And I’m sorry sometimes it was hard for me to get what you mean quickly, thank for your patience, understanding, and attention. Thank you for PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. that gave me chance to experience the real work-life during my internship program there. I got a lot of work experience, how to communicate with working partner, and to be discipline. Thank you for AVP Customer Care Mr. Doli Purba for the kindness that I could be accepted in Telkom. Thank you for Mr. Teguh for being my supervisor, for the time and attention you gave to me during my internship in Telkom. Thank you to Mr. Arief, Mr. Doni, Mr. Sigit, Mr. Agus and Mr. Jeffry for all of the time you all willing to spend discussing about everything related to work with me. Thank you for Ardha and Lia for being such a great working friend, teach me how to adapt in the Telkom working environment. Thank you for my SBM friends that also did internship in Telkom, Rizani Imaniar, Kinanti Martha, and Arres Wahyuni for being the great lunch and “angkot” companions that we could share our story and experience during our internship. v
Thank you for the my girlfriends, Alma Elisabeth Pattinasarany, Hazraty Ramadhany, Kara Querida Benyamin, Hasya Syafrudin, and Siti Indira Tizziomi for every great friendship
moments we’ve been through, for every sharing moment that I believe will grow us up to face the new phase of life that soon will come. Thank you for my Irdra Firstyadhika. Thank you for your patience, attention, kindness, care, and love you have given to me. Thank you for being such an understanding and supportive person that always be there for me every time I was being so desperate, stressful, and sad. The supports you have given to me were really helpful. Thank you for all of SBM ITB 2010. You all now are my family, we are more than friends. Thank you for this 3-years experience that all stories we have been through together as a solid unity. Last but not least, thank you for Pak Yose, Bu Ikum, Pak Muji, Pak Yayat, and Pak Iwan for their cooperativeness to help me in every administration matters during my college in SBM.
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 PT. Fabian Gelael (left) and I Nyoman G Wiryanata (right) at the Joint Promo Agreement on May 14, 2009....................................................... 2 Figure 2.1 Awareness Pyramid (Aaker, 1991) ........................................................ 13 Figure 3.1 Research Methodology Program ............................................................ 19 Figure 3.2 Sampling Step ........................................................................................ 24 Figure 3.3 Population in Bandung ........................................................................... 25 Figure 4.1 Demographic Profile of Respondents .................................................... 29 Figure 4.2 Top of Mind Internet Provider ............................................................... 30 Figure 4.3 Hotspot Internet Service Provider Market Leader ................................. 31 Figure 4.4 Factors that Makes the Company as a Market Leader ........................... 32 Figure 4.5 Speedy Recognition................................................................................ 33 Figure 4.6 Speedy Identical Color ........................................................................... 34 Figure 4.7 One of Speedy Ads................................................................................. 34 Figure 4.8 Speedy Speed Tests ................................................................................ 35 Figure 4.9 Logo of Speedy ...................................................................................... 35 Figure 4.10 Speedy Logo......................................................................................... 35 Figure 4.11 Speedy Logo Remembrance................................................................. 35 Figure 4.12 Speedy Tagline ..................................................................................... 36 Figure 4.13 Speedy Exposure .................................................................................. 37 Figure 4.14 Speedy Exposure Source ...................................................................... 38 Figure 4.15 Speedy Brand Choice ........................................................................... 38 Figure 4.16 The Reason Not Using Speedy............................................................. 39 Figure 4.17 Other Internet Provider......................................................................... 40 Figure 4.18 The Reason Using Other Internet Provider .......................................... 41 Figure 4.19 Place When Using Speedy ................................................................... 42 Figure 4.20 The Reason Using Speedy.................................................................... 43 Figure 4.21 Internet Provider Attributes.................................................................. 45 Figure 4.22 General Perception toward Speedy ...................................................... 49 ix
LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 KFC stores with Speedy installed inside in Indonesia ............................ 3 Table 3.1 Means range definition ............................................................................ 24
LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A.......................................................................................................... 59 APPENDIX B.......................................................................................................... 63 APPENDIX C.......................................................................................................... 69